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TATTLING TIDBITS Parties, Dances and Socials l Spring fever has apparently no ill effects on the resort’s young er set, if. a glance at the many gatherings and socials may be considered at all authoritative. There’s a Delta Sigma Delta closed dance, the Realtor Girls’ dance and a Red. Widow Club social all listed for this week. The Realtor Gills are planning to usher in the month of May auspiciously and they have en gaged the Venetian Room of the Hotel Ambassador for the pur pose. Inasmuch as this club is making its debut with, the forth coming affair, an unusual amount of interest attaches to the dance. It is a good bet that the Girls will put over a big “deal” Friday evening. Just to show how much busi ness instinct they possess, they managed to have plans completed to broadcast the entire dance over WPG, municipal station. Lorraine and Faust are to enter tain with a juvenile dance specialty. Now for the “business heads” of the dance: the Misses Vera Wall, Florence Lebya, Inez Wil son, Mary Foltz and Augusta Goldstein, ehairlady. * * * The Red Widow Club is pro gressing just as well as we said lb WUU1U, cl USb to show how far they’ve t r aveled s o far, a social is to be given this Saturday at the home of me mempers. __ Dot Mathis was telling me that the club has garnered some novel ideas for the affair. The social should certainly be a success when these young women get their heads together in anticipa tion: Marie Downes, Jeanette Miller, Mary Werner, Celeste Moghab, Miriam, Brennamen, Dorothy Mathis, Louise Moghab, Louise Byrnes and Dot Brenna men. * * * And what a good time is in store for the Delta Sigma Delta sorority this Friday evening in the Chelsea Hotel Grill I This committee is eligible for the dance prize for it has left, so far as we can observe, no errors in its wake. Fred Abrahams and his orchestra are to provide the live ly syncopation for the many, dancers who will be in attend ance. If you attend the Delta dance, you will most likely see the fol lowing gorgeously attired: Rose Leopold, Margaret Valinsky, Bessie Satinover, Celia Abramoff, Rose Perr, Gertrude Rimkufsky, Anna Abramoff, Anna Valinsky, Leonore Plotka, Yetta Leventhal, Sylvia Segal, Rose Shapiro, Lottie Hoffman, Frances Gold, Bertha Balus, Dadie Ulschwang, Florence Steinberger, Margie Kaplan, Anna Gerson and Bella Keich. » I’ve nearly forgotten the com mittee: Anne Abramoff, chair lady; Gertrude Rimkufsky, Rose Leopold. Now to explain why I believe Delta Sigma Delta is going to have such a great time. There will b,e a novelty dance, balloon dance, Mardi Gras, lucky favor and door prizes. * * * The lion Tamers decided at a recent meeting that they need a new mascot. Russel Thaw is the present mascot, but he is out growing his role and now the club must look around for some thing else. As a result, negotiations are being made for the purchase of a nice, playful lion cub. If it is possible to buy one, and have it shipped to the resort, the Lion Tamers will do so. Just what will be done" with the little beast when he begins to follow in the footsteps of his preuecessors ana oecomes to* Dig for the job hasn’t been given much thought, but the club is sure that their new mascot will afford much amusement. The members are serious about buying a young lion, and Charley Flett has offered to take care of it in his home. So if you wake up some night to find a few hundred pounds of active, healthy lion sitting on your chest and affectionately lick ing your nose, you will know where it came from. We may all be thankful that there is no Ele phant Tamers club in the city. Five popular members of the younger set are as busy as beavers right now. They are Ruth Fair, Elea nor Dumas, Kitty Collins Maaenne Morales and Hazel Curley, who comprise the com mittee for the Sigma Theta Chi sorority dance. The affair will take place in the Trellis Room of the Ritz Carlton May 23. It is practically a certainty that the only ones who will be able to keep their feet still when the Garnet Sere nades of Swarthmore college send forth their weird musical effects are those who are unfor tunate enough not to have any. This orchestra has proved most popular at previous dances and is sure to he a big attraction on the night of May 23. Unusual specialties, novel lucky favors and three hours of joy are promised those-attending. • * * The resort’s ultra-«mart set was in attendance at the birth day party of Miss Edna Ryder Charlea Rupp Plant: 708 N. Indiana Avenue Office: 39 S. So. Carolina Avenue last week. Now that “birthday* has been mentioned, you’re won dering just how old Miss Ryder is. Have you ever read “Seven teen,” by Booth Tarkington? Old-fashioned games were en joyed, subsequent to which re freshments completed the pro gram. There was a merry time with the fol lowing in at tendance :-Clara Sheppard, Ed die S c h erer, Ruth Lane, Ed Seeley, Celeste Burkard, Gor d o n Y a t es, Ruth Kiefer, Dick Bew, Floss Mason, jJim Beury, Marie O’Neill, Karl Donnelly, Margaret O’Neill, Marion Winters, John Dunn, Lillian Ritter, Floss Farrell, Jack Bader, Eleanor Hoffman, El Seeley, Gus Bring, Eleanor Josephs, Ray Baker, Bob Ocken lander, Olive Filer and Ruth Reading. * • * The Tides are on Atlantic City’s social map strong. In existence hut a short while, the Tides have now completed ar rangements for their initial Spring dance in the roof garden of the Hotel Breakers. Joa Swarzman confided that the Tides are out to make other members of the younger set virtually “sit up and take notice.” His state ment will stand the acid test May tenth. The Seaside Serenaders have been engaged for the harmony while several popular entertain ers in the resort will give their very best performances for the Tides. Those on the committee are Joe Schwartz, A1 Gold, Eddie Davis, Ed Singer and Sid Metlen. * * • There are more dances in sight right now than there have been for quite a while. Allow the names of these sororities to percolate in your minds as hav ing their eyes cocked for future dances: Gamma Sigma, Tau Ep silon Chi, Sigma Delta Chi and Alpha Gamma. Now to. be more specific. June is the popular month for dances, graduation and brides, and for that reason the Gamma Sigma is lining up for a festivity at one of the country clubs. There are a great many more plans to be made and so we’ll have to content ourselves with just the fact that a dance will be given. In order to be conventional, the following are members of Gamma Sigma: Kay Jones, Floss'*Frees, Helene Berke, Peg Robertson, Eleanor O’Neil, Clara Anderson, Irene Cochran, Virginia Bossert, Nell Sachse, Audrey Parry, Mary Sparks, Dot Alcorn, Gwen Edwards, Mary Raith, Carolyn Stevens, Dot Sasse, Elizabeth Westney, Mary Del Mathis, Elea nor1 Bennett and Elizabeth Davis. The committee is as follows: Eleanor O’Neil, Mary Sparks, C. Audrey Parry, Clara Anderson and Martha Lawson. * * • With May nearly upon us, there is no wonder that Alpha Gamma is becoming more in teresting in its hop to be given in the Hotel Breakers in conjunc tion with the Gek fraternity. There is nothing “new” accord ing to the committee members but we have a slight suspicion that several novelties will be kept clandestine until the last mo ment. Those in Alpha Gamma in clude Loretta Keating, Floss Mason, Marie and Margaret O’Neil, Prat Boyajian, Clara Shepard, Dot Grasnick and Ruth Gossler. Tex, Sylvia Weintrob told me, is going to be in the front ranks when it comes to June subscrip tion dances. The usual prepara tions, or shall we say “unusual” are being made. Those in Tau Epsilon Chi are Lillian Spitzer, Rhea Levy, Ethel Myers, Harriet Gilbert, Zelda Weintrob, Billy Hirsch, Sylvia Weintrob, Rena Katz, Bernice Finkelstein, Fanny Miller, Alice Nemcof, Kate Rosenberg and Pearl Schwartz. * * * Yes, it’s June again! Sigma Delta Chi mustn’t be omitted in this discussion. It is a yearly custom with this sorority to stage a closed dance in honor of the graduates of their organization and this year will be no excep tion. Those who are on the roster of Sigma Delta Chi are Patricia Mu loch, Kay Mitton, Dot P.arsells, Helen Ghegan, Vera Woolhouse, Beatrice and Gertrude Collins, Kay Mansfield, Honey Feyl, Mary Ward, Ruth Koch and the mes dames Dan Bader and Ralph Gordon. • • * The girls of Theta Delta Chi have selected' May 30 as their dance date. The scene of the dance will be the Elwood Hotel. The members have promised to unfold a few of their plans to me later and I’ll “let you in on it” as soon as I may. The follow ing are members of Theta Delta Chi: Madeline Savage, Jeanette Miller, Helen Harrold, Mary Cur ran, Ruth Reading, Helen Wish am, Marie Smith, Eleanor Green, Ruth Ursprung, Marion Winters, Dot Fuhrer and Thelma Morales. * * * The Boys’ Music Club, which was organized a short time ago under the direction of music teachers in the resort, will give a concert May 5 in the Vernon Room of the Haddon Hall, accord ing to Richard L. Pollock, its president. Some fifty-six talent ed young men are included in the club, whose officers are Dick Pol lock, president; Harold Prosser, first vice-president; William Lampe, second vice-president; Harry Sargowitz, recording sec retary, and Morris Schneidman, corresponding secretary. • * * Are yon going to the Cricket • Club’s next social? You’ll say, “yes,” if you attended the last one held last week. It was one that will be retained in the mem ories of the members for a long time. The members are Marie and Anne Stevenson, Helen Corrado, Marion Ruser, Dot Mathis, Marion and Frances Hughes, Hilda Morton, Myrtle Gardner, Peggy Bergman, Marie Downes, Helen Price, Marie and Leona Stevenson. * * * The resort younger set may aptly become a bit more feverish with the approach of the Phi Delta Sigma subscription dance in the Pompeiian Room of the Hotel Ambassador. May 8 is the date set. Gus Bring is the chairman, A assisted by John Eisele, Zeke Reed, Frank 0’ Keefe, Frank Mul ngan ana wiuiam l^eeas. Phi Del dances are always well attended and Gus will assure yon that this coming one will prove no exception. Novelties and specialties have been planned. How Would You Like This O Life Insurance Policy • 20 Payment Life— Full face of Policy and all premiums re turned in event of death within 20 years. 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