t Writ* it down, says Mr. - ■< Real Estate; that when it C. comes to selecting that plot for your home, you had bet- . ter go to ua *Nuf saidl ■' “Watch for Mr. Real Estate” .Warner Lindsay, Jr. REALTOR 1507 Atlantic Avenue Phones—Karine 1410-1411 _ PHONE—KARINE 1SS \ ’', i PHILLIPS COMPANY Insurance and Real Estate Mortgage Loans v v<> Wlllha A. Fennee, PrceMea* Walter W. Clark. Vlee-Pna. Haro)4 W. Faunea, Secretary Hwlat A. Faaaee, Treeserer "Guarantee trust blog. .. ATLANTIC CITY f.r. ‘ ‘3 Real Estate Values % ' * Are Rising It will pay you to look over .. - • . ■ ^ ' PleasantviDe | Northfield Linwood Ideal summer homes for fental.' Wonderful values for investment. See Us for Service , ELLENBERG & ABBOTT “At the Electric Station’9 Tal. 321-W-—Pleaiantviile, N* J. NEUSTADTER & L1EBERMAN Ileal Estate* *r! land. Insoranco Brokers 8p*eialists ia Ranting sad Rant CollsstUna .. • Mortgagca Plaosd sail ventNor avenui Longport News William S. Gilmore The Board of (Commissioners met in Commission Chamber at Borough Hall on Saturday after noon. Director of Public Prop erty, Mr. Rainier, reported that 19th Avenue has been rebuilt and that 13th, 16th and 17th Avenues have been repaired. Director of Public Safety, Mayor Lavino, re ported that he has placed Richard Somers as a guard on the beach northeast of the Widener School. These appointments are tempor ary. The clerk -was directed to order twelve new meters, to be placed in jiomes built during the last year; all bf which are being lighted with electricity. The Com IP Yotl WANT TO BUY, ' RENT OR SELL—SEE Ni SUBRENSKY & SON 133S Pacific Avenue Valuable Unrestricted and Restricted Lots for Sale—Well Financed Phone—Marine 4856 C . G . JUSTICE Real Estate - Office: Fralinger’s Apartments, No. 6 Boardwalk and New York Ave. Marine'2861-J ' Atlantic City, N. J. WE ARE EQUIPPED to give prompt and efficient service in handling Chelsea and Ventnor properties, either for sale, rent or exchange. List your properties with our office for quick results. J. M. HAVERSTICK Manager Stentonr A Atlantic Aves. Marine 1667-J j Chelsea Office H. G. Harris j , A Co. | . . | For VENTNOR or MARGATE LOTS—43ee Us We have the Largest List ing in Atlantic City" Charles J. Wooding 204 Chehea Bank Building Marine 2467 VENTNOR AVE., corner, 6 rooms, tile bath, sun parlor, garages, large lot. Well financed. Reasonable. CHARLES N. BAROUX 5208-A Ventnor Avenue Phone—Neptune 29-W Cottages for Ant during summer. Now is the time for listing your property I for sale or rent. MATLACK CO. Real Estate Insurance and Mortgages Ventnor and Richard, Avenue, Neptune 922-W I. S. SCHLESINGER Real. Estate Inauranee Notary Public 4801 VENTNOR AVENUE Tel.—Neptune 14&6 J MATHIS & SON Builders Guarantee Trust Building - Atlantic City When You Want the Best—We Ask Your ' Consideration AT YOUR SERVICE MARINE 857-W J. F. MASNER CO. Real Estate and Builders r If It’e Worth Having—We Have It Eor Sale er Rent SSI-22 CHELSEA NATIONAL BANK BUIL&INC missioners are grateful to the large number of property owners that are having their houses wired for electricity which is fur nished by the borough. \ Mrs. Ethel BonScheliha and family are'living in the Bonsor cottage at 25th Avenue and the Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Connell and daughter from Audubon were visitors on Sunday. - Mr. John Nugent has sold his Oberon Avenue bungalow to John J. Dempsey, of Audubon, N. J., and has sold his Atlantic Avenue bungalow to Aaron Taylor, of Richardson, Del. Mr. Dempsey has already made application for membership in the Lpngport Volunteer Fire Department. Mrs. Catharine Hunsberger and Dr. J. Lisle Nugent and wife are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Nugent. Mrs. Otto ^Peterson, of West Philadelphia, is the guest of Mrs. William C. Keebler, at 24th and Atlantic Avenues. Mrs. Barry Faber is visiting, her sister, Mrs. William Frier hofer, for a few days while Mr. Faber is returning from a trip to Los Angeles, Calif. The Widener School children^ nurses and doctors are Jrappy to be back in Longport. They have been looking ^forward for months to their daily romps in the Ocean When Buying, Renting or Selling—Consult F. W. GREGG Residential & Bnsiness Properties ' Offices: 3301 Atlantic Avenue 4701 Atlantic Avenue Phones: * Neptune 1284 Marine 4080 la Your Property for Sale or Rent for Sommer season or yearly? If so, list with A. M. S1NDONI 809 Pacific Avenue Real Estate - Mortgages - Insurance Marine SBT9>W Atlantic City, H. J. BYRON JENKINS % i> Real Estate and Insurance 5200 Atlantic Avenue List Year P re parties far SalUns -• laa*fesf and other privileges that they c^inot have at their Philadelphia home. Captain Samuel Holdzkom, keeper of the local U. S. Coast Guard station, in the Government Life Boat, brought Federal Fish Pound Inspector, Louis Works, from Sea Isle to Longiport on Thursday. Carl Crowley, a member of the Longport Coast Guard crew, while patrolling his beat, was knocked unconscious at Washing ton and Atlantic Avenues in Vent nor City at 1.30 A. M. on Sunday morning by a speeding auto mobile. The driver of the car did not stop after hitting Mr. Crow ley. Another automobilist saw him in the street,' placed him in his car and took him to the At lantic City Hospital where he was found to be suffering with deep cuts in the head. His condition is not considered serious. Captain Joseph A. Mathis is re covering from his recent illness and is now able to sit up. Miss Emma Adams reports that she has rented the Kerns cot tage on Oberon Avenue to L. D. Hoskins, of Ardmore, Pa., and the “Dixie,” at 25th Avenue and the Bay, to John J. Patterson and wife, of Berwyn, Pa. Charles J. Braun and wife entertained a party of friends at their Oeean_front home on Sun day. Mr. Braun made a suc cessful demonstration of his fish OCEAN CITY REAL ESTATE A Few Choice Pieces of Ocean Front For Sale In Ocean City EWING T. CORSON 757 Aabury Avenue, Ocean City Ocean City, N. J. Ocean City Real Estate RALPH i CHESTER REALTOR Coe Eighth end Control Atoms Telephone 26 Realtor INSURANCE Walter H. Kuehn N. E. cor. 8th & Atlantic Avenue OCEAN CITY, N. J. “Welch Built Homes” Welch Construction Company Ocean City, New Jersey ing ability in the presence of his friend^. Mrs. B. L. Browning and family from Washington, D. C., will oc cupy the Disston cottage on the Ocean front between 21st and 2'2nd Avenues for the summer. The Aberdeen Hotel has a larger number of guests than ever before, at this time in the season. Recent arrivals are J. R. C. Boyer and sons, Jack and Franklin; from Cranford, N. J.; Dr. and Mrs. Mpore, from Pittsburgh; and Mr. and Mrs. Moody and family from Philadelphia. The following persons have taken apartments at the “Ma jestic” during the last week: the Misses Filemyr, • school teachers from Frankford, Philadelphia; Mr. Koernig, with his son and daughter, and Rev. and Mrs. Goodfellow. Rev. Goodfellow has been pastor at one church at Trenton Avenue and Cumberland Streets, Philadelphia, for the last fifty years. Mr. and Mrs. McElwee are spending the summer in the Whit ing cottage on 19th Avenue. Through Chicago Service Begins On Pennsylvania Through the speedy rehabilita tion of Broad Street Station train shed, recently gutted by a conflagration, the Pennsylvania 1 Railroad began through sleep- ■ ing car service between Chicago ! and Atlantic City June 24, and from Atlantic City to Chicago, effective Monday, June 25, accord ing to an announcement made by Division Passenger Agent James S. Murphy, of the resort office of the Pennsylvania Lines. Mr. Murphy stated that a corps off repairmen had been fet work in shifts on reconstruction of the shed and that sufficient progress has been made to permit railroad traffic movements, especially of limited trains from the West. The Chicago-A flantic City service is a recent attraction of fered by the Pennsylvania Sys tem, and was -announced by Mr. Murphy at a meeting of the re sort Chamber of Commerce, and before various other civic organ izations. Along with the announcement of ^'the general expansion of through service from the'great est centres of the land to Atlan tic City, the Pennsylvania is is suing a beautifully illustrated folder which carries new word of the glories of Atlantic City and its neighbor resorts through out the country. By Boat from Longportio Ocean City 25 Cents ■- .y.—-. NEWS TO THE WISE The following list of real estate. Make an early selection for^ . i . quick sale and profit by doing so. South New Hampshire Arenuet 14 rooms, 3 baths, fuiiy furnished. Price $21,000., South Vermont Avenue, 16 rooms, 3 baths. Price $18,000. South Victoria Avenue, cottage and large lot. Price $33,000. S. W. corner on Pacific Avenue, 90 x 100, unrestricted. Make offer. South Maryland Avenue, 2 brick apartment houses containing 12 apartments. Good in come. Price $80,000. Rooming house on North Carolina Avenue, near station, 21 rooms. Price $24,000. South Sacramento Avenue, near beach, 8 bedrooms, 2 baths. Price, $30,000. Business center apposite Telephone Co., containing stores, cottages and hotel. Price $80,000. Rooming house on South Arkansas Avenue, near Boardwalk, 27 rooms. Price $27,000. Atlantic Avenue, corner near station;- SO feet on Atlantic, 150 deep. Cheapest buy in that section. South Iowa Avenue, 12 ' rooms, 3 baths. Price $33,000. Chelsea, 20 rooms, 3 baths, $19,000. Corner house in Ventnor, 8 bedrooms, 3 baths. Price $25,000. Corner property in Ventnor, including large lot. Price $26,000. Opposite the Ventnor City Hall. ABRAHAM LITTMAN - Pennsylvania Avenue and Boardwalk 8-10 Seaside Block Style Show For Hair Dressers Meeting I| is the intention of the At lantic City Hairdressers’ Associ ation to have the National Hair dressers’ Association hold their ■*. 1924 convention ~in this resort. ' This was*determined last night at the first regular meeting of the - local body held since its organiza- . tion at the Ritz-Carlton, June 4. The 1923 convention will be held i at the Hotel Pennsylvania, in New York City, "in September. The association has been or ganized for the purpose of im proving hair dressing and for the adoption of styles, and is designed Si to protect both the hairdresser and the public. In September the local hair dressers will stage a style show V ' at one of the leading hotels or shops, and will have on display 1924 styles in coiffures. This will be of great interest to both local and transient people, ajs it is something out of the ordinary. • ' The committee in charge of the ’f'; style show is Miss ^Katherine Me- .J Bride, Miss Mary Gale, B. Francis Smith, Miss J. Gordon, Mrs. M. McVicker. At the meeting held at the home of Mme. Toffier, 164 South South- ;-:; Carolina Avenue recently, of- ' fleers were elected as follows: President, John Stougard, vice president, Mrs. Margaret Ale-" Vieker; second vice-president, Mme. Toffier; treasurer, Theodore Roik; financial secretary, Miss A. Herring; recording secretary, Miss E. Servos; trustees, Ed ward Carney, B. Francis Smith, Mrs. E. Knorr. It*. Hardly Mora Than a Bay*. Jab to Lay Cromar FINISHED Oak Flooring became it* beautifully w ii lined surface eliminate* all " back-breaking, scraping, sand papering and finishing. No “torn-up” house. Simply nail Cromar oyer your worn soft wood floors. If your spare time is limited, two carpenters will transform one room in a day with this patented flooring — and it's ready to use when the last nail is driven. Cromar wears a life-time. Yet the cost is actually less than good carpets. Ask for Booklet SOBERS LUMBER CO* 209 North Missouri At*. i Phone—Marine 32 CARPENTER & BUILDER Jobbing a Specialty - ‘4 Prompt Service 54 N. ANNAPOLIS AVENUE Phone—Neptane 1247-W