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f OFFICE CA T r- - ■■ 'i In his announcement on a Sun day morning the minister re gretted that money ■was not com ing in fast enough—but he was no pessimist. ‘‘We have tried,” he said, “to raise the necessary money in the usual manner. We have tried honestly. Now we are going to see what a bazaar can do.” * * * Hazel—Did she marry him for love or money? Helen—For love, of course, he’s a newspaperman. * * * A local scribe thinks distance lends enchantment to the debt. * * * Geo. W. Bond says it took sev eral years to make men out of monkeys. It sometimes takes five minutes to reverse the process. • • • What makes a man think he is having a good time when he goes fishing is because his wife isn’t along. * * • The test of true friendship comes when it costs you real money to maintain it. * * • The present generation may not know much about literature, ad mits Prof. Lawson, but it can' teach all the old-timers how to dance. * * * To err is human and to keep it up is foolish. * * * He asked a miss what is a kiss Gramatically defined. “A kiss is a conjunction And cannot be declined." » * * Officer of the Court—The jury Officer of the Court—“The jury will take their accustomed places.” * * * Too much wine in the cellar has often led to water on the brain. • * * MODERN DEFINITION Balloonotic—A highly enthused owner of a set of balloon tires. f— " . i Window SHADES The "Best in Quality and * * Service. Harry H. Frishmuth 2308 Fairmount Avenue Marine 4621-R Obsequious Waiter — “Lovely weather we’re having today, sir." Absent-inded Patron — “All right, bring me some.” * * * You can say one thing for the Ten Commandments. Owen M. Bruner says it never is necessary to write them in code. * * » A man’s wife hunts h(s things for him, says a Somers Point merchant while a bachelor knows where to find his own on the floor. * * * How oft you note from day to day The man in deep despair Who puts things carefully away And can't remember where. * » * H. L. Campbell says you can’t explain anything you don’t under stand. « * » A Ventnor lawyer tells this one: The jury had retired and were discussing the merits of the case. “Look here,” said one young juryman, “if I understand rightly, the plaintiff doesn't ask for dam ages for blighted affections or anything of that sort, but only wants his presents back.” “That’s right,” agreed the fore man. “Well, then I vote that we don't give him a cent,” said the young juryman hastily. “If all the fun he had with that girl didn’t cover the amount the presents cost .him, it was his own fault. Gentlemen, I courted that girl once myself.” * * * A Ventnor mother was embar rassed beyond words, relates a Linwood golfer, when her little daughter opened her savings bank in front of the bank clerk and out rolled $2.95 in change and a bright red poker chip. * * * There is no man so great there is not a nut meg grater. Ted Lewis and his musical en tertainers, now appearing at the Ritz-Carlton, have played for some of the most notable people in the world today. Mr. Lewis is the recipient of many prized let ters from prominent ones prais ing him for his playing. Garage Chatter Air Pump—“You look hollow chested and thin. What seems to be the trouble?” Inner Tube (wearily)—“In come Tax.” I’ve Rented My Room It only required a three line ad in the Ventnor News Classified Section. Just a few words to say how pleasant the room and how convenient the lo cation. Why don’t you try it? Just Telephone Your Ad to Marine 1890 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUCTIONEERS BARRY—Auctioneer, appraiser. Est. 1884. What have you to sellT We buy furniture. Get our estimate first. Auc tion sales solicited. 2815 AtL Marine 3810-W. Consignment sales when de sired. 1-28-21 CONSULT us before you sell your fur niture, ae we pay its full value and remove it at your convenience. Moore's, 2218 Atlantic Are. Marine 88(8. Established 1896. tf AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES AUTO TOP SHOP—Tops, side eurtalns. seat covers, upholstering; made and epaired. 82 8 Ark. Are. Mar. 8082-J. 8-11-28 AUTO ACCESSORIES TIRES VULCANIZED 106 North Montpelier At*. We make your old tire* new. Retread ng and repairing a specialty. Victory Vulcanizing Repair Shop. Wm. Hohe. 2-4-26 80x3%, 33.00—Used Tires—87x1, IMI We have also new tires at rock bottom prices CUT PRICE TIRE STORE 2249 Arctic Avenue 2-11-26 TIRES—The Oefer Tire Exchange. Vul canising and Retreading. Pali line of accessories. Dayton Tires and Tabes. Also used tires. 2113 Pacific Avenue. Marine 4675-J. u AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE MR. USED CAR BUYER DON’T Fail to see our fine display of High Grade Cars at attractive prieea. Terms to Suit. Will Finance. HALL & GRAVATT, INC. Open Air Arena 9-11-13 S. MISSOURI AVENUE Marine 6030-6031 HTTP MOBILES—Late open and closed { models. Terms. Hupp Used Car Dept., Baltic and North Carolina. 10-22-24 USED CARS IN STOCK AND FOR SALE 1923 Dodge Sedan, Type A ............3950 L921 Dodge Touring . 3375 1924 Ford Sedan .. 3600 L921 Buick Six Coupe ....................3800 L923 Overland Sedan .........3475 EASTERN MOTOR CO. Arkansas and Arctic Avaa. tf PAIGE A JEWETT OO. Sales and Service !418 Atlantic Ave. Marine 2S58-J ; Fred. Appelgren Atlantic City 2-26-26 : AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING BETCHEN’S AUTHORIZED Ford SERVICE STATION 2201-3-5-7 Arctic Avenue Genuine Ford parts Tawing Marine 6029 tf ATLANTIC AUTO RADIATOR CO.. Calif, and Arctic Aves. Radiators, fenders, repaired equal to new. Ford “Honey Comb" radiator* and cover* for replacement. Especially low prices. tf VENTNOR Machine Co., auto and marine repairing. Day and night service. Fifth Ave., Ventnor Height*. Neptune 205. 10-9-24 USED AUTOMOBILES Don’t wom/Sboui [AUTO' BARTS; C5ME-UI i o uu; ior purs, no xnattar vut condition they are in. Hi sheet Prices Paid. Parte Bold on Eaey Terms Open Evening* and Sunday Day Mar. 8681-M ; Night Mar. S842-J 211 N. Georgia Ave. __ 2-26-20 GARAGES $10—PER MONTH—$10 Store your car with us the year 'round. *3.000 ft. storage space. Absolutely fireproof building. SOUTH CAROLINA AVE. GARAGE 109-11 No. South Carolina Ave. Marine 857-W 7.9 “PEERLESS GARAGE” 2720 ATLANTIC AVI. 0»ra Stored Washed While Ton Welt Marine 2880 8-11-26 New Jersey Garage. 117-25 N. New Jersey. Cars stored, day, week or month; rates reasonable. Largest fire proof garage on the North Side. 6-21-25 AWNINGS ATLANTIC CITY AWNING A ROOFING CO. Reliable lit. 1*11 PRE-WAR PRICES WHY PAY MORBt GET OUR estimate Factory Open For Inspection GUS A. JOHANN, Owmar Rear of 2900 Sunset Avenue Marin* SOIt-J 8*27-24 LEONARD YOUNQ Awning*. Sail*, Can a a* Roofing 707 Arctic Av*., AtUntie City, S. J, Tel: Marin* 2241-W Re*.: Harvard it Monmouth, N*p. 411-R 2-6-25 AWNINGS PHONE MARINE C444-W Workmanship Guaranteed. Order* for all Awnlnt Work should be placed now to avoid delay. Window Shade* Draperies VENTNOR AWNING SHOP 42IS VENTNOR AVE. 4-1-25 NOW AWNINGS THE NATIONAL TENT A AWNING COMPANY The Awnin* Shop of Atlantic City Awnings, Curaa Kooftof ROLAND CLIFFORD. 22»» Antic Art. Pht. Marine »8»»-W; P’tUU 712-J. 2-11-25 Awning*, Dnperiei and Window Shad** our specialty. Best in town. Call and convince yourself. NEW YORK UPHOLSTERY ft DECORATING CO, Cor. Boston anrt Atlantic Avenue* Marine 8844_ 5-25-25 THOS. 0. YOUNG CO. KvcrytMns in Cutu _ 22 N. CALIFORNIA AVKNUE Marine 5458 8-11-15 JAMES LATIMER Practical Awning Maker and Canvas Roofer Factory: 10 North New Jersey Avenue Marine ISIS S-5-24 BABY CARRIAGES Atlantic City Baby Coach Hospital; tires put on, old carriages mads like new, carriages bought and sold; Baby carriages to hire and for sale. S. Fishman, 12 8. Conn. Ays. Marine 4272-J. 2-4-26 BANKS GET THAT SAVING HABIT and 4% at the Equitable Trust Co., Arkansas and Atlantic Avenues. 1*21 BARBER SHOPS LLOYD’S BARBER SHOP 17 a SOUTH CAROLINA AVENUE Marine 5261 2-4 BATHING SUITS ROTH’S 1314 Pacific Ave. (Opp. Y. M. C. A.) BATHING SUITS for the whole family. The most com plete line of Bathing Apparel in At lantic City. Original Bathing Suit Shop. Telephone Marine 2321-J 6-10-25 BLOCK’S Leading BATHING SUIT SHOP Official Outfitters for the PAGEANT 1421 PACIFIC AVENUE Marine 4108-W 7*2 BATHS HOT and Cold Sea Water Baths. Open all year. Hildur Karla on, Schlitz Ho. 1-28-25 BOARDING HOTEL KIEV—80 So. Florida Ava. Kosher hotel; hot and cold running water; reasonable prices; very good table. 7-2-24 BOATS CHARLES P. LEEK. JR., designer and builder of yachts, launches and ex press cruisers. Agent for Fay, Bowen. Wisconsin, Standards, Sterling. Ker math engines. Iowa A Thorofare Ava. _ 8-11-26 BUILDERS WE1NTROB A ENNIS—Builder* and contractors. Jobbing in all its branches; estimates cheerfully given. Office 1617 Atlantic Ave., Mar. 2844-W Residence phone: Marine 2128-W. _ 2-4-26 BUTTER A EGGS—WHOLESALE Schwars A Garftnkle, commission mar* chants, wholesale butter, eggs and cheese. 2407 Paclfie. Marin* 2461. 8-6.26 CARPENTERS If built by FLICK, It’s built RIGHT" Sun Parlors a Specialty Jobbing HARRY S. FLICK 116 N. Windsor Avenue Marine 7277-J tl CARPENTERS ED ANDERSEN—All kind, of jobbing, alterations, porch inelosures, window screens, 181 N. Arkansas. Mar. 4688-J. CARPENTER Mechanic—Experienced and thorough. Jobbing of All Kinds by Day or Contract L. P. FOWLES 122 N. CAMBRIDGE AVE. Phone, Neptune 2091-J tf GEO. W. KNOLL. Carpenter & Builder. Alterations, additions and repairs. Breakfast nooks, $40 up; porch enclos ures, $150 up. Estimates cheerfully given. Mar. 8726. Ill Metropolitan Av. M. FISHMAN—Contractor and builder. Alterations of all kinds. 48 N. Ark. Ave.. 716 Atl. Ave., Marine 5847. 2-11-25 ALTERATIONS, Repairs. Building Car penter. Day or contract. Marine 4288-W. James A. Barr, 8 City Square. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY on any al terations or repairs on account of my small overhead expense. H. Kolmet sky, Carpenter and Builder, 288 S. Con gress Ave. Marine 5121. 11-26-24 CARPET CLEANING ATL. CITY CARPET CLEANING WKS. 1822 Baltic Avenue Mattress Renovating Upholstering JOHN SHOPPY Marine 1727-W 10-8-24 CARPETS Made, laid, cleaned and scoured. Rugs cut and altered. Oriental rugs a ape* cialty. Linoleum laid and cemented. Phone Pleasantville B4B-J. C. A. McKEEN 4 N. Brighton Ave., Pleasantville 10-22-24 DUSTING—B hour service. Scouring— 3 day service. SEASHORE AND HUSTED Phone Marine 683 11-4-26 Chelsea Mattress and Upholstery Com pany, carpet cleaning, latest improved vacuum carpet cleaning machines. Each carpet or rug handled individually. A. Griffiths, 2B09 Arctic. Mar. 208. tf CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Feldstein Bros.—Mfrs. of high grade cigars, wholesale, retail. Full line of pipes. 2010 Atl. Ave. tf CLEANING AND DYEING STEAMING, Pressing and Dyeing at low prices; deliveries. Continental Cleaning Co. Marine 2843-J. tf RISLEY’S CLEANING and DYEING. Anna Armpriester, 29-B S. New York Ave. Telephone: Marine 1231-W. At lantic City. 1-28-2B | CLEANING & dyeing of all kinds. Give | us a trial—be convinced. R & S Clean ing & Dyeing, 312 Atl. Mar. 4B87-M. tf CLOTHING DEALERS SAM SLOTOROFF The popular priced clothing store of Atlantic City. High grade Men’s, Young Men’s and Boys’ Suits. 1331 ARCTIC AVENUE (Cor. of Tennessee) Phone: Marine 779-M 6-10-2B SAMPLE MODELS, Spring Suits. Buy now and save 26%. Strand Clothing Co., second floor, Segal Building, North Carolina and Atlantic Avenues—walk a flight—get treated right. 1-28-26 MAX SLOTOROFF Men’s and Young Men’s Clothing. Lat est styles in Spring suits. S. W. Cor. Va. and Arctic Aves. Marins 8942-J. 8-26-26 3LOTHING -v- New and second-hand, bought and sold. Best prieas in town. 1615% Arctic Ave. Mar. 2991*W. 2-11-26 JACOBSON’S—Custom made and high grade ready made men’s clothes, of best materials. Prices less than any other store. B07 Atlantic Ave. 8-6-24 CLOTHING WANTED \7T?C Don't throw away your X H,0 husband’s old clothes. 1 „ ,P*y the highest prices for Call Marine 2294-W. tf I pay spot cash for ladies’ and gentl .«!ncn.,• cl°tbing, also shoes. R. Tyi 1216 Arctic. Marine 2188-W 10-1-J COFFEES AND TEAS TAYLOR'S "Reputation Coffee" Freeh roasted every day. Teas, Ex tracts. Spices, Peanuts and Home-Made Peanut Butter. Wholesale and Retail. Delivery. 212 N. Mass. Mar. 4904-J. 4-16-21 CONTRACTORS Cabinet Window Screens Maker A Specialty Phone Marine 5882-R PRANK GATTO & CO. Contractors CARPENTERS and BUILDERS An Kinds of Alterations 18. 8. Mississippi Ave. Atlantia City. N. J. tf CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Promts Mt 8P«l»lty Estimates Given OWEN A. KERTLAND 2*01 Pacific Av«no« Phones: Marine 1T2T-M: Marine 1211 t-l-ll CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CLEMENT and FITZGERALD CARPENTERS and BUILDERS Screening Sun Parlors, Alerations and Roof Work 36 N. Maryland Ave. Marine 3240 We use only galvanized nails. Satis faction guaranteed. References. 6-19-25 CONTRACTORS—ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC WIRING — Old and new houses, repairing. Louis J. Grant, reg istered. 24 S. Dover Ave. Marine 7796. 5-28-24 GEORGE W. POST ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 216 Wilden Terrace. Rear 216 N. New Hampshire Ave. Phone—Marine 490-J. 9-1-24 CORSET MAKERS MADAME ISABELLE — Corsets and brassieres made to order exclusively. 1318 Pacific Avenue. Marine 1200. tf MRS. E. FAISST Expert Corsetiere—Surgical Work Call Marine 1978-W—By Appointment NU BONE CORSET—Custom Mad* 8407 Winchester A venue, Atlantic City 2-25-25 DELICATESSEN Garfinkal’s Delicatessen for all kind* of sandwiches, tasty salads, table delica cies. 2427 Atlantic Ave. 8-6-26 JAMES, wholesale bu tter, eggs and cheese. Jobber in provisions and deli catessen. 2401 Pacflc. Marine 4596. 8-6-25 French Delicatessen, home cooking and assorted salads. Best imp. and dom. goods. 2504 Atl. Ave. Marine 2894-W. 8-6-26 DETECTIVE AGENCIES HAUGHEY’S Nat’l Detective Bureau. Open day and night. Freeman Bldg., 1514 Atlantic Ave. Marine 1778. 2-11-25 DRESSMAKING Dressmaking and Art Shop—Hemstitch ing, trimmings, buttons, buttonholes, picot edging, men's shirts made to order, pinking & pleating, remodeling a spe cialty. Julia De Feo, 1-A North Iowa Avenue. Phone. 2-25-25 DRESSMAKING—and Millinery, reas onable. 80 S. Maryland. Apt. A-4. Phone Marine fOl-W. Miss Hess. 10-21-24 CHILDREN’S DRESSMAKING We specialize in all types of children’s clothing, coats, and hats. MRS. H. M. NELSON 128 N. Sacramento Ave.; Nep. 1989-R; 10-29-25 DRUG STORE | SAXON Cut-Rate Drug Store. Complete I line toilet articles. Your patronage so licited. Saxon Drug Store, 19 N. Va. Av. 2-4-25 EGGS—RETAIL “Harriet Garden Egrgfl” A trial will convince you of their qual ity. Robert Colguhoun, 204 Pacific Ave. Marine 4114-J. 8-18-25 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Repairing of electrical household appli ances a specialty. Give us a triaL W. S. Higbee, 8310 Atlantic Ave. tf EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES BEST HELP FURNISHED White and colored, hotels and private families. National Employment Agency, 118 North South Carolina Avenue. Marine 8608-J 9-6-24 COMPETENT Help—Private or public, j supplied by day or week. Fidelity Employment Agency, 105 N. New York ! Ave. Marine 162-J. 10-16-24 i Help wanted it supplied. Best elassee, white-colored. Maggie McGuinn, Snap. Ag'y, 1625 Arctic. Marine 2794. 2-4-26 Reliable Employment Service—Compe tent help furnished on short notice. 30-C S. Virginia. Marine 266-J. 10-22-24 FLMUSTS For Plants and Cot Flowsrs Call tha VENTNOR FLORIST Neptune 81-W FREE DELIVERY 8-18-25 FLO WERS—FRESH OUT daily for all occasion*. Fancy canary birds and parrots. Gold fish. Atlantic City Flower Shop, 1619 Paclflo Are. Marine 2440. 10-8-24 FRESH FLOWERS for all occasions. Reasonable prices. Crane A Will. Ull Pacific Avn, Marine 8400. « FOR SALE . , FORMULA Mosquitoes, Files, Fleas, Bedbugs, Moths, Cockroaches and Ants in the house. Do you want to learn how to kill these insect pestsT Make your own insect killer at home; as simple to make as a pot of coffee, and very cheap. Mail us 25 cents, stamps or coin, and we will mail you the formula for making a stainless insectide that will positively kill above mentioned insects •and many more. Send 25c today. invested bC the be8t QUarter you 6Ver cF^°c5IDA CHEMICAL CO. T 1. 8t“ T*Heyrand Ave. Jacksonville, Fla. 7-2-24