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JUST GOSSIP Br ETHEL BATTAY The Women’s Club night at the Apollo Theatre Thursday, October 2, established a precedent ' in local - theatrical and club circles. The Atlantic City Woman’s Club, the Foundation, Crescendo, Fortnightly, Research, Lafayette Chapter of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution, Colony Club were well repre sented. Through the generosity of Manager Guy Burley an invita tion to witness the Wednesday matinee of the inspiring play was extended to the various children’s homes here. All were closed for the season except the Betty Bacharach, North Ameri can and Seashore House. T'he kiddies from the-North American Home were denied the pleasure owing to a whooping cough epi demic at the home. Manager Burley played Santa Claus with a boxful of books, mouth-organs, candies and pocket books, while Miss Seabrook and the other members of the com pany seemed to know just the right lines to recite to the little ones. Mayor Freeland Kendrick of Philadelphia will be the speaker and guest of honor at the premier lecture-musical tea to be given in conjunction with the card party of the Children’s Seashore Home Fund Club in the Bellevue Strat ford Hotel November 11. Mrs. Helen Pulaski Inpes, famous choral conductor and pianist who conducted so efficiently the broadcasting programs of Station WIP for Gimbel Brothers on the Steel Pier during the summer season here, is in charge of the musical program. There v^ill be twelve of these functions alternating between the Bellevue Stratford in Philadel phia and the Hotel Shelburne here, through the courtesy of Mrs. Jacob Weikel, wife of the proprietor of the latter hotel. . Local women are planning to take large parties to all of these affairs. The following ladies of Phila delphia and Atlantic City will be in the receiving ,line at the opening event. Mrs. William Goll, noted contralto and presi dent of the Quaker City Motor Club, will be chairman of the day, assisted by Mrs. Helen Pulaski : s Innes, Mrs. F. R. Auncher, Mrs. Volney Bennett, Mrs. E. A. Book meyer, Mrs. J. Louis Cave, Mrs. Charles Cressman, Mrs. Davis Cann, Mrs. Victor Cladd, Mrs. Martha Bowns, Mrs. Charles Dapp, Mrs. Edith Eagles, Mrs. Robert Ely, Mrs. George Fleck, Mrs. Reese M. Fleishman, Mrs. William Freihofer, Mrs. Newton S. Hill, Mrs. E. P. Hensell, Mrs. John Hipchler, Mrs. W. C. Jones, Mrs. William Kurpz, Mrs. Albert Ladner, Mrs. Thomas C. McCahan fc; Mr. C. P. Mees, Mrs. Vance W. - Mills, Mrs. L. M. Moore', Mrs. J. K- T. Moll, Mrs. Milton Off, Mrs. Thomas Toole, Mrs. William Roch, Mrs. E. C. Shellenberger, Mrs. R. W. Schofield, Mrs. George Shissler, Miss Laura Taulane and Mrs. George Young. Cards will be played at 2.30 P. M. Membership entitles one to play cards and guest privilege as well as lunch eon charges should be made well in advance for it looks as though folk? will be turned away at this event. * * * * The Juvenile Carnival in which local children will attend the annual out-door entertainment given for the Children of the Sea shore Home on the beach at Richmond Avenue is taking on large proportions judging by the interest manifested in the young er set. All of the costumed children will be eligible to com pete for the many prizes which have been donated and which will be presented after the grand march in which all are invited to participate. Thomas Le Rue Husselton will announce the many entertaining acts which.will be presented en tirely by juvenile talent and he will also conduct the community sing which will take place as the audience arrives to cheer the little patients who will view the show from the balcony of the Seashore House. Mrs. Alfred Lichenstein- is chairman of the affair and she will be assisted by “Aunt Julia” ' Lippman in receiving the visitors. i r it The Breezes Whisper That— Even though the bathing sea son closed several weeks ago in Ventnor, Earl Davis, bronzed life guard of the local beach patrol, still finds an excuse to motor down from Philadelphia over the week-ends. Like Postum, “there’s a reason.” * * * Bobby Smith—and the “Bob by” is feminine—has left her summer friends in Ventnor and has returned to her books. She is now going to the Sayward School in the environs of Over brook, Pa. * * * Dot Mosley, not wishing to be outdone by her chum, has also returned to the Sayward School, after having vacationed all sum mer in Ventnor. Dot left several days ago and will be in the same class with the already mentioned Bobby. * * * Peddie Institute is where Ain sely Bowen has matriculated this year. He says it is not so far from the resort that he cannot come home on occasion and take in some of the “frat’ dances. After a rather disastrous boat ing season, N. Freeman Parker, political skipper, has put away his “Stingaree.” Mr. Parker’s speed boat this year won only a single race. * * * Jack Benson, fast natator on the Ventnor beach' patrol last summer, paid a visit to the shore a few days ago. Jack is now living Marine .514-5650 Private Ambulance DENNIS A. GORMLEY Funeral Director and Embalmer 911 PACIFIC AVENUE at East Falls, Pa., but manages to flit down to the resort once in awhile. _ ■ # • # Charles E. Reppetto, city clerk of Ventnor, is now entertaining Mr. C. P. Burt of Pittsburgh. Mr. Burt, head of a big steel corpora tion, in the Smoky City, is the brother of Mrs. Charles Reppetto. The Margoff twins of Nashville Ave.—and that means Harry and Loomis—celebrated their twelfth birthday last week. And to avoid any confusion, of course, all their presents were twins as well. The Lurier family, summer residents on Amherst Ave. is some what divided at the present time. Dave Lurier has returned to Lehigh where he is studying engineering; Herbert has now donned the dignified bearing of a.sophomorp at Yale; William i3 at the Milford Academy, while there is even another one listed at the Taft School. Back td Cornell has gone Gor don Youngman, of Suffolk Ave. ■•Gordon will be remembered as the stalwart captain who directed the activities of the Ventnor life guards the past several summers. Mrs. N. J. Ryder has heard the call of fall and has returned to her winter home in Philadelphia. Mrs. Ryder is one of the true summer visitors in Ventnor, rarely missing a season. Edgar Dreher of New Haven Ave. is still telling his friends what a good time he had on his yachting trip up Great Bay last week. The name of his craft is “Vagabond,’’ but what a gentle manly appearance the boat makes. ivir. ana Mrs. rrea Mees and their three attractive daughters, Kathryn, Anne and Dot, have returned to their home in Over brook. The Mees family never fails to pass their vacation at their summer home on New Haven Ave. , Coming from State College, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Taylor and daughter, Jean, were enter tained by Mrs. E. Fels Taylor of Baton Kouge Ave. The dwelling on the corner of Melbourne and Atlantic Aves. is about to be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gale. The Gales are expected to move into their new residence in about a week. P. M. G, is where Harry Russell is studying. In fact, he is study ing so hard that he says he will not return to Ventnor until the Thanksgiving vacation com mences. A newspaper syndicate offers for sale a series of bedtime stories by Secretary of the Navy Wilbur. Maybe Mr. Denby was reading them when the oil leases were made. When daughter comes to the door with red hands, she has been washing her face, not dishes. Snapshots from The Seashore House By LEILA If. HOLT There never was such a show according to the Tiny Tims who were fortunate enough to possess legs which could carry them into the Apollo Theatre on Wednesday when “The Fool” was enacted. “Such actin! such eats, and honest to goodness actors and actresses waitin’ on us. “Gee, wasn't it great!” was the con sensus of opinion of those.twenty five little matinee fans. That it was great goes without saying, great of Mr. Guy Burley, the Apollo’s Manager, to pro vide the Apollo’s best box seats to the little unfortunates, and great again to see that each one receive refreshments and a pack age of pretty souvenirs and great of the actors to exemplify in life the noble sentiments of the play and lend a hand in making the blesses happy. I wish you could have seen little Mary Margaret, the cripple of the play, flitting here and there greeting the kiddies, placing chairs for them, and stuffing them with goodies until their pockets were bulging and they fairly bursting with joy. One must not forget that here at .the Seashore House there are one hundred and thirty some little Mary Margarets waiting for the miracle, when they, too, can put Dress Trimmings, and Hemstitching Buttons Covered, Button Holes and Pleating SEWING MACHINE SHOP 10 S. Kentucky At*. Phone 7610 BACK NUMBERS WANTED The Ventnor News will appreciate the privi lege of purchasing back numbers of the following exhausted editions: January 30, 1924 If you have any of these num bers a phone call to Marine 1890 will fcc appreciated. Ask for Mr. Walker SOME NEW BUILDINGS with FIXTURES by L. L. JONES COMPANY Charles Tilton residence, Cambridge and Ventnor Avenues Second National Bank, New York and Atlantic Avenues Leonard Pedrick's own house, Mar-Ven Gardena Offices of Atlantic City and Shore Railroad, Inlet District Court Building, City Hall All of the fine residences at Mar-Ven Gardens L. L. Jones Company Dependable Lighting Contractors 1019-1021 Atlantic Avenue "Notice Me Lighting Fauiomenf " aside their crutches and walk. Even now many of the kiddies have been restored to lives of use fulness, though apparently hope less chronics when admitted. Take for example, three of the nurses who are serving full time in the wards in spite of the fact that at one time they were almost hope lessly invalided. Which goes to show what the pure air of At lantic, good food, and a heap of love will do. * * * You are reminded that the Kiddy Karnival will come off Monday, the thirteenth, and that it will be bigger and better than ever before. * * * Then there is the Rummage Sale for which any and every kind of a contribution is being asked. You have no idea how untiring the members of the Fund Club are in their efforts for the Rummage Sale, how much they secure from the sale of articles, and what a lot of comfort the funds bring to ‘ the kiddies. * * * On Tuesday evening the nurses held a very interesting meeting under the direction of Miss Kath leen Neale, the membership sec retary of the Young Women’s Christian Association. The pur pose of the gathering was to or ganize a “Y” unit here at the House in order to bring to the nurses the four square develop ment for which the Association stands, spirit, knowledge, service and health. How well they de serve the privileges of the “Y” you alone know for in serving the kiddies faithfully they are serv ing you—The Public. DON’T BANK ON IT ? It is all right to listen to Cam paign speeches, but we advise the farmers of Atlantic County to de pend upon their worn work and not upon promised agricultural relief measures for the next year’s income. LaFollette-Wliee|er Mass Meeting MORRIS GUARDS ARMORY Friday, October 10—8 P. M. , Subject—Living Issue* By Speakers of National Prominence AH Welcome—Admission Free Music Wives—Bring Your Husband* •, Paid for by Marion Owen NESTLES IMPROVED LANOIL 1924 SYSTEM PERMANENT WAVING, Entire Head Complete *18.00 Boyish Bob, *15.00 Half Head, *12.00 Powder Puff Beauty Parlor K. McBride 169 So. South Carolina Ava. Phone Marine 2972—Open From 9 to 9 Money -Money -Money Wanamaker Beauty School, Inc. 179 S. NEW YORK AVENUE Branch of 435 Fifth Avenue, New York EARN $50.00 WEEKLY Learn a Profession Which Will Make You Independent for Life HAIRDRESSING MANICURING MARCEL WAVING PERMANENT WAVING SHAMPOOING, Etc. High-Class Positions We Cannot Fill the Demand $35 Worth of Tools FREE We are affiliated with Beauty Shops in New York, Atlantic City and Asbury Park A Check Payable to You A check for $2.00, payable to you, and signed by the WHOLE GRAIN WHEAT COMPANY, of Chicago, 111., a $5,000,000 Corporation, will come to you by return mail if you write us that you have eaten WHOLE GRAIN WHEAT twice daily for 24 days, and cannot see an all-round improve ment—physically as well as mentally. This guarantee is made to you REGARDLESS OF YOUR PRESENT PHYSICAL CONDITION, whether you are commonly considered “well” or are suffering from any or many of the so-called diseases, from constipation to goitre, from obesity to diabetes. Our Guarantee i We challenge any man or woman, well or sick, to use WHOLE GRAIN WHEAT twice a day for twenty-four days and not confess a definite and j distinct all around improvement, physically and mentally—mentally, mind you, too. We’ll go further and contract to return the price of the case, without argument, if after using the case on the basis of twice a day the user haa the slightest doubt of his or her mental and physical improvement. This is a guarantee to the world, to anybody anywhere. $2.00 a Dozen $7.20 a Cate A post card brings your order John J. McKern an, 2809 Atlantic Ave.