Newspaper Page Text
CLASSIFIED HAIRDRESSERS “If It's Hair Goods We Have It” GRAY HAIR A SPECIALTY Permanent Waving, Steaming and Oil Process E. BARRECK Hairdresser, Wig: and Toupee Maker 47% SOUTH KENTUCKY AVENUE (under Hotel Biscayne) 6-4-24 DE HART BEAUTY SHOPPE Beauty Culture in All Branches 33 S. Michigan Ave. Marine 4038-W tf Bella Donna Beauty Parlor—We spe cialize in Marcel and Water Waving, also scalp treatment. Come in and see our new and up-to-date parlor. 2816 Atlantic Ave., 2nd floor. Rose Martino. 3-18-26 HARDWOOD FLOORS JCAYWOOD BROS. Parquet floors of every description. 3011 Atlantic Avenue. Marine 25-W. 2-4-25 ATLANTIC FLOOR CO., Inc. successors to W. A. Herbert & Son. Electric floor surfacing a specialty. An estimate costs nothing. 11 North New Jersey Ave. tf E. S. WESCOAT J. SHAW 2619 Fairmont Ave. 446 N. Conn. Ave. WESCOAT & SHAW HARD WOOD FLOORS New and Old Floors Scraped and Finished Ph., Marine 467-R Stairs a Specialty tf HAULING AND STORAGE ATLANTIC CITY and Philadelphia Motor Express. Daily trips. Hauling trunks, baggage and household goods. Special attention to part loads. Girard Hauling Co., 821 Arctic Ave. Mar. 5107. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO. 601 N. Missouri Ave. Marine 5400 fa., Atlantic City’s new storage ware house, 800 rooms, 60,000 square feet. Crating and shipping. Local, long distance and heavy hauling; outside ;4 storage. Railroad siding. 9-11-24 JOHN J. BOYCE Long: distance hauling. Loads and part loads solicited. N. E. corner Fairmount and Morris Avenues. Marine 209-W. 12-81-24 WE ARE KNOWN for our careful pack ing and hauling. Prompt service. Storage. Seashore & Husted. Mar. 683. 11-4-26 CARLIN’S EXPRESS and storage ware house. Local and long distance haul ing. Office, 1219 Baltic Avenue, Marine 1989-R, or Neptuma 14 If - Hauling and storage, quick service. Give us a call. Dollar Storage Warehouse. 232 N. Mass. Ave. Marine 6574-J. 3-6-25 CHELSEA TRANSPORTATION CO., Atlantic City & Phila. daily, hauling every description; part loads solicited. Marine 2514. 10 S. Boston. 2-21-25 JOHN CHARLESTON, hauling and local express, local and long distance haul ing. 417 N. Vermont. Marine 8959-R. 8-6-25 WILLIAM H. WILLITTS, local express, baggage and freight called for and delivered. 417 Atlantic. Marine 5083-J. 3-6-25 HARRY’S EXPRESS Marine 8638 Daily trips to and from Philadelphia. Special attention to part loads. 2-26-25 Prompt service, hauling and storage. Best in town. Atlantic Exp. & Stor. Warehouse Co. 620 Baltic. Mar. 2020. 3-6-25 GLOBE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Long Distance Hauling our Specialty Prompt Service—Give Us A Trial 405-7-9 Melrose Ave. Marine 5773 8-6-25 HEATING AND PLUMBING WARREN B. FENTON PLUMBING AND HEATING 2682 Arctic Avenue—Marine 4030-W 9-1-24 Phone—Marine 1246 JOHN H. MOORE Plumbing-Heating Contractor 1707 ATLANTIC AVENUE 0-20-24 J. SANDERS — Plumbing. Sheet Metal Work. 428 Avenue. Marine 2123-W. Heating, Madison 12-31-24 ANDREW RIEHM—Plumbing and heating, get our estimates. 41 South Virginia Avenue. Marine S28-W. 8-26-24 CLASSIFIED HEATING AND PLUMBING M. G. BARSBY Plumbing, heating contracting. 21 South California Avenue, Marine 6605-W. 8-6-1924 FRANK WALSH, Inc. PLUMBING HEATING ROOFING Phones 188 189 908 Atlantic Avenue 3-6-25 . JAS. CONROY Heating Engineer—34. S. Arkansas Ave. Phone—Marine 1664-R Neptune 786-W 3-11-25 INSTRUCTION PIANO INSTRUCTION — William S. Schwartz, 6403 Monmouth Ave. Phone, Neptune 146-W. 5-7-24 MADAM YEAGER HALL, Teacher of singing, correct method of Italian Bel Canto. Est. in Atlantic City over 14 years. Rapid coaching for profession als. Studio, 34 S. Va. Ave. Marine 1928. 2-4-25 INSTRUCTION—DANCING VIOLA DANCE ARTS, Va. & Pac. Ave nues; Marine 3071-R. Social, Aes thetic, Ballet Technique (Amateur and Professional). tf INSTRUCTION—TUTORING TUTOR Grade High School College All Languages. Marine 4051 4-1-25 INSTRUCTION—VIOLIN WILLY STOCKING Studied with Prof. Marteau (Europe’s Foremost Violin Instructor) Will Accept Limited Number of Pupils 24 N. Montpelier Ave. 3-6-25 INSURANCE MOTHERS — GUARANTEE YOUR CHILDREN’S EDUCATION Let Me Explain Marine 3792 420 Guarantee Trust Bldg. Sara L. Miller 2-11-25 JEWELERS WATCHES, Rings, Diamonds, Mfrg. of Jewelry and Special Order Work. Ex pert Watch Repairing. David K. Boas, 29 S. Pennsylvania Ave. 3-18-25 LADIES’ WEARING APPAREL Misses’ and Children’s wearing apparel. Full line underwear, hosiery, notions. R. ZOLOT, 704 Atlantic Ave. ti LAUNDRIES HEINEMAN’S (French Hand Laundry) Positively all hand work. Children’s frocks. Men’s silk shirts. Women’s dresses. Lingeries. Marine 860. Chel sea and Atlantic Aves. 2-25-25 MARINE SUPPLIES MARINE engines, bronze shafting, pro pellers and yacht equipment. Estab lished 1913. John S. Martin Machine Shop. 349 North Massachusetts Ave nue. Marine 2098. “Quality and Serv ice Our Hobby.” 8-7-24 VENTNOR BOAT WORKS Ventnor Heights, 6th & C Ave., Nep. 205 10-9-24 MARKETS BRODIE’S MARKET 3811 Atlantic Ave. Prime Meats Only . Fancy Fruits and Vegetables Delicatessen and Groceries Prompt Delivery Marine 1848 10-29-24 Full and complete line of MEATS AND PROVISIONS Buy from us and save money. Telephone orders promptly filled. PEOPLE’S MARKET CO. 1611 Atlantic Ave. 911 Atlantic Ave. Atlantic and Florida Aves. Tel.: Marine 1186; 1086; 6877 4-1-26 MASSAGE Massage and electric cabinet baths by appointment. Louise Rapieff, 118 Madison Ave. Marine 6443. 9-24-24 GRADUATE MASSEUSE Massage, Swedish Movements, Hydro therapy and Remedial Exercises MARY A. DOWLING CHARLOTTE WILLIAMS 103 S. New Jersey Ave. Marine 1952 6-7-24 MATTRESSES AND BEDDING ACME RENOVATORS—Will make over your mattress and return it equal to new for 25 per cent, less than others. Established 12 years. Phone Neptune 665-M. tf MATTRESSES renovated equal to new, Auto delivery. Sichel’s, 1221 Drexel Ave. Marine 2695. tf 2002 ATLANTIC AVE. (At Michigan) 9-2-24 METAL REFINISHING BRASS BEDS—Chandeliers, automobile trimmings, plumbing fixtures and all metal refinished equal to new, at com plete plant. Prompt, reliable, reason able prices. When you call on us, men tion Ventnor News. L. L. Jones Com pany, 1019 Atlantic Ave. 5-21 CLASSIFIED METAL REFINISHING ATLANTIC CITY BRASS BED CO._ BEDS refinished, lacquered and repaired. “WORK of the Better Kind." J. J. McBREARTY Cor. Calif. & Fairmount Avs. Mar. 6546 4-1-26 MILLINERY THE SMART HAT SHOP Exclusive Millinery 929 PACIFIC AVENUE Phone Marine 6676-M1-15-26 MORTGAGE MONEY MORTGAGE MONEY Large Amounts. GEORGE KELLY Real Estate and Law Bldg. New York and Atlantic Aves. Phone Marine 6020 1-21 I HAVE FUNDS for 1st class mort gage investments without bonus. HARRY F. McGETTIGAN Realtor 603 Atlantic Avenue 2-26-25 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Phonographs repaired. Gun and lock smith experts. General grinding. Surgical, artisan and barbers' tools re paired and polished. D. Leonetti & Sons, 2418 Pacific Ave. Mar. 8760-W. Evenings until 9. 10-24-24 MUSIC ROLLS MUSIC ROLLS—All the latest hits in word rolls. F. A. North Co., 1882 Atlantic Avenue. 10-8-24 Atlantic City Music Shoppe—Music, Instruments, Supplies, Instrument Repairing and Tuning, phonographs, Records, Saxophones. 82 So. Virginia Avenue. Marine 759-W. 2-11-25 PIANOS PIANOS—Player and Plain pianos for sale or rent. Used pianos $25 up. Wm. Staiger, 1520 Pacific Ave. tf PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING—$2.50; all kinds of repairing. J. A. Venus, 1634 Atlan tic Ave. Marine 6623-J. tf PIANOS and Players tuned and over hauled. None better. De Luca & Weber, 119 N. Richmond. Mar. 7344-W. 10-8-24 OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING WILLIAM H. EBLE—Oxjr-Acetylene welding, cutting and brazing. 1815 Baltic Ave. Phone, Marine 5533-J. tf PAINTERS Phone Marine 8842-W COMPETENT WORKMEN HUDSON BROS. i Interior and Exterior Painting ! and Decorating m ALL BRANCHES I 18 NORTH STENTON PLACE Estimates Cheerfully Furnished IP-12-24 CIIELSEA PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING CO. Best work in town at lowest prices. “Yes! We’re Doing It.” 10 S Texas Avenue Marine 6107-J 5-25-25 STURM & WILLIAMS “Painting of Quality” Union Shop Estimates Given 721-A ATLANTIC AVENUE 22 IRVING AVENUE Marine 1752-J 3-18-26 PAINTS GLASS and Painters’ Supplies ; Sherwin Williams Paints; we deliver. Baker’s Paint Store, 822 Atlantic Avenue. Marine 6161. 4-30-24 Painters’ Supplies Painters’ Rigging Most Complete Paint and Glass Store Phone Marine 4883 JOSEPH SOLTZ PAINT STORE 2517 Atlantic Avenue PAPERHANGKRB Exclusive Wall Papers 9*1*24 PAPERHANGING — First-class work, j reasonable. For complete satisfac- ! tion call Ellis, 185 Fifth Ave., Ventnor. Phone Neptune 927-W. 2-24-24 PAPERHANGING, reasonable prices. Elwood G. Weaver, 12 S. Bellevue Avenue. Marine 8995-R. tf' WALL PAPERING Select wall paper, neatly and carefully applied, gives a certain attractiveness to the home. Phone—Marine 8728-J and we will be glad to talk figures with you. Sharpe A Co., 11 S. Mt. Vernon Ave. (Formerly 1729 Atlantic Ave.) 9-22-24 PAPERHANGING—$3 room and up; work done satisfactorily. Galinn, 128 S. Connecticut ave. Marine S172-J. 10-21-24 F0R aai the beet material, call A.\ Applebeam. 22 8. Maryland. Marine 471-M. T-12 NORTHSIDE Panerhanging and Dec orating Co., 215 North South Carolina Ave. Estimates given. Marine 6254-J. 1-21 Best work in city at lowest prices. Give i us a trial and be convinced. Wm. j Litt, 150 S. New York. Marine 4221-J. j tf I CLASSIFIED PASTRY LA PAIX PASTRY SHOP Specialists in Danish and French Pastries. Best Ice Cream in Atlantic Ctiy. All kinds of Fancy Cakes. 8205 Atlantic Ave. 2-25-25 “Don’t forget to stop at the Ventnor Pastry Shop.” 6416 Ventnor _ Ave. Hot Bread Twice Daily. All goods baked with butter on the premises. 6-11-24 PLASTERING THOS. HALL—Plastering, special at tention to job work. 1909 Hummock Street. 4-23 ANDREW ROE Contracting Plasterer, plain and orna mental art marble, Caen Stone and Imi ation Travertine. 27 No. Pennsylvania \ve., Phone: Marine 4036-W. tf POST CARDS—WHOLESALE SALTSBURG’S MERCHANDISE CO. Publishers of local views, post cards, booklets and folders 123 S. Virginia Ave. Marine 571 tf PRINTERS HEWITT & COMPANY—Printers. Try us on your next order for printing. 2 South Georgia Avenue. tf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY EXPERT typist. Mimeographing, No tary Public; confidential work solicit ed. Laura E. Ulery, 6208 Ventnor Ave. Nep. 49-M. 1-16-26 RADIATOR REPAIRS PHILA. AUTO RADIATOR AND REPAIR CO. Authorized agents for United Motor Service, Harrison Raditors 3 So. No. Carolina Ave., Mar. 2881-W 2-25-25 RADIO We carry a complete line of radio equipment. Reasonable prices. We conduct a free radio school. Come in and build your own set. F. Ursprung, 2712 Atlantic Ave. Marine 4460-W. 3-11-25 REAL EST.—COTTAGES WANTED WANTED COTTAGE FURNISHED IN VENTNOR. Must be between Ventnor Ave. and the beach; wanted for summer season; must have 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, and garage. Please reply giving exact location, time cot tage may be rented from, and price. Write to Geo. C. Beckenbaugh, Room 716, 1420 Chestnut St., Philadel phia, Penna. tf REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL OPPORTUNITY WORTH IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION Brand new store for rent, located at Florida and Atlantic Avenues, N. W. corner, 19x35 ft. Large cellar, same size as store. Height 7 ft. 4 in. in clear. GUARANTEE waterproof. See owner on premises. JOHN MOORE 2503 Atlantic Avenue tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $2500 CASH PRICE $8750. MODERN VENT NOR COTTAGE. SIX LARGE ROOMS AND TILE BATH, GAR AGE, SCREENS AND SHADES INCLUDED. REAL BARGAIN. KEEN-KORS REALTY COMPANY 2 S. Tennessee Ave. Marine 6451 1-28-25 your properties with me for quick action; clients waiting. Chas. L* lelly, 106 St. James PI. Marine 1654-W. tf BUY LOTS! Ventnor Park, near Dorset Ave., wonderful home sites, $200 cash, balance arranged. Buy now, prices go up. Bruckmann, 310 Guarantee Trust Bldg. tf $3000 CASH buys 2-family house near theatre, stores and churches, renting about $1200. price $9000. Other bar gains. Bruckmann, 310 Guarantee Trust Bldg. tf It pays to call at Spandau’s, 415 Pac. Ave., to buy, rent or exchange. Listings solic ited. Real Estate advisors. 8*6-25 Corner brick property for sale. Semi detached with basement apt. 4 rooms and bath. 2 garages. All improvements. $19,000, $5,000 cash. Steiner & Jacobs. 716 Atlantic Ave. Marine 5829. t£ BUYERS of homes call here every day. Have we your listing? Guaranty Bldg. & Realty Co., Buffalo & Atlantic Aves. tf FOR SALE Four-family brick apartment bouse; oil-burning system; best location; Chel sea district real bargain; well financed. $83,000.00 ZANE-DETWEILER. Inc. Realtors 1925 Pacific Ave. Marine 2292 tf ETHEL J. KIBBE, Listings of Merit. 167 S. Va. Ave. Marine 8271-J. 2-11-25 Corner—2 cottages, all improvements. Lot 42x70; 8 rooms each, $15,000; well financed. Spandau. 416 Pacific, 8-6-25 CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BARGAIN—Brick house in Ventnor, 8 bed rooms and bath; h. w. heat, gras and electric. Price $7800. $1000 cash. R. D. White, 4 South Weymouth Ave. Neptune 9G0-W. 1-7-25 Maurice L. Goldsmith—Real Estate and Insurance. Specializing in trading Atlantic City property for Philadelphia property. 517 Pacific. Marine 4316-W. 3-18-25 CHELSEA—Distinctive 3-fam. apart ment house in best section. All rent ed, yearly leases and price for early sale is $25,000. Terms. Russell C. Ro ney, 328 Guar. Trust Bldg. Mar. 155-M 8-11-25 REAL ESTATE DEALERS Marine 5676 Apartments—Cottages COAST REALTY CO. Real Estate Insurance Mortgages 1221 Atlantic Avenue 1-28-25 REAL ESTATE DEALERS Members—Ventnor-Margate R. E. Boar MARINE REALTY CO. 23 S. Little Rock Ave. Phone, Neptune 34-J 11-5-24 WALTER N. YATES 5206 Ventnor Ave. Phone, Neptune 1951, or 1406-R 11-18-24 BLOOM-WTLLIAMS CO. 5313 Atlantic Avenue Phdne: Neptune 1585 6-11-24 A. J. DONAHUE 15 So. Little Rock Ave. 11-15-24 REAL ESTATE—OCEAN CITY PAUL SMITH KELLER CO., Real Es tate Brokers, 521 Ninth Street, Ocean City, N. J. Cottages, Apartments, Lots for Sale or Rent, not members of Real Estate Trust. 1-28-25 RESTAURANTS BOARDWALK CAFETERIA So. Carolina and Boardwalk “Where The Kitchen Talks” Service Courtesy Attention Popular Prices 2-11-25 SO. CAROLINA AND BOARDWALK “Where The Kitchen Talks” Service — Courtesy — Attention Popular Prices 2-11-25 Compliments from SAUL BROS. Self Service Lunch 11 S. S. Carolina Avenue 8-6-25 ROOFING AND METAL WORK STOVES, heaters, ranges. All kinds of roofing and spouting. 620 Arctic Avenue. Phone, Marine 5578-J. H Smith, Prop. tl PETER GRUGAN ROOFER 130 Ocean Ave. Mar. 6324-W _3-11-25 RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS of all kinds made to order. Brooks & Idler, 88 S. New York Ave., 2819 Atlantic Ave. tf SAFES THE SAFE CABINET “The World’s Safest Safe" Protect your Records, Your Records Protect your Business 1423 Pacific Avenue Marine 3692 6-19-24 SCREENS SCREENS made to fit. Put in com plete. Also re-cover and repair your old screens. Phone R. Brooks, Nep. 8. 4-1-25 SEWING MACHINES ALL makes of Sewing Machines rep. Kelley’s Hemstitching Shop, 21 N. Vir. 6-4-24 SEWING MACHINES rented. Kelley’t Hemstitching Shop, 21 N. Vir. Ave. 6-4-24 SEWING MACHINE BELTS, 15c. Kel ley’s Hemstitching Shop, 21 N. Vir. 6-4-24 SHOE REPAIRING VENTNOR SHOE SHOP, 6802 Ventnor Ave. Repairing, Best Workmanship. S. Blum, Prop. Neptune 29-J. 10-22-24 ATTILIO VERNA First-Class Shoe Repair Shop 29 S. Little Rock Avenue 10-29-24 Frank Destefano LIBERTY SHOE REPAIR SHOP 619 Atlantic Ave. Shoe* Shined l-C-U SHOES SCHELLENBERG’S Florsheim and Queen Quality Shoe Store, 1208 Atlantic Avenue. 21 years in same location. Sam. H. Schellenberg. 8-18-25 THE BEST SHOES in town at lowest prices. Give us a trial. Boston Shoe House, 913 Arctic Ave. tf SIGNS Che Big CAUHARINE 5540' SIGN./^= SERVICE 913Atlant ic Avenue 3-4-25 SPECIAL NOTICES SPIRITUAL messages. Madam Reid, Friday, 84 N. Kentucky, side entrance. 1-28-25 SPIRITUAL meeting. Wed., Fri., Sun. evenings. 84 N. Kentucky Avenue, side entrance (over Grill’s Cafe), Madam Payne and others. 1-28-25 CLASSIFIED SPECIAL NOTICES MEETINGS—Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings, Wednesday after noons, 2:30. Pendleton, 1919 Garfield. Marine 2089-M. 1-28-25 DIVINE HEALING CURES WITHOUT MEDICINE. COME TO PROF. RAT LIFF. 252 N Va. Av. Mar. 6477. 2-4-26 PROF. GEORGE—America's foremost psychic, palmist. Readings daily. Hours from 10 to 8. 127 South Ken tucky Avenue. 1-28-25 ATLANTIC CITY Spiritual Center, 20 S. Virginia Ave. Meetings Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri., 8 p. m., Tues., Thurs., 2 p. m. Consultation Clara M. Brucker. 1-28-25 3T. ANTHONY'S SPIRITUAL CHURCH. Percy Smith, pastor. Meetings Tues., Thurs., Fri. and Sun. Private Appoint ments. 318 N. Penna. Ave. Ph. 7890. 1-28-26 MEETINGS every Friday night, 8 P. M. at 15 No. Michigan Ave. Floral read ings every second Friday in the month. Madame Bufford, pastor. 2-11-26 MARTINI PALMIST (His 22nd Season). 192 St. James PL (Just off Bwalk.) Mar. 616-J tf “KENILWORTH” PALMIST, PSYCHIST AND ASTROLOGIST 2507 Boardwalk 2-25-26 SPORT GOODS SPECIAL PRICES on Base Ball Goods and Fishing Tackle. L. Rothstein, 1702 Atlantic Avenue. 5-21-24 STORAGE SEASHORE AND HUSTED—Phone Ma rine 683. Packing. Careful storage. Individual rooms. 11-4-26 STRUCTURAL STEEL Structural iron and steel fire escapes; metal lath; water proofing. A. W. CUNNINGHAM A CO. C01 Guarantee Trust Bldg. Marine 2486 Atlantic City 2-18-25 TAILORS B. LIEBERMAN—Ladies’ Dresses A Specialty. Repairing and Dyeing. 14 No. New Jersey Ave. Marine 479-J. tf Suits made to order. Cleaning, re pairing and pressing. Best in town. A. Miller, 2115 Pacific. Marine 2229-J. 2-25-25 B. GARSON—Ladies’ and Gents* Cus tom Tailor. Your own material made up. 118 S. Virginia Ave. Marine 6965. tf CLEANING AND DYEING I Custom work is our specialty. Large j assortment of woolens to pick from. | Give us a trial and be convinced. Louis : Rizzuto, 2305 Arctic Avenue. 2-18-25 ! Altering, Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, j Work called for and delivered. I. Glas er, 11 S. Boston Ave. Marine 5859-W. 4-1-25 TAXI SERVICE ! HUDSON TAXI—Marine 1482 | 50c to Albany Ave., 76c to Jackson, 51 ; to Ventnor, for one passenger, 25c each additional. Touring, $8 hour. 1315 Baltic Ave. 10-22-24 TILE AND MARBLE Phs : Marine 3608-M: Residence 3984-W GLENWOOD TILE COMPANY Samuel Snyder, Mgr. 222 Chelsea Bank Bldg. 1-28-25 Deal with the old reliable and be satisfied. JAS. J. O’KEEFE Est. 1904 Iowa and Atlantic 2-11-25 UMBRELLAS UMBRELLAS recovered, repaired. Old trunks made new. Prompt service. Hi-Grade Luggage Shop, 816 Atlantic Avenue. 11-19-24 UNDERTAKERS DENNIS A. GORMLEY FUNERAL DIRECTOR & EMBALMEB 911 Pacific Avenue Private Ambulance Phones: "Marine 514 Marine 5650 10-18-20 : Phone: Marine 7155 C. H. DON A WAY | Funeral Director and Embalmer Penna. and New Jersey License Lady Attendant Penna. & Baltic Aves. __ 9-24-24 UPHOLSTERING SEASHORE Upholstering Co. — High grade upholstering:, new work, decorat ing, slip-covers, mattresses made to order. Also repairing work. 2222 Pa cific Avenue. Marine 2801. FEINBERG—Upholstering, box spring mattresses manufactured, renovated; slipcovers. 2313 Atl. Mar. 6832-J. 3-25-25 VACUUM CLEANERS We hire vacuum cleaners by the day. Let us send salesman to demonstrata. Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Co. 37 S. Tenn. tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED—To buy household goods, furniture, carpets, lamps. Highest prices paid. Jay’s Furniture Exchange, 232 N. Mass. Ave. Marine 5574-J. 1-21 WHITEWASHING WHITEWASH’G, spray’g, kalsomin’g, patch plas., chimn. repair. A cleaned. Johnson, 236 N. Ken, Marine 6851-W. 10-21-24