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CHURCH CLUB NEWS ABSECON NEWS NOTES Uy LENA HOC IN'SON Absecon , Builds Steadily ROYER SPEAKS u TO G. 0. P. CLUB Woman's Organization Meets at Home of Mrs. It. Rickards —Mrs. Nicholds Reports The Women’s Republican club met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Robert Rickards, Bolton avenue. Mrs. Mary Miller, presi dent, presided. Mrs. Carrie Nieholds, delegate to the State club meeting held in Newark, Dec. 4, gave a report on the meeting. A. J. Royer, Free holder from First ward, addressed the gathering on municipal prob lems including drainage, garbage, and trash, fire protection and the need of a new City Hall. 1 The next meeting will be held at | the home of Mrs. Harry Huffnagle. j Each member is asked to bring a' package worth twenty-five cents, j The club will hold a St. Patrick’s party at the home of Mrs. Ellen Showed. Those present were: Mrs. Elizabeth Conover, Mrs. Carrie Nieholds, Mrs. Helen Reid, Mrs. Hans Lctsch, Miss Florence Bab cock, Mrs. Mary Miller, Mrs. Stella Ardrey, Miss Marie Moffat, Mrs. ' Margaret Johnson, Mrs. Julia Wyaml, Mrs. Ellen Showed, Miss Narrie Robinson, Mrs. Harry Huff naglc, Messrs. Robert Rickards, Townsend Showed, Alfred Royer. CIRCLE FETED Guecn Esther Girls Entertained at Mrs. A. L. Hammell's Home Tlio Queen Esther Circle met Friday night at the home of Mrs. A. L. llammoll. Each member was given ten cents talent money. They are sup posed to use it to make as much as possible before February 1(5 when all dues and mite boxes are to be handed in. Those attending were: Miss Lizetto Taylor, Miss Charlotte Ilammell, Marion Hoagland. Miss Catherine McCarthy, Miss Marion Dilks, Miss Laura Sutton, Miss May Hogan. Miss Ethel Hammell. Mrs. C. K. Dilks, and Mrs. A. L. Ham inell. P. T. A. TO MEET Dr. F. W. Maroncy Speaker in Absecon Thursday Afternoon The Parent-Teacher's Associat ion of Absecon Public School will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the school. The first thing on the program is a demon stration in penmanship in Miss Marion Carter’s room. Later. f Dr. Fredrick Marouey, head of the health department of the Atlantic City schools, will speak on "Health Subjects.’’ Mrs. May M. Townsend, president of the asso ciation urges all parents to attend. LEAGUE MEETS Plan Made to Adopt 24 Hour Service for World Service. The Epworth League cabinet met Thursday in the M. E. chapel. It was decided to adopt tho 21 hour plan for world service. Each mem ber will give two cents each week. Other matters were laid over until a later rate. Those attending were: Stanley Mitchell, Mowyln Thomas, Luelta Rider, Rutli Reed, Jacob Heed, Dorothy Allen, and Edwin Cross. PERSONALS Miss Myra Hosier is improved since her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. George Showell ;utd Miss Ella Showell spent Thursday in Philadelphia. Miss Laura Adams left Wednes day to spend a month with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ludlow, of Passaic, N. .r. Mrs. Lili Odonath, Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Mrs. It. L. RuhrocU ami Miss Narrio Robinson attended the meeting Thursday of the Federat ed Clubs of New Jersey at Fire Side Hall, Y. W. C. A., At Alan tie City. Mr. and Mrs. Carolus entertained Mrs. Fitton, of Allentown, recently. Miss Flora Robinson and Miss Florence Ross ere the dinner guests of Miss Adelma Miller Fri day night. NICHOLDS REPAIR SHOP Sooy B’ldg., Station Ave. ABSECON, N. J. Carpenter, Upholstering, Pipe Fitting, Tinning, Roof ing, Furniture, Safe, Pump, Well, Block, Brick, Lock and Machinist Work. Drop postal or leave orders of Shop Phone Pleasantville 806-j CIVIC CLUB PLANS INSPIRATION MEETING Will Seek to Create •Interest in Shade Tree Planting. The Women’s Civic club will hold a public inspiration meeting to create an interest in the planting of shade trees. Feb. 17. The meet ing will be held in the auditorium of the school. Thomas E. Chatto. a representa tive of the Philadelphia Branch of the Davey Tree expert ro., of Can ton, Ohio, will speak. An invitation is extended to the Absecon Civitan club, the Kiwanis club and Civic club of Pleasantvillo and to all in terested persons. CLUB, CHURCH NOTES Tiie Young Citizens’ Sunday School class of the Presbyterian church with Miss Hannah Madden, teacher, have post-poned the meet ing from February 4 to February 11 when it will he held at the home of Elmer Griffith, Bolton avenue. Louis Pratt, ol' Berlin, driver of the Atlantic Tours, was fined $1»». So l speeding. Harry Walker of Port, ,Republic was arrested by officer Smilee Ilenry for speeding. Alter a hearing before Magistrate Craven the sentence as suspended. The Junior Eporth League will meet at the close of the public school Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. C. K. Dilks will conduct the mid-week prayer meeting Wed nesday night at. 7.30 o’clock. Special Music by Mrs. Emily Con over and Walter Burns is planned. The letter (1) will start the verse this week. After the meeting I lie official Board will meet and , ar* range the budget for 1937. Next Sunday will b<* .membership day in the M. E. church. Between 20 and 30 will unite with the .church. At night there will bo a Young People rally. Tho Sunshine class of tin* M. E. church, with Mrs. Leon Conover, teacher, netted $23. from the Cake sale they held Saturday in tho post office. A part of the proceeds will be given toward the floor cover ing for the chapel and the class will have pins. Musical (o' He Given in School Auditorium Friday Night —Boyce Directs rM embers of the Presbyterian choir will render a musical Friday niKlit, “The Croat Light,” in the auditorium of the Absecon Public School under the direction of James Boyce. Tckets may be secured from any member of the chair. Those taking part are: sopranos —Mrs. R. A. Elwood, Mrs. Theo dore Odoriath, Mrs. Charles Kunkly, Mrs. Raymond Weed, Mrs. Dougan, Miss Edna Fairbrothers, Catherine Smith. Miss Marion Fraiscr, Miss Louise Draper, Mrs. At tales. Miss Catherine Miller, Miss Hamiah Madden. Altos—Mrs. Rerdo, Miss Doris Remde, Miss Marion Carter, Mrs. Harry McCauley, Mrs. May M. Townsend. Tenors—Rudolph Remde, Thus. Draper, James Ballantine, Raymond Weed. Bass—Elmer Criftith, Frank Blummer, James Boyce. Mrs. Frank Blumer is accom puinist. -;v; The Mite Society of tint Presby terian church will meet tonight at the home of Mrs. R. A. Elwood. Pitney road. The Absecon Art club will be en tertained by Mrs. Walter .Roberts next Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Ewing, of Rahway, N. J., bead of the Synodical Mission : Board of the State, will fill the | pulpit, of the Absecon Presbyterian ; church next Sunday. | Tim Spring Fashion Show, under i the direction of Mrs. Criebol and Mrs. Edith Norman, will be held March 22 in the Absecon School auditorium. This is the Annual Show of the Atlantic County llomo Demonstration. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Miller and children were the dinner guests of Joe Saul, of Pori Republic. NEWu ITEMS FROM FENIMORE'S WOLVES Tummy Burr Inis been away for a lew days having his eyes attend ed. Wq have been wondering why Burr had ho much (rouble with the checkers, but he is now able to see them much better and is again winning. L. (!. Bossier ‘has been ho busy that he has not gotten to take his trip as yet. The boys are waiting patiently lor him to take it and are asking a full report on his return. Ed. Tony Stephenson, the parrots instructor, is now going strong with his new uniform, but as yet the parrot cannot get used to it and refuses to talk at all when Steve wears it. George Engel hardt, the new I'rez.t is i\ busy man these days, so much so that he cannot get around, but all of his former colleagues are preparing to pay him a visit lo see how he runs the business. Warren “Firp” Marshall has lost 1 3-4 pounds this last week. War ren says that the only way to re duce is to have patience. Winnie Price, another of the Wolves radio bugs, had quito an experience one night last week having picked up a station entirely unknown. Winnie says it is located some where in New York and is called a “Minnlecipal” station. Winnie could not spell it. but promised to let us know shortly his way of spollin git. Also he will let us know just where “Minnie Cipal” is located. Mr. and Mrs. Widman, of Atlantic City, were the dinrter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Conover. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Miller and Mrs. (’. (’. Allen spent Thursday in Philadelphia. —“Jf 1,000 a Front Foot on the Boulevard.”—read article on the j personal touch in values by Ben jam in It. Fox. —“Never double trouble till trouble doubles you,” paraphrases the bridge expert. —You can never tell. Fvou the people who are all wrapped up in themselves may catch cold. Farm Heads Act on Muscle Shoals Fo*:i i nitiinIn rs ol lli'. .\'Herman Karin Bureau tederation who wont to Washington recently to urgo t tor the leasing and opciaimg of Muscle Shoals for production of cheap fertilizers, are shown they are (loll to right) E B. Palmer. OI110, George M. Putnam, New Hampshire; Edward -■ iOi;. a. • . i e.:;dont. and S. II. Thompson, Illinois, president. HOME SITES BUNGALOWS COTTAGES IN THE FOX TRACT 'i * OTTO J. SCHRAMM REAL ESTATE 17 West West Jersey Avenue Pieasantville, N. J. IK & * » I ft! ft ft ( Social j Activities West Atlantic City News Personal Notes MRS. McCUTCHEN IS BRIDGE HOSTESS Entertains Friends in West Atlantic City Home Thurs day Afternoon. Mrs. Francis MeCulchen, of liay drive, was tile hostess Thursday afternoon when a very pretty luncheon-bridge was given ill her home.' Honors of the occasion were divided betwten Mrs. William Fort, of Atlantic City and Mrs. Margaret Ireland, of West Atlantic City, who are leaving today for Florida,, where they plan to sojourn for several weeks during the cold weather. Decorations were pink sweet peas, with favors following the color scheme. Small headed boudoir lamp shades comprised the gifts Offered for tile three highest in score, while boudoir pillows were offered as consolation prizes by the hostess for the bridge playing. i Tin; guests attending the affair ! were: Mrs. William Fort, Mrs. Margaret Ireland. Mrs. A. Edward • stone, Mrs. A. Sherwood Itisley, Mrs. Victor Thompson,. Mrs. Charles H.Conover, Mrs. Henry W. Lewis. Mrs. Russell Thatcher, Mrs. Albert. Dossier, Mrs. Joseph A. M. Snniri, Of Northfield: Mrs. Frank Moore. Mrs. Frank Mange, Mrs. Irwin Clough, and Mrs. Joseph Grannan, | of Atlantic City. ! MRS. CHASE GUEST. ' - I Mrs. Elizabeih M. Chase, of Flor- : once avenue, was a dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles i' l'eemau, S. Rhode Island avenue, Atlantic City. Mrs. Chase will at tend (he meeting of the "500" club at the home of Mrs. Raymond •‘■’bull, on Chester avenue, I’leasant ville, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Llizahetli M. Chase of Florence avenue a!tended the “500" club meeting at the homo of Mrs. Alfred T. Bateman, Lake place. I’loasantville, Tuesday night. Mis.' Benjamin It. Fox is giving; a dinner parly in honor or Mr. j Fox’s jjirthday, today. POLLYANNA CIRCLE IS ENTERTAINED WEDNESDAY Misses Rena and lula Cunningham Hostess to Members Tins Missus Rena and lula Cun uini/am de/ightfuliiy entertained members of tile I'ollyauna circle at their Cordova avenue home, Wednesday night. Sewing and music were enjoyed until a late hour when a dainty luncheon was served. Mrs. John M. Smith, of Decatur avenue, will entertain the circle next Wednesday evening. Those present included: , Mrs. Thomas Hamm, Mrs. Williard Marshall, Mrs. John M. Smith, Mrs. Ferdinand Eble, Alls. Elwood Watt, Mrs. Milton Clark, Miss Gladys Searles, Miss Caroline Ditmus,! Mrs. raid Christman, Mrs. A. I. I Ditmus, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton ' Cunningham. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drewin, of Franklord Court and Boulevard arc spending tile winter in Florida. Miss Virginia Sawrer of German town, Pa., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Iliggate of Franklord Court and Bay drive. Joseph M. Hickman, superinton dant of the Construction Depart ment, recently received plans of Spanish homes to be erected in the near future.' Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Fox are spending the weekend in Balti more. Miss Ida May Williams. 213 Cordovia avenue, is recuperating alter an illness of several weeks. Miss - Alarjoric Crist has been visiting her mother, Mrs. D. K. Le Compto of 222 Florence avenue. Miss Crist attends the Caskiu School at Devon, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Schneider a>'e visiting Baltimore over the weekend. Elmer Roberts, recently crowned checker champion of the West Atlantic City Casino, is holding the title successfully. P. J. Quinn, sales manager of the Philadelphia office of Benjamin It. FALL SPECIAL ! Permanent $ WAVES “THE BUSIEST SHOP IN TOWN” 2,000 Successful Waves Last Year Speak for Themselves. I MILTON’S Beauty Shoppe | Mar!nc 7137 ' 129 S. New York Ave. When You Build Build for Years My Experience Covers All Kinds of Building, Repairs and Alterations. I .et me give you an Estimate. I Can SAVE YOU MONEY No business transacted on Sunday. JOHN J. GREEN, Contractor 72 W. Washington Ave., Pleatantvillo ni »* »*&£**-»• m ?«««• mmn PHONE PL’VILLE 885 | lot £ a iot s iS GUARANTEED £ FIRSTS ^ «'c" QUALITY | LOW PRICES I a ft 30x3/c Times ..$1-60 ft 30x3/;—Cl.$6.95 g 30x3/;—Cl. Ov.$8.50 g 30x3/;—S. S.$9.95 “ 31x4—S. S.$13.50 * 32x4—S. S.$13.95 ft 33x4—S. S.$14.50 ft 34x4—S. S.$9.00 ft 32x4/; .$19.50 ft 33x4/; ..'..$2075 g ,34x4/; ...$2150 ft 30x5 .$22.95 ft 33x5 ..$23.75 BALLOONS 29x4.40 .$9.25 29x4.95 .$11.95 30x4.95 .$13.95 31x4.95 .$14.50 30x5.25 .$15.50 31x5.25 .$15.95 32x5.77 .$18.50 33x6.00 .$19.95 32x6.20 .$21.95 33x6.20 .$22.75 MICHELIN TUBES Lowered Prices ft | W a a a K I § COAST AUTO PARTS CO. £ Mainland’s Largest Tire Store | ILLINOIS AVE. & ABSECON BLVD., Absecon, N. J. Pox, spent several clays in West Atlantic City. J. D. Moyer, of the Atlantic City office, spent the weekend ill New York on business. Mrs. O. T. Schramm, of 20". Uenoa avenue, spent the weekend in Philadelphia visiting some relat ives. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Morris, of Cresmont Terrace, Collingswood, spent the weekend with her daugh ter, Mrs. B. L. Roberts, at the Spanish Villa in West Plaza Place. -<$*$> —“.f 1,000 a Front Foot on the Boulevard,”—read article on the personal touch in values by Ben jamin R. J2oX. PIN POINTERS Saddest case of all la the case of William Wrigley, Jr. If he hadn’t loaned George Young $60 he ■wouldn’t have had to pay out that $25,000 prize. ' .■» Minnesota man drinks S5 cupa of coffee and wins world's "what of it” championship. * * * South Dakota legislature sug gests Black Hills as Cooiidge's va cation spot next summer. Poll the Democratic party leaders, and they’d probably suggest Death Valley. M • • • v We understand that in the Inter ests of honesty all big league base ball parks hereafter will be made without any open spaces under neath. If the boys fix anything they at least can't do It under the erandstands. Make your wants known. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A USED CAR Every Used Car is Backed by the Studebaker Used Car Pledge. All used cars offered to the public shall be honestly rep resented. All Studebaker automobiles which are sold as CERTI FIED CARS have been properly reconditioned and carry a 30-day guarantee for replacement of defective parts and free service on adjustments. Every used car is conspicuously marked with its price in plain figures, and that price, just as the price of our new cars, is rigidiy maintained. Every purchaser of a used car may drive it for live days and then, if not satisfied for any Reason, turn it hack and apply Hie money paid as a credit on the purchase of any other car m stock—new or used. Every car in our large and varied stock has been drastically reduced for this event. Wo are determined to sell GO# of our cars within 2 weeks. Our used car stock is too large and we must make room for a large shipment of Studubakcrs aud Ers* kines for our annual show. Any car will be stored free of charge until April 1st for customers not willing to take an immediate delivery. We guar antee that present prices are from $50.00 to $150.00 less than they will be 2 months from now. All cars can bo financed through Industrial Acceptance Cor poration, with low payments and proper insurance and protec tion for the customer. This method of Budget Payments -avail able only for Studebaker Dealers, covers insurance and interest at. the lowest rates on record. Every used car is backed by the Studebaker Used Car Pledge: 1 2 3 4 1926 Studcbaker Big Sedan 1926 Studebaker Special Sport Roadster 1926. Studcbaker Big 6 Sport Roadster 1925 Buick Standard 6 Coupe 1925 Buick Standard Touring 1924 Buick Master 6 Brougham 1924 Buick Master 6 Touring 1924 Buick Master 6 Sedan 1925 Dodge Coach 1925 Dodge Sedan (Mohair) 1923 Dodge Sedan (3) 1926 Ford Sedan 1924 Ford Roadster 1925 Ford Coupe 1 1924 and ’23 Ford Tourings and Sedans (6) 1924 Nash Sport Touring 1925 Essex Coach 1924 Essex Touring 1924 Hudson Sedan, 7-Pass. 1923 Hudson Coaches (2)^ 1924 Hupp Tourings (3) 1923 Willys-Knight Sedan. 1926 Flint Sedan 1924 Studcbaker Light 6 Sedan I 1924 Studebakcr Light 6 Coupe S 1924 Studcbaker Light 6 Tour ings and Roadsters (4) 1925 Studcbaker Special 6 Brougham 1926 Studcbaker Big 6 Sheriff 1926 Studcbaker Big 6 Phaeton 1925 Studebakcr Standard 6 Roadster. - ui 11Huu ior a oetter one. Now is your opportunity—come early—-with a deposit to hold the car of your choice. PLEASANTVILLE Studebaker Used Car Depts BOULEVARD and TOULON AVENUES 808 ATLANTIC AVENUE 3305 ATLANTIC AVENUE mxbxkbxm *.»**.******..» * ***-*****»***3*************.-t.**Jt**nMllJtMjiMMMJ(M*Ij:)ijjf:. GLICK’S EXPRESS Local and Long Distance Hauling Largest Moving Van in the City Pianos A Specialty Crating and Packing Clean Storage House Ask for Rates j S 210 Pleasant Avenue S 5 Phone 172 piwin„ \i‘> ! (Clip This Voucher from Every Edition) free coupon Bring in tins Voucher and get Profit Sharing Coupon. Pleusjinlville Press Pleasantville, N. J. they get you WHAT YOU WANT