OCR Interpretation

Ventnor news. (Ventnor City, N.J.) 1907-1926, November 11, 1925, Image 14

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92059905/1925-11-11/ed-1/seq-14/

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Thumbnail for FOURTEEN

Don’t Disregard Colds
Advises Specialist
Colda seem of very little con
sequence to' many people, and,
as a result, often lead into such
serious illness as pneumonia and
tuberculosis, says the state ex
tension foods specialist. .
It is because persons with a
cold do not consider the disease
dangerous that they not only
neglect themselves but go about
spreading the germs among
other people by coughing and
sneezing without protecting the
mouth. In their homes they may
even use a common drinking
cup, and in this way one member
of the family after another be
comes a victim.
Easily digested food, sunshine,
fresh air, sleep, and rest are the
best preventives of a cold. A
generous use of milk, eggs,
vegetables and fruits, excluding
rich desserts and sweets from the
meals, will make the woric of
digesting food very much easier
and help the body to build up
good resistance.
Children with a cold should
be kept out of school, not only
to recover more quickly from
the disease, but also to prevent
others from contracting it.
Breakfast in bed will give added
rest and relaxation for the body.
Outdoor play in the sunshine for
an hour just before the noon
meal will stimulate the body and
the appetite for food. A rest in
the afternoon, more sunshine and
play, and supper in bed, with
twelve hours of sleep, will over
come a cold more quickly than
home prescribed medicines. Only
a reputable physician should be
employed for prescribing medi
cine. The adults in the family
would do well to follow a similar
schedule when they acquire a
The person who eats easily
digested food at a definite hour
each day, is out of doors a part
of each day, and sleeps the re
quired hours, seldom contracts a
cold—if he does it is thrown off
within two or three days.
If there were greater competi
tion for good health with prizes
awarded, as in other contests,
some children, and grown folks
too, might be aroused to strive
more seriously for good health.
Blizzard’s Blanket to
Be lifted Electrically
This winter will see in opera
tion, the latest device for snow
removal, says the New Jersey
Public Utility Information Com
A large wagon with a funnel
shaped body has been designed,
at the bottom of which is a series
of electric heaters. As the snow
is shoveled into the wagon it is
melted by the red hot plates and
then flows away into the sewer.
One form of the snowmelter
is hauled by a tractor which
Rent This Car
While in Town
“Drive It Yourself”
23 South North Carolina Are.
takes its current from any con
venient tap; another is mounted
1 on a caterpillar truck and carries
its own generator. The appliance
was perfected and tested last
winter and is said' to be efficient
and economical.
Several steam railroads have
already adopted a method-'of
snow removal by which specially
designed gas burners are placed
near frogs and switches. These
burners heat the rails and thus
melt the snow and ice in that
Each set of burners does as
much work as four men'could do
in the old-fashioned way, does
it more quickly and more,
Atlantic City will, it is under
stood, not invest in such a
machine as the light Winters ex
perienced in this city do not
require any such ' elaborate
machinery to ; keep ' the streets
and Boardwalk cleared of snow.
Interesting Facts
, If the thirty pieces of silver
which Judas got for betraying
Christ had been placed at 4 per
cent interest, assuming their
value to be half a dollar each, the
Judas Foundation today would
claim a mass of gold equal to
345,000 globes the size of this
The New
Roomy Comfort
at a Low Price
Here, at last, in this new Hupipobile Six you
have a big, roomy, comfortable five-passenger
sedan—at a low price. V ,
Here, at last, you have quality Six flexibility,
smoothness, flashing power and speed—with
economy of first cost and after costs.
Handsome lines, triple-tone Duco finish, four
wheel brakes^—and' performance ability that
makes this Six a fit companion of the Hup
mobile Eight
Drive it once, and you’ll want to drive it all
the time. ~ -
_ F.O.B. Detroit, tex to be added
~ tout door, full fivc-pas senger Sedan
Four-Wheel Brakes Balloon Tire*
| Hartford Avenue and Ventnor Parkway

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