OCR Interpretation

Ventnor news. (Ventnor City, N.J.) 1907-1926, May 23, 1923, Image 2

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92059905/1923-05-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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Phil 0§ofer Says
A man can never be really
termed as a bachelor until he is
. . * * *
Some dogs have caused more
than one man to lead a dog’s life.
* * »
Famous words: “I guess I can
make this old straw hat last an
other season.”
* * »
The pessimist thinks the word
golf means, Golden Opportunities
Lazily Forgotten.
* * »
The man who shouts the loud
est about being self-made usually
has a wife who deserves all the
* * '*
Slim sez, “One way to save
money is not to advertise, but it’s
a poor way to make money.”
* * *
The man who will laugh at the
earrings his wife purchased, will
don a lodge guard of an Admiral,
General and a King combined
and be in his glory.
* * *
Why is it, the person who ob
jects to having their name in the
papers usually buys about ten
or fifteen copies when it is pub
lished. v
* * *
xjij.c uuc piuiitcci axtci an
other. What we save in summer
the coal man gets, and what we
accumulate in winter goes to the
* * *
A cat is credited with nine
lives; but now that the baseball
season is here, ^some office boys’
grandmothers will have* twice as
many lives.
m * *
It seems that success depends
upon the amount of noise that is
made; a riveter gets $10 a day, a
jazz player gets $15, and every
one knows what a bunch of rat
tles .made for Henry Ford. _
• * *
You can always tell the person
who doesn’t save his money by
hearing him tell of the wonderful
opportunities where a small in
vestment is required. The per
son who saves knows of them, but
he doesn’t waste his time telling
others, he acts.
When Yon Have
Your Will Drawn ‘
it is a matter of
business, prudence
to appoint the
Ventnor City Na
tional Bank as
your Executor or
Trustee — assuring
as it does, that the
m a n a g ement of
your estate will
have expert atten
tion andcare—that
everything will be
attended to at the .
right time — ac
cording to law and
your instructions.
- Call and'see us
about it.
* ' . - 0 .
Legion Offered -
Boat Clnb Site
Donor Wants to Foster Boating
in Margate Waters Just
Below Ventnor Line
Organization of a club to foster
boating in - local waters is being
considered by members of the
local American Legion Post' in
consequence of an offer by a Vent
nor Realtor to donate a site on
Inside Thoroughfare, Margate,
just below the Ventnor City
.boundary. > •
Under the terms of the donor
to provide sufficient land for the
erection of a suitable clubhouse
membership will not be limited to
the Legion^ although the ratio of
members is intended to always
permit of a majority of ex-service
men to assure control by ex
service men.
Informal discussion of the prop
osition has resulted in the ten
tative enrollment of nearly twenty
Legionnaires, and if a feasible
fiscal plan to provide the neces
sary funds to finance the con
struction of a building can be
evolved, the probability of formal
organization within the next six
weeks is anticipated.
In view of the fact that no con
crete action has been taken those
to whom the offer has been made
have declined to make public the
name of the donor of the land.
Local Fireman Takes Bride
Harrison Jackson, popular
member of the Ventnor City Fire
Department, and Miss Bessie
Marshall, formerly of Vineland,
were married Saturday afternoon
at the Christ Methodist Protest
ant Church by the Rev. C. D.
Sinkinson. Miss Marshall for
the past few years had been a
trained nurse at the Atlantic City
“Say, have you forgotten that
you owe me a hundred dollars?”
“No, not yet; give me time.”
Drug Co.
Ball—Marine 2001 Ordera Delivered
50c Phillip*' Milk Magnesia .37c
$1.10 Tan lac .70c
$1.00 Wampole's Cod Liver Oil.69c
Wintergrole for Rheumatism,
25c and 50c
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste .33c
50c Pepsodent Tooth Faste .35c
30c Colgate's Tooth Paste .22c
M. D. I. for Indigestion, 35c and $1
$1.25 Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg.
Comp, or Blood Purifier ..87c
Nujol .45c, 79c and $3.65
Major's Constipation Pills,
prompt, effective, pleasant ..25c
$1.00 Squibbs' Mineral Oil ...75c
Dozen bottles ...-.$8.50
50c Pluto Water . 35c
Dozen .*......$4.00
50c Size Mulsified Cocoanut Oil.35c
$1.25 Size Mulsified Cocoanut Oil, 79c
Solomon's Kidney Pills . 50c
$2 Fountain Syringes or Hot Water
Bottles, guaranteed for 2 years,
only .-...98c
20c Boal’s Rolls . 13c
2 for .. 25c
Black Flag ..15c, 35c ahd 69c
Camphor Balls or Flakes .. ..13c
2 lbs. .. .25c
5 lbs. ...60c
Camels .car. $1.25
Piedmonts ...car. 1.25
Lucky Strike .....car. 1.25
Sweet Caporal .......car. 125
Chesterfield .car. 1-25
Fatima ........car* 1.65
pk. 13c
pk. 14c
pk. 14c
pk. 14c
pk. 14c
pk. 17c
We Solicit Tour Prescriptions
II yen .uffar with indlyntioa.
And think yon nr. going to 0.1
Just |o to thn Hunt Drug Stan,
V And |tt ■ botti. of M. D. L
Mission Cottages to Be
Dedicated Saturday
Formal dedication of three
recently completed cottages in
tended as temporary homes for
missionaries on furlough will
take place next Saturday after
noon at 2.30 o’clock at St. John’s
by-the-Sea Church.
.Erected at Portland_and Vent
nor Avenues and known as the
Doane Memorial as the three
I modern double apartments are to
be known, surround a sylvan
court of rare beauty. The archi
tecture is of the Italian country
house type and each building con
tains two housekeeping apart
ments. Finished in stucco with a
red brick trim the structures
present a most attractive appear
ance. Architect Vivian B.. Smith
prepared the plans.
The grounds .measure 150 feet
on Ventnor Avenue and 166 feet
along -Portland Avenue. The
Janvier .cottages, built many
years ago, formerly stood on the
site, having been razed about a
year ago. An entrance 45 feet
wide on Ventnor Avenue leads to
the court which is to be frans
formed into a miniature park.
Missionaries, clergymen and
local church workers will take
part in the exercises to which the
general public has been invited.
Rabbits Will Be More
Plentiful in Another Year
Ventnorites who are enthusi
asts of rabbit hunting will be
glad to learn that the New Jersey
State Fish and Game Commission
has placed orders for 9000 west
ern cotton tails to be distributed
on the neighboring gunning
grounds next fall. These rab
bits, which are the largest num
ber ever to be provided by the
state, are purchased with the ad
ditional funds raised this year by
an increase in license fees.
Wardens will begin the work
of restocking as soon as the
weather is cool enough to ship
game without harming the ani
mals’ health. No rabbits wall be
placed in the vicinity of orchards,
gardens or truck farms where the
owners object. However, most
farmers, it is stated by the Com
mission, are anxious to share in
the distribution of game. Each
county will receive an equal
amount of the rabbits.
Bell Phone—Marine 3403-W
J. Edward Brower
41/ N. Arkansas Avenue
The Shop of /A Thousand
The Jeweler
Phone—Neptune 487
Under New Management '
Is widely known as the writer of
“Snapshots from the Seashbre Home’*
in Ventnor News and “Smart
People” in sthe Atlantic City Mirror.
Painted Cats a Form of
Ventnor Cruelty It Is Claimed
Mrs. A. Y. White, President of
the local S. P. C. A., in a special
communication to the Ventnor
News stated that a great many
children of this city are wanton
ly cruel to animals. Mrs. White
wrote that as the head of a hu
mane organization her attention
is constantly called to revolting
cases in which Ventnor boys have
actually poked' out the eyes of
cats with sharp instruments.
These youngsters are also alleged
to have tortured domesticated
animals by burning, striking, and
dipping them in paint.
Mrs.. White believes that par
ents should instill in their chil
dren a kindness towards‘animals
and that when this is accom
plished there will be less dis
honesty, crime and intemperance
in the land. The following is an
excerpt from her communication:
Humaneness cannot be taught
in a month or two, but when it
is made a part of the child’s edu
cation, when it becomes part of
his character, success is assured.
Bands of Mercy in the schools
have often ^changed the conduct
of classes and even the entire
school. Many teachers can testi
fy to this fact and that the seem
ingly vicious boy has often become
kind and thoughtful of others
through the introduction of hu
mane teaching.
“I am trying to attain my end,”
said the puppy clog, as he vainly
chased his caudal appendage
around in a circle.
What Will the Winter Do to
Your Lawn?
Get the Advice of
Landscape Gardener
I20-B Antlar1! Terrace* S. Georgia Are.
Frederick R. Rogers
14 S. Ml. Vernon An.
Atlantic City Marine 178
* Electrical Contractor &
Electrical Repaira
Ventnor Office:
18 N. Buffalo Ave. Neptune 936-J
Manual Training Dept.
Now Equipped and Ready
With the installation last week
of the finest and the most mod
ern of equipment, the manual
training department of the Tl^y
Avenue School now ranks with
-the best to be had^n wood-work
ing education for primary and
grammar grades.
\ ---
Mrs. Van Bank—You remem
ber the Prince who married Miss
DeBaryl? It seems he spent all
her money, and they sgy he is
contemplating suicide.
Van Bank—Why doesn’t he try
Shrine To Have
Own Post-Office
(Continued from Page 1)
connected, or should be marked
“Shriner.” Mail bearing a
specific address, such as a hotel
or street nuipber, will be deliv
ered accordingly. Mail di
- reeted in care of a temple will
be delivered from the station
at the headquarters of that
temple. All other mail bear
ing the word “Shriner” will be
delivered from the Shrine post
office. Unless mail is specifi
cally addressed by one of these
'methods, Shriners may fail to
receive -it during their brief
stay in Washington.
United States Post Office,
Atlantic City, N. J.
Architect and Builder
“My Work and My Price to Suit You”
10 So. Tennessee Ave.
B '
^ —v.
■V" -- . ■:
-2 ■. „ - . _
1917 Atlantic Avenue
Phone-Marine 5781

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