We can be glad that our faith
in human nature doesn’t rest
Post Office pens
See you tomorrow ’ ’
The bottom layer of fruit in a basket
Hair Tonics
Egg Sandwiches
But we can be thankful for the
friendliness of our fellow-men;
for the joy of our daily task;
for the club in which we find
inspiration in what the other
fellow does.
And we ourselves are glad that
the faith of the public in James'
Salt Water Taffy (cut to fit the
mouth) is daily demonstrated in
terms of pounds. It’s only
natural that something in which
we have had great faith should
win the confidence of those for
whom it is made.
a 9
Salt Water Taffy
Sold Only At
1519 Boardwalk
Sporting Reminiscences of
William A. Brady
As Told to George B. Underwood
“Why, I wouldn’t be surprised
if I could fix things up for Fitz
down at my club at Coney Island.
Bob can take on that big, clumsy
California youngster, Jeffries,
who was one of Corbett’s spar
ring partners at Carson City, and
who made such a rotten showing
here against Bob Armstrong. It
certainly will be easy money for
' Fitzsimmons!”
“I’ll mention it to him,” re
marked the printer, rising to the
bait. “It looks good to me. The
people want to see him in the
ring so much they will not care
who he fights. I’ll put a flea in
Bob’s ear.”
I did a bit of quick thinking.
Then I sat down to the desk and
began to figure. I had gone over
the whole proposition before and
knew just what I could offer Fitz
simmons. But to make things
impressive and keep up the game
I covered the paper with figures.
I apparently thought away des
perately for several minutes.
Then I declared:
“You know the preliminaries
will not cost much when we have i
a world’s champion like Fitzsim
mons to head the bill. I will not
have to give that big stiff Jeffries
much either. As soon as the fight
is over I can ship him back to
California and get rid of him.
Why, the show can be staged at
such a little cost that I can give
Fitzsimmons sixty-five per cent!
Sixty-five per cent, think of it!
“The public is so fight mad at
the present time that we will
draw a record house. Against
that dub Jeffries, Fitzsimmons
will get the biggest sum of money
he ever fought for. It will be
a record purse for him, but be
cause of the small cost of the
show I can make plenty of money
to pay expenses and reap a fair
profit as well. Gee, I’m certain
ly glad, both for my sake, and
for Bob’s, that I dropped in here
to see you and the idea came to
The game worked. A few
days later Fitzsimmons and Mar
tin Julian, brother-in-law and
manager of Ruby Robert, came
around to see me.
They lost no time in affixing
their signatures to a contract
calling for Fitzsimmons to de
fend his title against “that dub
Jeffries,” for which Fitzsimmons
was to receive the nice bit of
sixty-five per cent of what prom
ised to be a record gate. To Bob
it looked like a “fat killing.”
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Remember, Fitzsimmons never <
had seen Jeffries. To be sure,
Jeff was in Corbett’s corner at
Carson City, but it was Corbett
on whom Fitzsimmons’ eyes had
rested that day. He had no call
to notice the men in Corbett’s
It never pays to underestimate
an adversary. Be sure you know
something about who you tackle
in ring business, politics or any
thing else. Slighting or under
estimating an opponent is a dan
gerous thing. Good old Bob Fitz
simmons, if the Great Timekeep
er had not counted him out and
he were alive today, would tell
you that.
“The bigger they are the ’arder
they fall,” confidentially chuckled ]
Fitzsimmons one day in training,
after some one had brought him |
reports of how huge and hercu- i
lean Jeffries really was. i
Fitz did not then know that j
there was somethnig besides mere j
bulk and bone to Jeffries, and. I
that by the sheer nature of things 1
a good big man will whip a good I
little man every time. §
Jeffries trained for Fitzsim-m
mons at a Jersey coast resort, the 1
same as Corbett had trained for 1
Sullivan before him. I secured 1
the Big Fellow a cottage at Al- f
lenhurst, not far from the beach 1
at Asbury Park. There, with I
Trainer Billy Delaney, Jack Jef- .
fries, Tommy Ryan and big Ed 1
Dunkhorst, Jim whipped himself
into shape.
At Allenhurst Camp
I don’t believe any one ever
worked harder for a fight than
Jeffries did for his title bout with
Fitzsimmons. The big fellow
was a glutton for work and
Trainer Delaney was a hard task
master. Jeffries weighed 245
pounds when he came East and
most of it was solid bone and
muscle, but three days before his
fight with Fitzsimmons the Cali
fornian had reduced to 206
At 206 pounds Jeffries was lean
as a pit bulldog, nothing but
sheer bone and muscle, with the
cords and sinews fairly corru
gating him. The weight might
have been a bit low for Jeffries
and perhaps he didn’t have quite
the stamina and stay he pos
sessed when carrying a few
pounds of reserve flesh. A boxer
must have a bit of fatty tissue
to work on. Drying out too fine
saps one’s stamina and vitality.
Still, Jeffries appeared in the
proverbial pink against Fitz.
(To be Continued.)
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