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Ventnor news. (Ventnor City, N.J.) 1907-1926, February 27, 1924, Image 5

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When yourjclub does^ constructive work, report It to tkls department. Your
l_ * ’ -* 1- ’ ‘ creased civic progress.
srccess may be the stimulus a younger group needs for inen
This section is devoted to the recording of practical achievement. Woman, Ytrug*
gling with ideals through the ages, has known a sphere of contest to which the
Modern Eve now approaches largely by organization.
“Care to our coffin adds a nail no
And every grin, so merry, draws
one out.”
Such was the sentiment of Miss
- Sara Miller, president of the
Foundation Club when at the
George Washington luncheon in
honor of the Research Clubs of
Ocean and Atlantic Cities in the
Venetian Room of the Hotel Am
bassador, Wednesday, February
20th, she reminded the one hun
dred and fifty Miners that in the
interest of physical economy alone
it requires the use of sixty-five
muscles to frown and but fifteen
to smile, which statement gives
tersely, to the uninitiated, the
working motive of this progres
sive band of women in which there
is probably a larger representa
tion of business women listed as
'members than in any other or
ganization in the resort.
“Young in years, but precocious
in achievement, the Foundation
Club soars ahead to develop good
fellowship among women,” con
tinued Miss Miller, “As many of
you know we had our origin in the
National Movement for which we
banded together about a year and
a half ago. When the Washing
ton project was discontinued a
committee voted 'ttf continue as
a local and we find ourselves now
with wide aims, welcoming every
open-minded woman—from the
business world or the home, who
aspires to interesting personal
contact and a broader point of
view. The woman in good stand
ing who desires to cultivate sex
loyalty in herself and others, who
believes in reforming herself first,
and who sees the intrinsic value
in smoothing off the rough edges
of human intercourse with friend
ly buffers of true acquaintance
and co-operation, is welcome to
join us! To realize that ideal
among the members constitutes
the particular aim of our pro
gram. We strive to do good by
the wayside, and as individuals
we are intensely interested in
speeding along the realization of
the Woman’s Club House for a
proper meeting place is of the
greatest value to the continued
advancement of woman’s in
Ada Taylor, vocally at her best
Wednesday, at this point gave the
signal to Nick Nichols and to the
tune of “School Days” the dig
nified gathering burst forth with
the following sentiment, written
for the occasion by Miss Sara
Miller, followed by the pathetic
refrain “And They Live Down in
Our Alley.”
Club days, club days, hubby’s
warmed-up grub days,
Speakin’ and readin’ and eatin’
AH to tne tune oi "what can we
To uplift our town and country
There isn’t a thing we would not
We wrote on our slate, “A Club
house new”!
Now what are YOU going to do?
Mrs. Taylor, vice-president of
the Ocean City Research Club,
announced, when introduced to
the cheery gathering, that thirty
per cent, of the members had
responded to the invitation, and
lauded the comradeship, and in
formation obtainable in the social
communion of the two clubs. Her
1 reference to the small boy who in
formed his dad that he did not get
“sore” at his questions but the
answers he could not give, as
sisted those present to indulge in
the facial play advocated by the
president, Miss Miller, in her
opening address.
“The women, of Mew Jersey,”
remarked Mrs. Taylor, “have more
work to do than those of any
other state, I have been told by
a prominent official, and first of
all I wish to warn you that we
in Ocean City are running a race
for a clubhouse. With the poet
Guest we can say that ‘We don’t
begrudge the labor when the roses
start to bloom, and we don’t be
grudge the labor when they give
us their perfume’.”
Mrs. L. Dow Balliet, founder of
the Atlantic City Research Club,
following a serenade in which her
name was sentimentally inter
woven into the words and melody
of the “Mother McChree” song,
said in part, ‘Tam happy, as the
founder of the oldest woman’s
club in Atlantic City, to be able
after twenty-nine years of ex
istence in this organization to in
vite you children to such a lovely
party. (This was followed by a
community sing to the tune of
the familiar Banana torture,
“Yes We Have No Old Ladies”).
Then Miss Miller remarked some
thing to the effect that their
hilarity must be condoned owing
to extreme youth! Mrs. Balliet
paid a fitting compliment to the
hostesses of the Foundation Club
in a poetical narrative about the
Fheonix—a sort of pheasant who
never comes to earth unless he
has a message. The color and
mission of the bird plumage she
likened to the assemblage and as
sured those present that the guest
clubs of the neighbor cities had
caught the beautiful message of
good fellowship which it is the
aim of the Foundation members to
broadcast to a feminine world
anxious to tune in on the high
ideals of these alert women whose
very club name seems to have its
roots in the finest things of life.
Mrs. Thomas Scull, Atlantic
City Research Club president, evi
denced hearty appreciation on be
half of her club for the oppor
tunity to be present on such a de
lightful occasion, dwelling on the
point that the large attendance
spelled approval of the friend
Miss Euphemia Giannini, look
ing most picturesque with her
striking Italian beauty enhanced
by a coffee colored silk lace gown
effectively draped and embellished
with brown georgette, practically
rendered a song recital which was
greatly appreciated. She was
recalled again and again and the
interspersing of her varied pro
gram between courses, speeches,
orchestra selections and the com
MRS. GEORGE BEAN, of Bala, Pa.
Whose wealth of information, eloquence
and beauty continue to attract the elite
of the resort to her Friday morning
lectures on Current Events in Vernon
Room of Haddon Hall.
munity singing led by Miss Ada
Taylor, publicity officer of the
Hotel Ambassador, was a valuable
contribution to the function.
Silk American flags among the
narcissus which in Japanese vases
formed the centre table decora
tion lent a gala appearance to the
Venetian Room whose exquisitely
blended colors made a beautiful
setting for the round tables which
completely filled the entire space
of the large banquet hall. Splashes
of red, white and blue dotted on
the damask proved to be the
Patriotic Lolly-Pop Sisters for
whom the “favor” of an invitation
has been made possible thru the
careful workmanship of Mrs. Hed
lund, Mrs. Alex. Vollmer and
various other members of the in
dustrious committee.
Special mention is due Mr. Nick
Nichols for the taste exercised in
his musical offerings. Both in
solo and orchestral numbers his
contributions were always beau
tiful and appropriate never once
dominating, as is so often the
manner, when so-called “music”
ofttimes becomes a veritable stam
pede of obnoxious notes, on such
* * *
Mrs. George Bean’s Current
Events Lecture Continued
• “In the last talk I said they had
settled the five-year controversy
in Piume and thereby removed
the cause of enmity, and there was
a clear spot in European skies, but
we can look for the rattle of the
big stick in foreign affairs as well
as at home. Mussolini gave
Europe a big scare when he seized
that little island for the murder
of his officers. War threatened
in the Balkan states showing that
Italy had not learned much by
the war and her fever was high.
He forgot the dependence of the
people, the debts ^nd sorrow and
was ready to try it all over again,
and while in peril Mussolini in
tensified the alarm tho the Fiume
question was settled in fifteen
“It is world opinion of the con
densed activity that Mussolini is j
Shoe Sale—Last Call
Dr. Kahler Shoes
•4 (bujariahit Sho*JYladt StylisJt
A Let-Down In Price, But No Let-Up In Comfort,
Style And Quality. Our Entire Stock Of Oxfords,
Slippers And High Shoes In Both Men’s and
Women’s Departments.
10% to 33*6% Discount On All
A Comfortable Shoe Made Stylish
1106 Pacific Avenue Marine 6617
Near Pennsylvania Avenue
the head of the government vir
tually—ostentatious and carrying
out high handed measures, chang
ing to friendly guise over night,
and cultivating the friendships of
those who can give him prestige
in the -Mediterranean and Asiatic.
The Council of Ambassadors was
without protest. The settlement
of the Fiume pact increased Italy’s
power in the little Entente, and
after the visit of the King of
Spain to Rome, new ties were
made, and Spain shares with Italy
her interest in the Mediterranean.
Italy recognized the Soviet Gov
ernment for Mussolini was shrewd
—for trade reasons. The other
powers were cold, and Italy is
now on 'her way with increased
diplomacy battling between Italy
and France for a place in the
Balkans. Italy evidently fishes
to be mistress of the Mediter
ranean and her evident desire to
expand is clear, she is the natural
heiress of Latin civilization. If
they will not make room for Italy
she will make it for herself.
“The growth of the population,
and her position geographically in
this narrow overcrowded area
(Continued on Page 26)
The Original
608 Atlantic Avenue
Marine 2418 M&iaon Franchise
If You
Have a
1412-14 Drexel Ave.
Phone—Marine 677
Phone Marine 1101
Family Laundry a Specialty
Prompt Service
The Best iji
Quality and
Harry H. Frishmuth
2308 Fainnount Avenue
Marine 4621-R
“The Leading Jeweler
of Atlantic City” ^
We specialize in remodeling
your old jewelry and cheerfully 1
submit designs and estimates.
See our display of Aquamarine
and Bloodstone — the birth
stones for March
1532 Atlantic Avenue
Marine 603 34th Year
How your table
and bed linens are ironed
This is the Rat Work Ironer on which
your table and bed linens are so beauti
fully smoothed.
It consists of a series of revolving,
softly padded rolls which gently press
your sheets, table cloths, napkins, and
handkerchiefs against a smooth, steam
heated ironing surface.
First three girls shake out the wrinkles.
Then they carefully place one end of the
sheet between the first of the rolls, and
as it passes through the ironer it is given
that dainty, snowy sheen which every
woman prizes.
At the other end of the machine three
girls receive the sheet or table cloth, fold
it evenly, and place it in a neat pile.
When all of your flat pieces have been
ironed they are then turned over to
another young woman who carefully
wraps them in a package with the rest of
your washing, ready for delivery to you.
> Try this more modem way of having
your washing and ironing done. You will
find it both satisfactory and economical.
Chelsea Laundry Co.
2715-17-19 ARCTIC AVENUE
Branch Office 1027 Atlantic Arana.
S. A. HAINES, Praaidaat

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