OCR Interpretation

Ventnor news. (Ventnor City, N.J.) 1907-1926, June 27, 1923, Image 14

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92059905/1923-06-27/ed-1/seq-14/

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This is the only authentic list containing transfers up to each Friday
night and is obtained direct from Mays Landing for the VENTNOR NEWS.
Martin I. $sen, et ux. to Andrew P.xWilson.
Cons. $1, etc. Beg. with W. line of Port
land Ave. and Inside Line of Boardwalk,
W. 125 ft. x N. 175 ft. Reg.
Andrew P. Wilson, et ux, to Paul J. Farley.
v Cons. $1, etc. Description same as above*.
Paul J. Farley, single, to Andrew P. Wilson.
Cons. $1, etc. Description same as atjove.
Andrew P. Wilson, et ux, to Joseph A. Corio.
t * Cons. $21, etc. Beg. in W. line of Portland
Ave. with inside line of Boardwalk, W.
125 ft^x N. 125 ft. Reg.
Karl Schaffer, et ux, to Andrew P. Wilson.
Cons. $1, etc. Lots 22 and 26, Blk. 61.
Barnet Waisbain, et ux, to Alda Gilmore.
Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in E. line of
Sacramento Ave. 10.8 ft. S. of Monmouth
Ave., S. 23.2 ft. x E. 62.5 ft. Reg.
Barnet Waisbain, et ux, to Mary C. Thom.
Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in E. line of
Sacramento Ave. 78.5 ft. S. of Monmouth
^ Ave., E. 62.5 ft. x S. 23.3 ft. Reg.
Wilbur Weiss, single, to Ewald Grobel.
Cons. $1, etc. Beg. in E. line of Wissa
hickon Ave. 750 ft. S. of Monmouth Ave.,
. . E. 62.5 ft. x S. 60 ft. Reg.
;t:. Benneta Thacher, widow, to Emily B.
Pendelton. Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in
E. line of Newport Ave. 34 ft. S. of Win
7 Chester Ave.. E. 50 ft. x S. 31 ft. Reg.
Moebs Apartment Co., to Harry W. Williams,
et ux. Cons. $1,000, etc. Btg. in E. line
of Victoria Ave. 90 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave.,
i, V E. 62.5 ft. x S. 60 ft. Reg.
James Keemes, et al, to Karl Schaffer.
Cons. $76.09,'•etc. Blk. 408A, Lot 3.
Morris B. Leventhal, et ux, to Florence D.
Perkins, et vir. Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in
\V. line of Victoria Place 263 ft. N. of
^~V entnor Ave., W. 82.5 ft. x N. 36.9 ft. Reg.
i* William Alexander, single, to J. Kenneth
Thompson, et al. Cons. $500, etc. Beg.
at N. W. cor. of Swarthmore and Win
* Chester Aves., N. 70 ft. x W. 62.5 ft. Reg.
Harry L. Peterzell, et ux, to Samuel Berman.
Cons."$1,000, etc. Beg. at N. W. cor. of
Callendar- and Jackson Aves., N. 33 ft.
yv . x W. 65 ft. Reg.
Nathan Whiterman, et ux, to Mary A.
Kettman. Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. at
S. E. cor. of Newport and Monmouth
Aves., E. 112.5 ft. x S. 106 ft. x W. 44.1 ft.
x W. 44.1 ft. x N. 18 ft. x W. 18.4 ft. x
_ N-1S-3 ft. xW. 50 ft. xN. 69.7 ft. Irreg.
Michael L. Gilroy, single, to Abraham
'• Cohen. Cons. $500. Beg. in W. line of
Wyoming AVe. 158 ft. N. of Winchester
C . Ave., W. 76 ft. x N. 38 ft. Reg.
Augusta E. Berman, single, et al, to Joseph
S. Naame. Cons. $100, etc., Beg. in N.
line of Ventnor Ave. 38 ft. E. of Baltimore
Ave., N. 72 ft. x E. 38 ft. Reg.
Charles W. Klett. et ux, to John B. Ginther.
Cons. $100, etc. JJeg. in E. line of Dorset
xTVe;«15,0 ft- N Avenue B, E. 80 ft. x
m, - N. 50 ft. Reg. %
David Jacobson, et al, to Helen F. Nicke.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in W. line of Newark
Ave- 196 ft. N. of Atlantic Ave., N. 38 ft.
x W. 76 ft. Reg.
John H. Simkins, widower, to Elizabeth B.
Mitchell. Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. at
N. W. cor. of Swarthmore and Ventnor
Aves., N. 70 ft. x W. 62 1-3 ft. Reg.
Joe Kaplan, single, to Curtis T. Risley.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. In W. line of 6th
Ave. 175 ft. S. of Avenue C„ W. 80 ft.
x S. 50 ft. Reg.
Sarah E. Leeds, et _tjx, to Charles Steinberg.
Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in W. line of
Buffalo Ave. 85 ft. N. of Winchester Ave.,
‘ • W. 62.5 ft. x 175 ft. Reg.
Alice B. Taliferro, et vir, to Sarah E. Leeds.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in W. line of Buffalo
Ave. 120 ft. N. of Winchester Ave., N. 35
ft. x W. 62.5 ft. Reg.
Gertrude O. Bleyer, et vir, to Annie Horton.
Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in W. line of
Stratford Ave. 100 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave.,
W: „ S. 50 ft. x W. 62.5 it. Reg.
Andrew J. Foltz, et ux, to Sadie Harkness.
It Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in W. line of Nash
ville Ave. 128 ft. S. of Winchester Ave.,
t S. 32 ft. x W. 87.5 ft. Reg.
Jennie Rosa, et vir, to Herman Gottlieb.
Cons. $26,000, etc. Lot 1 beg. in W. line
of Little Rock Ave. 119 ft. N. from N. line
of Atlantic Ave., W. 80 ft. x N. 39 ft. Reg.
Beg. in W. line of Little Rock Ave. 158 ft.
N. from inter, of north line of Atlantic
and Little Rock Aves., W. 80 ft. x. N 38
ft. Reg.
Arthur W. Dunbar, et ux, to Helen Rohde.
Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in N. line of
Winchester Ave. 62.5 ft. E. of Troy Ave.,
N. 50 ft. x ji. 62.5 ft. Reg.
Charlotte Luebbert to Henrietta Darm
stacdtcr. Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in E.
line of Sacramento Ave. 137 ft. S. of
Winchester Ave., E. 150 ft. x S. 31 ft.
Harris-Fisher, Inc., to Thomas H. Green Co.
4 Cons. $100, etc. Beg. at N. W. cor. of
Monmouth and Portland Aves., W. 150 ft.
r -V x N. 100 ft. Reg. Beg. at N. E. cor. of
t Portland and Monmouth Aves., E. 150 ft.
x N. to Inside Thorofare.
stall William W. Mentzina<*r. Jr.# et ux/tc Charles
Fisher, et ux. Cons. $100, etc. Beg.
t in W. line of Rosborough Park 272 ft.
I N. of V” * -- -
f Winchester Ave., N. 38 ft., x W. 76 ft.
Thos. H. Green., Co., to Barnet Waisbain.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. at N. E. cor. of
Portland and Monmouth Aves., E. 150 ft.
x N. 300 ft. Irreg.
Thos H. Green Co., to Barnet Waisbain,
et al. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. at N. W. cor.
of Portland and Monmouth Aves., W. ISO
ft. x N. 100 ft. Reg.
Laura S. Magee, et vir, to Jacob Parlinetal.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line of Troy
Ave. 170 ft. N. of Winchester Ave.,
E. 62.5 ft. x N. 30 ft. Reg. Beg. in W.
line of Avolyn Ave. 170 ft. N. of Winchester !
Ave., W. 62.5 ft. x N. 30 ft. Reg.
Anna F. Ericksen, single, to Henry C. Dunlap^
' Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in W. line of
Newark Ave. 40 ft. S. of Winchester Ave.,
W. 50 ft: X N. 2 ft. x W. 25 ft. x S. 38 ft.
x E. 76 ft. x N. 36 ft. Irreg.
Emma B. Podolski, et vir, to Matilda K. A.
Wehmoyer. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in
E. line of Fredericksburg Ave. 139 ft. N.
of Atlantic Ave., E. 75 ft. x N. 39 ft. Reg.
Jasper E. Dicksin, single, to Helen N. Sonne
born. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in S. line
. of Winchester Ave. 190 ft. E. of Newport
S Ave., S. 106 ft. x E. 35 ft. Reg.
Emilie B. Wannemacker, et vir, to Eugene
P. Coho, et ux. Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in
E. line of Rosborough Park 120 ft. N. of
Winchester Ave., N. 38 ft. x E. 76 ft. Reg.
Floyd L. Hand, et ux, to Marion Edgar.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line of Buffalo
Ave. 160 ft. N. of Ventnor Ave., E. 62.5
ft. x N. 30 ft. Reg.
William Casey, et ux, to Homer Slifer. Cons.
$100, etc. Beg. N. W. cor. of Grand
Ave. and Avenue C, extending N. along
W. line of Grand Ave., 50 ft. x W. 80 ft.
Malcolm B. Woodruff, Sheriff, to Abner
Mortland. Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. 65 ft.
IJ. of Suffolk Place and 300 ft. S. of Atlantic
Ave., E. 60 ft. x S. 1,700 ft. Reg.
Eva B. Taxis, et vir, to Bertha M. Remington.
Cons. $18,000. Beg. in W. line of Troy
Ave. 250 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave., W. 62.5
ft. x S. 50 ft. Reg.
Arthur L. * Schneider, et al, to Frederick C.
Krauss. Cons. $7,500. Beg. in E. line of
5th Ave. 175 ft. S. of Avenue B, E. 80 ft.
x S. 25 ft. Reg.
Edward G. Harris, et al, to William F. Shaw.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line of Martin
dale Ave. 100 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave., E.
62.5 ft. x S. 50 ft. Reg. . ^
Edward G. Harris, et al, to Margate Finance
Co. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line of
Fredericksburg Ave. 100 ft. S. of Atlantic
Ave.. E. 62.5 ft. x S. 50 ft. Reg.
John J. O’Neill, et ux, to Margaret Bachellor.
Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. at S. E. cor. of
Vassar Square and Atlantic Ave., S. 50 ft.
x E. 62.5 ft. Reg.
Ferdinand Thommessen, et ux, to Venaintus
A. Oswald. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. at
S. E. cor. of Winchester and Newton
Aves., E. 62.5 ft. x S. 40 ft. Reg.
Samuel Berman, et ux, to Harry Peterzell.
Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in W. line of
Jackson Ave. 33 ft. N. of Callender Ave.,
W. 65 ft. x N. 33 ft. Reg. X
Legh R. Myers, et ux, to Edward G. Harris.
Cons. $1, etc. Beg. at S. E. cor. of Corn
wall and Ventnot-Aves., S. 115 ft. x E. 95
. ft. Reg.
Watson Malone, et ux, to Bertha Kelly*
et vir. Cons. $100, etc.* Beg. at N. W
cor. of Monmouth and Madison Aves..
N. 125 ft. x W. 50 ft. Reg.
Edward G. Harris, et al, to Nemcass Co.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line of
Fredericks Ave. 50 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave.,
E. 62.5 ft. x S. 50 ft. Reg.
Ruth G. Earl, et vir, to Allan Weisanthal.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line of Sumner
Ave. 192 ft. S. of Winchester Ave., E. 80
ft. x S. 48 ft. Reg.
Margate Finance Co., to Ella H. Fegley.
Cons. $1, etc. Beg. in W. line of Kenyon
Ave. 86 ft. N. of Winchester Ave., W. 87.7
ft. x N. 41 ft. Reg. 1
Emma B. Podolski, et vir, to W. Arthur
Jarden. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. at N. W.
cor. of Atlantic and Union Aves., N. 100
ft. x W. 160 ft. Irreg.
J. Sidman Selby, et ux, to B.“Warren Hood.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in W. line of Iroquois
Ave. 170 ft. N. of Atlantic Ave., N. 40 ft.
x W. 65 ft. Reg. . ^
Harry B. Townsend, et ux, to Knittel Realty
Co . Cons. $500. etc. Beg. in W. line of
Barclay Ave. 245 ft. N. of Atlantic Ave.,
N. 40 ft. x W. 62.5 ft. Reg.
Ruth G. Earl, et vir, to Carmine DeSimone.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line of Sumner
Ave. 144 ft. S. of Winchester Ave., E. 80
ft. x S. 48 ft. Reg. S
Harry D. Banks, et ux, to Everett J. Higbee.
Cons. $3,500. Beg. in E. line of Lancaster
Ave. 250 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave., E. 62.5 ft. j
x S. 50 ft. Reg. - |
William B. Loudenslager, et ux, to Watson i
Malone. Cons. $50. Beg. in W. line of
Madison Ave. 275 ft. N. of Monmouth
Ave., W.V>0 ft. x N. 125 ft. Reg.
Margate Realty Co., to W. Bennett Cramer.
Cons. $1,000, efcer Beg. in E. line of
Pembroke Ave. 90 ft. S. of Ventnor Park
way, E. 80.25 ft. x S. 57.67 ft. -Reg.
Albert M. Somers, et ux, to Lillia D. Dewrall
Cons. $i00, etc. Beg. in W. line of Quincy
Ave. 86 ft. S. of Monmouth Ave., W. 80
ft. x S. 82 ft. Reg.
Albert M. Somers, et ux, to Mary B. Mc
Mullin. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in W. line
of Quincy Ave. 45 ft. N. of Winchester
Ave., W. 80 ft. x N. 205 ft. Reg.
F. J. Loury to Raymond L. O'Keefe. Cons.
$1,000, etc. Beg. in S. W. cor of Barclay
and Ventnor Aves., W. along -S. line of
Ventnor Ave., 125 ft. x S. 45 ft.
y .317 GUARANTEE TRUST BIPC.' /%<v7tf-MARINE 170 W
Rea I Estate Mortgages
Distinctive residences in
Ventnor for rent for the season
or by the year
Many desirable properties
. for sale
Katharine F. Beury, et vir, to Samuel
Wagner. Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in E.
line of Kenyon Ave. 120 ft. S. of the S. line
of Ventnor Ave., E. 62.5 ft. x S. 40 ft. Reg.
Emma B. Podolski, et vir, to G. Lloyd
Covan. Cons. *100, etc. Beg. in E. line
of Vendome Ave. 455.55 ft. N. of Atlantic
Ave., E. 80 ft. x N. 50 ft. Reg.
Emma B. Podolski. et vir. to Estelle Kugler.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line of Vendome
Ave. 105.55 ft. N. of Atlantic Ave.. E. 80
ft. x N. 100 ft. Reg.
Emma B. Podolski, vir. to B. Warren
Hood. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line
of Vendome Ave. 205.55 ft. N. of Atlantic
Ave., E. 80 ft. x N. 100 ft. Reg.
Emma B. Podolski, et vir, to Annie C.
McCutcheon. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in
E. line-of Vendome Ave. 305.55 ft. N. of
Atfantic Ave., E. 80 ft. x N. 100 ft. Reg.
Annie C. McCutcheon, et vir, to William R.
Fitzsimons. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in
E. line of Vendome Ave. 355.55 ft. N. of
Atlantic Ave., E. 80 ft. x N. 50 ft. Reg.
George R. Weikel, et al, to Florence I.
Wilmot. Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. in
N. W. cor. of Monmouth and Thurlow
Aves.. N. 400 ft. x S. 160 ft. Reg* Beg. in
N«. W. cor. of Monmouth and Sumner
Aves., N. along the W. line of Sumner
Ave., 400 ft. x W. 160 ft. Reg.
G. Lloyd Cowan, et ux, to A. Lincoln Meyers.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line of Vendome
Ave. 155.55 ft. N. of North Atlantic Ave.,
E. 80 ft. x N. 55 ft. Reg.
Jennie B. Godfrey, et al, to F. J. Lowry.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in S. W. line of
Vendome and Barclay Aves., W. 125 ft.
x S. 45 ft. Reg.
Daniel McHugh, et al, to William B. Riley.
-- Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E. line of Jackson
'Ave. 150 ft. N. of Surf Ave., E. 125 ft. x
S. 100 ft.
Lucie C. Joline, et vir, to Albert M. Somers.
Cons. $3,250. Beg. in W. line of Fredericks
burg Ave. 250 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave.,
W. 62.5 ft. X S. 50 ft. Reg. |
Anna M. Vincent to Albert Tailo, et ux.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. in E, line of Pem
, broke Ave. 50 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave.,
■ E. 80 ft. x S. '50 ft. Reg.
Sarah V. Watkins, single, to' William A.
Baker. Cons. $1,000; etc. Beg. in W.
line of Sumner Ave. 209 ft. N. of Win
chester Ave., W. 80 ft. x N. 41 ft. Reg.
Beg. in W. line of Sumner Ave. 45 ft. S.
of Monmouth Ave., W. 80 ft. x S. 41 ft. Reg.
Beg. in W. line of Sumner Ave. 86 ft. S.
of Monmouth Ave., W. 80 ft.x S. 41 ft. Reg.
Beg. in W. line of Sumner Ave. 127 ft. S. of
Monmouth Ave., W. 80 ft. x S. 41 ft. Reg.
Mary S. Wetherwill, widow, t6 Coast Invest
ment Co. Cgns. $1, etc. Beg. in W. line
of Exeter Ave. 300 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave.,
S. 1,700 ft. x W. 300 ft. Reg.
Elizabeth B. Mitchell, single, to Leonard
F. Pedrick. Cons. $100, etc. Beg. S. E.
cor. of Rutherford and Ventnor Aves.,
S. >25 ft. x E. 130 ft. Reg.
Frank Redman, et ux, to Carrie J. Monroe.
Cons. $100, etc. Beg. S. W. cor. of Atlantic
and Brunswick'Aves., S. 50 ft. x W. 62.5
ft. Reg. "
Augusta Willson, et vir, to Raymond P.
Thompson. Cons. $2,000, etc. Beg. in
W. line of Girard Sq. 168 ft. N. of Atlantic
Ave., W. 85 ft. x N. 42 ft. Reg.
William A. Baker, et ux, to Edwin Deverall?
Cons. $1,000, etc. Beg. In W. line of
Sumner Ave. 239 ft. N. of Winchester
Ave., W. 80 ft. x N. 41 ft. Beg. in W. line
of Sumner Ave. 332 ft. N. of Winchester
Ave., W. 80 ft. x N. 123 ft. Reg.
Coast Investment Co., to Sidney B. Whitlock,
et ux. Cons. $100, etc.' Beg. in E. line of
Franklin Ave. 200 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave.,
S. to Ext. line x E. 62.5 ft. Reg.
J. Towners Townsend, widower, to Frank
DeFed. Cons. $9,500. Beg. in E. line of
.17lh Ave. 341 ft. N. of Beach Ave., N. 50
ft. x E. 110. ft. Reg.
I Sell or Rent Distinctive
Properties to DiBcrimi- s
nating People'
3100 Atlantic Avenue
Atlantia City, N. J.
List Your Property
Mtilfor d T* Rose
v ^ Real Estate
Automobile nd Fire Insurance
Little Rook anA Atlantic Atm,
x Ventaor City, N. J.
Bell Phone—Neptune 567-J
Ruffd Corporation
Real Estate • Insurance
Steamship Agency
i 2024 Atlantic Avenue
Atlantic City, N. J.-^. ’"
s__]- :
Phone—Neptune 1524)
C. Wasleski & Co.
•504 Vantsor Atmu >
HPHE LaClede Building and Loan_As
sociation starts its fifth series on
Tuesday, July 10. $1.00 a month pays
$200.00-at maturity. Enroll now! La
Clede Building and Loan Association,
Marcus Bacharaeh, ^Secretary ; Office,
4205 Ventnor Ave. Phone Neptune 918.
Ocean City Real Estate
This Is Your Opportunity
; - ' •_
Ocean City is now enjoying the most
prosperous year ever experienced in the
history of this Queen of Family Resorts.,
515 jBighth Street
Eight Branch Office* * - . Ocean City, N. J.
- At Troy and Atlantic Avenues we have established
an office thoroughly equipped to act for you in the
purchase or sale of realty.
- leniently located; it is attractive and you
will find courteous attention. , >
' ^ " Keep in touch with us '■
1415 Atlantic Ave.
Marine 3451
Troy and Atlantic Avoa.
Neptune 750
S. C. CLARK/Pres. &'Mgr. JOSEPH THOMPSON. Vice-Pin.
_ JOHN fiSTELL EVANS. Secy.' & Tre**.
k . .s- • ■ . -
West Side Lumber Co. I
Lumber and Mill Work
i 301 North Ohio Avenue
I -—
Samuel Bater, Jr.
Real Estate
N. E. Corner Ventnor and
New Haven Avenues
Neptune 1406 -
4405 Atlantic Aye.
Phone—Neptune 1362
Insurance >; Mortgage*
Real Estate and Law
Ventnor Realty Co.
Atlantic & Little Rock Ave.
Phone—Neptune 49-W
Ventnor and Lower Chelsea
■ t'i*
Quick Action
-• -Xonacientioua Service
Insurance of Every Kind
Myt|tfu - laarniM '
'•> Phones; %
Marine 3967 Marine 3968
President ; ,
Treasurer -:;.V
Manager ■ < J
* ... i ...
'.. Insuranee Engine ere
911 Gaaraatae Ties* BaUdVag
a. annas uuzio. »wnn»
DAVID BKBQ, V-». u4 Tim
Ntw Smmt
. ftimt
T«l«ja«n«—Kerin* MM

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