OCR Interpretation

Ventnor news. (Ventnor City, N.J.) 1907-1926, December 05, 1923, Image 36

Image and text provided by Rutgers University Libraries

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92059905/1923-12-05/ed-1/seq-36/

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Santa Claus Has Come! And He’ll Stay ’Till Xmas
■is &
Citizens and Soldiers- of Toyland Accord Him a Great Reception Upon His Arrival
vve iouna out an aDout it yesterday morn
ing- to our great surprise and joy. There,
' when we came in, sat jovial, smiling- old- , *
Santa, extending his hands in greeting and
enjoying our surprise and^lelight. In reply > .
to our questions, he said: “I came at midnight
through the skylight and surprised every- ‘.ZM
body. That is, I thought I would surprise
everybody, but it seems that the Dolly Wei-;
come Committee had prepared for me, and -
no sooner aia tney see me man a great recep
tion was held. All the wooden soldiers paraded
. and Jthe dolls sang carols, and the circus gave
a great performance. You never heard such
a blowing of horns and a beating of drums as
last night. And then when it was all over
they all took the ele'ctric trains and trolley
cars to their various homes on the counters,
and here we are all ready for the^boys and
girls of Atlantic City.” - s
Be Sure You Visit Santa at Toy land on the 8th Floor
- h.v .
He wants to shake hands with every little
boy and girl in the city. And listen—if you
really want to get your wish you’d best come
as soon as you can, for the jolly old gentle-.;
man is specially fond of the children who
come to talk with him. '
v . '■J'l ■
You’ll find him very easily on the eighth v ^
floor, surrounded by great- pyramids of:;,;;
drums and hundreds of dollies, and a fleet of
electric boats, and an army of soldiers, and
long trains of cars and—and;—oh, millions of
things and things that all boys*and girls want
lor Christmas.
So don’t forget to conrje and see him, or he
may forget you on Christmas,
M. E. Blatt Co.—Eighth Floor.
Lower Prices Than Anywhere Else In the City.
.-V .-.A.
“The Department Store of Atlantic City” -

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