Newspaper Page Text
EI‘Ti'yr * CURRENT NEWS PImiutr9W' Linwood NortUieM Soman Point , „._CorY*,0HI' 19*»—AO BlchU Btterni fcKO»ntHT Publmhino Co., of AtUntle City VENTNOR, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28, 1923 TWO CENTS PER COPY Vol. 17 No. 40 TbanksgivingTarkey and Xmas Goose Ottr Columnist Thinks There Has Been an Unconscious Unifica tion of the Two Feasts— Their, Kindly Influence Has Penetrated the Ice and Granite of Yore (By A VETERAN SCRIBBLER) It would he very interesting, if there were any means of doing it, to take account of the changing tone of the various Christmas homilies, from doctrinal to vital, from ideal to real; but the ac cutnulation of any such statistics must be for some larger room than the editorial sanctum. Here there is only space for a guess, a question, a hasty conclusion or two; and these are preferably concerned with the less serious aspects of the subject in hand We may venture upon the sug gestion that Thanksgiving with its direct relation, to recent and ob vious fact has characterized Christmas feeling and thinking, as these have imparted some thing of their significance to the modern holiday; but we can of fer no proof of its correctness. That there has been an uncon scious unification of, the two feasts in', certain material as pects, every one knows. The Thanksgiving turkey has driven | the, Christmas goose from all tables; and in turn,the mince-pie 1 of Christmas shares the honor of j completing the Thanksgiving in-' (Continued on Page 34) j Kiwanis Favors Wider White Horse Pike Walter J. Busby’s Motion Results in Designation of Committee to Address State Highway Commission in December Following the suggestion of Walter J. Buzby, that the Kiwanis Club of Atlantic City go on record as favoring the widening of the famous White Horse Pike, the club unanimously. adopted the motion which calls for the ap pointment of a committee to ap pear before the State Highway Commission when it , meets in At lantic City on December 7 and 8 and advocate this improvement. Mr. Buzby is chairman of the Kiwanis Public Affairs Committee and in bringing this subject to the attention of the club he referred to the .recent publication in a Pennsylvania paper of an article calling the White Horse Pike “the avenue of death.” “This is mighty bad advertising for Atlantic City,” said Mr. Buzby, “and it hits every other South Jersey coast resort” Mr. Buzby’s con nection with the Hotel Dennis makes this move all the stronger as it undoubtedly reflects the sentiment , of ether leading busi ness men bf the city. Deliver!** at any tim* desired daily and this insures Ventnor householders the best service for all kinds of sea foods, if orders are given to the CHELSEA FISH MARKET, 2707 Atlantic Avenue. Phones, Bell—Marin* 2180 and 2181.—Adv. organ Dedication Mr. Herbert Henderson, organist •f tho Colonial Theatre, will con tribute a apodal* article review |nf the concert given it the nedl cation ol th# organ in the new H.*b School on Tuesday whlch wiilap jyir pent week in the VENTNOR Robbers Ransack Cole Residence Valuable Jewelry Stolen From Home of Maurice Y. Cole in Winchester on Sunday Night Despite Dog’s Warning The loud and insistent barking of a collie dog, the property of Floyd T. Hand, next door neigh bor of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Y. Cole, of 5502 Ventnor Avenue, failed to drive off the robbers who broke into the Cole residence on ' Sunday evening while the owners were absent. The thieves made good their escape with over $750 in jewelry and cash. Investigation revealed that the robbers had gained access through a sun parlor window ; which had been jimmied and was found jammed open when the owners returned home about eight in the evening. Apparently the thieves left in a hurry by the back door. Upon inspection Mr. and Mrs. Cole discovered that the thieves had, for polite or sentimental reasons, left untouched several pieces of fraternity jewelry and all their personal wedding pres ents, apparently having picked over the loot with great discrim ination. Mr. Cole explained that with Mrs. Cole he had been mo toring in the country during the afternoon and upon returning home about six o’clock, had; not entered the house, but just opened the vestibule door to let out their police dog, which they then took for a walk, returning about eight o’clock. The robbery evidently was consummated in the interval. The articles stolen included one platinum and diamond stick pin, one amethyst and' diamond stickpin," one gold wrist watch with initials R. S. L. engraved upon the case, a perfume bottle valued at $25, three sets of cuff links valued at $140, $80 in cash, and several other pieces of small jewelry. No clues to the identity of the robbers have yet been discovered. Officers Hannigan and Fox, of the Ventiior police force, are working on the case. Edge Club Formed To Boom Senator Organisation Plan* to Give Re election Campaign an Early Start. Meeting Notable L for Enthusiasm • Last Friday a large group of the friends and supporters of United States Senator Walter E. Edge attended a first call meet ing held in the offices of Charles Knittel, at 5207. Atlantic Ave nue, and perfected the prelim inary organisation, of the Walter E. Edge Club t6 boom the Sen ator for re-election. The meet ing developed into a very en thusiastic affair, and evidenced the this}) personal esteem in which the Senator is held by his local constituents. Charles Knit tel was chosen temporary chair man and Joseph Miller was elect ed secretary of the new club. A meeting will be called shortly by the chairman at . which it is anticipated, the women voters of Ventnor will be asked to be pres ent to discuss general plans for further advancing the cause of Senator Edge’s candidacy. YELLOW CAB Company. Mar. 8000. Quick. Safa Service—Adv. —NEXT WINTER'S COAL— Ana tin Coal Cm Mar. IK- Ah THEY GET THE GOLD —A. G. Commercial Photo These ere this week’s winners of the $5.00 Gold Pieces which the Ventnor News is giring each week to the fortunate persons snapped by their camera man. V WHO ARE THEY? (See page 11 for further details of our weekly Gold Piece Offer) PROCLAMATION The mellow comforj of the season* of garnered harvests is about us. We are at peace in the midst of the material evi dence of industry, thrift, and the bounties supplied by the ap plication of honest labor. The lengthening rays of the sun reveal upon the broad avenues of our stately city the serene presence of order and the cleanliness that gives welcome alike to child hood and to manhood by an atmosphere that bespeaks the civic worship of home. In the harmony of our communal life we are in accord with the spirit of our nation. Fair fortune abides among us and the hand of distress has been withheld from our citizens and from our city. Singular have been the blessings bestowed upon us and manifold have been the gifts brought to us. For all this gathered,good we owe our thanks and rec ognize the beneficence of Almighty God. It is fitting that we as citizens unite to„give thanks for what has so abundantly been given to us. t Therefore, I, Almerin Marston, Mayor of Ventnor City, mindful of the health, happiness, and general prosperity that Almighty God has conferred upon this city and its people, do set aside and proclaim Thursday, November 29 as a day of spe cial Thanksgiving and public worship and do earnestly recom mend that upon this day no business be done within our city and that the citizens assemble in their accustomed places of wor ship and acknowledge their gratitude to God for the peace, pros perity, and abiding good of which we, as individuals and in out civic state have been the recipients. Given under my hand and seal this twenty-fourth day of November, A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-three. ALMERIN MARSTON. Exclusive Features Soon To Appear Gene Sarexen, Jock Hutchinson and Jim Barnes to Cover Golf for Ventnor News—Abner J. Gelula, Noted Radio Ex pert Also Joins Staff— Articles Begin in Next Issue The Ventnor News is proud to Announce to its readers that after weeks of negotiation it has secured, by special arrangement, four of the greatest features ever offered to the reading public. They, will appear exclusively in this paper, beginning with our next issue, December 5th. Gene Sarezen, professional golf cfiampion of the United States; Jock Hutchinson, last year’s British open golf champion, and Jim Barnes, America’s leading' ^professional golfer, will together cover the field of golf. Barnes will conduct a query column and (Continued on Page 84) “Buy Coal Now" — Riley Bros. Mar. t26«| 116 N. Brighton. Ado. W. W. Brittain To Be Next Commandant Will Succeed Dougla* D. Besore A* Head of James Harvey Post. Legion to Erect Flagstaff Officers will be elected at the annual meeting next Tuesday evening of James Harvey Post, No. 144, American Legion. Wil liam W. Brittain will succeed Douglas D, Besore as comman der, the latter’s term having ex pired. Several contests in minor offices are expected. At the last meeting of the Post, resolutions were adopted requesting the Board of Education to erect a flagstaff at the Troy Avenue Bchoolhouse and fly the national colors. It is claimed that this school is the only one on the is land not conforming to the es tablished custom of displaying: the flag. BOARDWALK BOOK SHOP 711 Boardwalk—Marino Z126-M Everything in Books. — Adv. Ventnor Council Winchester Avenue Paving Ac cepted. Authorize Bids for $100,000 Bond Sale for Wa terworks. Contractor To he Paid Contrary to the usual procedure in the matter of advertising for bids, Common Council last Mon day night directed the city clerk j to advertise the proposed sale by I the city of an automobile fire j engine with the award going to the highest bidder. Proposals to purchase the apparatus will be received by Council on January 14th. The city is about to acquire a modern airlift aerial, ladder truck to replace the front-drive apparatus in use for many years and now virtually unserviceable. With ample pumping and chemi-j cal apparatus the city has no further need for the first pumper known as the Webb. The city clerk was also directed to advertise for bids for the sale of bonds to the extent of $100,000, the proceeds of which will be ap plied to the cost of making im provements to the water works now nearing completion. Pro posals will be received on Janu ary 14th. On certificate of the city engi neer Common Council authorized final payment to Sutton & Corson, contractors, of $15,066.34, being the balance due on a total cost of $99,743.76 for the paving of Win chester Avenue, and Washington Avenue. Contractor Kahle will receive second payment of $6,725 for work done on the extension to (Continued on Page 34) Pleasantyille Auto In Bad Smasbnp Four Injured After Machines Crash Near Soldiers’ Monu- i ment. James Wray, Real Es- j tate Agent, Held Under $1000 Bail Following an accident which oc curred Sunday night at Ventnor and Albany- Avenues when two automobiles crashed, four per [ sons were injured, three seri I ously. The injured, who were taken I to the Atlantic City Hospital, are Golbert Nagel, 33, 117 Oakland Avenue, Pleasantville, concus sion of brain, fractured skull, severe cuts; Horace Nagei, 25, same address, broken hip;' El drege Wigand, 9, Oakland Ave- i nue, Pleasantville, brain concus-1 sion, fractured skull; Lee Wi- j gand, 81, the boy’s father, lacera tions. James V. Wray, real estate agent of 26 South Virginia Av enue, Atlantic City, crashed into the machine in which they were riding. Wray was held under $1,000 bail, charged with reck less driving, pending the outcome of those injured. Mrs. George C. Tilyoa Returns From Enrope Mrs. George C. Tilyou, wife of the owner of the Steeplechase Pier has returned to Atlantic City from an extensive European tour, during which she visited most gathering places of fashion upon the continent. SAVE MONEY BUY JUMBO PEA COAL Phone, Nep. 267, Avedon—Adv. Coffins Says Bill Is Exorbitant Tell* Margate City Commission $15 Charge is Too High and Protests Lack of Notice. Plans Ordered for Vent nor Parkway Drainage Protesting payment of a bill for $15 assessed for removal by city employes of bushes and high grass from the sidewalks of five lots, owned by him on Mansfield Avenue, Nur J. Collins, real es tate promoter, appeared before' the Margate City Commissioners last Thursday night and asked for a reduction in the amount, claiming that he had not been notified in accordance with the provisions of the city ordinance. 'No action was taken by the rulers, it having been shown that the City Clerk had mailed a notice in the same manner as all other property owners had been notified. Considerable debate ensued in T^hifch the Commissioners took is sue with the taxpayer on his claim that the price charged was exorbitant. William Maynard, county road supervisor, and Dor sey - Quinn, city employe, who was in charge of the work, also refuted the contention that the amount was excessive. Tax Collector McConnell was directed to confer with County Engineer Nelson in the matter of preparing plans for the instal lation of a surface drain on Vent nor Parkway. Resolutions passed by the County Board of Free holders setting forth the extent of the co-operation the county will be able to render in a finan cial way, were received and ordered filed. The county will reimburse the city in the amount of ?1.000. Tax Colector McConnell was authorized to cancel tax liens against property formerly owned by Frank J. Bensel, deceased. Many property owners having failed to comply with directions to lay sidewalks and curbs, the Commissioners will proceed to award a contract for the execu tion of the work and subsequent ly assess the cost to the owners. Bids will probably be asked on December 13. f Auto licenses Ready Soon Announcement has been made that automobile driver’s licenses and registration plates for the year 1924 for automobiles and motorcycles will be ready for dis tribution by Motor Vehicle Com missioner Andrew Orr on Decem ber 1st. A special date on which Ventnor motorists may secure licenses will be announced later. State Motor Vehicle Commis sioner Dill announced that New Jersey registration license plates for 1924 will have a red back ground with white numerals. Plates for 1925 will have a Jersey blue background with aluminum numerals. PACKARD TAXI SERVICE Phone*: Merino 3113-3114. Adv. Today’s Editorials Page 14 THANKSGIVING SHOP AT HOME THE GOLD DOLLAR THE FEAR OF MAN Classified Advertising Appears On ftge 30