f Improvements Benefit City
{Continued from page 1)
supply. Today, under the • active
charge of Councilman I. B. Sweigart,
chairman of the Water Committee,
Ventnor has a new $200,000 reservoir
in process of completion, new artesian
wells and a pumping plant which
together give the resort one of the
finest water supply systems for its
size in the United States.
% The important matter of Board
walk improvement has been carried
‘ to an almost entire completion. At
cost of $40,000 the ’walk has been
redecked from Cambridge Avenue
to the new upper Boardwalk, and by
, the New Year contractors will have
placed new railing now being specially
galvanized that it may give proper
service. Nine cross streets are in
process of paving at cost of $95,000,
raised by bond issue and the proper
civic beautification of Ventnor as a
home city has'been given a big boost
through action of City Council in
carrying out an organized program
for clearing lots of rubbish and weeds.
„ The single development of the
plan for enlargement of the Troy
- Avenue school now being carried out
is a fine tribute to the progressive
work of the officials of Ventnor during
the term of Mayor Brehman. Other
improvements both in the buildings
and the organization of the public
schools are included in work
Mayor Brehman in his first message
advocated the proper compilation of
ordinances of the city. This has
been done and any citizen now can
secure a copy of the resort statutes by
application to City Hall. The
firemen and policemen, first given a
bonus, have been placed on an
increased pay system which recognizes
merit and loyalty to public service by
graduated increases in salaries. While
this was being done more and better
fire appawtus has been secured.
One of the forward steps taken
during the Brehman administration
has been establishment of the mer
cantile tax system under which more
than $4,000 has been collected.
Fifty thousand dollars has been
awarded to Ventnor war heroes on
land and sea for their Memorial
Building. As a tribute to real
progress $97,000 has been set aside
for bulkheading and building of
jetties to improve the entire beach
front from Richards to Fredericks
burg Avenues. The sum of $10,000
has been spent on improvement of
the sewer system.
Mayor Brehman was extremely
modest when asked to comment on
these improvements every one of
which was recommended by him
when he took office and had made a
personal survey, of the actual needs
jf Ventnor.
“To my mind it is all a matter of
important business for Ventnor,
tarried out by the city officials in a
business way,” he declared in an
txclusive interview given a represent
ative of the Ventnor News. “As I
lave stated in my formal messages
and in personal conversation, I
believe that a city, like a business,
must go forward or it will go back.
“Here in Ventnor ojr people have
a resort business in leasing oi cottages
and apartments which affects fully
60 per cent of our population. If
Ventnor should lose its high reputa
tion as a fine and clean and progressive
family resort this business would feel
the effect immediately. If Ventnor
is not kept up to the top notch of
improvement the people will not
come from outside to rent our cottages
and it has always appeared to me that
the officials of the city must follow
a progressive policy which will assure
continued prosperity for Ventnor
Give]With Thought
Men don’t complain if they don’t like their gifts—
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something they will use is to select it early and thought
Neckwear, 65c to $2.50
Fownes Gloves, $2.00 to $7.50 -
Bathrobes, $5.00 to $10.00
Silk Shirts, $5.00 to $7.50
Manhattan Shirts
Full Dress Vests
Full Dress Studs
Silk and Wool Hosiery
1128 ATLANTIC AVENUE, Opposite Guarantee Trust Building
people. ■
“I am happy to state my full belief
that Mr. Marston will be a force for
just such progressive advance in
Ventnor as will raise it to even
higher plane as a resort. But the
property owners who pay taxes must
not expect Mayor Marston to carry
out these improvements unaided or
without money.
“We of the official city family are
proud of the advancement which we
have been able to make, but it has
cost a lot of money. Taking the
expenditures from our budget and
from bonds Ventnor actually has
spent $1,101,000 on an assessed
valuation of $10,789,024, or prac
tically one-tenth of its total assessed
wealth, for improvements.
"But we have tried to keep the
expenditure of every dollar on a
business basis. During the past
year, for instance, with a budget of
$476,000 we have come out with a
surplus of $2,000. To any business
man this would prove that not
only have we kept within our resources
but also that our budget was so
carefully calculated that it met the;
real needs of our city within an
infinitesimal percentage.
And a partial recapitulation ol
expenditure for public purposes gives
some idea of cost. From bonds we
have been compelled to raise $21,000
for fire protection; $40,000 for
Boardwalk; $200,000 for water system
improvement; $10,000 for sewers;
$95,000 for streets; $85,000 for
schools; $50,000 for the Memorial
Building; $97,000 for beachfront
improvement; $6,000 for inland,
waterway park tracts at Oakland
Avenue and a similar sum at Austin
and Little Rock Avenues, and $15,000
for opening of street ends in other
sections. Add to these sums the
tax budget expenditures of $476,000
for other purposes of city government
and improvement and we have a total
which shows the cost of real civic
improvement progress.”
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6x9 . 31.50
4.6x6.6 . 16.50
36x70 . 9.50
27x54 . 5.50
Sanford’s Finest Worsted
Seamless Tapestry Rugs
.. $30.00
8.3x10.6 . 27.50
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6*9 . 16.50
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