Ventnor Theatre WEYMOUTH AND VENTNOR AVENUES TODAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY TRIFLING WITH HONOR With a Superb Cast Including: ROCKLIFFE FELLOWS, FRITZI RIDGWAY, BUDDY MESSENGER and HAYDEN STEVENSON &; TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY NORMA TALMADGE In a Revival of Her Success THE HEART OF WETONA Bijou Theatre On the Board " Walk at So. Carolina Ave. Walk at So. Carolina Ave. TODAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY TRIFLING WITH HONOR With a Superb Cast Including: ROCKLIFFE FELLOWS FRITZI RIDGWAY BUDDY MESSENGER HAYDEN STEVENSON The Picture They’re All Talking About WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY MARY OF THE MOVIES 1 ^ V * -A Forty ^famous motion picture stars——and a little unknown girl who tramped her way from studio to studio until she started up the ladder of success at the top of which she found fame-and love!—That's “Mary of the Movies.” f APITOI IHEAIRE Vi 1A A 1 VSL* ... MARYLAND AND ATLANTIC AVENUES TODAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY Temporary Marriage The Picture Sensation of the Year! The picture which records faithfully what occurs in millions of homes. rtCast Includes: j KENNETH HARLAN MILDRED DAVIS MYRTLE STEDMAN TULLY MARSHALL MAUDE GEORGE STUART HOLMES Added Attraction GIANTS vs. YANKS Our Gang Comedy The Plays At A Glance, Melodrama At the Ventnor Theatre today, I tomorrow and Monday is “Tri fling with Honor,” a picture ! graphically depicting the harm that results when men and wom en believe that the finer things in life are not sacred and that the moral code is an infringe ment on personal rights and a destroyer of pleasure. Prom inent in the cast are Rockliffe Fellows, Fritzi Ridgway, Buddy Messinger and Hayden Steven son. Proof of the popularity of this picture is evidenced in the fact that it is also being shown at the Bijou Theatre on the same dates. “Mary of the Movies,” being the main inducement at the Bi jou Theatre on Wednesday, deals with the struggles of an obscure little girl, talented and beauti ful, trying to gain fame in the' movies. In her visits to the vari ous studios in Hollywood are seen forty of the leading motion pic ture stars of America. Into the plot is woven a love story that gives the picture an added ap peal of heart interest. Of Marriage Showing that matrimony is a transient relationship that lasts no longer than the fickle whims and fancies of the husband and wife, “Temporary Marriage,” begins a four-day consecutive engagement at the Capitol Thea tre on Saturday. It illustrates with daring realism just what occurs in millions of homes that SAVOY THEATRE One Week Commencing Sunday See the wonderful picturization of the | San Francisco Fire! | You will find in this tremen dous production a faithful and complete chronicle of this most dire catastrophe of modern times—thrilling, staggering, stupendous! A gigantic climax to one of the most beautiful love stories ever screened! CARL LAEMMLE presents LON CHANEY VIRGINIA VALLI and a superb cast in The SHOCK Atlantic City’s Big Musical Sensation PARADISE North Illinois Avenue near Mediterranean America’* Foremost Colored Artists Most Dance Compelling Music in Atlantic City Bigger! Better! More Beautiful! You Haven’t Been in Atlantic City Unless You’ve been to - ’’PARADISE’’ causes domestic disruption and divorce. The picture is an ex planation of why matrimony is not a permanent institution. One of the mysteries of mod ern living conditions is why it is that a woman who has ardent ly loved once can again bring herself to marry another man be cause of her first husband’s death, and why a woman who has experimented in marriage once or more and has found it I repugnant will risk another chance. For the solution to this problem see “Why Women Re marry” at the City Square Thea tre, Sunday and Monday. Jane Novak heads the notable cast who have as their vehicle “Divorce” which is being offered the patrons of the Criterion The atre on Wednesday and Thurs day. This is another fearless ex pose of the evils in the home that are threatening civilization by causing complete annihilation of the marital bonds. Of Excitement Scenes of the devastating San j Francisco fire make a thrilling' climax for the picture being pre sented at the Savoy Theatre all j next week. The title is “The Shock.” Lon Chaney enacting the role of a crippled crook is given ample opportunity to prove j his title of “the man with a thou sand faces.” He is well support ed by the fascinating Virginia Valli. The plot centers about the1 noble love of a thief, whose twist ed body is symbolic of his soul, for a girl far above him socially, morally and intellectually. How he makes the supreme sacrifice for her and how he is reformed constitute a tale remarkable. The only other picture of ex citement showing at a local thea tre this half of the week is “Bavu” the main attraction at the Capitol on Wednesday. The plot of the story is woven into a revolution wherein a nobleman and an illiterate peasant fight side by side for their queen, the woman they both passionately love. Scenes of hand to hand fighting, battles between armies and episodes of adventure give the play the well deserved agno men of “everlastingly exciting.” Of Love Picturesque England and ex otic Egypt with its famous Pyra mids are the settings for “Bella Donna,” commencing a four-day run at the Colonial Theatre to day. The motif of the story is how a young man falls in love with a disreputable woman. The adventures, the escapades, the sufferings that result from this infatuation make a cinema of un rivalled interest and splendor. Its true type and calibre is best de scribed by stating that the lead ing role is interpreted by Pola Negri. The only other film with a love theme is “The Heart of Wetona,” scheduled to be the feature at the Ventnor Theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday. This drama centers about the sufferings of a beauti ful Indian girl whose life is noth ing but sacrifice for those whom she loves. How she undergoes pain and martyrdom for a white man who in turn gives her but passing thought, makes the pro duction of pathos and emotional beauty seldom found on the sil vered sheet. The role of Wetona is played by Norma Talmadge who does full justice to the dif ficult part. Adaptation From the Novel Blasco Ibanez, the great Span ish novelist, has assisted in adapting another of his popular books for screen presentation. GLOBE THEATRE Boardwalk & St. Charles Place DIRECTION STANLEY CO. OF AMERICA BF KF1TH exclusive • r . 1YE*1 1 11 VAUDEVILLE TODAY 3:00 MME. OLGA TONIGHT 8:30 PETROVA Walter C. Kelly and Big All Star Show Tomorrow Night—at 8:30—Tomorrow Night Mammoth Sunday Concert FRANK TINNEY In a Scream of Travesty, “Meet the Wife” Gut Fowler—Fleurette Joeffrie-George F. Moore and Girls —Chas. Harrison & Sylvia Dakin with Billy Hogue—Van Horn & Inez—Aesop’s Fables—Topics of the Day— Pa the News Mat. at 3.00 TWO SHOWS DAILY Night at 8.30 27c to $1.00—Plus Tax Except Sunday 27c to $1.50—Plus Tax Seats on Sale One Week in Advance Ample Parking Space for Automobiles on Delaware Ave. & St. Charles PI. Steacys Candies Nut and Cream Filled SALT WATER TAFFY A Different Confection That You Will Like Send a Box to Your Friends Parcel Post Our Famous Chocolates in Special Gift Boxes Always Please Two Stores: 5207 VENTNOR AVE., Ventnor Theatre Building BOARDWALK AND NEW JERSEY AVE. j This time the story is “Enemies I of Women,” which is conceded to 'W jbe the best creation from the pen of Ibanez and in its transference", from the page to the celluloid J| there is gained a vividness and a colorfulness that the book never possessed. Lionel Barrymore and Alma Rubens are foremost among the excellent cast. This photo pla^ may be witnessed at the Virginia. Theatre for an en tire week beginning today. I •frHr: Farcical Comedy ijpp Snub Pollard, Harold Lloyd, and Bobby Dunn are the creators^! of uproarious humor at the City Square Theatre on Tuesday in the semi-monthly All-Comedy Day. Besides the pictures that - the enumerated artists of laugh ter will appear in, there will be shown “How to Make a Radio for Sixty Cents” and “Chicken S Feed.” \ h Western There is but one Western film if % being offered at the local thea- 5 ■; tres this half of the week. It is V; ‘A Man’s Size” with William Russell in the role of a rough and ready cowboy whose hard ness of heart is only softened when he finally falls in love. This dim is at the City Square on Thursday and is complemented - by Round Five of H. C. Witwer’s famous Collier serial, “Fighting Blood.” Of similar type and appealing to the lovers of western drama is the production, “Outlaw of the 6ea” in which are shown the pi rates of modern times who are robbing the smaller vessels that ply between Europe and America. Comedy Drama The man who gets whatever he is sent after is the hero of “The uo-Cetter,” a Peter B. Kyne story, being on the Sunday and Monday programs of the Cri terion. Included in the cast are such dramatic notables as Seena Owens, T. Roy Barnes and Wil liam Norris. Betty Compson, Bert Lytell, I May McAvoy and Gareth Hughes are the scintillant performers ofre»js the play at the Central Theatre on Sunday and Monday. “Kick In” is the name, and the first word of the title aptly describes j the nature of the production, j since its humor and situations, [ all have plenty of “kick.” — Theresa Maxwell Conover, the | stately and intelligent New York i actress, denies that she has | abandoned the dramatic stage for ! the screen. She is to appear in some Marion Davies’ pictures dur ing the summer, but next fall she will be in a new comedy. Marguerita Sylva sails next week for Paris, yes she does. She will see all the plays in Paris and the one that she likes best she will take for New York. Incidentally she will sing in a series of con certs in Paris and some of the other important cities. EVELYN NESBIT’S NEW CAFE EL PRINKIPO At NEW YORK AVENUE and | BOARDWALK MISS NESBIT appears nightly, assisted by MARION DE ROCHE PEGGY CALDWELL THr.LMA PORTER fl an d an orchestra de luxe “Original '1? ■■ m Versatile Serenaders"*SlM Lucky Dance Favors Easily reached by chair or taxi