Newspaper Page Text
Margate Financiers Over a score of prominent Mar gate residents have agreed to in terest themselves in the formation of a building and loan association and preliminary steps have been taken to secure the necessary au thorization from the New Jersey Department of Banking and In surance. It is expected that a meeting for temporary organiza tion will be held next week. Joseph Farrington, well-known Margate Realtor, has taken the initiative in the organization of the proposed fiscal association. A number of influential citizens of Margate have agreed to serve on the board of directors. In view of the extensive build ing operations and the increasing demand for mortgage loans it has been deemed timely for the institu tion of a building and loan asso ciation designed to provide capital for improvements in the lower beach resort. Jost Gossip (Continued from Page 8) year, and Edwin Lavine has writ ten the plot, which occasionally gets a chance to peep in between the effectively dramatized spe cialty numbers of the chorus. Huge books, which open at will, provide the setting for the first specialty. The scene is a library, and at the book racks, Jack and Jill, of childhood days, are disclosed. They come to life as the clock strikes twelve, and opien the books, from which such personages as “Scara mouche,” “The Lost Lady,” and many others emerge to engage in one of Charles Morgan’s intri cate dances. Then there is the inevitable and delightful Mah Jong game, which opens the second act. The set is in ivory, black and gilt, with Chinese red furnishings, while at the back of the stage appears a large Mah Jong box be tween large ivory columns. On either side of the columns are large transparent curtains, deco rated with Chinese designs in sil houette. Of course the Gossiper has not seen this splendid nov elty, but the U. of P. men who visited friends last week-end, and who had looked in on rehearsals, were lavish in praise of this year’s show, and dropped a few details. They said that nearly every member of the cast is used in this dance number which will soon provide whistling material under the title of “Old Mah Jong.” The return of Alice Del ysia in the spectacular “Topics of 1923,” having shed some of its “Temptations” in title, and perhaps presentation, will delight with its Winter Garden beauties the first five days of the week, and will move from the Apollo to the Garden Pier to make room for the Mask and Wig boys for the Saturday matinee and eve ning performances. * * * The University of Pennsylva nia and the Harvard baseball teams will be registered at the Ambassador Hotel from April 17th to 20th, when they combine a business and pleasure trip here. Manager Beck announces a game for the clubs April 16th, with U. of P. and Harvard, at Bach arach Park, and another with the U. of P. and Rutgers, April 19th. * * * Mrs. Florence Senseman will be hostes at a luncheon-bridge at the Hotel Traymore, April 24th. * * • The annual spring luncheon of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Vent nor Community Church will be held in the session room of the church April 12th. Spring flow ers, favors, a delightful hostess for each table, and many other attractive notes are being plan ned by the committee. The church is one of the most delightful com munity centers in the resort, and Ventnorites know where to go for wonderful home cooking and wholesome entertainment when the Aid announces one of its noteworthy diversions. * * * The Junior Crescendo Club is 'HOUSEHOLD FlfflSHEyW T sponsoring the presentation of the Boyle-Gittleson-Penha Trio, consisting of leading artists who feature the piano, violin and cello in their ensemble. Vernon Room of Haddon Hall will be the scene of this musical treat Friday eve ning, April 11th. * * * An appeal for contributions to the library of the Soldiers’ Li brary of the All-Wars Memorial Building, will be made at the next meeting of the General Lafayette Chapter of the D. A. R., when the meeting is held there April 12th, at 2:30 P. M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUCTIONEERS BARRY—Auctioneer, appraiser. Est. 1884. What have you to sell? We buy furniture. Get our estimate first. Auc tion* sales solicited. 2315 Atl. Marine 3S10-W. Consignment sales when de Bired. 1-28-25 CONSULT us before you sell your fur niture, as we pay its full value and remove it at your convenience. Moore’s, 2218 Atlantic Ave. Marine 8663. Established 1896. tf AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES TIRES—The Cofer Tire Exchange. Vul canizing and Retreading. Full line of accessories. Dayton Tire* and Tube*. Also used tires. 2118 Pacific Avenue. Marine 4575-J. tf 30x3%, $3.00—Used Tires—87x5, $8.00 We have aUo new tires at rock bottom prices CUT PRICE TIRE STORE 2249 Arctic Avenue 2-11-25 AUTO TOP SHOP—Tops, side curtains, seat covers, upholstering; made and epaired. 32 S Ark. Ave. Mar. 8062-J. 3-11-25 TIRES VULCANIZED 106 North Montpelier Ave. We make your old tires new. Retread lag and repairing a specialty. Victory Vulcanizing Repair Shop. Wm. Hohe. 2-4-25 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Chevrolet 1924 Coupe .......$600 Ford Sedan, 1922 .. $350 halmers, 1917 Touring ...».$200 Buick, 1923-38 4-cylinder Sport Touring Sedan .............$1000 Buick, 1922 7-Pass. Sedan .........$1100 HALL AND GRAVATT, Inc. 2200 Atlantic Avenue WILL FINANCE ANY USED CAR We Serve to Satisfy 11-18-24 DODGE BROS. USED CARS GOOD VALUES 1923 Dodge Bros. Business Sedan $875 1922 Buick Roadster . $525 1921 & 1922 Franklin Touring ....$550 1921 Studebaker Light 6 Touring $395 1923 Maxwell Touring .$475 EASTERN MOTOR CO. Arkansas and Arctic Aves. tf HUPMOBILES—Late open and closed models. Terms. Hupp Used Car Dept., Baltic and North Carolina. 10-22-24 PAIGE & JEWETT CO. Sales and Service 2418 Atlantic Ave. Marine 8858-J Fred. Appelgren Atlantic City 2-25-25 AUTO REPAIRING ^jSSowKerS)!/ rPARTSVO0©CRT BOsql. /parts1 OFFICIAL I ft ♦ , I OFFICIAL yswviCEJ e^CGS-STRATTOH \8£wicl Atlantic Marine 811 8-6-25 VENTNOR Machine Co., auto and marine repairing. Day and night service. Fifth Ave.( Ventnor Heights. Neptune 205. 10-0-24 BETCHEN’S AUTHORIZED Ford SERVICE STATION 2201-3-5-7 Arctic Avenue Genuine Ford parts Towing Marine 5029 tf ACK CLARK & SONS—First-class au tomobile repairing. 1011 Arctic Ave., rear. Phone: Marine. 2-11-25 ATLANTIC AUTO RADIATOR CO.. Calif, and Arctic Aves. Radiators, fenders, repaired equal to new. Ford “Honey Comb” radiators and covers for replacement. Especially low prices. tf West End Repair Shop—Expert Auto mobile Repairing; body, fenders and radiators. 90-day guarantee. Wm. J. Lomax, 800 N. Indiana Ave., Phone 844-J. Formerly of U. S. Aviation. 2-11-25 —zrxrrjji** ■■■ •' j | CLASSIFIED DISPLAY USED AUTOMOBILES ~ Oort* AUTO PARTS CONESIE KATZ we buy cars for parts, no matter what condition they are in. Highest Prices Paid. Parts Sold on Easy Terms Open Evenings and Sunday Day Mar. 3681-M; Night Mar. 8842-J 211 N. Georgia Ave. 2-25-25 AUTO INSURANCE MR. ASHER ASHER Atlantic County Agent Will Save You 25% on Auto Insurance 9 N. Sovereign Ave., Atlantic City 3-18-25 AWNINGS ATLANTIC CITY AWNING & ROOFING CO. Reliable Est. 1911 PRE-WAR PRICES WHY PAY MORET GET OUR ESTIMATE Factory Open For GUS A. JOHANN, Owner 2900 Sunset Avenue Marine 3063-J 8-27-24 PHONE MARINE 6464-W Workmanship Guaranteed. Orders for all Awning Work should be placed now to avoid Window Shades Draperies VENTNOR AWNING SHOP 4213 VENTNOR AVE. 4-1-25 JAMES LATIMER Practical Awning Maker and Canvas Roofer Factory: 10 North New Jersey Avenue Marine 393® 9-1-24 NOW to‘order your AWNINGS THE NATIONAL TENT & AWNING COMPANY The Awning Shop of Atlantic City Awnings, Canvas Roofing ROLAND CLIFFORD, 2209 Arctic Ave. Phs. Marine 3809-W; P’ville 719-J. 2-11-25 Awnings, Draperies and Window Shades our specialty. Best in town. Call and convince yourself NEW YORK UPHOLSTERY & DECORATING CO. Cor. Boston and Atlantic Avenues Marine 3844 6-25-25 LEONARD YOUNG Awnings, Sails, Canvas Roofing 2707 Arctic Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Tel: Marine 2341-W Res.: Harvard & Monmouth, Nep. 418-H THOS. O. YOUNG CO. Everything in Canvas 22 N. CALIFORNIA AVENUE Marine 5458 3-11-2E BABY CARRIAGES Atlantic City Baby Coacl Hospital; tires put on, oh carriages made like new carriages bought and sold Baby carriages to hire ant for sale. S. Fishman, 12 S Conn. Ave. Marine 4272-J 2-4-25 BANKS GET THAT SAVING HABIT and 4% at the Equitable Trust Co., Arkansat j and Atlantic Avenues. 1-21 BATHS HOT and Cold Sea Water Baths. Opel all year. Hildur Karlson, Schlitz Ho 1-28-2C BOARDING THE LLOYD 17 S. South Carolina Avenue. Bright cheerful rooms, hot and cold running water, good table. Marine 6261. 2-4 CLASSIFIED BOATS . BOATS FOR SALE Repairing and Repainting oar Specialty Engines Sold and Repaired GEORGE HYDE Delaney and Thorofare 2-25-25 CHARLES P. LEEK, JR., designer and builder of yachts, launches and ex press cruisers. Agent for Fay, Bowen, Wisconsin, Standards, Sterling, Ker math engines. Iowa & Thorofare Avs. 8-11-26 BUILDERS WEINTROB & ENNIS—Builders and contractors. Jobbing in all its branches; estimates cheerfully given. Office 1617 Atlantic Ave., Mar. 2844-W. Residence phone: Marine 2128-W. 2-4-25 Telephone 228-W Res. Tel. 809 PHILIP G. HANNUM General Building Construction Office and Yard: 2403 SUNSET AVENUE Residence, 4014 Ventnor Avenue Atlantic City, N. J. 4-28 BUTTER & EGGS—WHOLESALE Schwarz & Garfinkle, commission mer chants, wholesale butter, eggs and cheese. 2407 Pacific. Marine 2451. 8-6-25 CARPENTERS Geo. C. Megill Pred B. Ardrey MEGILL & ARDREY Carpenters and Builders Presbyterian Ave. & Boardwalk Phones: Marine 346-M Pleasantville 149-W 10-15-24 GEO. W. KNOLL, Carpenter & Builder. Alterations, additions and repairs. Breakfast nooks, $40 up; porch enclos ures, $150 up. Estimates cheerfully given. Mar. 8726. Ill Metropolitan Av. 11-12-24 ALTERATIONS, Repairs, Building Car penter. Day or contract. Marine 4283-W. James A. Barr, 8 City Square. tf CARPENTER Mechanic—Experienced and thorough. Jobbing of All Kinds by Day or Contract x L. P. FOWLES 6 NO. VICTORIA AVE. Phone, Neptune 427-J tf WILL SAVE YOU MONEY on any al terations or repairs on account of my small overhead expense. H. Kolmet sky, Carpenter and Builder, 288 S. Con gress Ave. Marine 6121. 11-26-24 ED ANDERSEN—All kindB of jobbing, alterations, porch inclosures, window screens, 181 N. Arkansas. Mar. 4638-J. tf M. FISHMAN—Contractor and builder. Alterations of all kinds. 43 N. Ark. Ave., 716 Atl. Ave., Marine 5347. 2-11-25 CARPET CLEANING ATL. CITY CARPET CLEANING WKS. 1822 Baltic Avenue Mattress Renovating Upholstering JOHN SHOPPY Marine 1727-W 10-8-24 CARPETS Made, laid, cleaned and scoured. Rugs cut and altered. Oriental ruga a ape* cialty. Linoleum laid and cemented. Phone Pleasantville 545-J. C. A. McKEEN 4 N. Brighton Ave., Pleasantville ____________ 10-22-24 DUSTING—5 hour service. Scouring— 3 day service. SEASHORE AND HUSTED Phone Marine 683 11-4-26 Chelsea Mattress and Upholstery Com pany, carpet cleanihg, latest improved vacuum carpet cleaning machines. Each carpet or rug handled individually. A. Griffiths, 2609 Arctic. Mar. 203. tf CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Feldstein Bros.—Mfrs. of high grade cigars, wholesale, retail. Full line oi pipes. 2010 Atl. Ave. tJ CIGARS—RETAIL R. M. CHESLER CIGARS, PERIODICALS, ETC. 1207 Atlantic Avenue Box Trade a Specialty 4-1-25 CLEANING AND DYEING STEAMING, Pressing and Dyeing at low prices; deliveries. Continental Cleaning Co. Marine 2343-J. tl RISLEY’S CLEANING and DYEING. Anna Armpriester, 29-B S. New York Ave. Telephone: Marine 1231-W. At lantic City. 1-28-25 CLEANING & dyeing of all kinds. Give us a trial—be convinced. R & S Clean ing & Dyeing, 312 Atl. Mar. 4587-M. _ tf CLOTHING DEALERS MAX SLOTOROFF Men’s and Young Men’, Clothing. Lat eat style. In Spring suits. S. W. Cot Va. and Arctic Aves. Marine 8942-J *-25-2i CLASSIFIED CLOTHING DEALERS SAMPLE MODELS, Spring Suits. Buy ! now and save 25%. Strand Clothing I Co., second floor, Segal Building, North j Carolina and Atlantic Avenues—walk a flight—get treated right. 1-28-25 [ CLOTHING — New and second-hand, bought and sold. Best prices in town. 1615% Arctic Ave. Mar. 2991-W. 2-11-25 READY-to-wear suits sold at a sacri fice; your choice, $20. val. $36 & $40. Scheffrin, 19 S. New York Av. 11-20-24 CLOTHING WANTED I pay spot cash for ladies* and gentle men’s clothing, also shoes. R. Tyre, 1215 Arctic. Marine 2133-W 10-1-24 OLD CLOTHING YES Don’t throw away your husband’s old clothes. I pay the highest prices for Call Marine 2294-W. tf CONTRACTORS Cabinet Window Screens Maker A Specialty Phone Marine 5832-R FRANK GATTO & CO. Contractors CARPENTERS and BUILDERS All Kinds of Alterations 18 S. Mississippi Ave. Atlantic City, N. J. tf CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Alterations My Specialty Prompt Attention Estimates Given OWEN A. KERTLAND 2301 Pacific Avenue Phones: Marine 1727-M; Marine 8256 3-6-25 CONTRACTORS—ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC WIRING — Old and new houses, repairing. Louis J. Grant, reg istered. 24 S. Dover Ave. Marine 7796. 5-28-24 GEORGE W. POST ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 216 Wilden Terrace. Rear 215 N. New Hampshire Ave. Phone—Marine 490-J. 9.1-24 JOHN T. NELSON, Registered Electric Wiring, Repairing. Old and new houses. 128% Houston Ave. 6-11-24 H. HART—Registered Electrician. Old housewiring and fixture work a spe cialty. 222 Pacific Ave. Marine 2931. 8-18-26 “Wire Us To Wire You” LONG PORT ELECTRICAL CO. Everything Electrical, Fixtures, Sup plies. 125 N. Missouri Ave., Marine 3963-W. W. A. Skinner. 8-25-25 ELECTRICAL FIXTURES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, appliances, wholesale and retail. A & S Lighting Fixture Co., 1821 Atlantic Avenue. Marine 5645. tf CORSET MAKERS MADAME ISABELLE — Corsets and brassieres made to order exclusively. 1318 Pacific Avenue. Marine 1200. tf Specializing on Corsets and Brassieres. Taylor's Corset Shop, 1022 Atl. Ave. Corsets, $5.00 up, fitted free. Alt. free. 2-18-25 MRS. E. FAISST Expert Corsetiere—Surgical Work Call Marine 1978-W—By Appointment NU BONE CORSET—Custom Made 3407 Winchester Avenue, Atlantic City 2-25-25 DELICATESSEN Garfinkal’s Delicatessen for all kinds of sandwiches, tasty salads, table delica cies. 2427 Atlantic Ave. 8-6-25 JAMES, wholesale butter, eggs and cheese. Jobber in provisions and deli catessen. 2401 Pacflc. Marine 4596. 8-6-25 Chelsea Delicatessen—Table Delicacies, Fine Groceries, Salads, Sandwiches. 4105 Ventnor Ave. Marine 7247-W. 6-11-25 French Delicatessen, home cooking and assorted salads. Best imp. and dom. goods. 2504 Atl. Ave. Marine 2894-W. 8-6-25 MAX'S DELICATESSEN and Lunch Room, table delicacies, 106 S. South Carolina Ave., Tel. Marine 6768. 1-28 DETECTIVE AGENCIES CONSULT STAR DETECTIVE AG’CY, Chief W. H. Roberts, Magistrate. Offices 1609-1611 Atlantic Avenue. Phones: Marine 7755 and 8351. 2-4-25 HAUGHEY'S Nat’l Detective Bureau. Open day and night. Freeman Bldg., 1614 Atlantic Ave. Marine 1773. 2-11-25 DOGS PALM HALL. 167 S. Va. Ave., Pedi greed Pups. Accessories. Ask to see protective harness for females in seaa'n. 8-6-25 TOY DOGS ONLY Boarding, Grooming, Nursing, Condi tioning, Whelping Cases. Stud Dogs. E. S. Kader, 11 S. Rhode Island Ave. Phone: Marine 5715-W. 11-12-24 DRESSMAKING Dressmaking and Art Shop—Hemstitch ing, trimmings, buttons, buttonholes, picot edging, men's shirts made to order, pinking & pleating, remodeling a spe cialty. Julia De Feo, 1-A North Iowa Avenue. Phone. 2-25-25 CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING PLEATING done on premises. Kelly's Hemstitching Shop, 21 N. Va. Ave. 6-4-2 DRESSMAKING—and Millinery, reas onable. 30 S. Maryland. Apt. A-4. Phone Marine 901-W. Miss Hess. 10-21-24 DRUG STORE SAXON Cut-Rate Drug Store. Complete line toilet articles. Your patronage so licited. Saxon Drug Store, 19 N. Va. Av. 2-4-25 Prescriptions called for and delivered. Full line of toilet articles and pure drugs. Weiner's Chelsea Pharmacy. 4207 Ventnor Ave. Marine 7518; 7244. 6-11-24 EGGS—RETAIL “Harriet Garden Eggs” A trial will convince you of their qual ity. Robert Colguhoun, 804 Pacific Ave. Marine 4114-J. 3-18-26 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Repairing of electrical household appli ances a specialty. Give us a trial. W. S. Higbee, 3810 Atlantic Ave. tf EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES BEST HELP FURNISHED White and colored, hotels and private families. National Employment Agency, 118 North South Carolina Avenue. Marine 8608-J 9-6-24 COMPETENT Help—Private or public, supplied by day or week. Fidelity Employment Agency, 106 N. New York Ave. Marine 162-J. 10-16-24 Help wanted & supplied. Beet classes, white-colored. Maggie McGuinn, Emp. Ag’y. 1625 Arctic. Marine 2794. 2-4-25 FLORISTS For Plants and Cut Flowers Call the VENTNOR FLORIST Neptune 81-W FREE DELIVERY 8-18-26 FLOWERS—FRESH CUT daily for all occasions. Fancy canary birds and parrots. Gold fish. Atlantic City Flower Shop, 1619 Pacific Ave. Marine 2440. 10-8-24 FRESH FLOWERS for all occasions. Reasonable prices. Crane & Hill, Inc., 1311 Pacific Ave. Marine 2400. tf FOR SALE FOUR DIAMOND and blue sapphire rings for sale reasonable to a quick buyer. 21 So* North Carolina Ave nue, 2nd Floor. 1-28-26 FURNITURE REPAIRS GENERAL upholstering and cabinet maker, polishing. Draperies and caning. A. C. Olivier, 1007 Baltie Ave. 11-5-24 ALL Kinds of furniture repaired. We refinish and upholster furniture. Cab inet making. Best prices for antiques. Myerson’s Antique Shop, 8021 Atlantic. 1-28-25 FURNITURE reflnished. Joseph Hogan. Twenty-five years foreman J. B. Van Sciver Co. 11 N. Michigan Ave. Ma rine 4604-J. 8-18-26 FURRIERS REMODELING REPAIRING REDYEING RELINING Special Price This Month A. PETERSON 1005 Pacific Practical Farrier Phone: Marine 868-M 10-16-24 FAHY’S FUR SHOP, 82 S. Tennessee Ave. A large line of beautiful coats from $85 up, also line of beautiful Foxes. Remodeling. Marine 2198-M. tf M. J. STOKES—Remodeling, repairing and alterations. Moved from 2825 Arctic Ave. to 122 S. Bellevue Ave. Marine 2198. 2-25-25 LET us remodel your old furs and save 25 to 50 per cent on all jobs. ROBINSON’S FUR SHOP 175 S. Virginia Avenue Phone—Marine 4884-J. 8-18-25 I. N. AGRONS. “Furs of Quality,** 1807-9 Pacific Avenue, near South Carolina Avenue. Furs remodeled by experts at moderate prices. Phone, Marine 2816-M. tf garage ‘TEERLESS GARAGE” 2720 ATLANTIC AVE. Cars Stored Washed While You Wait Marine 2880 8-11-25 GLASS NE W MIRRORS made, old mirror, re silvered while you wait. Atlantic City Glass and Mirror Co., 181 Canal Street, Inlet section. Marine 1041-M. GROCERIES The biggest assortment of Italian gro ceries in Atlantic City. Best prices. Germans & Migliaccio, 9 N. Mississippi. TRY BECKER'S BEST COFFEE ERNEST BECKER NEW JERSEY & ATLANTIC AVES. . Call Marine 2$47 _ 1-21-26 HAIR DRESSERS JEANNES’ ‘,7.he„Little,Shop with • Big Following” 1I0-B South Kentucky Ave., Mar. 6(81