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Keiirfl»tl Landisville b3B3 Keg. U. S. Pat. Off? Millville The Ventnor News Has More PAID Annual SUBSCRIPTIONS Than Any Morning, Evening, Sunday or Weekly Newspaper Published in Atlantic County eSkly r Copyright, 1926—All Rights Reserved Amusement Publishing Co., of Atlantic City VENTNOR, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6, 1926 Three Cents per Copy Vol. 19 No. 32 Trio Have Narrow (Escape From Death nThree Men Saved From Drown I ing When Ice Breaks on i Thorofare in New Year’s / Day Accident New Year’s Day nearly proved fatal day for Harry Doughty, f 126 N. Florida avenue, Wil am Anderson, of Egg Harbor nd Lawrence Leeds, of 2444 Sunset avenue. Early in' the afternoon of Jaij ary 1st, two of tKe men decided go eeling in the Thorofare, at e foot of, Little Rock avenue, ‘he water was covered with ide, vhich appeared solid enough, and armed with pronged eel .spears, they ventured out about a hundred feet from shore, near khe pilings of a deserted boat mouse. . - . Here they made a hole in the Ice. The ice weakened by this '^ole, split in a large radius and ne of the men fell into the icy vaters. The other, in a frantic iffort to aid his comrade met the 'same fate, and the'two, shouting for help, floundered about, al most paralyzed by the freezing water. 1 Several women, whose resi dences are on the water front, (witnessed the accident. They called to Anderson, who is in the employ of the Ventnor City Garbage and who was on the street at the time. He, seeing the desperate plight of the men, ran out on the ice and attempted to pull them to safety. But again the treacherous ice claimed an other victim, and the three men struggled for life in the Thoro fare, while the crowd that had collected stood helplessly on the (Continued on Page 2) Cupid Busy Person in Ventnor Tax Offices For the third time in five years ,Dan Cupid has invaded the office 'of Tax Collector Scull in Vent nor City and a fourth young lady 'has assumed the role of clerk in his office. Miss Anna Komblau, who for the past three years has been employed as assistant to the col lector aiyl also acts as marriage license Y^EWk, has resigned pre paratory to her marriage in New York next month. She will be come the bride of Louis Korn blau, a cuosin. Miss Helene Kohlberg will assume the duties of assistant to Collector Scull on January 11. ' After serving ten months in ,9ie office Miss Lillian Twain re signed to enter the married state, >and her successor, Miss Rose Steinberg, remained only eight 'bonths after which she likewise nrrendered to Dan Cupid and us in turn succeeded by Miss brnblau, now about to leave. B926 VENTNOR COUNCIL ^ APPOINTMENTS ' City Engineer, ate year, $2,806, Estel D. Rightmire. City Solicitor, three years, $1,000, John S. Westcott, Esq. Police Justice, (me year, $000, Allan B. Endicott, Jr., Esq. Building Inspector, one year, lees, W. Harry Jones. City Electrician, one year, fees, U. D. Albertson. Supervisor of Highways, one year $2,500, John S. Leeds. Clerk Water and Sewer Committee, one year, Charles Reppetto. Board of Health, four years, Adolph E. Apel. Board of School Estimates, one year, William Bach and Isaac B. Sweigart. Floor Leader of Council, one year, Iraac B. Sweigart. Commissioners of Assessment, James T. Bew, James H JjcC'lay and Waiter Jenkins. W ommiss j|cu Re-elected Secretary GEORGE H. BRATTON who, at a meeting held yesterday afternoon, was re-elected secretary of the Ventnor City Sinking Fund Com mission with an increase in salary of $250. Allen B. Endlcott, Jr., was again named as solicitor. Other members of the commission include Chas. C. Beyer, Adam Freund and Yivian B. Smith Ventnor Budget Is - . To Be Much Lower Many Item* Slashed and Pros pects for Reduction in Taxes Likely for 1926. To Experi ment With Traffic Lights That the municipal budget will be considerably less than last year was determined last Mon day night by members of Vent nor Council after a three-hour discussion of. the items included in the annual appropriation ordi nance. Several items have been considerably slashed and, unless state and county tax apportion ments are greatly in excess of last year, it is not a remote pos sibility that the Ventnor tax rate this year will be, less than in 1925. There are, however, a num ber of budget items still in abey ance, a resolution adopted by the Board of Health asking for an appropriation of $1,000 not having as yet been taken up for consideration by Council. It is expected that the' appro priation ordinance will be intro duced at the regular meeting of Council on next Monday, night, at which time changes are likely to be made in some of the items. Members of Council'also in formally discussed the sewerage problem and there is hope that early action will be taken to initiate the plan agreed upon under which Ventnor and Mar gate will join forces in the dis posal of sewage in a common plant. ' „ Traffic lights are to be placed at various points along Ventnor avenue in the nature of an ex periment with a view t^o deter mining what shall be done in this direction. Some citizens favor the lights, while others enter strenuous objections to any delays to motorists thus likely ttf be incurred. VENTNOITS MOST POPULAS PLAC TO DmE—THJZ UTTL* *0 HU AtUatU Ventnor Board of Trade to Dance Will Hold Annual Ladies’ Night at Elks’ Home Ball Room ‘ on January 26th The New Elks’ Club will be the scene of one of the best and big gest affairs of the New Year, on •the evening of January 26, when the Ventnor Board of Trade and their ladies assemble for their annual Ladies’ Night in the mag nificent ball room of the club house. - . No pains have been spared by the committee consisting of Wil liam Riebenack, chairman; Dr. Walter Rulon, Major Frederick Hickman, James Leeds, George L. Craig, Sidney Rosenbaum and Herman Loeb to make the dinner dance one of the most successful and entertaining of occasions and one that will be remembered throughout the year. There will he Inekv-fnvnr dances, attendance prizes, speci alty dances, and a varied enter tainment that is sure to please everybody attending. One of the features of the evening will be a speech by E. J. Cattell, former City Statistician of .Philadelphia, and widely known after-dinner speaker. The Board of Trade feels proud to number him among the guests at this gala affair. After dinner dancing will be the order of the evening, when the "board and their ladies will glide over the super-smooth floor of the ball room to the strains of the Elks’ Club Orchestra. January 26 promises to be a date that will not soon be for gotten by those lucky enough to belong to the Ventnor Board of Trade, or by their wives. Three Councilmen Retire From Office Ventnor Official Body Close Year’s Work in New Yesir’s Meeting — Praise Bartlett, Moore and Steelman Expressing appreciation of courtesies extended and co-opera tion offered them by fellow mem bers retiring councilmen indi vidually addressed Ventnor City Common Council last Friday morning at the final session of the old body during which mat ters of minor import were dis posed of prior to adjournment sine die. In making: note of the impend ing passing from the body of three of its members Floor Leader Sweigart called upon City Solicitor Westcott to express on behalf of Council its regret. Mr. Westcott paid a glowing tribute to Messrs. Bartlett, Moore and Steelman, anjl incidentally recounted the excellent govern ment with which Ventnor had been favored during its 22 years of existence, asserting that no .city could show a more efficient and honest set of officials than those who have served Ventnor.' Each of the retiring council-^ men made a short address. Messrs. Sweigart and Moore were named by President Bart lett as a committee to escort the incoming members to the rostrum where Mayor Adams admin istered to them the oath of office, after which the old council ad journed at 12.07 o’clock sine die. --CM! BURKARD GOAL 00.—— — ■' ■■■■ '■ RU»lti» t»Q.. ><« JAMES G. SCULL Re-appointed. as , Registrar, Ventnoi Bureau of Vital Statistics Dr. Youagman to Head Health Board - Re-elected President at Organ ization Meeting—Dr. H. I. Silvers Named Vice President Dr. Thomas Youngman was re-elected as president of the Ventnor City Board of Health at the annual reorganization meeting held on Monday eve ning at Ventnor City Hall Other officers elected include Dr. Homer I. Silvers, vice-presi dent, and James G. Scull, secre tary and treasurer. The report of the secretarj shows that 13 master plumber: who had been registered ix Ventnor in 1925 had failed, thus far, to register for 1926, a tota of 86 having registered so far The board voted to change th( regular meeting time to the firsl Tuesday evening of each month. Walter A. Eulon was unani mously reappointed as city healtl officer and plumbing inspector Mr. Scull was again named a; registrar of the bureau of vita' statistics and I also as collectoi of the plumbing department. David H. Moore, master plum ber; Joseph Stringer, journey man plumber, and W. A. Rulon representing the board, were named as a board of examiners to consider application fox registration. Adolph E. Apel took his seaf as a reappointed member tc serve four years, having to his credit’ now 19 years of service. To Collect Christmas Trees on Satordaj Discarded Christmas trees are .to be gathered by the city rubbish collection department next Sat urday, a special collection having been arranged by Superintendent Wharton Sharpe. Speaking for the men in his department Mr. Sharpe expressed appreciation to the public for the generous re membrance during the holiday season. 5 YELLOW CAB Cmpuiy. QoMi, Saf. £araW-A4v. Marine MOO. Mayor Adams Delivers Annual Message to Ventnor Council Appointment of Assistant City Engineer, Creation of Paid Fire Department and Hastening of Action on New City Hall Among Outstanding Points Appointment by Council of an assistant to the city engineer, whose duty it shall be to main tain office hours at City Hall and co-operate with both the city solicitor and tax collector in mat ters relative to their respective functions, is th4 outstanding recommendation made by Mayor Adams in his annual message to Ventnor City Common Council. The mayor made this clear in a statement to several members of Council after that body had adjourned on New Year’s Day. Other recommendations in cluded the creation of a paid fire department and official support of a. shade tree commission, to be named by the mayor this month. The mayor’s message follows: Ventnor City, N. J., • January 1, 1926. To the President and Members of City Council of Ventnor City, N. J.: in last year s message i pre dicted that Ventnor City was about to have its best year. I am glad -to say that my proph , ecy came true. Never has our city had such prosperity. New buildings, consisting principally of homes, were erected, costing, according to our building inspec tor’s report, over two million three hundred eighty-three thou sand dollars, as compared with one million, five hundred sev enty-six thousand fof 1924. The value of our city real estate holdings has increased to such an extent that our real estate owned would more than pay off our bonded indebtedness, and I predict that the year 1926 will be more prosperous than the year we have just passed through. New homes are being erected throughout our entire town. The development of Ventnor Heights and Ventnor Gardens will make new homes for a great number of people. These two operations will about close our door; for expansion in area. During the present year I ex pect to make several changes in the Police Department, which will be for its betterment. One of the things I intend to do is , to increase the number of men on duty at night by decreasing the day force. This, of course, will be done without any increase of expense to the city, and I think will make the department much more efficient. I also ex pect to suggest other changes which will be taken up with your body during the month of Janu ary. I would also recommend that our Fire Department at some time in the. near future be made a full paid one, for our town has grown to such an extent that we will have to have one in the very near future, in order to keep pace with other communities of. our standing. I am not criticis ing our present Volunteer De partment, for they are doing their best and deserve great credit for the work that. they Deliveries at any time desired daily and *this insures Ventnor householders the best service for all kinds of sea foods, if orders are riven to the CHELSEA FISH MARKET, 2707 At lantic Avenue. Phone, Bell—Marine 2180 and 21ftl.-Adv. VENTNOR *^RU8T COMPANY have done during the past year. I am glad to report that one of the assemblymen from our district requested me to have our city solicitor prepare a bill to present to our State Legislature, making it possible for us to make an appropriation for the Atlan tic City Hospital. He states that the bill will be passed by not later than February, so I would recommend the taking care of | this item in our budget, i One of the most important I things toward the beautifying of our city has been greatly neg lected, namely, planting of trees, so I trust that the Tree Commission, which I am about to appoint, will take pride in assisting us in making our city one of beautiful homes. I would urge that due care be given .as [to where they are planted, how ever,, for the desires of the prop erty owners should be considered in each instance. Now that we have purchased • the land for our new City Hall and Soldiers’ Memorial Building, I would urge that the necessary action be taken to hasten the court decision so that our title may be safe for us to start our new building. s/. During the past year, money was appropriated for the erec tion of a new pier. I see no reason for delay in this project, and would urge that immediate , (Continued on Page 22) --- * Yentnor Council Organizes for Year Hickman New President of Coun cil—V. B. Smith Named Sink- ■ ing Fund Commissioner Major Frederick Hickman was unanimously elected as president of Ventnor City Common Coun cil last Friday, shortly after noon, when the lower beach legislative body organized for the year 1926. City Clerk Reppetto called the solons to order at 12.10 and or ganization was immediately ef fected, Messrs. Sweigart and Bach acting as a committee to escort the incoming members to their respective seats. President Hickman promptly announced appointment of coun; cil committees. , Appointment by Mayor Adams of Vivian B. Smith, well-known architect, as a member of the Sinking Fund Commission, vice C. J. Wasleski, was confirmed by council without debate. Council also confirmed appoint ment of police surgeons by the Mayor as follows: Surgeon, Dr. Thomas Youngman; assistant sur geons, Dr. Gurney Williams, Dr. S. Watson Fox and Dr. Edwin H. : Coward. ' VENTNOR COMMITTEES FOR 1926 Finance—George Wingate. Printing and Stationery—Geerge Win Streets—Taylor Haines. Boardwalk—Wibner K. Clymer. Municipal Pier—Wilmer K. Clymer. Lighting—Byron Jenkins. Sanitary—Byron Jenkins. Fire and Police—William BacV' Property—William Bach. T7 Water and Sewer—Isaac' B. Sweigart. Rules and Ordinances—Isaac B. Sweig art. Bonds—Meggy*. Wingate, Haines and Bach.