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Ventnor news. (Ventnor City, N.J.) 1907-1926, February 27, 1924, Image 17

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A Weekly Letter from Billy Maine
With News of Tours, Autos, Sports --
and Movies on the Pacific Coast
* Hollywood, Calif.
Quite a number of months ago
I wrote about the great oppor
tunity Los Angeles and the Pacific
Southwest presented for a cotton
manufacturing center on account
of its close proximity to the raw
material. Well, somebody grasped
the opportunity and today in Los
Angeles, in the building wherein
pre-prohibition days beer was
manufactured, a cotton mill is in
full sway, and in the few months
in which it has been in operation,
has been so successful, that al
ready new buildings and ma
chinery are to be added. There
are many good sound reasons why
this section will soon become one
of the world’s great textile
centers. Some years ago New
England, with its great cotton
mills, tried to discourage the
South from manufacturing cotton
goods because her climate lacked
“humidity” but the Sou^h went
ahead just the same and today.
Southern mills are consuming
twice as much cotton as those in
Phone: Marine 2663-W
the North. Abundance of labor
and proximity to raw cotton gave
the South an advantage. How
ever, the boll-weevil syul other
things are causing the cotton
plant to die off in the South
eastern and Gulf States, and con
sequently, at the present time,
the Pacific Southwest is growing,
in ever-increasing quantities, the
best grade of cotton in the world.
Advantages here for growing are
superior to any other section.
There really are no droughts, so
to speak, floods or tornadoes and
growers have a nine months’
growing season. Irrigation makes
it possible to give the crop the
right amount of moisture at the
proper time, at the same time
eliminating danger from stains
and mildew caused by rain. And
the greatest advantage of all is
that there are no boll-weevil or
other cotton destroying pests here.
At present only 368,000 acres in
California are planted in cotton,
but at the present rate of increase
this section will soon be the
largest cotton producing area in
the United States. Cotton grow
ers are greatly benefited by near
by mills, and close proximity to
cotton fields is one of the greatest
advantages a mill can have, so it
seems, therefor, that Los Angeles
will soon have enough mills to con
sume the entire cotton crop of the
Pacific Southwest.
* * *
Jack Dionne, of Texas, pub
lisher of the Gulf Coast Lumber
man, recently said that the tide
of prosperity of Southern Cali
fornia .hasn’t got well started yet.
He is under the impression that
it will continue for years to come,
and expects.there will be one city
from Santa Monica to San Diego,
a continuous city of at least 15,
000,000 people, and he thinks
there is no doubt of it. In the
one hundred and forty miles from
San Diego to Santa Monica, every
foot of land is being grabbed,'
and home additions, which spring
up in a week, are completely sold
out before the public “opening”
takes place. In answering the
question, “How long will it last?”
Mr. Dionne says, “The greatest
city in the world is being built
at radio speed on the coast of
Southern California.” And Cali
fornians, except those from
! Frisco, hope he is correct in his
! predictions.
For the year 1923, while Cali
. fornisTclid not register more cars
; than did New York, it made a re
markable record. Of all the au
tomobiles sold in this state, Los
Angeles County bought more than
twenty-seven per cent, of them.
The Los Angeles total was 430,
335, which is 124,015 more than
during the year 1922. This vast
number of registrations exceeds
the combined totals of Arizona,
Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Mon
tana and Idaho. To equal Los
Angeles County machines, it is
necessary to add 82,000 from the
District of Columbia to the total
of the seven Western States. And
from the appearance of the com
ing year, it looks as tho the pres
ent record will be eclipsed.
* * *
Edward Everett Horten, screen
celebrity of Hollywood, was one of
the notables to take delivery of a
Peerless Coupe from Stanley
Smith, dealer in this section. It
is equipped with balloon cords and
is one of the nicest jobs to be
seen on Hollywood Boulevard.
Hiram Abrams, president of
United Artists, arrived in Los
Angeles yesterday for the annual
conference with Mary Pickford,
Fairbanks and Charles Chaplin.
Plans will be discussed for releas
ing the coming productions,
“Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall”
and “The Thief of Bagdad.” These
two pictures are about completed.
Charlie Chaplin is at present
working on his first United Artists
Aids for
Washing Ironing
Cleaning Sewing
“Doing the Dishes”
All Help to Preserve Youth
and Good Looks
Therefore, Learn to
“Twitch-the-Switch * *
and Smile
The Atlantic City Electric Co.*
Ventnor Assured of
| . Ample Pure Water
Modern Pumping Station
j Equipped to Furnish Adequate
Supply for Many Years
To Come
By Carl M. Voelker
I Acquisition of a water plant
! owned by a private corporation
| was the first major expenditure
i authorized by the elected officials
of Ventnor City when the mu
inicipality was carved out of Egg
Harbor Township in the spring of
j 1903. In thus safeguarding for
the inhabitants a water supply
the governing body adhered to a
time-honored custom. Military
science teaches as a primary
truth the essential need of a
water supply, it being recorded in
history that in every offensive the
first objective is invariably the
; water supply. Likewise is it true
ithat in a siege the last stand is
always made at the water plant.
Greater consideration is always
given to the task of supplying
troops with water than that of
Fortunate in the choice of
source of supply Ventnor City
has a reputation for virtually
pure water for domestic pur
poses. This fact has had its in
fluence in the progress and
growth of the resort. House
holders attest the purity of the
water furnished them from a
pumping station which ranks
among the first in the country.
But pure water many hundred
feet under the surface of the
earth means nothing unless it is
delivered in a wholesome state
in sufficient quantity when de
sired at every point where it may
be needed. Foresight and energy
on the part of some person
charged with bringing about such
a condition must obtain.
Twelve years ago, two years
I after Ventnor actually began to
grow, Isaac B. Sweigart was
elected as a member of Common
Council, and because of his perti
nent criticism of water and sewer
plant administration, he was
made chairman of the committee
having charge of the conduct of
such municipal utilities. The
water works became his hobby
and an ambition long cherished
was realized two months ago
when improvements aggregating
$200,000 and giving Ventnor
City an investment with a poten
tial value of three times that
amount, were completed and for
mally accepted.
The modem pumping station
at * Cornwall and Winchester
Aves. will ever be a monument
to his untiring energy and vision,
to his courage and devotion to
civic responsibility, and a source
of pride for every taxpayer.
Antequated methods and old
fogey ideas regarding water sup
ply have been pushed aside in an
endeavor to give to the residents
of Ventnor the best obtainable
at a minimum of cost as "subse
quent experience will surely dem
n.very pnase oi tuture growth
of the resort has been taken into
consideration in the construction
of the municipal plant, insuring
taxpayers against unnecessary
expenditures at higher costs as
time goes on.
Built by Joseph L. Sweigart &
Co., Philadelphia water plant spe
cialists, at a total cost of $190,
000, the initial contract having
been for $183,000, the Ventnor
City water plant stands equipped
to deliver a maximum supply of
8,000,000 gallons per day. While
the average during the winter
months is 900,000 gallons per
day, the peak load during the
summer is five and one-half mil
lion gallons, during a five-hour
period late in the afternoon.
Two triple duplex reciprocat
ing pumps with a capacity of
3,500,000 gallons each during 24
hours, and two Worthjngton com
pound duplex reciprocating
pumps, capacity 1,700,000 during
24 hours, combined with other
mechanical devices, lift the water
from wells reaching into the
bowels of the earth a distance of
750 feet, the fluid being pumped
into a huge concrete reservoir
under a vast lawn fronting on
Winchester Ave. A total of 575,
000 gallons may be stored here.
When the water is pumped from
the reservoir into the mains a
pressure of 50 pounds per square
inch is maintained, thus insuring
an adequate supply to occupants
on the top floor of the highest
building. As important is the
fact that the fire hydrant pres
sure is sufficient to permit of a
plug stream being used on a fire
with much effect until pumping
apparatus arrives.
Periodical tests made by State
officials indicate that water sup
plied to Ventnor residents is
pure in a superlative sense.
Analysis shows it to be absolutely
free from organic matter, the
percentage of alkaloids being vir
tually nil, making it “aqua pura”
without qualification.
Opinions differ as to the pri
mary source of Ventnor’s water
supply, some maintaining that a
subterranean river flowing far
beneath the various stratas of
sand, clay and stone has its
source in the mountains of Penn
sylvania. Just where it comes
from does not materially make
much difference. It is a fact that
t comes out of the wells as pure
as water can possibly be, and is
cept aerated and pure by modern
machinery until it is drawn by
the householder from the faucet
in the home.
veuuiuzs water supply nas
contributed largely to the beauty
of the landscape, in that liberal
regulations permit of the water
ing of lawns during stipulated
hours of the day. Ventnor is
noted for its pretty lawns. But
grass will not grow without ample
In keeping with the purity of
the water supply is the cleanli
ness of the pumping station and
grounds. A spacious lawn covers
the mammoth reservoir and in
dicative of the function of the
adjacent buildings a sculptured
fountain gushes forth sparkling
streams of health-giving liquid.
The figure of a bathing girl en
hances the sub-structure and her
alds “Miss Ventnor” as sponsor
for “the purest water in the
Joseph L. Roth
435 Atlantic Avenue
Phone—Marine 819
Modem Funeral Parlor
Expert Undertaker and
Embalm er
The only undertaker in Atlantic
County, observing Hebrew Rituals
Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer
Furniture Repaired and Refinished
Mattresses Renovated
Phone: Marine 7570
Residence: 42 North Stenton Place
Phone: Marine 8437-W
Look through the Classified Ads.
You'll find many wants supplied
to your door.

Protection Is Cheap—
Let Us Give Yon Rates
No one knows what loss or damage may
come their way. Such events are beyond
your control. But you can protect your
self with insurance at rates commensurate
with the chance of loss.
Edward A. Wilson Company
Residence Insurance a Specialty
300*329 Guarantee Trust Building
Atlantic City, N. J.
Representing United States Fidelity and
Guaranty Co., Assets 36 Million Dollars,
Baltimore, Maryland
lydr Would Weed
\ Toters Who Have Records

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