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OFFICE CA T He—'Ah, every morning you are my first thought! She—Your brother says the same. Yes, but I am up half an hour before him.” * * * The most charming woman, ac cording to H. P. Dunon, is the one who can create the greatest amount of wonder with the few est words. * » * How many did you take on that last hole? asked the first golfer. Five, responded the second. You must get the habit from association with your ball, mut tered the first golfer; I noticed it was lying back there on the green. * * * Say what you please to the contrary, but Adam Freund says the most forgiving thing in the world is a camera. * * * Athlete: A dignified bunch of muscles unable to split wood or sift the ashes. * * * Famous saying at three o’clock in the morning: Now, John, stop lying to me. I know what time it is. * * * Lady Astor says women are wiser at eighteen than men are at thiryt. Of course, that’s why they catch the poor fish. J. M. Friedman says he sus pects that English is called the mother tongue because father doesn’t get a chance. * * * The best kicker in the office, says W. K. Clymer, is usually the first one to get kicked out. * * * Doesn’t it make a thin person awfully warm to look at a fat person on a July Sunday after noon, murmurs D. Edwards, of flower fame, looking ahead. * * * Here’s a good slogan usqd by an Atlantic City furniture dealer: “Home is the nearest place to heaven that earth provides.” • * * There was a time when beauty parlors didn’t need open windows to let out the cigaret smoke. The man who was talking the other day about the importance of changing one’s environment, says Roy H. Cochran, probably meant that it was time to take ’em off. The modern flapper’s axiom is: “Where singleness is bliss, ’tis folly to be wives.” * * in AND THEN I SAID— Of all sad words for girls or men The saddest are these, “It’s half past ten.’’ AND THEN SHE SAID— Of all sweet words of girls or men The sweetest are these, “Kiss me again.” AND THEN WE BOTH SAID— Aw, you can’t say anything at a time like that. * * * The people may like to be hum bugged, but not by home folks. * * * — Money makes the mare go, and W. Le Roy Cortelyou says often the mare makes the money go. * * » *1 The word “boss” comes from Anglo-Saxon. The boss, how ever, seems to come from no where when you are loafing, ex plains a Ventnor News reporter. * * * There’s no change in him, said the Ventnor doctor as he finished operating on the little boy who was supposed to have swallowed a penny. * * * Jim Burt says the earnest radio fan never regrets the loss of a night’s sleep if he can add a new station further west to his record. * * * It's mighty hard to get the kick without the “hie.’’ A bootlegger well known as Stack, Had a terrible pain in the back, He turned very gloomy, And feeling quite roomy, Just drank off a quart of shellac. * * * \ Yes, said the brute, the only thing that makes me cry is an onion. . * * * Most people wish they likeu work as much as they do not like it. * * * With so many candidates in the race, says Dr. W. J. Carrington, it should prove to be a great year for cigar stores. A woman never can understand why her husband wants to go out and play poker, says a Ventnor wife, when he could stay home and sit up all night and swear without losing any money. Ragson Tatters says: I see where the Department of the In terior has ruled that awl dances by the Injuns must be respeck table, butt not a word abaut the whites. * * * Your wife may be due a lot of credit, but V. C. Brickman says your servant insists on working on a cash basis. * « « We heard a zealous automobile salesman in an Atlantic City cafe say: • “The 0. K. car will run 25 miles on a gallon.” His prospect replied: “Down hill or in the garage?” * * * WHAT FOOLS WE MORTALS BE Wife: Just think, James, last night I found a big bundle of those old love letters you wrote me. Hubby: For heaven’s sake, Myrtle, burn them before the children have a chance to see them. They haven’t much respect for me as it is. * * * In this day and age, says P. W. Brown, a man can’t say anything he wants to in a barber shop. Bobbed hair has put a crimp .in freedom of speech. * * * The man who talks the least sometimes has the most to say, according to Ike Sweigert. Water flows freely from the jug that | is half empty. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Accountant Auditor G. E. Barker Part Time Bookkeeping Books Opened and Closed Financial Statements, Etc. Ph. Neptune 106 N. Baltimore Ave. Lunch The most modern and unique self-serv ice lunch in Atlantic City SAUL BROS. Arkansas & Atl. 3 N. South Carolina (Opp. Reading St*n) (Opp. Penna. St’n) Phone 2725-W Phone 1056-W ROME The Tailor Ladies* and Gentlemen’s Clothes Cleaned Pressed, Altered, Remodeled & Repaired Work Called For and Delivered 2523 ATLANTIC AVENUE Bell Phone: Marine 722-W A genius in the opinion of S. J. Bogatin, is a man who can teach a child to hate war and to adore war heroes. * * * Character is what man is. Reputation is what he hasn’t got when a senate committee gets through with him. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES AUTO TOP SHOP—Topi, aid* curtains, ■eat covers, upholstering; made and epaired. 82 S Ark. Ave. Mar. S06S-J. 1-11-26 TIRES VULCANIZED 106 North Montpelier Avn. We make your old tires new. Retread* ng and repairing a specialty. Victory Vulcanizing Repair Shop. Wm. Hohe. 2-4-26 TIRES—The Cofer Tire Exchange. Vul canizing and Retreading. Fail line of accessories. Dayton Tires and Tubes. Also used tires. 2116 Paeifie Avenue. Marine 4575-J. tf AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SEE THESE TODAY— HUDSON—7-pass, touring, wonder ful condition; you must see this car to appreciate it; only $382 and $48 monthly. HUDSON—Coupe, 4-pass, splendid shape ;only $414 and $50 monthly. BUICK—Coupe, 6-cylinder, 4-pass.; will give wonderful service; $383 cash and $43 monthly. BUICK 4—5-pas9. touring; will give good service; $231 cash and $38 monthly. BUICK. 6 — Sedan, 5-pass, fully equipped; has hjid good care; a wonderful buy. BUICK 6—Coupe, 4-pass, thoroughly overhauled, perfect ’ shape, tires, paint, mechanically. $564 cash and $70 monthly. FORD—One-ton truck, fine condi tion, paint, rubber, mechanically; $231 and $28 monthly. FORD—Sedan; will give good serv ice; only $140 and $25 monthly. BUICK 6—5-pass., with Rex top; only $140 cash and $25 monthly. STUDEBAKER—Light 6, 5-pass, touring, good condition; $231 cash and $28 monthly. BUICK—Late model, 5-pass, sedan, paint, rubber and mechanically good; $383 cash and $43 monthly. WILL be pleased to demonstrate any of the above cars, driving instruc tion free. BUICK USED CAR EXCHANGE 2200 Atlantic Avenue 9-11 S. Missouri Avenue Open Evenings USED CARS IN STOCK AND FOR SALE 1923 Dodge Screen ........$600 1921 Dodge Tanel .. $160 1924 Buick No. 648 Coupe ..$950 1924 Essex Coach .$776 | 1924 Hudson Speedster . $875 EASTERN MOTOR CO. Arkansas and Arctic Aves. tf HUPMOBILES—Late open apd closed models. Terms. Hupp Used Car Dept., Baltic and North Carolina. 10-22-24 PAIGE ft JEWETT OO. Sales and Berries 2418 Atlantic Are. Marine SS68-J Fred. Appelgren Atlantic City 2-26-25 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING BETCHEN’S AUTHORIZED Ford SERVICE 8TATION 2201-8-6-7 Arctic Avenue Genuine Ford parts Towlnf Marine 6029 tf ATLANTIC AUTO RADIATOR CO., Calif, and Arctic Aves. Radiators, fenders* repaired equal to new. Ford “Honey Comb” radiators and cores for replacement. Especially low prices, tf VENTNOR Machine Co., auto and marine repairing. Day and night ■erriee. Fifth Are.. Ventnor Heights. Neptune 205. 10-9-24 GARAGE DAY PARKING SPECIAL BATES One Block from Penna. Station SOUTH CAROLINA AVE. GARAGE FIREPROOF BUILDING 109-11 N. South Carolina Ave. Marine 857-W * 7-2* GARAGES New Jersey Garage, 117-25 N. New Jersey. Cars stored, day, week or month; rates reasonable. Largest fire proof garage on the North Side. 5-21-25, “PEERLESS GARAGE" 2720 ATLANTIC AVE. Oars Stored Washed While You Wait Marine 2880 8-11-25 USED AUTOMOBILES GtKtworrcnettoul AUTO] WVRTS CONE'UK s we Day eon tor parts, no matter what condition they are in. Highest Prices Paid. Parts Sold on Easy Terms Open Ironings and Sanday Day Mar. 8681-M ; Night Mar. 8842-J 211 N. Georgia Ave. I4MI AWNINGS PHONE MARINE 6464-W Workmanship Guaranteed. Orders for all Awning Work should be placed now to avoid delay. Window Shades Draperies IM VENTNOR AWNING SHOP 4218 VENTNOR AVE. 4-1-25 LEONARD YOUNG Awnings. Sails, Canvas Roofing 707 Arctic Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Tel: Marine 2841-W Rea.: Harvard A Monmouth, Nep. 418-R 2-6-25 NOW toV^UTr AWNINGS THE NATIONAL TENT A AWNING COMPANY The Awning Shop of Atlantic City Awnings, Canvas Roofing ROLAND CLIFFORD, 2209 Arctic Ave. Pha. Marine 8809-W; P'ville 719-J. 2-11-25 THOS. O. YOUNG CO. Everrthine in Canvas 22 N. CALIFORNIA AVENUE Marine 5458 S-ll-25 JAMES LATIMER Practical Awning Maker and Canvaa Roofer Factory: 10 North New Jersey Avenue Marine Stlt (-5-24 BABY CARRIAGES Atlantic City Baby Coach Hospital; tires put on, old carriages mads like new, carriages bought and sold; Baby carriages to hire and for sale. S. Fishman, 12 8. Conn. Ats. Marine 4272-J. 2-4-26 BANKS GET THAT SAVING HABIT and 4% at the Equitable Trust Co., Arkansas and Atlantic Avenues. 1*21 BARBER SHOPS LLOYD’S BARBER SHOP 17 S. SOUTH CAROLINA AVENUE Marine 5261 2-4 BATHING SUITS ROTH’S 1314 Pacific Ave. (Opp. Y. M. C. A.) BATHING SUITS for the whole family. The most com plete line of Bathing Apparel in At lantic City. Original Bathing Suit Shop. Telephone Marine 2321-J 6-10-25 BATHS HOT and Cold Sea Water Baths. Open all year. Hildur Karla on, Schlitz Ho. * 1-26-25 BOATS CHARLES P. LEEK, JR., designer and builder of yachts, launches and ex press cruisers. Agent for Fay, Bowen, Wisconsin, Standards, Sterling, Ker math engines. Iowa £ Thorofare Atb. 1-11-25 BUILDERS WEINTROB 4k ENNIS—Builders and contractors. Jobbing in all its branches; estimates cheerfully given. Office 1617 Atlantic Ave., Mar. 2844-W. Residence phone: Marine 2128-W. 2-4-26 BUTTER A EGGS—WHOLESALE Schwarz & Garflnkle, commission mar chants, wholesale butter* •Kt* and cheese. 2407 Pacific. Marine 2451.^ CARPENTERS “If built by FLICK, it's built RIGHT” Sun Parlors a Specialty Jobbing HARRY S. FLICK . 115 N. Windsor Avenue Marine 7277-J _“ ED ANDERSEN—All kinds of Jobbing, alterations, porch inclosures, window screens, 181 N. Arkansas. Mar. 46S8-J. CARPENTER Mechanic—Experienced and thorough. Jobbing of All Kinds by Day or Contract L. P. FOWLES 122 N. CAMBRIDGE AVE. Phone, Neptune 2091-J _tf GEO. W. KNOLL. Carpenter & Builder. Alterations, additions and repairs. Breakfast nooks, 840 up: porch enclos ures, $150 up. Estimates cheerfully given. Mar. 8726. Ill Metropolitan Av. M. FISHMAN—Contractor and builder. Alterations of all kinds. 48 N. Ark. Ave., 716 Atl. Ave.. Marine 5847. 2-11-25 ALTERATIONS. Repairs. Building Car penter. Day or contract. Marine 4288-W. James A. Barr, 8 City Square. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY on any al terations or repaire on account of my small overhead expense. H. Kolmet ,ky, Carpenter and Builder, 288 S. Con gress Ave. Marine 5121. 11-26-24 CARPET CLEANING ATL. CITY CARPET CLEANING WKS. 1822 Baltic Avenue Mattress Renovating Upholstering JOHN SHOPPY Marine 1727-W 10-8-24 DUSTING—5 hour service. Scouring— 3 day service. SEASHORE AND HUSTED Phone Marine 683 11-4-26 Chelsea Mattress and Upholstery Com pany, carpet cleaning, latest Improved vacuum carpet cleaning machines. Each carpet or rug handled individually* A. Griffiths, 2609 Arctic. Mar. 208. tf CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Feldstein Bros.—Mfrs. of high grade cigars, wholesale, retail. Full line of pipes. 2010 Atl. Avo. tf CLEANING AND DYEING STEAMING, Pressing and Dyeing at low prices; deliveries. Continental Cleaning Co. Marine 2848-J. tf RISLEY’S CLEANING and DYEING. Anna Armpriester, 29-B S. New York Ave. Telephone: Marine 1231-W. At lantic City. 1-28-26 CLEANING & dyeing of all kinds. Give us a trial—be convinced. R & S Clean ing & Dyeing, 312 AtL Mar. 4687-M. CLOTHING DEALERS Phone 779-M ; 5353-J SAM SLOTOROFF The Moat Popular Clothing Store in Atlantic City High Grade Men’s and Young Men’s Clothing at Co3t Price 1331 ARCTIC AVE. (Cor. Tenn.) Atlantic City, N. J. 6-10-25 SAMPLE MODELS, Spring Suits. Buy . now and save 26%. Strand Clothing Co., second floor, Segal Building, North Carolina and Atlantic Avenues—walk a flight—get treated right. 1-28-26 MAX SLOTOROFF Men's and Young Men’s Clothing. Lat est styles In Spring suits. &. W. Cor. Va. and Arctic Avee. Marine 8942-J. 8-26-26 3LOTHING -T- New and second-hand, bought and sold. Beet prices In town. 1616 H Arctic Ave. Mar. 2 ft 1-W. 2-11-26 JACOBSON’S—Custom made and high grade ready made men's clothes, of best materials. Prices less than any other store. 507 Atlantic Ave. 8-6-24 CLOTHING WANTED TTT'Q Don't throw away your Y husband’s old clothes. I pay the highest prices for Call Marine 2294-W. tf I pay spot cash for ladies' and gentle men’s clothing, also shoes. R. Tyre, 1216 Arctic. Marine 2188-W 10-1-24 COFFEES AND TEAS TAYLOR’S “Reputation Coffee” Fresh roasted every day. TeaB, Ex tracts, Spices, Peanuts and Home-Made Peanut Butter. Wholesale and Retail. Delivery. 212 N. Mass. Mar. 4904-J. 4-16-21 CONTRACTORS Cabinet Window Screens Maker A Specialty Phone Marine 6882-R PRANK GATTO & CO. Contractors CARPENTERS and BUILDERS All Kind, of Alterations IS 8. llleeUsippi Ave. Atlantic City, N. J. tf ■ ( , CONTRACTORS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Alterations My Specialty Prompt Attention Estimate* Given OWEN A. KERTLAND 2801 Pacific Avenue Phones: Marine 1727-M; Marine 8265 8-8-26 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CLEMENT and FITZGERALD CARPENTERS and BUILDERS Screening Sun Parlors, Alerations and Roof Work 36 N. Maryland Ave. Marine 3240 We use only galvanized nails. Satis faction guaranteed. References. 6-19-25 CONTRACTORS—ELECTRICAL GEORGE W. POST ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 216 Wilden Terrace. Rear 215 N. New Hampshire Are. Phone—Marine 490-J. 9-1-24 CORSET MAKERS MADAME ISABELLE — Corsets and braasieres made to order exclusively. 1318 Pacific Avenue. Marine 1200. tf DELICATESSEN Garfinkal’s Delicatessen for all kinds of sandwiches, tasty salads, table delica ciee. 2427 Atlantic Ave. 8-6-25 JAMES, wholesale butter, eggs and cheese. Jobber in provisions and deli catessen. 2401 Pacflc. Marine 4596. 8-6-26 French Delicatessen, home cooking and assorted salads. Best imp. and dom. goods. 2594 Atl. Ave. Marine 2894-W. 8-C 'A DETECTIVE AGENCIES HAUGHEY’S Nat’l Detective Bureau. Open day and night. Freeman Bldg., 1614 Atlantic Ave. Marine 1778. 2-11-26 DRESSMAKING Dressmaking and Art Shop— Hemstitch ing, trimmings, buttons, buttonholoa, picot edging, men’s shirts made to order, pinking & pleating, remodeling a spe cialty. Julia De Feo, 1-A North Iowa Avenue. Phone. 2-26-26 DRESSMAKING—and Millinery, reas onable. SO S. Maryland. Apt. A-4. Phone Marine 901-W. Miss Hess. i 10-21-24 DRUG STORE SAXON Cut-Rate Drug Store. Complete line toilet articles. Your patronage so licited. Saxon Drug Store, 19 N. Va. Av. 2-4-26 SEVERE CASES OF SUNBURN I desire to announce that in addition to my regular practice I have installed a department for the treatment of the severe forms of sunburn, using the most improved method, giving quick and gratifying result. EDWIN M. WEIL, M. D. 14 South Tennessee Ave. tf EGGS—RETAIL. “Harriet Garden Eggs” A trial will convince you of their qual l ity. Robert Colguhoun, 804 Paclflo Ave. Marine 4114-J. 8-18-26 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Repairing of electrical household appli ances a specialty. Give us a trial. W. S. Higbee, 8310 Atlantic Ava. tf EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES BEST HELP FURNISHED White and colored, hotels and private families. National Employment Agency, 113 North South Carolina Avenue. Marine 8608-J 9-8-24 COMPETENT Help—Private or publie. supplied by day or week. Fidelity Employment Agency, 105 N. New York &ve. Marine 162-J. 10-15-14 Help wanted & supplied. Beet elaeeea, white-colored. Maggie McGuinn, Kap. Ag’y, 1626 Arctic. Marine 2794. 2-4-25 Reliable Employment Service—Compe tent help furnished on short notice. 80-C S. Virginia. Marine 265-J. 10-22-24 FLORISTS For Plants and Cut Flower* Call the VENTNOR FLORIST Neptune 81-W FREE DELIVERY fi-18-25 FLOWERS—FRESH OUT daily for all oceaatona. Fancy canary bird, and parrot*. Gold flih. Atlanta City Flower Shop, 1518 Pacific Aye. Marine 2448. 18-8-A4 FRESH FIX)WERS for all oeeaaioas. Reasonable prices. Crane A HilL Inc., 1311 Pacific Ave. Marine 2408. tf FOR SALE FOUR DIAMOND and blue sapphire rings for sale reasonable te a qalek buyer. 21 So. North Carolina Aye* nue, 2nd Floor. 1-28-28 Cigar and Stationery Store For Sale In Atlantic City. Established; price rea sonable. Reason sickness. Mar. 8845-M tf