A Weekly Letter from Billy Maine
With News of Tours, Autos, Sports
and Movies on the Pacific Coast
Hollywood, Calif.'
The populace of Southern Cali
fornia is in a happy mood. Old
Jup Pluvius sprinkled the South
land with a lavish hand; in fact,
he was too generous. As far
north as San Francisco a heavy
rain fell for two days, saving the
fruit crop and otherwise aiding
the ranchers. The precipitation
was so heavy in the vicinity of
Glendale and Eagle Rock and the
beautiful San Fernando Valley
that for a time flood conditions
prevailed, and it looked very
much as though Glendale was
due to combat a serious situation.
All the Verdugo and San Rafael
Hills, which surround Eagle Rock
and Glendale, were completely
burned over during the summer
just past, and the waters fairly
rolled down their steep sides onto
the boulevards below. There be
ing no vegetation on the hill
. slopes to absorb and check the
heavy rain, this surplus water en
tered into Glendale, and on the
■main streets automobiles experi
• enced considerable difficulty in
making their way. No serious
damage was done, however, other
than a couple. of houses being j
washed from their foundations,
and the various roadways being
temporarily washed Out.” Never
theless, rain was what was need
ed; already its benefits can be no
ticed in the fields and orchards,
and everybody is happy.
* * *
Motor parties on the road be
tween Los Angeles and San
Diego are being greeted by mil
lions of denizens of the air light,
airy brown butterflies commonly
known as the painted lady but
terfly. Spring is here in all its
glory, the trees are in bloom, and
the California poppy is now mak
ing its golden appearance on the
* * *
The fans who follow the knights
of the roaring road are certainly
getting plenty of action for their
money in Los Angeles. Every
Sunday, out at Ascot, the new
dirt bowl recently opened, six
racing events- are staged which
prove even more thrilling and ex-,
citing than the championship
event at Beverly. On the day of
the Washington Sweepstakes at
Beverly, a crowd estimated at
30,000 flocked to Ascot, show
ing the interest taken in the sport
jat this track, even though a
championship event was being
held at the other end of the town.
Tomorrow Sig Haugdahl, with
his high-powered Grand Prix
• Fiat, will compete with Lecklider,
Horey and Leon Duray in a spe
Phone Marine 4992-W
Albert E. Wootton
Maker of
Automobile Tops,
Side Curtains and
Slip Covers
The Largest and Oldest Top
Shop In the City”
Parkway Garage
WALTS* T. MW. Free.
Boston Ave. and Parkway
Atlantic City. N. J.
foot powder
cial 20-lap race. De Palma will
sit in the stands as spectator, as
he refuses to drive his small 122
cubic inch car against the larger
F:at. There also will be a spe
cial 10-mile handicap in honor of
Cannonball Baker, who last week
arrived in Los Angeles with a
stock Gardiner sedan, having
driven from New York to Los
Angeles in midwinter in the rec
ord time of 7 days 17 hours and
18 minutes. It might be men
tioned that aside from the grime
and dirt that was picked up on
this run no adjustments or tuning
up were required, the motor run
ning as smoothly as when the car
left New York.
* « *
Word comes from the Mack
Sennett Studios that Ben Tur
pin will return to the films after
an absence of five months. The
cross-eyed comedian will be a
member of the Northwest
Mounted, and will be seen
riding the snowy wastes as
an invincible arm of thq law.
The company leaves this week fur
Truekee for some snow scenes,
md later will go to Big Boar
Lake for other exterior scenes.
* * *
John Bowers, who will star in
the next Principal Pictures re
lease, “The Winning of Barbara
Worth,” went to the Imperial
Valley to get familiar with the
locale of this charming story.
Meantime other scouts are in Ari
zona to- survey the territory de
scribed in “The Mine With the
Iron Door,” Harold Bell Wright’s
latest story.
By Anard W. Littman
Golf, the Business Man’s Sport,
Is Our Weekly Topic
NOW that Spiring is just
about here, the. average business
man is finding all sorts of ex
cuses for leaving his place of
bread-earning to repair to some
country club where he enjoys an
exhilarating round of golf;
There is probably no better
group of admirers of the Scotch
sport than in America and Vent
nor and Atlantic City houses an
extremely ardent group of
sportsmen who enjoy the health
ful sport—despite its pronounced
and' greatly advertised (advan
tages to give one the greatest op
portunity in his life to get sev
eral words of venom off one’s
So it rather amused us to learn
an experiment has been made,
and it is found that dancing is a
much more healthful sport than
golf—striking as the comparison
at first may seem. The middle
aged man who made the experi
ment was loud in his ass'ertions
that the art of dancing, after it
really was mastered, proved more
beneficial to the human muscles
than any round of golf, anytime.
He further declared, dancing is
not as difficult a bit of enjoyment
as it is said to be, and after a
few lessons comes rather easily.
Undoubtedly the average
reader will agree dancing is en
joyable, provides some exercise,
and is not so difficult to learn,
but there aire worlds of difference
in the statement—“Dancing is a
more healthful sport than golf.”
Must sell at once. Big sacrifice and liberal
terms to proper party. Box 904 Post Office.
The Hall Mark
of Service
Visit the National Capital in the Early Spring
Impressive and attractive at all seasons, this
city beautiful is specially inviting, with its
broad shaded avenues and parks, in the balmy
days of spring.
Washington is the heart of the Nation, a dom
inant centre of interest to every loyal Ameri
can, from which pulsates all that tends to the
prosperity and happiness of all citizens.
See tbe Capital of the Nation, majestic and
impressive. A trip that will prove an educa
tion as well as an inspiration.
For the convenience of schools, colleges and others
seeking a brief vacation, a series of personally con
ducted 3 day tours to Washington, including all ex
penses, will be operated Thursdays, April 10, 24
and May 8.
Free copy of an Illustrated guide to the City of Washington, also
descriptive tour leaflet sent upon request to David N. Bell, Pas
senger Traffic Manager, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania Railroad System
The Basis for the .^difference
-lies in the fact golf is an outdoor
sport, pflayed under the "kindly
eyes of 01’ Sol, and with pleas
ant Breezes blowing over an un
restricted area. It may be
played any time during the day,
and gives one a huge chance to
limber up after rounds of busi
ness transactions. Since walking
is said by many to be a very bene
ficial exercise, and since golf is
actually replete with walking, the
sport of golf has another point
in its favor.
Dancing is too much of an in
door sport to create any interest
futher than enjoyment.
People play golf for the sport
and health that’s in it, and
they dance for the enjoyment
that’s in dancing alone.
* * *
East and West will clash on
the links in the annual spring
golf championships ^pumament
of the Linwood Country Club,
scheduled to be held May 1st to
Definite dates for the titular
golf tourney were announced by
Dr. I. R. Beir, chairman of the
tournament committee of the
Linwood Club, and are published
above for the first time.
C. A. Fownes, brilliant golfer,
of the Oakmont Country Club,
near Pittsburgh, is an outstand
ing star of the Western links en
tered in the coming tourney.
Some of the best golfers who
ever wielded clubs ivill be
seen in the spring event.
■ * * *
i --
Don’t hesitate? Call Marine 1987.
Our expert locksmith will duplicate
any key.
1326 Atlantic Avenue
John Shultz, Locksmith
Now that mild weather is the
daily topic of conversation in the
air, the follower of sports di
rects his optics on the sports of
the season—golf and tennis.
Atlantic City High School has
recognized the tennis sport as
being a major one, and the heads
are intent on making it an out
standing one this season in the
sporting annals of the seashore
Eugene F. Allen, former Colby
College tennis star, will coach
the Atlantic High net team dur
ing the coming season. Mr. Al
len has been faculty -advisor
coach of the sport since it first
originated in A. C. H. S.
The Blue and White netmen
are slated to open their 1924 sea
son Saturday, May 3, opposing
East Orange High School here
on the Inlet tennis courts.
Woodbury High, a rival for the
South Jersey inter-scholastic net
title, will meet the seashore rac
quet wielders here Saturday, May
10, while Trenton High School
will be played later in the saftne
month. The annual South Jer
sey championship matches will be
played in this city starting Sat
urday, June 7, date of the last
baseball game of the high school
Other rivals seeking the South
Jersey tennis crown are Collings
wood, Camden and Bridgeton
High Schools.
Uncle John
It never fails—before election—
we witness in its resurrection, the
hoax of by-gone days. The dema
gogue with hardened liver points
out some poor, old, nasty river—
and howls for “waterways.” Of
course, we have the transportation
that jerks our goods acrost the
nation, and lands ’em, double
quick. . . . It’s fun to hear
some jobless critter explainin’ how
it’s vastly better to float 'em down
the'crick! He wants to hear the
steam-boats tootin’ and watch ’em,
splutterin’ and rootin’ among the
snagS and bars. . . . He wants
to see the palace floatin’—and tells
us, if we’ll do the votin’ he’ll junk
the railroad kyars. ... It used
to set my hopes afire to listen at
the campaign liar discourse -on
“water-ways”; I’ve helped elect
in admiration—to come at cheaper
transportation,—but them was
by-gone days! So now—I stand'
around and shiver, and view the
same o*d, nasty river—the smug
job-hunter’s pet; I watch its slip
pery, sludgy movement, that never
showed the least improvement,
and—never will—you bet!
Washed & Greased
Oil Changed FREE
Tires and Tubes
Aids for
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“Doing the Dishes”
All Help to Preserve Youth
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4 *' -
Therefore, Learn to
and Smile
The Atlantic City Electric Co.