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Ventnor news. (Ventnor City, N.J.) 1907-1926, August 11, 1923, Image 8

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Church Notes
Memorial services were held in
most of the churches of Ventnor
and the neighboring resorts Fri
day morning in reverential re
spect for the burial of Warren
G. Harding, late president of the
United States. In many of the
places of worship the religious
exercises consisted of silent med
itation and brief prayers by the
pastors in charge. In others,
sermons of an eulogistic nature
were preached. But wherever
and whatever the services, they
all were characterized by funeral
solemnity, and all Ventnor with
the rest of the country, paid the
last respects to Warren G. Hard
ing as he was lowered into his
final resting place in the little
cemetery at Marion, Ohio.
“The Mystery of God” is the
topic selected by Reverend T.
Roland Philips, of Baltimore,
Md., and pastor of the St. John’s
by-the-Sea Church, for the morn
ing service next Sunday. This
is the first of a series of ser
mons known as “The Mysteries”
and as the title suggests, they
deal in specific detail with each
particular mystery recorded in
the Old and New Testaments.
Each mystery will be discussed
and explained in a separate ser
mon. In the evening the second
of the series, “When God Came
Down to Earth,” will be deliv
it -ered by Rev. Philips. This time
the subject is “When God Came
Down to Egypt.” It is based
upon the biblical story in the
Old Testament about how the Di
vine Creator delivered the chil
dren of Israel from out of the
land of Egypt.
1 * «■ *
At the New Methodist Protes
tant Chapel, located at Mel
bourne and Ventnor Avenues,
there will be both morning and
evening services. The morning
services, beginning at 10.30, will
be conducted by Rev. Gecrge D.
^ Jones, who will pieach the ser
mon. His subject as announced in
advance is “Spiritual Enlighten
ments” and promises to be an in
teresting homily on whether or
not mundane mortals can receive
communications from the Al
mighty. In the evening the
preacher will be the Rev. Roby
S. Day, welMtnovvn theologian of
Inwood, Long Island. His ad
dresses are generally profound
studies into the connection be
tween the teachings of Christ and
their application to modern life.
James Boyce’ will assist at the
evening services with his offer
ing of choral music.
* * *
On Friday the Ventnor Com
munity Church (Congregational)
combined with the St. Paul’s
Church at Pacific and Ohio Av
enues in the memorial services
for Warren G. Harding, held
in the uptown church. The
regular services will be held in
Ventnor this Sunday. In the
morning the Ventnor Theatre
will be the site of the religious
ceremonies with Dr. Marna S.
Poulson preaching. In the eve
ning he will conduct services in
the basement of the church at
the corner of Frankfort and
Ventnor Avenues. According to
announcement made by Dr. Poul
son, the new church, which when
completed will be one of the fin
est edifices of the island, will be
sufficiently- finished for services
to be held in the Sunday School
room some time before the end
of this month. Difficulty in ob
taining building' material has
considerably held up the con
struction work.
* * *
No sermons are being preached
at the St. James’ Catholic
Church during the summer
months, most of the services be
ing devoted to prayer and the
singing of psalms. Rev. Greg
ory Moran is in charge. The
ladies of the parish are now com
pleting their plans for ' the
Lawn Fete that is to be held on
the church grounds on the eve
nings of August 23rd, 24th, and
Rev. J. L. Keith MacLeod, pas
tor of the First Baptist Church
of Pleasantville, conducting the
memorial services in the Chelsea
Baptist Church Friday, preached
an impressive and pertinent ser
mon. The pew which the late
President Harding occupied on
his two visits to that church was
draped in flowers of mourning.
The Rev. MacLeod, coincidental
as it may seem, addressed' Mr.
Harding on his first visit in the
same church two years ago, when
Dr. Cross was away on a vaca
tion. Again Dr. Cross is away,
and again Rev. MacLeod is
preaching for the especial minis
tration of President Harding,
[ who this time is there in spirit
Episcopal’services in memori
am for Warren G. Harding were
held yesterday at 10.30 by Rev.
James M. Niblo in the,St. Mich
ael’s Chapel at 114 South Frank
fort Avenue. On Sunday he will
preach at both the 10.30 and the
5.00 o’clock services. There will
also be services at 8.00 and 9.15
* * »
The August meeting of the
Women’s Guild of the Church of
St. John’s-by-the-Sea was held
on Tuesday afternoon, August
7th, at the home of Mrs. ^ohn
IG. Walton, 6211 Ventnor Avenue.
[Devotions were led by Mrs. Wm.
J. Montgomery, President, after
which many important matters
of business were discussed. Mrs.
Frederick Neale introduced, the
chief speaker of the afternoon,
Mrs. Stacey Roberts of, Korea.
Mrs. Roberts is engaged largely
in conducting Bible Conferences,
as well as in Sunday School work,
while her husband is Dean of the
Theological Seminary at Pyen
gyang, Korea. Mrs. Roberts
spoke on “The Bible in Korea.”
She told how Korean converts ]
stand firm for the whole Bible,
and its fundamental truths as a >
rule, although the faith of some
is wavering, as they- are unfor
tunately being influenced by
Modernists from Japan and
America. Koreans are gifted
with good memories and fre
quently. memorize many books of
the Bible, after which they en
deavor to put it into practice, i
Some years ago an Evangelistic
campaign was conducted in Ko
rea by Dr. Wilbilr Chapman,
after which half a million copies
of the Gospel of St. Mark were
sold to the people.
Following the address of Mrs.
Roberts, Miss M. Everitt of the
Y. W. C. A. told of her work
among the hotel girls of Atlan
tic City. Having very little time
to attend Divine Worship on ac
count of their many duffles, Miss
Eventt conducts a Song Service
for them every Sunday evening
from 9.30 to 10.30 at the Y. W.
C. A. when some uplifting
thought is emphasized through
song. The meetings'are well at
tended. The girls are not only
made to feel at home in the Y.
W. C. A. an(f that it belongs to
them as well as to all the girls
of the city, but Miss Everitt
comes in close personal touch
with them, and works for the
salvation of the girl. A party
was given them on Wednesday
evening, August 1st, when up
wards of 100 were present. They
all enjoyed a splendid social time.
I The Guild meeting closed with
prayer by Mrs. Frederick Neale,
after which delicious refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
The following were present:
Mrs. W. J. Montgomery, Mrs. H.
P. Rhoads, Mrs. F. Neale, Mrs.
J. G. Walton, Mrs. Wm. Smith,
Mrs. _ Stacey Roberts, Mrs. H.
Margolf, Mrs. Corcoran, Mrs. T.
R. Philips, Mrs. J. Roberts, Mrs.
Maud Neel, Mrs. T. J. Richards,
Miss Wynne, Miss M. Everitt,
Mrs. Shumway, Mrs. McKee,
Miss M. H. Seymour, Miss L.
Supplee, Mrs. E. J. Milesky, Mrs.
J. P. Hunter, Mrs. Mottershead,
Mrs. J. Fossett, Miss Emily
Smith, Miss Louise Smith, Miss
Elise Harrison, Miss Helen Wal
ton and Miss Jeannette Walton.
The Commodity for Every Use
Cooking Heating Lighting
Laundry Work
Demonstration and Display of All Modern
Gas Appliances in Our Spacious
Show Rooms
Commercial Department
Margate To Have "
Pageant Entry
* _
Chamber of. Commerce Head
Appoint* Committee to Take
Charge of Retort 'Exhibit
Authorization of an entry for
Margate City in the Atlantic City
Pageant next month was voted at
a spirited meeting of the Margate
Chamber of Commerce last Wed
nesday evening. President Reilley
named as a committee with full
power to act Louis G. McCorkle,
Clarence C. Chester and Thomas
Hodson. It is planned to intro
duce a novelty float for the entry.
Reciprocal action was taken by
the Chamber in the appointment
of three exchange members to rep
resent Margate in the Ventnor
City Board of Trade. The ap
pointees include Thomas Hodson,
C. C. Widdus and Orrey C. Hills.
The following were elected to
membership: Edwin L. Dixon,
Christian Bauer and William
Although no action was taken,
considerable discussion was in
dulged in touching fire hazards
created by careless campers.
Members of the Chamber who re
side" in close proximity to the
tented areas complained of nuis
ances maintained by ,the campers.
Informal discussion of. a pro
posal to hold a Ladies’s Night in
November resulted in the matter
You Are Invited to Attend
Conducted by _
Robert Arthur Elwood
(A Presbyterian Minister)
Each Sunday Morning
% May to September, 1923
Fifteenth Season—Seats Free
Boardwalk at South Carolina Avenue
being set down for consideration
at the September meeting.
An adjourned meeting of tne
Chamber will be held on August
22 at which time the details for
the Pageant display will be com
. Siren To Direct firemen
Installation of the new police
and fire alarm siren at the Mar
gate City Hall has been com
pleted by City Electrician Hills
and in the future volunteer fire
men will be summoned by blasts
blown in accordance with an
established code. The city has
been divided into fire districts and
two blasts will indicate that the
Sunday Etc. Church Servicea, 8 P. M.
Memorial and New Tone Avei.
i208 Atlantic Avenue, Apt. 1
Atlantic City, N. J.
Hours, 1 \o 6 P. M., except Sundays
Meetings, Tues. and Thurs., 8 P. M.
blaze is located in the area
bounded by Fredericksburg and
Mansfield Avenues, three blasts
being for that section between
Mansfield and Washington Ave
nues, while four .blasts will desig
nate the area between Washing
ton and Jackson Avenues. Five
blasts will indicate a riot call, .
while a single blast will summon
the police.. Attest call of one blast
will be blown daily at noon.
Tailo? Shop
All kinds of
Goods Called for and Delivered
Chelsea & Atlantic Aves.
Phone Marine 860
that skill and service can
provide is used to give you
real protection here, coupled
with lowest rates and ample
capital to furnish any
amount on __ the instant,
makes us—
On Diamonds — Jewelry — Listed Bonds — Listed Stocks
Seal Your Own Valuables. Returned Seal Intact
312-313 GUARANTEE TRUST BUILDING. Atlantic and N. Carolina Avaa.
1616-18 Atlantic Ave± at Mt. Vernon
Our Entire Summer Stocks
' ; ofz^
Women’s and Children’s
' Now Sacrificed
. s v ' ' ' ' •■
Regardless of former worth or cost
to effect Quick and Final Clearance
Instead of waiting until end of Summer to make reduc
tions, we have slashed prices now, so that our customers may
enjoy the benefit of owning fashionable Summer Apparel at
savings even greater than you will be offered elsewhere in
September. Come today while selections are at.their best

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