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Margate News TO DEVELOP TRACT ' Howard G. Harris, well-known local realtor, who took the initi ative in the development and sale of lands here which resulted in the recent boom, has acquired a tract of 26 acres between Mans field and Cairo Avenues, north of Ventnor Avenues, and will pro ceed at once to have the lands brought to grade. Streets and sidewalks will be built. The tract will be laid out in lots and sold to individual owners. Being im mediately adjacent to the new jS county road being constructed. % the lots will be popular as cottage i sites. '$ LAYING NEW MAIN * ' » The Atlantic City Gas Com ijf pany has completed the work of vf transferring a 12-inth main from 1 private property into the street | along Mansfield Avenue between I Atlantic and Ventnor Avenues. A ■ new main will be laid along Vent nor Parkway west of Mansfield Avenue. MARGATE PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. James Michaels, with their daughter, Grace, have returned to their home, 3617 York Road, Philadelphia, after spending the season at their sum mer bungalow, 10 South Wash ington Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gertzen, Jr., with their son, Anthony, spent the week-end in Philadelphia. , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Y. Blair, of 39 Essex Avenue, are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of a son, James Jonathan Blair, born September 15th. Bernard Uphoff, of 3107 Dia mond Street, Philadelphia, spent the week-end with his uncle, Henry F. Gertzen, of 208 Adams Avenue. Louis G. McCorkle, well-known insurance broker, expects' to take possession of his handsome new home at Pembroke Avenue and Ventnor Parkway next week. Church News ST. JOHN’S-BY-THE-SEA Bishop R. L. Rudolph, of Phila delphia, will occupy the pulpit next Sunday at both morning and evening services at St. John’s-by the-Sea Church, Sacramento and Ventnor Avenues. PRAYER MEETING TONIGHT L. K. Cottingham will lead the weekly prayer meeting tonight at St. John’s-by-the-Sea Church. The meeting will be held in the Parish House at 8 o’clock. Mr. Cotting ham has spoken in Ventnor be fore. During the past few months he has been successful in con ducting street meetings in Phila delphia. f COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. M. S. Poulson, pastor of the church, will preach next Sun day at both morning and evening services of the Ventnor City Com munity Church. In the morning services will be held at the Vent nor Theatre. Evening services will be held at the church house Frankfort and Ventnor Avenues. CHINA INLAND MISSION The weekly prayer meeting of the China Inland Mission will be held on Friday afternoon at the home of Fred H. Neale, - 6506 Ventnor Avenue. (CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (10 Cents Per Line) FOR SALE LAUNCH — Handsome, able, 26 foot fish launch hull for sale; brand new. Now ready for en gine. Hyde Boat Yard, Delancey and Thoroughfare. 9-13-20 LOST LOST—A small Sable fur animal, on Victoria, Atlantic or Frank -ford Avenues. Liberal reward for return to Miss Howard, 104 S. Surrey Place. High School Notes Miss McDonald, the assistant librarian, is scheduled to be back shortly. One of her family is sick, necessitating her presence at home. Miss McDonald has al ways been a source of assurance to the Freshman, helping them considerably in their library work. According to Miss Carrigan, “there is nothing new or excit ing in the history department, except for the fact that there are many enrolled.” The orchestra “is at it again.” Not content to rest peacefully, the orchestra, under the direction of Frederick Harmon, is practic ing almost daily in the auditor ium before class sessions. Inci dentally, the orchestra is the first organization to start the ball -rolling. E., E. Hippensteel, Faculty Ad visor of the Swimming Team, states that at present there is no activity for the swimmers. The official swimming season at A. C. rU is. commences immediately after the football season. The students will gradually be placed in study rooms as the op portunity permits. At the pres ent time the auditorium is being used for the purpose of studying. Due to the fact that the audi torium is filled during the school hours, it is practically certain that there will be no chorus prac tice for a while yet. The chorus periods mean the loss of one of the subjects during the week and many of the “Sophs” and upper classmen will miss the chorus practice, since it is not necessary to prepare for the subject. How ever, “Freshies” are unconscious of this fact. The O. W. L. Society, which is open to girls interested in botany of the upper classes, is progressing rapidly. The first meeting of this organization was held on Friday last. Miss Hass is the Faculty Advisor. BRIGHT SAYINGS HEARD AROUND SCHOOL Ad - Why kill your wife? Let our washing machine do the dirty work. Football Stuff Freshman—Say, there’s a foot ball man out here wants his pic ture taken. Photographer—Full face? Freshman—No; halfback. —Pelican One On the Faculty First Prof.—There’s a fellow with good stuff in him. Second Prof. — Let’s follow him; maybe we can find out where he got it. —Punch Bowl personal Pronouns First “Stude”—I’m goin* to sue my English teacher for libel. Second “Stude”—What for? First “Stude”—He wrote on my English paper: ‘You have bad relatives and antecedents.” DON’T FAIL TO VISIT OUB NEW STORE AT 5218 VENTNOR AVE. „ , Full Line of Choice Fruit, and Vegetable. Hot House Specialties o . P A O L I Telephone 7523-M Frederick R. Rogers 14 S. Ml. Vernon Ave. Atlantic City Tel. 4333-71 Electrical Contractor & Electrical Repair! Ventnor Office: 18 N. Buffalo Ave. Tel. 7053-ft WINDSOR FRUIT & PRODUCE MARKET 4109 VENTNOR AVE. Fresh Killed Poultry All the Year Around and the Finest of FRUITS Price. Right Under th. Management of SAM (Formerly of Sunki.t Market) We Deliver Tel. 765S-J Legal NOTICE OF HEARING DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Trenton, N. J., September 18, 1922. The City of Ventnor, having filed on September 2, 1922, with the Board of Conservation and Development an applica tion foj- the approval of its plans for taking an additional supply of water to an amount not to exceed one million (1,000,000) gallons daily from artesian wells to be located in Ventnor City, notice is hereby given that a public hearing on said application will be held in the office of the Board adjoining the State House, Trenton, N. J.. at 11 a. m., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1922 at which time all persons favoring or opposing said application will be heard. By order of the Board of Conservation and Development. , H. B. KUMMEL. Director. Ventnor News-^9-27, 10-4. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY TO JOHN SCHOCH: By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day of the date hereof, in a cause wherein James W. Schoch and Byron E. ‘Eastburn are complainants, and you and others are defendants, you are required to ap pear, plead, answer or demur to the bill of said complainants, on or before the Sixteenth day of October, next, or the said bill will be taken as confessed against you. The said bill is filed to have decreed null and void a certain deed from Realty Sales Company to you, the said John Schoch, and Byron S. Eastburn, dated October 15, 1909, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the County of Atlantic in Book No. 415 of Deeds, page 64, Ac., conveying certain premises in Ventnor City, Atlantic County, New Jersey; that you, the said John Schoch be decreed to have no right, title, interest or estate in said premises ; that a certain deed from Realty Sales Company to James W. Schoch and Byron S. Eastburn, dated November 15, 1909, and recorded in said Clerk’s Office in Book No. 417 of Deeds, page 44, Ac., conveying the same premises be decreed to vest in said James W. Schoch and Byron S. Eastburn a fee simple estate, as tenants in common, in said premises and that the cloud, as a result of the deed first hereinabove re ferred to, be removed from the title of said James W. Schoch and Byron S. Eastburn to said premises. C. C. SHINN, 53B Guarantee Trust Building. Atlantic City, N. J. Solicitor for Complainants. Dated September 11, 1922. Ventnor News—9-20-27—10-4-11. Public Notice of Registry and Election Pursuant to law. notice is hereby given that the Board of Registry and Elections in and for every election district in Ventnor City in the County of Atlantic, State of New Jersey, will meet on Tuesday, October 17, 1922 at the hour of one o’clock in the afternoon and remain in session until nine o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of revis ing and correcting the original registers or adding thereto the names of all per son*? entitled to the right of suffrage and of erasing therefrom the name of any person who after a fair opportunity to be heard, shall be shown not to be en titled to vote, in that election district at the next election. And notice is hereby further given that the Board of Registry and Election will meet at the following designated places: First Ward—Oxford Avenue School. Second Ward—City Hall, Troy and Ventnor Avenues. general Election will be held on Tuesday, November 7, 1922, for the purpose of electing candidates to fill the following places: UNITED STATES SENATOR CONGRESSMAN GOVERNOR STATE SENATOR Two (2) Assemblymen Surrogate Mayor City Clerk Tax Collector Comptroller FIRST WARD Member of Common Council Chosen Freeholder ) , Justice of the Peace SECOND WARD Member of Common Council Chosen Freeholder Also to vote for or against '‘An Act for the Construction and Rebuilding of the State Highway System; providing for the defraying of the cost of the same by taxation of real and personal property in this State, and by he creation of a debt of the State in an amount not exceeding $40,000,000 by the issuance of bonds therefor, and for the sub mission of this act to the people at a general election,” passed March 17, 1922. ‘‘Shall the County Seat of Atlantic County by changed from Mays Landing, Hamilton Township, to the City of Atlantic City?” And that the election officers will sit as a Board of Election at the places above mentioned on the xbove day, commencing at six o’clock in the morning, closing at seven o’clock in the evening. CHARLES E. REPPETTO. City Clerk Fine Painting & Decorating Exterior and Interior Nelson E. Willard 23 N. STENTON PLACE Tslepfcise 4299-M Estimates Bell Phone 7694-J VENTNOR HARDWARE CO. Painting and Decorating 5213 Ventnor Avenue H. G. SCOTT, Proprietor John Stringer > PLUMBING and HEATING JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 5216 Ventnor Awut Rea. Phone 8184-R Office 7864-W SUN PARLORS Made and Completed Ask for Estimate Ventnor Woodworking Mill R. G. BROOKS, Prop. Phone 7008-T061-R Screens, Storm Sashes, General Mill Work and Glass Fast and Fine is the motor truck transfer serv ice offered by us. It is depend able service that will not cause you loss from delays, breakages, wrong deliveries, etc. Call us up (Phone 683) and get the particu lars. Ask for our figures on any job of hauling. Inter-City and Inter-State Hauling Seashore & Husted Express & Storage Warehouse Co. PHONE 6S3 Our CARPET C1.EANING PLAN1 Is the Only Modern Vacuum System in Atlantic City It’* Hardly Mora Than a Boy’* Job to Lay Cromar FINISHED Oak Flooring because its beautifully var nished surface eliminates all back-breaking, scraping, sand papering and finishing. No "torn-up” house. Simply nail Cromar over your worn soft wood floors. If your spare time is limited, two carpenters will transform one room in a day with this patented flooring — and it’s ready to use when the last nail is drives. Cromar wears a life-time. Yet the cost is actually less than good carpets. Ask for Booklet SOMERS LUMBER CO‘ 30A North Missouri Av*. Phose 82 : I GEO. C. FELKER —Dealer in— BARRELED SUNLIGHT DUPONT PAINTS WINDOW GLASS AND SIGN WORK 9 South Kentucky Are. Ventnor Market The Beit of MEATS, GROCERIES, FRUITS and VEGETABLES Ventnor and Little Rock Are*. 7318—Phomes-—7319 Free Delivery J. MATHIS & SON Builders Guarantee Trust Building Atlantic City When You Want the Best—We Ask Your Consideration M. DAVIS FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES Fruit and Vegetables 6411 VENTNOR AVENUE Phone 7411-W I • Branch: 6510-Ventnor Ave.,TeL 7540-M Phone to NEWELL Cleaners - Dyers - Remodelers Repairing Main Office: Cor. Weymouth and Ventnor Atm. - Phone 8009-W VENTNOR TRUCK WHARF A. E. MATLOCK, Proprietor 5019 WINCHESTER AVE. Telephone 8488-W Special Friday & Saturday SEPTEMBER 29 and 30 BROILERS & ROASTING CHICKENS KILLED WHILE YOU WAIT 55c lb. FRESH COUNTRY EGGS 65c Per Dozen FULLY GUARANTEED Not over 3 Days Old or Money Refunded John G. Gibson Plumbing and Heating Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed Rapid and Prompt Repair Work 12 N. Sacramento Avenue Phone 7146-W The Short Cut The man who thinks he has found a short cut to wealth, generally finds he has discovered the surest road to the poor house. Time is the one, firm foundation on which all success and wealth are built. Attempt to erect wealth with out it and you build on shifting sand. VENTNOR TRUST COMPANY VICTORIA AND ATLANTIC AVENUES Ventnor City, N. J. Bell Phone 7957-W . Bell Phone 7683 VENTNOR FISH MARKET D. D. SMITH & SONS Dealers in FISH, OYSTERS and CLAMS Live Chickens Killed to Order Strictly Fresh Eg/ft 19 S. LITTLE ROCK AVE. Ventnor City, N. J. Phone 5645 Wholesale and Retail A. & S. Lighting Fixture Co. Electrical Supplies and Appliances 1821 ATLANTIC AVENUE * Atlantic City, N. J.