Jv Margate Property
Selling Strong
Near Beach Holding* Being
Snapped up by Investor*
A personality that penetrates,
a man of vision and decision, this
is the impression radiated from
Royden B. Davis, vice-president
of Gordon Williams & Co. resident
realtors of Ventnor. A two-;
minute talk with Royden Davis
is sufficient to reveal the reason
why he has been placed at the
helm to direct the extensive
properties of the Gordon Williams
development ip the heart of the
Margate district. Mr. Davis has
become a native son of Ventnor
by adoption. He left New York
years ago because he wanted to
get onto ground that he knew was
sound, grow up with it, and watch
Vice-Pres. of Gordon Williams and Co.
it grow, and make his clients "see
what he saw and share the pros
perity produced by progressive
property investment.
Mr. j Davis is a ha?3 man to
talk -to unless you are talking
business. To catch him between
appointments we had to corner
• ' him in his office at Iroquois and
Atlantic Avenues and get him to
give us verbal snapshots of his
work between busy interludes
with clients and phone calls.
Watchinghis busy pencil checking
off the most desirable lots on the
Gordon Williams properties, wef1
saw the birth of a new resort. In
ten minutes Royden Davis had
told us, with map and pencil the
features of the Margate boom.
We knew about Margate's pos
sibilities but here was the man
whose teaching was moving
ownership into Margate. These
new owners are Philadelphians,
New Yorkers, wise men of the
Sold by Glass, Pint or Quart
1031 Boardwalk
Shop No. 1
5212 Ventnor Are.
Shop No. 2
■ r
6519 Ventnor Are.
A GuAtw For Yo«
Uwm Cirod For
Gat the Advlea of
Landacapa Gardanar
IM-I Aatiar'a Tarraca, S. Gaorila Ava.
east who see the expansion of oar
island beach properties, and with
shrewd business men of Atlantic
City and Ventnor, are buying now
to sell and build and build and sell
in the cycle of growth that ma^ks
the march of Margate, the city
rising by the sea.
Fifth Avenoe Shop
'Women residing in Ventiior,
Atlantic ’ pity and the other re
sorts of Absecon Island who have
been put to the inconvenience of
traveling to New York or Phila
delphia to obtain their millinery,
will be glad to hear of Mme.
Serposs and her new Fifth Ave
nue Shop. VA Y. \ J f
Located conveniently in the
heart of the shopping district,
■1406 Atlantic Avenue, Mme. Ser
poss is offering at the most moaer
ate prices an exclusive display of
the latest models in, millinery
which will appeal to the most dis
criminating taste. Having been,
connected personally with the
Fifth Avenue Shop in New York
City for a number of years, Mme.
Serposs is prepared to offer her
services and experience. She is
extending through the medium of
her new shop all the service and/
quality of the metropolitan stores
and is eliminating the necessity
for the traveling out of town to
secure millinery thus filling a
long felt want.
«, . 3cckcnb8ugh
>i Every Hour
On the Hour
and New York
Few persons in the United States know that the largest single freight
station in the world is located in Philadelphia—the Port Richmond Ter
minal of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway. •
It has a frontage of 5400 feet (over a mile) on the Delaware River—covers
about 225 acres—and has track storage for 5600 cars. These cars are on
139 tracks which branch out, without congesting or interfering with traffic,
on the 4 main tracks. All told there are over 86 miles of railroad tracks in
this wonderful Port Richmond Terminal.
There are grain elevators—piers for foreigti export—piers for coastwise
trade—piers for a car float service between different pclnts in Philadelphia
and Camden—in addition to a yard for coal storage that holds 180,000 tons
at a tune. * ^ . .. ^ ^ i
Not alone in size is this Port Richmond Terminal unusual, but it is equipped
with every modern labor-saving and time-saving device that makes for the
efficient and quicker handling of freight. A case in point is found in ,the
fact that to increase the capacity of the coal piers in the near future to
7,500,000 tons yearly, a monster McMyler dumper is being installed at a
cost of $1,250,000. v
We want Philadelphians and our nearby neighbors to know the above facts
so they may appreciate the magnitude of the Philadelphia and Reading
Railway, and to be as proud of it as we folks who work on it. It is fourth
among all the railroads of the United States in the amount of tonnage
handled—and the United States has some pretty big railroad?.
< Learn to regard the Philadelphia and Reading Railway as something
belonging to the community that is very worth-while. Then help us to
keep it in the community so that it can function free and untrammeled, and
the better serve you.
. _ fcV * *
Philadelphia & Reading Railway
: •
• ‘ : %■ "
Ship 'and Z/rctfel via “Uhe
Agnetv T. Diem,