Newspaper Page Text
Local Dogs Winners In Classic Show Entries of Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Merrick, and Mr. Taggart Capture Many Ribbons in A. C. Kennel Club Exhibit The interest aroused in the At lantic City Kennel Club’s dog < show this year brought out one : of the greatest exhibitions ever i featured in the resort. From < every angle the show was a sue- < cess, both from a sporting and i charitable standpoint, due to the ] labors of President Edward W. i Griswell and Dr. John McAnulty, 1 chairman of the Bench Com- s mittee. ] Molly Cinders by Prince Chum j E., and Brower’s Gyp, Mrs. Mar- £ garet C. Bradley's entry, made a t clean sweep among the Boston Terrier bitches. Mrs. Bradley is i a Ventnor resident and her feat a has never been equaled on Ab- I secon Island. Mrs. Charlotte Merrick, of Vent nor, won many to spaniel prizes. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pusey, with Teddy and Mitzie, won local dog and local bitch honors, re- 1 spectively. i Mrs. .Frank Mavis Farrington's *1 Feodora, of Livinia, was the win- t ner in the novice, local, and open classes among the Russian wolf- 1 hounds. ; Asta vom Forstbrunen, a local female shepherd, owned by O. H. ■ Schmidt, 108 Pacific Avenue, , won first and special prize in the 1 Local Class, which included all l female shepherds entered from : Atlantic City and County and 1 was also Reserve winner in the Open and Limited Class at the recent dog show held at the ‘ Steeplechase Pier under the aus- : pices of Atlantic County Kennel ■Club. This same dog has also won many prizes in other large dog shows in this country. Asta vom Forstbrunen was brought over from Germany last year by Mr. Schmidt from his father-in law’s kennels in Wurtemburg, Germany, which kennels are well- I known in that country for fine bred shepherd dogs. Asta vom \ Forstbrunen is a full-pedigreed ! female shepherd registered in ■ Germany and the American Ken- 1 ne! Club and is out of such famous dogs as Pasha vom Wuer tenburg, Olaf von der Hutte, Ayax von Riedeckenburg, Apollo von Huenstein, Flora Berke meyer, Kuno von Edelweiss, Jokel von Schweitzinger and many other well-known cham pions of Germany. Asta was lately bred to Frido von Randtal, of whom Mr. T. Parks Duncan LEGAL FIRE APPARATUS FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received by the Common Council of Ventnor City, when called for by the President at a meet ing to be held December 24th, 1923, at the hour of eight o’clock in the Coun cil Chamber of the City Hall, Ventnor City, New Jersey, for the sale of one Webb Pumper and hose cart. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check to the amount of one hundred ($100) dollars made to the order of Enoch S. Turner, City Treas urer. Ventnor City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. , By orders of the Common Council 6f Ventnor City. CHARLES E. RlBPPETTO. City Clerk. Dated Dec. 5th, 1923. Ventnor News, 12-5 PUBLIC NOTICE Commissioners of Assessment of Ventnor City will hold a meeting in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Ventnor City, New Jersey, on FRIDAY. DECEMBER 21st. 1923 AT 3 O’CLOCK P. M. for the purpose of assessing upon the lands and real estate benefited thereby, the paving of Winchester Avenue with concrete. At which time and place, any and all persons having an interest therein may be heard. CHARLES E. REPPETTO, i ' City Clerk. Dated Dec. 5th, 1923. Commissioners of Assessments: HERMAN MULOCK, JAMES McCLAY, WALTER JENKINS. Ventnor News, 12-5 The Annual Meeting of the Share holders of this Bank for the election of Directors and for the transaction of any other business will be held at the Banking House, Atlantic Avenue at Surrey Place, on Tuesday, January 8th, 1924, between the hour of Three P. M. and Pour P. M. GEORGE W. BOND. Cashier. is the proud owner. Frido von Randtai was Reserve winner last year in the Shepherd Dog Show in New York City, when said show was judged by Dr. Rosen-* beck, who came over from Ger many for this special occasion. Tag vora Forstbrunen, a nine month-old puppy by Asrta vom Forstbrunen and Tell yom Mess ala tz and owned by Ludwig and mtered by Thomas Taggart, of 55 South Indiana Avenue, car ded off more ribbons than any ither Atlantic City and County :ntry by taking one special, two irst, and two second prizes. This nippy had many admirers ,at the log show, among whom were Irs. T. Parks Duncan, a local hepherd dog fancier, and Mrs. Rockefeller Dodge, a nationally rominent figure in all the large hepherd Dog Shows and daugh 5r of Mrs. William Rockefeller. Asta voim Forstbrunen and her uppy, Tag vom Forstbrunen, Iso won a blue ribbon in the trace Class. To Paint Trolley Poles In the interest of safety first, he Atlantic City and Shore Rail oad Company is painting a sec ion of all trolley, poles along itlantic Avenue, white. Officials of the company main ain that this will prove to serve LEGAL To be presented for a public hearing nd final consideration at a meeting of he Common Council of Ventnor City, I. J., Monday, December 10th, 1923, it the hour of eight o’clock, at which ime and place any and all persons in erested in the provisions of this Or linance will be heard. ORDINANCE NO. 17 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR [•HE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF /ENTNOR CITY TO AN AMOUNT 'JOT EXCEEDING THE SUM OF FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, [$15,000) PAR VALUE FOR THE PURPOSE OF DERIVING MONEY FROM THE SALE THEREOF FOR rHE PURCHASE OF FIRE ENGINES, FIRE TRUCKS, HOSE CARTS OR 3TIIER VEHICLES FOR USE IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF VENTNOR 3ITY: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM MON COUNCIL OF VENTNOR CITY:, Section 1. That negotiable bonds of I /entnor City in the aggregate sum not >xceeding the sum of Fifteen thousand lollars ($15,000) be issued for the purpose of deriving moneys from the ale thereof for the purchase of Fire ngines, fire trucks, hose carts or othe:* vehicles for use in the Fire Department •f Ventnor City. Said bonds shall be >f the denomination of One thousand lollars ($1,000) each, to be dated Feb ruary 1st., 1924, and shall bear inter est at the rate of five per cent. (5 %) >er annum; payable semi-annually on the first days of February and August n each year; said bonds shall be num bered from 19 to 33 bqth inclusive, and shall mature in numerical order as follows: BOND number 1, aggregating the sum of One thousand dollars ($1,000) on the first day of February, 1925. Bonds No. 20 and No. 21 aggregating the sum of Two thousand dollars ($2,000) and those of the next suc ceeding numbers aggregating the sum of Two thousand dollars ($2,000) to and including February, 1st., 1932. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, sealed with the corporate seal of the City, and shall be attached by the City Clerk and the coupons attached to said bonds shall be signed with the fac-simile signature of the City Treas urer. Said bonds when ordered by a Reso lution of the Common Council of Vent nor City shall be sold for an amount not less than par value thereof, and there shall be raised by Tax each year hereafter while any of the said bonds are outstanding and unpaid, such sums of money as may be necessary to pay the interest on all outstanding bonds and the principal of said bonds as the same shall become due and payable. The amount of money to be raised for the purpose aforesaid is Fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000). Section 2. It is hereby determined and declared: (a) The probable period of useful ness of such fire engine, fire truck, hose cart or other vehicle for use in the Fire Department in Ventnor City is twenty (20) years. (b) The average assessed valuation of the Taxable real estate (including improvements) of the City of Ventnor City, computed on the next preceding three valuations thereof in the manner provided in Section 12 of Chapter 252 P. L., 1916, as amended is Ten mil lion, seven hundred and eighty-three thousand, two hundred and eighty three dollars and one cent ($10,783, 283.01). . (c) The net debt of the City of Ventnor City computed in the manner provided in said Section 12 of said Act as amended is Five hundred thirty nine thousand, seven hundred and twenty dollars and twenty-two cents ($539,720.22). (d) The Annual Debt Statement and the Supplemental Debt Statement required by Section 12 of said Act as amended have been made by the City Comptroller, the chief Financial Officer of the City and filed in the office of the City Clerk as required by said Act as amended. By orders of Common Council. C. K BEPPETTO, City Clerk. Dated 12-5-28 Ventnor News 12-5 as a means of further announcing the presence of the poles to motorists and pedestrians. LEGAL SHERIFF'S SALE ! By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, to | me directed, issued out of the New Jersey Court of Chancery, will be Bold at public vendue, on WEDNESDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF DECEMBER, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THREE at two o’clock in the afternoon of said day. in the Court Room No. 201, Sec ond Floor, Guarantee Trust Building, in the City of Atlantic City, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. All the following tract or jparcel of land and premises hereinafter particu larly described, situate, lying and being in the City of Ventnor City, in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. " First Tract Beginning at the Nortnwest corner of i Ninth Avenue and Avenue C (both ave nues being 50 feet wide) and runs thence (1) Northwardly along the West line of Ninth Avenue 500 feet to Ave nue D; thence (2) Westwardly along he South line of Avenue D 160 feet to Eighth Avenue; thence (3) Southwardly ilong the East line of Eighth Avenue >00 feet to Avenue C; thence (4) East A-ardly along the North line of Avenue 2 160 feet to the place of beginning. Being Lots 1 to 86 inclusive in Block 28 on plan of lots in Ventnor City en titled “Map of Building Lots in Vent nor City, N. J., owned by Wheelock Co., E. D. Rightmire, City Engineer, Vent nor City, N. J., Scale 150 feet—1 inch,” ?n file in the Clerk’s Office of Atlantic County at Mays Landing, N. J. Second Tract Beginning at the Northwest corner sf Sixth Avenue and Avenue D (both ivenues being fifty feet wide), and runs thence (1) Northwardly along the West line of Sixth Avenue 600 feet to \ venue E; thence (2) Westwardly ilong the South line of Avenue E 160 ■eet to Grand Avenue; thence (3) Southwardly along the East line of 3rand Avenue 500 feet to Avenue D; ;hence (4) Eastwardly along the North ine of Avenue D 160 feet to the place >f beginning. Being Lots 1 to 28 in clusive in Block 36 on plan of lots in Ventnor City, entitled “Map of Building Lot3 in Ventnor City, N. J., owned by Wheelock Co., E. D. Rightmire, City Engineer, Ventnor City, N. J., Scale 150 •eet—1 inch,” on file in the Clerk’s Office of Atlantic County at Mays Landing, N. J. Third Tract Beginning: at the Southwest corner of Eighth Avenue and Avenue D (both avenues being 50 feet wide) and runs thence (1) Westwardly along the South line of Avenue D 160 feet to Seventh A.venue; thence (2) Southwardly along the East line of Seventh Avenue 50 feet; thence (3) Eastwardly along a line parallel with Avenue D 80 feet; thence (4) Southwardly along a line parallel with Seventh Avenue 25 feet; thence (5) Westwardly along a line parallel with Avenue D 80 feet to Sev enth Avenue; thence (6) Southwardly along the East line of Seventh Avenue 75 feet; thence (7) Eastwardly along a line parallel with Avenue D 80 feet; thence (8) Southward along a line par allel with Seventh Avenue 175 feet; thence (9) Eastwardly along a line parallel with Avenue D 80 feet to Eighth Avenue; thence (10) North wardly along the West line of Eighth Avenue 325 feet to the place of begin ning. Being Lots 1, 2, 4, 5 to 10 in clusive, 12> 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 in Block 27 on plan of building lots in Ventnor City, N. J., entitled "Map of j Building Lots in Ventnor City, N. J., ! owned by Wheelock Co., E. D. Right- | mire. City Engineer, Ventnor City, N. ! J., Scale 150 feet—1 inch,” on file in the Clerk's Office of Atlantic County at Mays Landing, N. J. Decree approximately $26,446.62, be sides interest, costs and fees. . Seized as the property of Ventnor Park Development Company and taken in execution at the suit of Jeannette G. Schaffer and to be sold by MALCOLM B. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Dated, November 7, 1923. JOHN S. WESTCOTT. Solicitor. Pr’s fee, $45.78 Ventnor News—11—7-14-21-28; 12-5. SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, to ! me directed, issued out of the New | Jersey Court of Chancery, will be sold i at public vendue, on | WEDNESDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF DECEMBER, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THREE at two o’clock in the afternoon of said day, in the Court Room No. 201, Sec ond Floor, Guarantee Trust Building, in the City of Atlantic City, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. All the following tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter particu larly described, situate, lying and being in the City of Ventnor City, in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. first Tract ! Beginning in the Southeast corner of Avenue D and Sixth Avenue and runs I thence (1) Southwardly along the East I line of Sixth Avenue 150 feet; thence (2) Eastwardly along a line parallel | with Avenue D 80 feet; thence (3) Northwardly along a line parallel with | Sixth Avenue 150 feet to the South line ! of Avenue D; thence (4) Westwardly I along the South line of Avenue D 80 | feet to the Southeast corner of Ave nue D and Sixth Avenue, the place of beginning. Being Lots 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 in Block No. 26 on plan of lots in Vent ; nor City entitled “Map of Building Lots in Ventnor City, N. J., owned by Whee I lock Co., E. D. Rightmire, City Engi neer, Ventnor City, N. J., Scale 160 feet —1 inch,” on file in the Clerk’s office of Atlantic County at May’s Landing, In. j. Second Tract. Beginning at a point in the East line of Sixth Avenue distant 150 feet South of the Southeast corfier of Avenue D and Sixth Avenue; thence (1) East wardly along a line parallel with Ave I nue D 80 feet; thence (3) Southwardly along a line parallel with Sdxth Ave nue 100 feet; thence (8) Westwardly along a line parallel with Aver.ue D 80 feet to the East line of 8ixth Avenue; ] '■ w LEGAL thence (4) Northwardly along the East line of Sixth Avenue 100 feet to the place of beginning. Being Lots 11 ,18, 15 and 17 in Block 26 on plan of lots in Ventnor City entitled "Map of Build ing Lots in Ventnor City, N. J., owned by Wheelock Co., E. D. Rightmire, City Engineer, Ventnor City, N. J., Scale 150 feet—1 inch," on file in the Clerk’s Of j fice of Atlantic County at Mays Land ing, N. J. Third Tract Beginning in the Northwest corner of Seventh Avenue and Avenue C and runs thence (1) Northwardly along the West line of Seventh Avenue 250 feet; thencr. (2) Westwardly along a line par allel with Avenue C 80 feet; thence (3) Southwardly along a line parallel with j Seventh Avenue 250 feet to the North line of Avenue C: thence (4) East wards along the North line of Avenue C eighty feet to the Northwest corner of Seventh Avenue and Avenue C, the place of beginning. Being Lots 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 80, 32, 34 and 36 in Block 2(> on plan of lots in Ventnor City en titled "Map of Building Lots in Vent nor City, N. J., owned by Wheelock Co., E. D. Rightmire, City Engineer, Ventnor City, N. J., Scale 150 feet—1 inch," on file in the Clerk's Office of Atlantic County at Mays Landing, N, J. Fourth Tract Beginning at a point An the East line of Sixth Avenue distant 350 feet South of the Southeast corner of Avenue D and Sixth Avenue and runs (1) East wardly along a line parallel with Avenue D 80 feet; thence (2) Southwardly along a Jine parallel with Sixth Avenue 50 feet; thence (3) Westwardly along a line parallel with Avenue D 80 feet to the East line of Sixth Avenue; thence (4) Northwardly along the East line of Sixth Avenue 50 feet to the place of beginning. Being Lots 27 and 29 in Block 26 on plan of lots in Ventnor City entitled "Map of Building lots in Ventnor City, N. J., owned by Whee lock Co., E. D. Rightmire, City Engi neer, Ventnor City, N. J., Scale 150 feet—1 inch," on file in the Clerk’s Office of Atlantic County at Mays Land ing, N. J. Decree approximately $6,561.67, be sides interest, costs and fees. Seized as the property of Ventnor Park Development Company and taken in execution at the suit of Jeannette G. Schaffer and to be sold by MALCOLM B. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Dated November 7, 1923. JOHN S. WESTCOTT, Solicitor. Pr’s fee, $49.56 Ventnor News—11—7-14-21-28; 12—5. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LOST AND FOUND WHITE MALTESE POODLE-^-Answers to name “Peter,’* wore a green collar with Allentown, Pa., license. Liberal re ward and no questions asked. MacLaine, 110 S. Somerset Ave. Neptune 748-W. 12-5 SITUATION WANTED TRUSTWORTHY WHITE MAN—Seeks work; tend heater; paint floors; odd jobs of any kind. 109 7th Ave., Vent nor Heights. Neptune 1766. 12-5 APARTMENT WANTED One or two rooms and bath, Ventnor or Margate. What have you to offer. Box 101 Ventnor News, 5210 Ventnor Ave. AUCTIONEER BARRY—Auctioneer, appraiser. Est. 1884. WTiat have you to sell? We buy furniture. Get our estimate first. Auction sales solicited. 2815 Atlantic Ave. Marine 8810-W. Consignment sales when desired. 12-26 AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES TIRES'—'The Cofer Tire Exchange. Vul canizing and Retreading. Full line ot accessories. Dayton Tires and Tubes. Also used tires. 2116 Pacific Avenue. Marine 4575-J. 12-81 CRAMER TIRE SHOP/ 701% Arctic Ave. Bargains in used and new tires. Vulcanizing; all work guaran teed. Auto accessories. Marine 1756-J. 11-5-24 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OUR RECONDITIONED Buick, 1920, 46 Coupe . $600 Buick, 1921, 44 . $650 Buick, 1923, 37 .$1100 Buick, 1923, 38 Touring Sedan . $1050 Buick, 1923, 41 Touring Sedan . $1400 HALL AND GRAVATT, Inc. 2200 Atlantic Avenue WILL FINANCE ANY USED CAR _______ ' 11-13-24 ■ ■ VIM Delivery body, serviceable for City use; original cost $1200. Amusement Publishing Co. 508 N. TENNESSEE Phone Marine 1890 Dodge 1922-28 Type A Sedan ....81025 Dodge 1922-28 Tonring High Cowl $850 Dodge 1920 Touring .. fftgo Ford 1923' Panel .g250 Ford 1920 Touring . <18# EASTERN MQTOR CO. Arkansas and Aretlc Avennes CLASSIFIED AUTOMOBILES—FOR SALE Buick 7-Passenger Sedan Perfect Condition—^ust Remodeled Seven New Costa of Paint $1000 Antrim Motor Co.. Albany £ Winchester tf t • v Five Passenger Packard Touring Car. Wonderful condition; cheap at $500. G. S. Ruhiand Co., 3303 Atlantic Aye. tf HUPMOBILES—Late open and closed models. Terms. Hupp Used Car Dept.. Baltic and North Carolina. 10-22-24 MICHIGAN AUTO SALES EX CHANGE. 13-15 N. Michigan Av enue—Michigan Garage. Let us sell your car. We have nearly 100 calls for used cars daily. We sell for pri vate parties or automobile concerns. Fees 10 per cent, of sale price. We have all makes of good used cars at re markably low prices. Cash or terms. Phone Marine 1147-M. tf 2 Franklin Touring Cars, 1919 .. $360 Ford Sedan, 1922 . $300 Buick Sedan, 1923 .$1400 All cars in A-l mechanical con dition. J. R. HOGAN Albany Ave. and Boulevard tf AUTOMOBILE PAINTERS EXPERTS in Automobile Painting, j Monogramming and Lettering; esti- | mates cheerfully furnished. White Sc j Cummings, Wyoming Garage, Win chester and Wyoming Avenues. Tel.' Neptune 579-J. 11-20-24 Have your car painted now. We are equipped to give you the best work manship, material and service. PALACE AUTO. PAINT SHOP 611-615 Atlantic Ave. Richard E. Pietsch, Prop. 10-1-24 Automobile Painting FRED HERN Estimates Furnished Jobbing Promptly Attended To 8704 WINCHESTEB AVE. Marine 564 9-18-24 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING FORD inclosure for runabout, $18; touring, $80; Dodge, $37.50; Stude baker, $40; other cars accordingly. 114 N. Cornwall. 9 years’ exp. Nep. 616-W. • _ 12-26 ATLANTIC AUTO RADIATOR CO.. California and Arctic Avenues. Radi ators, fenders, repaired equal to new. Ford "Honey Comb” radiators and covers for replacement. Especially low prices._ 12-81 VENTNOR Machine Co., auto and marine repairing. Day and night service. Fifth Ave., Ventnor Heights. Neptune 205. 10-9-24 AUTO TOURS LAKEWOOD AND FLORIDA TRIPS Weekday and Sunday automobile trips to Lakewood and return. Parties of 4 to car, $20. Inclosed car&. Tours to Florida arranged. Very reasonable. Call Marine 6699-J for reservations. 12-26 AWNINGS JAMES LATIMER Practical Awning Maker and Canvas Roofer Factory: 10 North New Jersey Avenue Marine 3931 9-1.14 TP TT’.Q U A np ATS /1<a. WE MAKE IT Practical Awning Maker; Canvas Bool ing; Awnings Taken Down and Stored for Winter Prices Right THE NATIONAL TENT & AWNING CO. Roland Clifford, Prop. . •North Missouri Ava. Marine 8809-W t-d-24 BOOKS Go to OGILVIES when you wont books 88 S. Pennsylvania Ave. 12-21 BUILDERS E. S. WESCOAT J. SHAW 2619 Fairmont Ave. 441 N. Conn. Ave. , WESCOAT & SHAW HARDWOOD FLOORS New and Old Floors Scraped and Finished Ph.. Marina »67-R gtairs a Specialty * - _ tfj CLASSIFIED BICYCLES BICYCLES—$1.00 weekly. Expert re pairing. Joseph Delesantro, 28ft Atlantic Are. Marine 2668-W. 1141 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SPECIAL PRICES on Sporting Goods, Guns, Shells and Luggage. . L Roth stein, 1702 Atlantic Avenue. 6-21-24 BUSINESS SERVICE NEW MIRRORS made, old mirrors re silvered while you wait. Atlantic City Glass and Mirror Co., S81 Canal Street, Inlet section. Marine 1041-M. • Ml WHITE WASH'G, spray’g, kalsomin'g, patch plas., chimn. repair, ft cleaned. Johnson, 286 N. Ken. Marine 6861-W. ' 10-21-24 CARPENTERS ED ANDERSEN—All kinds of Jobbing, alterations, porch inclosures, window screens, 181 N. Arkansas. Mar. 46S8-J. 12-26 "If built by FLICK, it’s built RIGHT" Sun Parlors a Specialty Jobbing HARRY S. FUCK 28 North New Hampshire Aram. Marine 1261-J 4-2-24 Geo. C. Megill Fred B. Ardrey MEGILL & ARDREY Carpenters and Builders Presbyterian Ave. A Boardwalk Phones: Marine S46-M Pleaaantville 149-W 10-15-24 CARPENTER Mechanic—Experienced and thorough. Moderate prices by hour, day or contract L. P. FOWLES 6 NO. VICTORIA AVE. Phone, Neptune 427-J Mcknight & Baldwin CARPENTERS & BUILDERS JOBBING A SPECIALTY ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN RESIDENCE—MARINE 6180-W 44 N. RHODE ISLAND AVE. 12-26 GEO. W. KNOLL, Carpenter & Builder. Alterations, additions and repairs. Breakfast nooks, $40 up; porch enclos ures, $150 up. Estimates cheerfully given. Mar. 3726. Ill Metropolitan Av. 11-12-24 ALTERATIONS, Repairs, Building Car penter. Day or contract. Marine 4283-W. James A. Barr, 3 City Square. _ tf WILL SAVE YOU MONEY on any al terations or repairs on account of my small overhead expense. H. Kolmet sky, Carpenter and Builder, 288 S. Con gress Ave. Marine 5121. 11-26-24 CARPET CLEANING ATL. CITY CARPET CLEANING WKS. 1822 Baltic Avenue Mattress Renovating Upholstering JOHN SHOPPY Marine 1727-W 10-8-24 CARPETS Made, laid, cleaned and scoured. Bugs cut and altered. Oriental rugs a spe cialty. Linoleum laid and cemented. Phone Pleasantville 645-J. C. A. McKEEN 4 N. Brighton Ave., Pleasantville _ 10-22-24 VACUUM CLEANING—5 hour service. Scouring—3 day,- service. SEASHORE AND HUSTED Phone Marine 683 11-4-26 CHRISTMAS CARDS Greeting Cards of all Kinds—6c to $1.00 OGILVIES' BOOK STORE 38 S. Pennsylvania Ave. 12-20 CIGAR MANUFACTURERS FELDSTEIN BROS., >010 Atlantic Ave. Hand-made cigars enr specialty. Alas large assortment of pipes. lt-11 CLEANING AND DYEING STEAMING, Pressing and Dyeing at low prices; deliveries. Continental Cleaning Co. Marine 2S08-J. tf CLOTHING CUSTOM MADE SUITS—$36 op; satis faction guaranteed; all work done on premises. Scheffrin, 19 S. New York. 11-20-24 CLOTHING DEALERS SALE—Men's and young men's softs. and overcoats, $18.60, valne $36 np to $60. All hand-tailored, good flt guaranteed. A. Hirsehman, merchant tailor, 6 South North Carolina Avenue. 12-31 SLIGHTLY used clothing bought and sold. Call Mar. 6020-W. M. Bern stein, 12 N. Kentucky Ave. 2-0-24 CLOTHING WANTED \7l/'O Don’t throw away your Y husband’s old clothes. I pay the highest prices for Call Marine 2294-W 11-19 them. I pay spot cash for ladles’ and gentle ishoes. R. Tyre. 1216 Arctic. Marine >1S$-W 10-1-24