Newspaper Page Text
furniturU dealers Phone: Marine 4329-J B. BERG & SON Furniture, Bugs and Carpets 1009 Arctic Ave. Atlantic City, N. J 8-1 ABE GOORLAND Furniture We Rent Month or Season 815-17 Arctic Ave. Marine 3531-J 6-19-2! ECONOMY USED FURNITURE CO. We buy and sell Second Hand Furniture 819 ARCTIC AVENUE Marine 4118-M 7-10-25 NEW YORK UPHOLSTERING & DEC ORATING CO., Cor. Boston and At lantic Avenues. August Furniture Sale. Starts Monday, July 21st. with big re ductions on Reed Furniture, Lamps and Shades, Crex Rugs, Rush Rugs, Lace Curtains and every piece of novelty furniture in our store at big saving in Price. 5-25-25 FURNITURE REPAIRS UBNERAL uphobtering and cabinet maker, polishing. Drapeiice and caning. A. C. Olivier, 1007 Baltic Ave. 11-6-24 MYERSOMPS ANTIQUE SHOP — 3023 Atlantic Avenue, Marine 4414-W. Cabinet Making, Upholstering, Furni ture Repairing and Refinishing, Expert Workmanship.1-28-26 FURRIERS FUR STORAGE FREE on all garments left for remodeling or repairing now. Latest fashions on display. A. PETERSON Practical Furrier Marine 868-M 1005 Pacific Ave. 10-15-24 M. J. STOKES—Remodeling, repairing and alterations. Moved from 2826 Arctic Ave. to 122 S. Bellevue Ave. Marine 4929-W. 2-26-25 LET uc remodel your old furs and save 26 to 60 per cent on all jobs. ROBINSON'S FUR SHOP 1T6 S. Virginia Avenue Phone—Marine 4884-J. 8-18-26 GAS RANGES Chambersshu. COOKS with the GAS TURNED OFF? Let us call or stop in for demonstration. COAST SALES CO. 413 Madison Ave. Marine 5078 4-15-25 GLASS NEW MIRRORS made, old mirrors re silvered while you wait. Atlantic City Glass and Mirror Co., 881 Cana) Street, Inlet section. Marine 1041-M. 1-28-25 GROCERIES TRY BECKER’S BEST COFFEE ERNEST BECKER NEW JERSEY & ATLANTIC AVES. Gall Marine 2647 1-21-25 HAIRDRESSERS Bella Donna Beauty Parlor—We spe cialize in Marcel and Water Waving, also scalp treatment. Come in and see our new and up-to-date parlor. 2816 Atlantic Ave., 2nd floor. Rose Martino. 8-18-26 DE HART BEAUTY SHOPPE Beauty Culture in All Branches 88 S. Michigan Ave. Marine 4038-W tf PERMANENT WAVING From $18.00 Up Manicuring 50c DOROTHY M. MADDEN BEAUTY SHOP 804 Oriental Ave. Ph. Marine 4658 6-12-25 Martha Matilda Harper, Bcalp specialist, wishes to announce the opening of the second Harper Method Shop in Atlantic City. Scientific shampooing; scalp and facial treatment. Also manicuring. Marine 1210. 1104 Pacific Ave. 11-12-24 HARDWARE M. ADAMS—729 Atlantic Ave. Hard ware and House Furnishings, Garden Hose and Screen Supplies. tf HARDWOOD FLOORS ATLANTIC FLOOR CO., Inc. successors to W. A. Herbert A Son. Electric floor surfacing a specialty. An estimate costa nothing. 11 North New Jersey Ave. tf E. S. WESCOAT J. SHAW 2619 Fairmont Ave. 446 N. Conn. Ave. WESCOAT & SHAW HARDWOOD FLOORS New and Old Floors Scraped and Finished Ph„ Marin. 467-R Stair, a Specialty CAYWOOD BROS. Parquet floors of every description. 1611 Atlantic Avenue. Marine 26-W. -1 • 2-4-26 HAULING AND STORAGE JOHN J. BOYCE Long distance hauling. Loads and part loads solicited. N. E. corner Fairmount and Morris Avenues. Marine 209-W. 12-11*24 WE ARE KNOWN for our careful pack ing and hauling. Prompt service. Storage. Seashore & Husted. Mar. 688. 11-4-26 CARLIN’S EXPRESS and storage ware house. Local and long distance haul ing. Office, 1219 Baltic Avenue, Marine 1989-R, or Neptune 94. 10-29-24 ATLANTIC CITY and Philadelphia Motor Express. Daily trips. Hauling trunks, baggage and household goods. Special attention to part loads. Girard Hauling Co., 821 Arctic Ave. Mar. 5107. tf Hauling and storage, quick service. Give us a oalL Dollar Storage Warehouse. 282 N. Mass. Ave. Marine 6574-J. 8-6-25 CHELSEA TRANSPORTATION CO.. Atlantic City A Phila. daily, hauling every description; part loads solicited. Marine 2614. 10 S. Boston. 2-21-25 JOHN CHARLESTON, hauling and local express, local and long distance haul ing. 417 N. Vermont. Marine 8959-R. 8-6-25 HARRY’S EXPRESS Marina 8688 Daily trips to and from Philadelphia. Special attention to p*:rt loads. ' 2-26-25 Prompt service, hauling and ■ to rare. Best in town. Atlantic Exp. & Btor. Warehouse Ce. 620 Baltic. Mar. 2020. 8-6-26 GLOBE TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Long Distance Ranling our Specialty Prompt Service_Give Us A Trial 405-7-9 Melrose Ave. Marine 6778 8-6-26 HEATING AND PLUMBING O’HEY. & HEROLD—Plumbing and Heating Contractors. 20 Years’ Ex perience. Get our estimate. 17 So. Florida Ave., Marine 6409-J. tf WARREN B. FENTON PLUMBING AND HEATING 2682 Arctic Avenue—Marine 4030-W 9-1-24 FRANK WALSH/Inc. PLUMBING HEATING ROOFING Phones 188 189 908 Atlantic Avenue 8-6-25 ANDREW REEHM — Plumbing and heating, get our estimates. 41 South Virginia Avenue. Marine 323-W. 12-4-25 Phone—Marine 1246 JOHN H. MOORE Plumbing-Heating Contractor 1707 ATLANTIC AVENUE 8-20-24 M. G. BARSBY Plumbing, heating contracting. 21 South California Avenue, Marine 6605-W. 8-6-1924 JAS. CONROY Heating Engineer—34. S. Arkansas Ave. Phone—Marine 1664-R Neptune 786-W 8-11-25 NORRIS STARTZMAN Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Roofing and Stove Repairs. 222-224 N. Mass. Marine 899.' Atlantic City, N. J. 4-15-26 J. SANDERS — Plumbing, Heating. Sheet Metal Work. 428 Madison Avenue. Marine 2123-W. 12-31-24 L. G. GEBERD Plumbing and Heating. (Registered in l Atlantic City, Ventnor and Margate). 105 South Stratford Ave., Ventnor City, N. J. Neptune 22-J. 4-15-25 HARRY G. FREEMAN Heating and Plumbing Expert 15 N. NORTH CAROLINA AVENUE Atlantic City, N. J., Ph. Marine 2354-J HOT WATER, STEAM HEAT AND GAS LIGHTING JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 7-1-25 INSTRUCTION MADAM YEAGER HALL, Teacher of singing, correct method of Italian Bel Canto. Est. in Atlantic City over 14 years. Rapid coaching for profession als. Studio, 34 S. Va. Ave. Marine 1928. 2-4-25 DUPREE Day and Boarding School, 7 North New Haven Ave., Ventnor, N. J. Beach activities. Tutoring all branches, including languages, ‘music, art, short hand, typewriting. tf INSTRUCTION—DANCING Children's Classes, Wed. and Sat. Adult’s Lessons, Aft. and Eve. Most Refined Dance Studio in City THE LORRAINE DANCE STUDIO 80 N. Montgomery Ave. Nep. 2154-W Atlantic City, N. J. 10-1-24 INSTRUCTION—TUTORING TUTOR Grade High School College All Languages. Marine 4051 4-l-Xt INSURANCE MOTHERS — GUARANTEE TOUR CHILDREN’S EDUCATION Let Me Explain Marine 8792 420 Guarantee Truat Bldf. Sara L Miller 2-11-25 laundries HEINEMAN’S (French Hand Laundry) Positively all hand work. Children’s frocks. Men’s silk shirts. Women's dresses. Lingeries. Marine 860. Chel sea and Atlantic Aves. 2-26-25 MARINE SUPPLIES MARINE engines, bronxe shafting, pro pellers and yacht equipment. Estab lished 1913. John S. Martin Machine Shop. 849 North Massachusetts Ave nue. Marine 2098. "Quality and Serv ice Our Hobby.” 8-T-24 VENTNOR BOAT WORKS Ventnor Heights. 5th & C Avt., Nsp. 205 10.0-24 MARKETS BRODIE’S MARKET 3811 Atlantic Ave. Prime Meats Only Fancy Fruits and Vegetable* Delicatessen and Groceries Prompt Delivery Marine 1848 10-29-24 Full and complete line of MEATS AND PROVISIONS Buy from us and Bave money. Telephone orders promptly filled. PEOPLE’S MARKET CO. 1611 Atlantic Ave. 911 Atlantic Are. Atlantic and Florida Aves. Tel.: Marine 1186; 1086; 6877 4-1-26 MATTRESSES AND BEDDING MATTRESSES renovated equal to new, Autd delivery. SichePs, 1221 Drexel Ave. Marine 2696. tf WM. MYERSON Mattresses, Box Springs & Pillows ren ovated. 355 N. South Carolina Ave. Telephone Marine 3317-J. 6-10-25 BENSON BEDDING CO. 1924 Atlantic Ave.—Bedding Experts, everything for the Bedroom, Mattress and Box Spring Renovating. Phone Marine 3555. 6-24-25 2002 ATLANTIC AVE. (At Michigan) 9-2-24 METAL REFINISHING ATLANTIC CITY BRASS BED CO.— BEDS refinished, lacquered and repaired. “WORK of the Better Kind.** J. J. McBRRARTY Cor. Calif, & Fairmount An. Mar. 6646 4-1-26 MILLINERY THE SMART HAT SHOP Exclusive Millinery 929 PACIFIC AVENUE Phone Marine 6676-M 1-16-26 MORTGAGE MONEY MORTGAGE MONEY Large Amounta. GEORGE KELLY Real Estate and Law Bldg. New York and Atlantic Aves. Phone Marine 6020 1-21 HAVE _ FUNDS for 1st class mort gage investments without bonus. HARRY F. McGETTIGAN Realtor 603 Atlantic Avenue 2-25-26 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT! Phonographs repaired. Gan and lock smith experts. General grinding. Surgical, artisan and barbers* tools re paired and polished. D. Leonetti A Sons, 2418 Pacific Ave. Mar. 8760-W. Evenings until 9. 10-24-24 MUSIC ROLLS MUSIC ROLLS—All the latest hits in word rolls. F. A. North Co., 1882 Atlantic Avenue. 10-8-24 Atlantic City Music Shoppe—4-Music, Instruments, Supplies, Instrument Repairing and Tuning, phonographs, Records, Saxophones. 82 So. Virginia Avenue. Marine 759-W. 2-11-26 PIANOS PIANOS—Player and Plain pianos for sale or rent. Used pianos $26 up. Wm. St&iger, 1620 Pacific Are. tf LESTER BUILT PLAYER-PIANO — Used in store as demonstrator, will guarantee like new. Price, including music rolls and bench, reduced 8200. F. A. NORTH CO. 1882 Atlantic Ave. 6-28 PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING—$2.60; all kinds of repairing. J. A. Venus, 1684 Atlan tic Ave. Marine 6623-J. tf PIANOS and Players tuned and over hauled. None better. Do Luca A Weber, 119 N. Richmond. Mar. 7844-W. 10-8-24 OIL HEATING Automatic Oil Heating for Homes Demonstration at WM. V. CLAYTON , 607 Atlantic Ave. Marine 259 / 6-10-26 OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING WILLIAM H. EBLX—Ogj-Acetylene welding, cutting and bracing. 1116 Baltic Ave. Phone, Marine 5533-J. tf PAINTERS CHELSEA PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING CO. Best work in town at lowest prices. “Yes 1 We're Doing It.* 10 S Texas Avenue Marine 6107-J 5-25-25 Phone Marine 8842-W | COMPETENT WORKMEN HUDSON BROS. Interior and Exterior Painting and Decorating IN ALL BRANCHES IS NORTH STENTON PLACE I Eitlmatc* Cheerfully Fa mi.bed I 9-12-24 PAINTS Painters* Supplies Painters* Ringing Most Complete Paint and Glass Store Phone Marine 4883 JOSEPH SOLTZ PAINT STORE 2517 Atlantic Ave. 2-28-25 PAPERH ANGERS Best work in city at lowest prices. Giro us a trial and be convinced. Wm. Litt. 150 & New York. Marine 4221-J. tf PAPERHANGING—$8 room and up; work done satisfactorily. Galinn, 128 S. Connecticut ave. Marine 2172-J. 10.21-24 FOR good paper hanging and the bast material, eall A. Appleben. St A Maryland. Marine 478-M. f-2S PAPERHANGING, reasonable prices. Elwood G. Weaver, IS ft. Bellevue Avenue. Marine 8995-R. tf WALL PAPERING Select wall paper, neatly and carefully applied, gives a certain attractiveness to the home. Phone—Marine S728-J and we will be glad to talk figures with you. Sharpe A Co., 11 S. Mt» Vernon Ave. (Formerly 1720 Atlantic Ave.) 0-22-24 NORTHSIDE Paperhanging and Dec orating Co., 216 North South Carolina Ave. Estimates given. Marine 6254-J. 1-21 PASTRY LA PAIX PASTRY SHOP Specialists in Danish and Freneh Pastries. Best Ice Cream in Atlantic Ctiy. All kinds of Fancy Oakes. 8205 Atlantic Ave. 2-25-25 PEANUTS WHEN YOU WANT PEANUTS BITTEN'S Is the PLACE 935 ATLANTIC AVE. We Sell Coffee We Sell Tea 6-10-25 PETS FITS—Send one dollar. Keep your do* from having one this summer. Palm Hall Pet Shop, 167 S. Va. Ave. 3-6-25 Pekingese and Griffan Puppies—Males and females. Stud dogs of finest breeding on hand. E. S. Kader, 11 So. Rhode Island Ave., Marine 5715-W. 11-12-24 PLASTERING ANDREW ROE Contracting Plasterer, plain and orna mental art marble, Caen Stone and Imi ation Travertine. 27 No. Pennsylvania \ve., Phone: Marine 4036-W. tf PRINTERS HEWITT A COMPANY—Printers. Try us on your next order for printing. 2 South Georgia Avenue. tf PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ELIZABETH ADAMS Kenapac Court Apts. PACIFIC AND KENTUCKY AVENUES Graduate Masseuse Specialist in Body, Face and Scalp Apt. 503 Phone Marine 6905 tf Massage and electric cabinet baths by appointment. Louise Rapleff, 118 Madison Ave. Marine 6448. 9-24-24 RADIATOR REPAIRS PHILA. AUTO RADIATOR AND REPAIR CO. Authorised agent, for United Motor Serrlee, Harrison Radttors 3 So. No. Carolina At,.. Mar. 2881-W 2-25-25 RADIO We carry a complete line of radio equipment. Reasonable price,. We conduct a free radio school. Come In and bnild toot own set. F. Ur,prune, 2712 Atlantic Are. Marine 44II-W. 3-11-25 REAL EST.—COTTAGES WANTED WANTED — COTTAGE FURNISHED IN VENTNOR, Must be between Ventnor Ave. and the beach; wanted for summer season; must hare 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, and garage. Please reply giving exact location, time cot tage may be rented from, and priee. Write to Geo. C. Beckenbaugh, Room TIC, 1420 Chestnut St., Philadel phia Penna. tf REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL OPPORTUNITY WORTH IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION Brand new store for rent, located at Florida and Atlantic Avenues, N. W. corner, 19x35 ft. Large cellar, same size as store. Height 7 ft. 4 in. in clear. GUARANTEE waterproof. See owner on premises. JOHN MOORE 2508 Atlantic Avenue tf FOR RENT — SEASON A new, comfortable home in newly de veloped section of Margate. Near woods. Convenient to ocean. Cool, open spot. Three bedrooms; all windows full screened. 104 N. Hssex Ave. Eight weeks, $800. tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIST your properties with me for quick action: clients waiting. Chas. L. lelly, 106 St. Jam« PL Marine 1654-W. tf MODERN STORE ADAPTED FOR CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, CAKES OR ALMOST ANY OTHER BUSINESS. VERY GOOD LOCATION; $60 A MONTH, BY THE YEAR, INCLUDING HEAT. KEEN-KORS REALTY COMPANY 2 S. Tennessee Ave. Marine 6451 1-28-25 BUYERS of homes call here every day. Have we your listing T Guaranty Bldg. Ml Realty Co., Buffalo & Atlantic Avea. tf ETHEL J. KIBBE, Listings of Merit. 167 S. Va. Ave. Marine 3271-J. 2-11-26 Corner—2 cottages, all improvements. Lot 42x70; 8 rooms each, $16,000; well financed. Spandau, 416 Pacific. t-e-26 Maurice L. Goldsmith—Real Estate and Insurance. Specialising in trading Atlantic City property for Philadelphia property. 617 Pacific. Marine 4S16-W 8-18-21 BARGAIN—Brick house in Ventnor, ? bed rooms and bath; h. w. heat, ga« and electric. Price $7800. $1000 cash, R. D. White, 4 South Weymouth Ave. ! Neptune 960-W. 1-7-26 CHELSEA—Distinctive S-fam. apart ment house in best section. All rent ed, yearly leases and price for early sale is $25,000. Terms. Russell C. Ro ney, 828 Guar. Trust Bldg. Mar. 165-M $-11-25 REAL ESTATE DEALERS Members—Ventnor-Margato R. E. Boar' A. J. DONAHUE 15 So. Little Rock Ave. 11-16-24 RESTAURANTS SO. CAROLINA AND BOARDWALK “Where The Kitchen Talk*** Service — Courtesy — Attention Popular Prices 2-11-25 THE NEWLYN European Plan. 161 S. Tenn. Avenue. 2nd House from the Boardwalk on Tenn. Ave. Rooms $1 per day and up. Mrs. Ida K. Hoy, Prop. 4-15-25 ROOMS FOR RENT SEA BREEZE 141 S. Tenn. Ave., Atlantic City. Fur nished rooms. Mrs. M. A. Nelson, Prop. Phone: Marine S969-J. 10-15-24 COMFORTABLE, well furnished room, suitable for a single person or couple in private dwelling house. $6 per week. Mrs. W. C. Adams, 13 N. New Road, Pleasantville. Phone 706-W. tf ROOM AND BOARD CORNW ALL, 15 North—Rooms with or without board; suite with private bath. Neptune 1373. 8-6-24 ROOFING AND METAL WORK PETER GRUGAN ROOFER ISO Ocean Ave. Mar. 0SI4-W 8-11-25 Western Roofing and Sheet Metal Works——Tin and copper spouting. 211 Madison Ave., Marine 6192. 6-14-25 SCREENS SCREENS made to fit. Put in qobp pleta. Also re-cover and repair your old screens. Phone R. Brooks, Nep. 8. 4-1-26 SHOE REPAUUNQ VENTNOR SHOE SHOP. 5802 Vsntnor Ave. Repairing, Best Workmanship. S. Blum, Prop. Neptuns 29-J. 10-22-24 ATTILIO VERNA First-Class Shoe Repair Shop 29 S. Little Rock Avenue 10-20-24 Frank Deetefano LIBERTY SHOE REPAIR SHOP 619 Atlantic Ave. Shoea Shined 8-8-21 SHOES SCHELLENBERG'S Flora heim and Quean Quality Shot Store, 1208 Atlantic Avenue. 21 7«an in same location. Sana. H. Schell tuber*. 2-18-25 SIGNS <Che Bipr Iekv^S 915AtlantirAvemie ■•Ml SPECIAL NOTICES MEETINGS—Tuesday, Tknraday and Sunday evening., Wednesday after noons, 2:jUL Pendleton, 1*1* n.rihM Marine 20S9-H. 1-SS.IS DIVINE HEALING CURES WITHOUT MEDICINE. COME TO PROF. RAT LIFF. 25! N Va At. Mar. *477. 1-4-21 “KENILWORTH” PALMIST. PSYCHIST AND ASTRO LOGI3T 2507 Boardwalk Z-tf-ll MARTINI PALMIST (Hi* 22nd Season). 152 St. James PL (Just off Bwalk.) Mar. 515-J tf PROF. GEORGE—America’s foremost psychic, palmist. Readin*s daily. Hours from 10 to 8. 12f South Ken* tucky Avenue. 1-28-25 ATLANTIC CITY Spiritual Cm ter, 20 w3- ™rs?”u At«- Meeting. Snn, Mon., Wed.. FYi., 0 p. m., Toe*., Thors, 2 p. m. Consultation Claus M. Brother 1-IMt 3T. ANTHONY’S SPIRITUAL CHURCH. Percy Smith, pastor. Meetings Toe*.. Thors, FrL and Son. Private Appoint ments. 818 N. Pasnau Ave. Ph. T806. __ 1-U4I MEETINGS every Friday night, 8 P. M. at 15 No. Michigan Ave. Floral read ings every second Friday in the month. Madame Buff owl, pastor. t-ll-tl STORAGE SEASHORE AND HUST2D—Phone M« **nfP»ckin*. Careful storage. Individual rooms. 11-4-26 STRUCTURAL I Structural iron and steel Are escape*; metal lath; water proofing. A. W. CUNNINGHAM A CO. G°1 Guarantee Trn.t Bldg. Marine 2486 Atlantic City 2-18-26 TAILORS B. LIEBERM AN—Ladles' Orsssss A w Repairing and Dyeing. 14 No. New Jersey Ave. Marine 4T6-J. tf Suite made to order. Cleaning, ip . P?jrJ.nK pressing. Bsst in town. A- Miller, 2115 Pacific. Marina 2226-J. 1-25-26 Altering, Cleaning, Presaing, Dyeing L GLASER. LADIES' TAILOR Work called for and delivered 11 S. Boston Ave. Marine 6850-W 4-1-26 •pnng and summer styles now ready for your inspection. Suits to order, $85 up. H. Scheffrin. 19 S. New York Ave. _ 11-20-24 TAXI SERVICE HUDSON TAXI—Marina 14t« 50c to Albany Ave, T5e to Jaekson, 61 . ,Vrntnor, for one Passenger, 25e each additional. Tonring, |8 hoar. 1815 Bel tie Ave. 16-22-24 TILE AND MAKBLB Phs: Marine 1608-M; Residence 8984-W GLENWOOD TILE OOMPANT Samuel Snyder, Mgr. 222 Chelsea Bank Bide. _ 1-IMi Deal with the old reliable aad be aattefled. JAS. J. O’KEEFE Eat. 1904 Iowa and Atlantic _ 1-11-Si UMBRELLAS UMBRELLAS recovered, repaired. Old trunks made new. Prompt service. Hi-Grade Luggage Shop, 110 Atlantic Avenue. 11-10-14 UNDERTAKERS DENNIS A. GORMLKY FUNERAL DIRECTOR A EMBALM SR 911 Pacific Avenue Private Ambulance Phones: Marine 614 Marine 6650 " _ ' 10-11-04 C. H. DONAWAY Funeral Director and Embalmer Penna. and New Jersey License Lady Attendant Penna. & Baltic Aves. ___ eow—3-25-25 UPHOLSTERING SEASHORE UpholiWrinf Co. — Hlfb grade upholstering, new work, decorat es* slip-covers, mattresses asado to order. Also repairing work. 2222 Pa cific Arenas. Marino 2881. tf FEIN BERG—Upholstering, Wz spring matt res seo manufactured, renovated ; slipcovers. 2818 AtL Mar. 8882-J. 1-28-28 WANTED TO BUY WANTED—To buy household goods, furniture, carpets, lamps. Highest prices paid. Jay's Furniture Exchange, 282 N. Mass. Are. Marine 85T4-J. 1-SI WHITEWA5HINO WHITEWASH'D, spray'g, kalsomia’g, patch plas.. chimn. repair, ft cleaned. Johnson. 288 N. Ken. Marine 8861-W. 18-21-ft