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JUST GOSSIP Mrs. Lee Jacoby was hostess to the Schubert Choir Club at her hoVne, 15 S. Washington Avenue, last Monday evening^ Beside the business meeting, ' there was given a delightful program by the various members. Mrs. Jacoby’s home is especially well adapted to musical entertain |f ment—you remember how much everyone enjoyed the recital given there not very long ago. During the business session, plans for the recital which the club gave the next evening at the Central M. E. Church were completed, and before the eve ning was over, Mrs. Jacoby served refreshments. ■ ’ This is the program which was given the following 7Ught: 1, Piano Duet—"Martha” .Flotow x Wayne Redfield and John Truex 2. Contralto Solo—"Deep in Your Eyea” ...Jacobi Mrs. Jacoby 8. Harp Solo—1“Caprice” .....s....Nicoletti Miss Winters 4. Recitation—“Flying Jim's Last Leap.” Mrs. Yard B. Piano Duet — “Barcarole,” from “Tales of Hoffman.” Misses Pauley * 6. Schubert Male Quartette— (a) “Larboard Watch”....„... Williams (b) “Owl and the Pussy Cat,” f-'.JT'y j ' _ , De Koven Schubert Male Quartette 7. Soprano Solb—“Magnetic Waltz,” Ardit Miss Toner _ 8. Chorus — “Call John” — Especially requested. . The Choir PART II < 1. Piano Quartette—“Dance of the \ Winds” . Peabody Miss Ritter, Mrs. Bingey, . Mr. Redfield and Mr. Truex 2. Baritone Solo—“On the Road to Mandalay” . Speals 8. Mixed Quartette—“Sparkling Sun .....Arditi Mrs. Bingey, Miss Raikes, Mr. Red _? Held and Mr. Campbell 14. Harp Solo—“Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms.” Miss Winters 6. Soprano Solo—“The Little Damozel.” Mis8 Ritter t 6. Recitation—“Too Late for the Train.” Miss Yard 7. Trio—“Rest Thee on This Mossy I, Pillow” . Smart Mrs. Bingey, Miss Ritter and Mrs. Sarah M. Ritter 8. Chorus-—“Bohemian Girl”.BaTfe The Choir Accompanists: Mrs. Mattie Belle Bingey and Mrs. Robert Warke. ✓ These people were present at Mrs. Jacoby’s home Monday eve ning: Mrs. Mary Agnes Camp bell, Mrs. Joseph Sanders, Miss Mary Campbell, Miss Elizabeth Toner, Miss Rose Schram, Miss Myrtle Smith, Miss Florence R. FLOWERS Beautiful Blooming Plant* Fresh Cut Flowers Visit Our Display Chas. L Fischer 1622 PACIFIC AVENUE (opposite the library) Phone—Marine 1050 • Flowers by telegram to all parte of the U. S. and Canada ' ^ Oeuliata’ Preaerlptione a Specialty Developing and Printing 3ffmuti» Irna. Established 1898 OPTICIANS U-—■ | The Only Practical and i Fully Equipped Optical Workshop in Atlantic City We Invite Ton to Inspect Our Manufacturing Department V At 1006 Pacific Avi. (Next to Poetofficel^ LOOK FOR THE CLOCK Also at Maryland Ave. and Bdwk. KODAKS - SUPPLIES Raikes, Miss Nora L. Ritter, Mrs. Mattie B. Bingey, Mrs. Sara Rit ter, Mrs. Mahala Mason, Miss Ethel Pedrick, Misses Mabel and Nellie Pauley, Mrs. Pauley, Miss Mary Jacoby, Miss Remalda Conover, Miss Elsie Carr, Elmer Campbell, Mr. and Mts. Robert L. Warke, Jr., Mrs. John Brown, Mrs. John Truex, Mr. Wayne Redfield. Last evening at seven o’clock in the Chelsea-Ventnor Church, a quiet wedding was performed by Dr. Edwin Forrest Hann. He united Miss Beatrice Shafer, of Camden, and Mr. Merril Ernst, of Salem, two of his former parishioners. ^ Only a few of the intimate friends witnessed the ceremony, and these, together with the young couple, motored to the shore yesterday morning. Mrs.. Ernst is the daughter of the late Dr. William Shafer, and the sister of Dr. William Shafer, Jr., who is practicing medicine in Camden, N. J. Miss Marion Hudson Brown has been entertaining Miss Nora Stirling, of the “Connie Goes Home” company, during this past week. On Tuesday evening, j another member of the company, j Miss Audrey Hart, who took the part of Josephine Pierce, joined the young women at dinner. Miss Brown played last season -with the “World We Live In” company, and the season before that with Chpuncey Olcott in “Ragged Robin,” but she is at present1 resting at her home, 16 S. Ro^borough Avenue. Miss Anna Williams, the President of the Board of Edu cation, tjs now living at 119 N. Rosborough Avenue, having leased her cottage-on Ventnor Avenue for the sipnmer. Miss Verna Williams, who is spending her vacation with her sister, goes up every* day to the University of Pennsylvania, where she is taking an advance course , of study’. During the winter, Miss DR. P. C. MARTUCCI FOOT SPECIALIST The Ambassador Atlantic City Phone—Marin* 5800 924-925 -Stock Exchange Building 1411 Walnut Street - Philadelphia Verna is an - instructor in the Harrisburg High School. Mrs. Etta Van Praag, whose home is at Huntington, Long Island, is spending a couple of months with her niece, Mrs. Phoebe Gold, at Mrs* Gold’s home, 5409 Ventnor Avenue. When' she leaves 'Ventnor, Mrs. Van Praag will make a tour of the continent. Mr. and Mrs. O. Borck are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Marshall, who are spending the summer months at 6 N. Balti more Avenue. Overbrook claims the Marshalls during the winter. Others of the Overbrook dele gation who have come to the shore for the summer are Mr. and Mrs. George J. De Armond. They are living at 111 S. Vic toria Avenue, and have as guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. Keyser De Armond. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fox and their niece, Dolly Bollen, have moved from their winter home at 23 N. Nashville Avenue' to 5707 Winchester. The Foxes are very well known in Ventnor, and Dolly is one of the most popular of our younger set. Mrs. M. J. Kelly has changed her address for the coming sea son from 5251 Winchester Ave nue to 7973 Atlantic, Margate Park. On Monday, the twenty-fifth, Mr. James Ferguson and his family opened their Ventnor home at 5404 Winchester Ave nue. Their winter residence is in Philadelphia, 4236 Larchwood Avenue. Philadelphia has temporarily lost another of its residents to Ventnor in William C. Carman, who is now living at 6 S. Hill side Avenue, having closed his “The Spine is the Index to Your Health” H, W. HAYS, D.c'.Ph. C. ' CHIROPRACTOR c Palmer School Graduate / 2L > MILBURN APTS. Pacific and New Jersey Avenues Atlantic City, N. J. Office Hours: 10-T2, 2-5, 7-8 Phone—Marine. 2165 . Formerly associated with F. H. Seubold, D. C., Ph. C., of Chicago, 111. „ ' . “ J I Fresh Strawberry' is the most popular flavor of the Spring months in | the call for Smith Ices and Creams. In the use of I the first of the “berries,” Smith is a past master in B the art of appealing refreshment I H. H. SMITH & SONS I 1709-11 Atlantic Avenue Marine jll 7 /WHY BE UNCOMFORT ABLE IN. HOT WEATHER? Use Robbins & Myers F a n s And "Keep Cool—All Sizes in Stock , L. L. JONES COMPANY Wiring— -Fixture! Appliance* _ 1019-21 ATLANTIC AVENUE I home at 1220 W. Allegheny Avenue. v The house at 19 S. Wissa hickon Avenue has been leased for the summer by the James E. Walsh,es. Mr. Walsh is a promi nent business man in Philadel phia. The J. George Williams have come down from Philadelphia to live at 14 S. Vassar Square for the next three months.- Their home in Philadelphia is at 560 S. 48th Street. Also from Philadelphia comes Mrs. C. H. Segal to 12 N. Wey mouth Avenue. Miss Cordelia Arnold and Miss Mabel Gilbert, two of the Atlan tic City High School instructors, are touring New York' State in their car. They have an apart ment in Ventnor during the winter. , f Littleton, New Hampshire, claims Miss Ada Dow for the summer. Miss Dow, the super visor of the French Department in the Atlantic City High School, ERNEST BEYER PRINTER and STATIONER Office Outfitter ~ Pacific and Kentucky Avenues TeL— Marine 639 Dress Trimmings, Beads and Hemstitching Buttons Covered, Button Holes and Pleating SEWING MACHINE SHOP 10 S. Kentucky Ave. • Phone 3723-W is widely known in this city. Last July and August she spent in Prance, relaxing, after her arduous pedagogical duties, among the French people she is sd fond of. Motoring was elected, too, as a pleasant way to vacation by Miss Celia Haaz and Miss Kath ryn Carrigan, who have left for Ithaca, New York, in their coupe. ™e RosarySHOP Complete Line of Religious Articles 35 S. Tennessee Avenue Phone—Marine 439-R Blue Goose Fruit Market Little Rock & AtL Ave*. Fruit and Produce of AU Variety “Once a customer— Always a customer" THERE’S A REASON ’Phone 1546 Neptune . r-i \ Orders Delivered URNITURE UPHOLSTERING CABINET WORK REFINISHING REPAIRING RE-CANING ENAMELING CUSHIONS WICKER WORK “Quality Serrice” May We Call and Estimate? Ventnor Furniture Shop 21 S. LITTLE ROCK AVENUE ' Neptune 577-W A Feeling of Confidence is enjoyed by the man who is saving money that can never be experienced in any other way—a confidence that you are getting somewhere, that you are mak ing progress—a confidence that'you ARE succeeding and that encourages you to ; strive for greater success. Get the saving habit—it’s a success habit. VENTNOR TRUST COMPANY VICTORIA AND ATLANTIC AVENUES VENTNOR CITY, N. J. A Wonderful Sale of Beautiful Summery Silk and Cotton DRESS FABRICS Hosts, of exquisite new materials await the touch of nimble fingers to fash ion them into lovely cool sports or Fussy Frocks, - - - New Sports Cotton Fabrics (Verplaid Crepes—Hemstitched Check Crepes—Plaid and Stripe Ratines. Woven overplaids of black or plain colors in newest shades of gray, green, cocoa, oyster, orange, rose, tan and American Beauty. Regularly $1.25 yard ..„. 'v Imported Dotted Swiss Made in Switzerland; small and medium embroidered dots in all wanted light *"7QC and dark shades. • 27 , 69c Satin Stripe Lingerie Cloth _ For underwear slips, etc. Colors are rose, copen, navy, pink, orchid, light blue, CQC light gray and white, yard . *7*7 $3.60 Crepe de Chine Heavy quality, all silk, in newest light and dark figured patterns, 40 inches fij 1 QC wide, yard . V A *170 35c Imported Jap Crepe Fine quality £or cool, easy to slip on dress, blouses or children's frocks. OQC All newest shades.' Yard . 59c to 65c Imported Scotch Gingham . Handsome clear woven check and plain ginghams of fine soft textures, newest Summer shades, yard ... 45c $3.95 Figured Roshanara Crepe Silks For smartest sports frocks, jacquettes and blouses; fashion’s newest pat- ^2 49 terns and colors. Yard. * White Brocaded Sport Silks Thirty-six inches wide. Dotted, blocked overplaids and stripe patterns, plain weaves to match for sport skirts, blouses and dresses. Very new. » $2.00 value, yard . $1.59 THE PREIS STORE I! 1616-18 Atlantic Ave. at Mt. Vernon I