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Electric Sanitary Laundry Damp Wash Each Wash Individual Inspection of Our Plant Solicited FINER & FULMER 13-15-17 N. Iowa Avenue Phone 2078 If You Have a HOTEL Call CHAMPION LAUNDRY 1412-14 Drexel Ave. Phone 677 It HARRY EARLEY Prop. A New Combination of half Pea Coal and half Otto Coke Special at $14.00 a Ton LEVIN COAL CO. Maryland and Medilerranaani Avenue. Phone 579 Pbon. 1012 ANDERSON EMPIRE Coat, Apron & Towel Supply H. S. ANDERSON 813 GRAMMERCY PLACE Atluitic City, N. J. -Reardon Laundry Co. 915 Drexel Ave. Wear a Professionally Laundered There’s something different, finer, about the smooth, firm feel of a professionally laundered shirt—it sets more snugly about neck and shoulders, and you know it will remain clean longer. That’s the advantage of professional laundering. Our modern presses and improved methods of washing give your shirts a lasting body which resists soil and insures better wear. You’ll feel ever so much better dressed in shirts washed and ironed our way. Let us call for your bundle this week. Shirt That’s CHELSEA LAUNDRY CO. 2715-17-19 Arctic Ave. Phone 1552 Branch Office: 1027 Atlantic Ave. E. A. HAINES, President Bell Phone 8403-W J. Edward Brower TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK ROOFING HEATER AND RANGE WORK 41 N. Arkansas Avenue NEWELL CLEANERS - DYERS Repairing and Remodelers Main Office: Cor. Weymouth and Ventnor Aves. 5206 Ventnor Ave. Phone 8009-W Thos. D. Newell, Jr., Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Ventnor Market The Best of > MEATS, GROCERIES, FRUITS and VEGETABLES Ventnor and Little Rock Area, 7318—Phoaes—7819 Free Delivery Refrigeration Without Ice Entirely Automatic Fit* Your Own Refrigerator - Cube* of Pure Ice for Table Use From a fuse to a power plant Stockinger Electric Motor Works VIRGINIA & PACIFIC Avenues Trusses Post-Operative Abdominal Belts Surgical Hosiery Arch Supporters Body Braces is the motor truck transfer serv ice offered by us. It is depend able service that will not cause you loss from delays, breakages, wrong deliveries, etc. Call us up (Phone 683) and get the particu lars. Ask for our figures on any job of hauling. Intar-City and Intar-Stata Hanling Seashore & Husted Express & Storage Warehouse Co. PHONE 6 S3 Our CARPET CLEANING PLANT Is the Only Modern Vacuum System in Atlantic City vix£, n. o,, uEjKjsiii INTERIOR DECORATION Furniture painted, enameled and decorated. Draperies, slip covers and lamp shades. Large assortment of samples. Upholstering, cabinet making and repairing. CHARLES SKINNER 2632 Atlantic Avenue Phone 4637-W Estimate, Free Established 1886 fllMlne DRUGS Conscientious*. Thorough Experienced Prescription Chemist 3831 Atlantic Avenue Phone 6698-W Alterations Porches Store Fronts WILLIAM UNCLES MARBLE-and--TILES Office and Showroom: 10 NORTH DELAWARE AVENUE Atlantic City, N. J. Bath Rooms Halls Fire Places First Cost—Laat Cost Walter T. Margerum Plumbing and Heating Jobbing a Specialty 17 S. VICTORIA AVE. Phone 7076-J GEO. C. FELKEr —Dealer in— BARRELED SUNLIGHT DUPONT PAINTS WINDOW GLASS AND SIGN WOBK 9 South Kentucky Ave. Frederick R. Rogers 14 S. Mt. Vernon Ave. Atlantic City Tel. 4333-W Electrical Contractor & Electrical Repairs Ventnor Office: 18 N. Buffalo Ave. Tel. 7063-R It'* Hardly Mora Than a Boy's Job to Lay Crom&r FINISHED Oak Flooring because its beautifully var nished surface eliminates all back-breaking, scraping, sand papering and finishing. No “torn-up” house. Simply nail Cromar over your worn soft wood floors. If your spare time is limited, two carpenters will transform one room in a day with this patented flooring — and it’s ready to use when the last nail is driven. Cromar wears a life-time. Yet the cost is actually less than good carpets. Ask for Booklet SOMERS LUMBER CO* 209 North Missouri Avo. Phone 82 If It’s Printing—We Do It AMUSEMENT PUB. CO. 506-8-1(M2 N. Tennessee Avo. o, xazz CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (10 Cents Per Line) FOR RENT FOR RENT—Garage near Jack son and Atlantic Aves. $8 month. Apply L. Fraley Mills, 221 Chelsea Bank Bldg. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED rooms near schools and trol ley. $5 to ?8 weekly. Table board if desired. 22 N. Mont gomery Ave. Phone 8328. INSTRUCTION In Elocution and Dramatic Arts. Mrs. W. D. Burch. 5107 Win :hester Ave. Tel. 7506-J. tf PEDIGREED AIREDALE PUPS Reasonable. 126 N. Newport Ave. Phone 7955-J. LEGAL ORDINANCE NUMBER FOURTEEN 1922 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL BONDS OF rHE CITY OF VENTNOR CITY TO AN AMOUNT NOT EXCEEDING THE SUM 3F ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE rHOUSAND DOLLARS (S135.000I PAR /ALUE FOR THE PURPOSE TO DERIVE HONEY FROM THE SALE THEREOF ro DEFRAY THE COST AND EXPENSE 3F THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION. COMPLETION AND EQUIPMENT OF ADDITIONS TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SOUSE IN VENTNOR CITY. WHEREAS, the Board of Education of /entnor City has heretofore determined hat it was necessary and required to ac rommodate the increased demand for public school facilities in Ventnor City, that an tddition should be erected, constructed, completed and equipped to the public school milding at Winchester. New Haven and rroy Avenues, and for that purpose it was lecessary and required the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) and the Board )f School Estimates of Ventnor City did iertify to the Common Council of Ventnor -ity and the Board of Education of Ventnor Dity that such additional bijilding to the Public School in Ventnor City was necessary ind required and the cost thereof was the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). WHEREAS, subsequent thereto the Board >f Education of Ventnor City‘did by its ■esolution determine that it was necessary :hat other and further school facilities were lecessary and required to accommodate the ncreased demand for public school purposes n Ventnor City and that the amount lecessary and required therefore was the idditional sum of eighty-five thousand dollars $85,000), and afterwards the Board of School Estimates of Ventnor City did determine and certify to Common Council of Ventnor City, ind the Board of Education of Ventnor City •hat other and further additional school acilities were necessary and required and ;hat the moneys necessary to be provided for public school building purposes was the sum of eighty-five thousand dollars ($85,000) in the aggregate sum of one hundred thirty five thousand dollars ($135,000) and it is necessary to raise said amounts by the issuance of bonds. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF VENT NOR CITY: Section 1. That the sum of one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000) be and is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the cost of building, constructing, completing and equipping additions to the public school house at Troy and Winchester Avenues in Ventnor City, N. J. Section 2. That the sum of one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000) shall 3e borrowed for such purposes and the re payment of said sum together with interest thereon shall be secured by the issuance of school bonds in the corporate name of the _ity of Ventnor City, pursuant to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the state of New Jersey, entitled. “An Act to establish a thorough and efficient system of ree public schools and to provide for the maintenance, support and management thereof," approved October 19. 1903, and the acts amendatory thereof and supple mental thereto. teuton a. aaia Donas shall be issued in the aggregate principal sum of one hundred :hirty-nve thousand dollars ($135,000), lumbered from sixty-nine (69) to two hundred ind three (203), both inclusive, of the ienommation of one thousand dollars ($1,000) ?ach and shall be dated August 1, 1922, and mall mature in numerical order, six (6) bonds >n the first day of August in each of the vears 1923 to 1932, both inclusive, and seven (7) >onds on the first day of August in each of he years 1933 to 1937, both inclusive, and Mght bonds on the first day of August in ‘ach of the years 1938 to 1942. both inclusive; aid minds shall bear interest at the rate of ive (5) per cent per annum, payable semi innually on the first days of August and [•ebruary in each year; said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, countersigned by the -lty Treasurer and sealed with the corporate *eal of the City, attested by the City Clerk ind the coupons attached to said bonds shall ie authenticated by the fac-simile signature n tne C\ty Treasurer and said bonds when irdered by the Common Council of Ventnor ~ity shall be sold for an amount not less than bar value and accrued interest. Section 4. The City shall in its annual tax evy raise money sufficient to pay the interest ind principal of said bonds as may mature luring each year. Section 5. That the said bonds shall be CKwit-m substantially the following form. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW JERSEY CITY OF VENTNOR CITY SCHOOL BOND ' KNOW ALL MENT BY $THESE PRESENTS. That the City of Ventnor Ci?y t nuimetpal corporation in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted lo and promises to pay to bearer, or if this bond be registered, to the registered holder hereof, on the first day of August, 19_the mm of one thousand dollars ($1,000), together ivith interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of February and August in each year upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as the same respectively mature, or if this bond be converted into a registered bond to the registered holder hereof; both principal and interest being payable in lawful money ?; *be States of America at the City"n* JC,ty Nat,onal Bank in Ventnor This bond may be registered as to principal by. the owner in his name on the books of said City, kept in the office of the City Treasurer, and such registration shall be noted hereon after which no valid transfer hereof 3hall be made except upon said books until after registered transfer to bearer. lrAGE TWENTY-SEVEN LEGAL Such registration shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons which shall p&ss by delivery. At the request of the holder, this bond will be converted into a registered bond and the coupons, annexed hereto de tached and cancelled and thereafter both principal and interest shall be payable to the registered holder hereof . This bond is one of an issue of bonds of ike date and tenor, except as to dates of maturity, numbered from sixty-nine (69) to two hundred and three (203), both inclusive, ind aggregating the sum of seventy thousand iollars ($70,000) and is issued for the purpose >f constructing additions to the public school louse in the City school district of Ventnor City, New Jersey, pursuant to the provisions >f an Act of the Legislature of the State of S’ew Jersey entitled, “An Act to establish t thorough and efficient system of free public chools, and to provide for the maintenance, iupport and management thereof,” approved October 19, 1903, and the Acts supplemental hereto and amendatory thereof, and under tnd by virtue of an Ordinance and proceed ngs of the Common Council of said City luly passed and taken. It is hereby certified .recited and declared hat all Acts, conditions and things required p be done, exist, happen and be performed irecedent to and in the issuance of this bond, xave been done, existed, happened and been jerformed in regular and due form and nanner as required by Law, and that the ssue of bonds of which this is one is within very debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and statutes of said State, rhe full faith and credit of the said City >f Ventnor City are hereby irrevocably hedged for the payment of the principal tnd interest of this bond according to its ^ IN' WITNESS WtHEREOF. the said City of Ventnor City has caused these presents o be signed by its Mayor, countersigned >y its City Treasurer and sealed with the corporate seal of said City, attested by its City Clerk, and the annexed interest coupons :o be signed with the fac-simile signature of ts City Treasurer and this bond to be lated as of the first of August, 1922. % * . COUNTERSIGNED : Mayor. ATTEST: City Treasurer. So.. . City Clerk. (FORM OF COUPON) $30.00 February On the first day of August. 19 . the City >f Vent nor City in the State of New Jersey, ►vill pay to bearer Thirty Dollars ($30.00) in awful money of the United States of America it the Vent nor City National Bank in Ventnor City. New Jersey, being six (6) months’ interest then due on its School Bond, fated August 1, 1922. M' Mo. t's/ City Treasurer. (CONVERSION CERTIFICATE) I hereby certify that at the request of ■he holder of the within bond for its conversion nto a registered bond, I have this day cut Dff and attached :o said bond, numbered t>oth inclusive, of the amount and value of thirty' dollars ($30.00) each, amounting in the aggregate to...dollars, and that the within bond is hereby converted into a registered bond with the principal thereof and semi-annual interest thereon payable to assignee or legal representative. Dated.,19. City Treasurer. NOTICE ' " ' '?$ No writing on this bond except by an Officer of the City. Date of Registration: Name of Registered Holder: City Treasurer: Section 6. That an Ordinance providing or the issuance of bonds of Vent nor City to in amount not exceeding the sum of fifty :housand dollars ($50,000) to pay the cost of instructing an addition to the public school louse in Ventnor City, approved September 28, 1920, also an Ordinance entitled, “An ordinance authorizing the issuance of seventy thousand dollar school bonds of the City of V’entnor City, passed July 25, 1921. be and the same are hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall take effect im mediately alter publication. ^ Passed at a regular meeting of the Common Council of Ventnor City, New Jersey, this tenth day of July A. D.. 1922. GEORGE A. GUMPHERT, President of Common Council. Approved the tenth day of July A. D., 1922. A. VV. BREHMAN. Mayor of Ventnor City, N. J. ^ The foregoing Ordinance was passed on the 10th day of July A. D., 1922, and approved by the Mayor on the 10th day of July, 1922. The bonds authorized thereby will be issued and delivered after the 28th day of December, 1922. and any suit, action or proceeding to set aside or vacate this Ordinance must be taken within twenty days after the publication of this statement., CHARLES E. REPPETTO. City Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, to me directed, issued out of the Atlantic County Circuit Court, will be sold at public vendue, on WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTIETH DAY OF DECEMBER, NINETEEN v! HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO, at two o’clock in the afternoon of said day, in the Court Room No. 201, Second Floor, Guarantee Trust Building, in the City of Atlantic City. County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. All the following tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter particularly described, situate in the City of Margate \ City, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. ■ Beginning at a point in the Easterly h line of Jefferson Avenue 250 feet North- i wardly from the Northerly line of Pacific j Avenue and running thence (1) East wards parallel with Pacific Avenue 125 • thence (2) Northwardly parallel \ with Jefferson Avenue 25 feet; thence (3) \ Westwardly parallel with Pacific Avenue 1-5 feet to the Easterly line of Jefferson Avenue; thence (4) Southwardly in and along the Easterly line of Jefferson Ave 25 feet to the place of beginning. Decree approximately $1,543, besides interest, costs and fees. j Seized as the property of Margate Com pany and taken in execution at the suit of Annie E. Hand and to be sold by Malcolm B. Woodruff, 4 Sheriff. Dated November 22, 1922. Carlton Godfrey, Attorney.