OCR Interpretation

Ventnor news. (Ventnor City, N.J.) 1907-1926, December 03, 1924, Image 2

Image and text provided by Rutgers University Libraries

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92059905/1924-12-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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Bicycles Better Now.
At Far Lower Price
Commenting on the bicycle as a
factor in modern business a
prominent local dealer says:
“It’s odd how many people are
unaware of the importance of the
bicycle in every-day life. A man
may walk up almost any of our
streets and pass fifty bicycles. If
you ask him how many he has
seen he probably will tell you two
or three. We’re so used to seeing
bicycles that they no longer regis
ter on the mind.
“From a manufacturing stand
point, the bicycles of today which
retail for from $30 to $40 as
against $125 apiece in the old
days, are much better than their
ancestors. They are lighter,
stronger, the tubing is far su
perior, the rubber better, the ac
cessories much more durable.
“Bicycles are used extensively
by farmers and farm hands in the
oil fields by cotton pickers, by
stores for quick delivery purposes
—in thousands of places we never
give a thought to. So you see the
bicycle is still with us as a
genuinely important cog in the
complicated mechanism of the in
dustrial nation. So long as peo
ple want to move faster than a
walk and dont want to invest in
a motor car, there will be a strong
demand for bicycles. The steady*
improvement in our national road!:
system augments this demand, and
I predict a regular development is j:
the number of good wheels man®-!;
factored annually.
“More new bicycles are sold te-|
day in many towns and cities annJ ;j
their surrounding territories thaw I.
new automobiles. This fact vr3!
surprise many of our readers who
have entertained the notion that
the bicycle went out of favor as a1
pleasure vehicle a generative urn..;
As a matter of cold, hard faeSsv ;
more and better bicycles are
in America each year than at asy
other period in the history of the j
“The feller who is fraid of being
wrong once in a while will stay
right—where he is.
to have, an Execu
tor who never dies,
such as the Vent
nor City National
Bank, whose char
ter is permanent,
and who faithfully
executes the exact
instructions of the
testator, efficiently
and economically.
Drop in and talk
the matter over
with us freely.
Variety Shop, 1428 Atlantic Aye. 1
Announcing a Christmas Sale to
Begin Next Monday
Special ordersA taken for /A 1
\ Very
' Unusual
\ December
’ Bargains
We lore disawiiiaid retail hesmess on the Boardwalk
after aac extensive Christmas stock
We are farted to wdtod tM§ new merchandise now
Trunks Bags Hat Boxes
Wallets, Hand Bags, Purses, Umbrellas, Lingerie, Compacts, Gloves,
Handkerchiefs, Hose, Leather Novelties, Slippers for Women
Hundreds of Other Items from Our Former Store Opposite Steel Pier
Marine 4217-J
As the great festival of Giving
armroaehes. one’s thoughts natur
ally turn fust toward Jewelry and
Silverware, for no Christmas Gift
can <be more immediately and per
manently gratifying.
At this store yon will find the
right gift for every member of the
family—for every friend and ac
quaintance—young or old. Come
and see them. There is no obliga
tion to buy—just look.
We will cheerfully reserve any
article selected until wanted.
We specialize in remodeling
your old jewelry in new and up-to
date mountings in solid platinum
or 18-K white gold at very mod
erate prices.
Estimates and Designs cheerfully submitted
Leading Jewelers of Atlantic City
1917 Atlantic Avenue
Store 4 Garden Pier
“The Store Worth Knowing About”
Qiveher <!
Aluminum Utleifsj 1 s
We have the complete line and
offer a discount of
The Most Practical Gifts
A Red Star Stove
Makes a real and lasting gift
As Low as $5.00 Down.
“ Pyrex
Beautiful, inexpensive, useful
Complete stock
J. B. SCANLAN CO. 1917 Atlantic Aie.
Look for the Red Star Sign

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