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The West Atlantic City news. [volume] (Pleasantville, N.J.) 1927-1928, February 08, 1927, SECOND SECTION, Image 10

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Firemen Have Hard Fight to Pre
vent Blaze from Spreading.
| A. part of the woods near Bethel
oad was destroyed by fire on Fri
day. It liad gotten much headway
before an alarm was sent in, and
both fire companies had a Hard
fight in keeping it from spreading
to surrounding properties, before
getting it under control. The fire*
had been burning for some time
was of mysterious origin.
Order to Have Mid-Winter Ball on
Lincoln’s Birthday.
The Loyal Order of Moos*, wili
meet Wednesday evening at “Ye
Oldo Schick Hotel” and perfect
their plans for the tnid-winter ball
to be held at "Stretch Inn" on
Lincoln’s birthday, February 12. An
out-of-town orchestra will provide
the music. A splendid program has
been arranged.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Steelman
gave a party at their home In
honor of Mrs. Alberta Kurtz. A
musical program and cards were
enjoyed. Large bouquets ol' fresh
cut flowers decorated, the tables,
supper was served at a late hour.
The guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Forest Conover, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Homers, Mr. and Mrs. David
L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. William
Tally, Chester Conover, Richard
Somers, Earl Steelman, Herbert
Hose, Mcrlyn Rose, Dorothy Smith,
and Kathryn Steelman.
Young Ladies' Choir of Bethany
M. P. Church to Have Meeting.
The Young Ladies' choir of tho
Bethany M. P. Church.Will stage
a play entitled "Mrs. Leung's
Aunt,” the date to he S"t at their
next meeting. They met at he home
of Miss Mary Thurlow o prepare
plans for he event, which will be
some thime this month. Mrs.
Albert Lambert and the Rev. ft.
C. Phillips will take an active part
< * in the rehearsals.
W.. C. T. U. TO MEET
The \V. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs Abdom Osborne, of
(jibbs avenue, Wednesday after
' noon. A special program has been
-a arranged for the occasion and all
*•' members are requested to be pres
~ eut.
Tire Atla.njt.lt/ <Mhd Pacific Tea
Company’s large delivery truck, ot
i. Philadelphia, was struck by a
' suburban trolley Friday as tho
. driver was about to turn out into
the road at Higbee avenue and
Shore road. Doth were damaged.
^ Miss Martha Watson tendered a
luncheon in honor of Miss Hilda
Brown, of New Hchell, N. Y. Those
attending were: Miss Martha
Worthington, Miss Louise Arm
strong, Miss Margaret Silverton,
Miss Annie Hilson. and Miss Sadio
I-. Cummings.
Women Entertain Northfield
and Linwood Clubs in
Their Headquarters
Tlio Civic club met Thursday
night at their headquarters in the
Fire hall and had as their quests
the Northfield and Linwood Civic
clubs. The club is planning to have
houses in the Point numbered and
a mail delivery installed.
A musical program arranged by
Mrs. G. fiddle ton was as follows:
I Piano solo. Mrs. C». Middleton;
humorous reading/ Mrs. B. Mc
Curdy; vocal duet, Miss S. Thu:
low and Miss M. Hauflcr; solo,
Miss E. Balston; monologue, Mrs.
L. Cannon and Mrs. W. Megronigle. i
i Dancing followed the musical. The ■
| following new members were ad- j
mitted: Mrs. H. Oliver, Mrs. J.
Oliver, Mrs. O. Lingo, and Mrs. II. !
Freek. The next meeting will be
held Thursday evening, February;
those who attend' d wore: Mrs.
!('. Wolfbrandt, Mrs. M. Wilson,
Mrs. (’. Johnson, Mrs. C. I.eo, Mrs.
Id. Stubor, Mrs. J. l'edriok, Mrs.
<L Smith. Mrs. F. James, Mrs. F.
Grant, Mrs. C. Kears, Mrs. S.
Wright, Mrs. J. Pratt, Mrs. A.
Walker, Mrs. C. Seitz. Mrs, W.
Sander. Mrs. A. ltisley, Mrs. M.
.Caviller, Mrs. E. Gandy, Mrs. J.
Mulsbury. Mrs. E. Sieelntan, of Lin
wood; Mrs. H. H. Smith, Jr., Mrs.
M ■ L. Carney. Mrs. J. Schoppy, Jr.,
Mrs. E. Ingalls, Mrs. K. Swilkey,
Mrs. II. Tallman, Mrs. W. Itelyer,
Mrs. \\ . II. McFarland, Mrs. Victor
Keller, Mrs. C. Williams, Mrs. E.
Hale. Mrs. G. Panning. Mrs. A.
Cratio, Mrs. 11. Smith. Mrs. A.
I Littlefield, Mrs. A. r;. Risley, Mrs.
George Isaac, of Northfiold; Mrs.
A. Thompson, Mrs. ft, Adams. Mrs.
Megronigle, Mrs. F. Gilvey.
Mrs. E. P. Hooper, Mrs. H. Endriss,
Mrs. H. Kerr, Mrs E. Drake, Mrs.
I- Cannon. Mrs. E. Pratt, Mrs. If.
L. Peterman, Mrs. G. Middleton,
Mrs. C. Shade, Mrs. G. Leonard.
Mis. G. McCurdy, Mrs. V. Lingo.
Mrs. J. Strang, Mrs. F. Birch, Mrs. j
Ella Hart, Mrs. Anna Hera, Miss
sylvia Thnrlow and Miss Mildred;
Haulier of Somers Point. i
Dinner Tendered Them by Mrs.
Warren Fulton Recently.
•Mrs. Warren Fulton, of Shore
road and Delaware avenue, guvs
a dinnc at. her home in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Higher. Among
those present were; Mr. and Mrs.
IA- Hlgbce, Mr. and Mrs. C. Con-'
I over, Mr. and Mrs. I). Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Steelman. Mr. and Mrs.
. Tally and Chester Conover.
give tea party
Mr. and Mrs. John Simons gavel
! a tea party at their summer home j
lo the following guests: Miss |
Margaret Overton. Miss Margaret
Mead, Miss Maud Hilson. ‘Miss
l Clara Dubose and Miss Mary
Nicholson of New York.
I Tilt; Ladies’ Auxiliary of Voluu
| leer Fire Co. No. 1 is rehearsing
I for a minstrel show to be held next
Monday evening in the lire hall
A St. Valentine party will also take
place alter the show. Proceeds l'oi
tile benefit ol' the auxiliary.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Dickson, or
New Jersey avenue, are receiving
congratulations over the arrival of
a son. Mrs. Dickson was formerly
Miss Sarah Campbell.
The Del Rey A. A. will hold an
important meeting Friday evening
at their headquarters on Bay ave
nue. Roy Williams, manager, re
quests a full attendance at this
meeting. The entertainment com
mittee are: Roland Benner, Walter
Stretch. Andrew Sumner and
Howard Haines.
Mrs. Walter Clark was an Atlan
tic City visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Day, who have
been spending the winter months
in New York, left for California,
Mrs. Henry Miller has returned
home from a visit to Atlantic. City.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brannigan
have returned from Philadelphia
after being entertained by friends.
Miss Hannah Godfrey was a
Point visitor.
George Ritchie and James Fcnu
ot Millville, were Sunday visitors
at tile Point.
.'ii*. violence hoelcy entertained
at a luncheon at her home in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Taylor and Mrs. J. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sony, of
Oman City, have returned home
after being the guest of Mrs. Sadie
Mrs. May Coleher, or Logan, I’a.,
is a visitor for an extended stay.
Mrs. Williaam McCaniel, who is
confined in a sanitarium near
Chester, Pa., s eonvaleseing and
"ill arrive home in about two
Mr. and Mrs. John Golden, of
English Creek were Point visitors
this week.
Bert Stretch raked out a three
pound clam in the Great Egg Har
bor Bay.
Gil Robinson has opened his
residence here, known as "The
White Tops on the Hill,” at the
intersection of the Ocean City and
Mays Landing roads, after being
closed for several months.
Lieutenant Frank Dunn of the
Narcotic Squad of Philadelphia,
Eddie Korb and Mack Diffendorfer
of Philadelphia were visitors over
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson
and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Dare have
returned home from a visit with
their sister in Marmora.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Anthony,
of (he Record Store, had as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Muckett, of Pleasantville.
Mrs. Alice Harris left on Wed
nesday for an extended trip with
relatives at National Park,
John Carr, of New Jersey ave
nue, and three sons, of Newark are
planning to leave Tor California
for tin indefinite stay soon.
The New School
JIM BLAKEHAM. the most Im
portant of all the row boys nt
Red Gulf ranch, was getting ready
for the dance at the Gulf school
“You look like a 1Hue-eyed baby,”
offered F rank Perks.
“I am." retorted Jlnt shortly.
“How about the new srhool
teacher—we can’t all dance with
“Why try It, then?” was Jim’s
“If you'd stay home otice—only
once, and give some of us other fel
lows a chance.” complained another
young man mournfully.
“Try to keep me home," suggest
ed Jim gayly. And It was that
remark that started the thing. Oue
by one his companions left the
table ®nd hurried to the bunkhouse.
By the time Jim Blakeham
reached his own room, the bnnk
housg was empty and his compan
ions were riding off the range, In
one swift moving body.
“Wonder what the hurry Is.”
muttered Jim. pulling off his
clothes, and five minutes later, after
a careful search of the place, he
Hia "best clothes had completely
disappeared. If he. went to the
dance at the school house. It would
have to be la a suit of working
Jim Blakeham was not angry—r
he knew It was a mischievous trick
they had played upon him. But they
couldn’t keep him home that way
-r-Jie cared too much about the new
school teacher, for she bore the
same name as a girl he used to
know—Millie Gray. If thf$ was
his MHlIa Gray, perhaps he could
discover from her own lips why she
had never answered the Important
letter lie had written to her.
If this waa bis Millie Gray, she
W0(ildo;t care about his clothes. He
got Into them, glad they were clean
and that he hid a new black tie.
When _he__waw finished, from |oDi
j frero to polisnedTJroMn coois.'any- I
| otie would have had to admit that I
' Jim was good looking. *
| All the windows In the school- J
, house were wide open when .Tim nr- *
! rived. Outside, in the moonlight.
| many couples strolled under the
cottonwoods. so that when Jim
bent his head to enter the school
house door, his appearance was nn
event. The voices of his friends
greeted him. and some one started
a little npplansp. Jim bowed grace
fully. and the whole thing was get
ting along splendidly, when some
one exclaimed:
“Look nt the school ma’in—she’s
Jim Biakenmn saw big Dick For
est awkwardly supporting a very
small figure—there was a cloud
1 of rich red hair tumbled over her
"It’s Millie—my Millie !” thought
Jim as he pushed his war forward,
but by the time he reached Dick
Forest: the girl had been borne
away by ministering women.
“That spoils your dance with the
school teacher.” taunted Dick For
est. “Believe me, boy, she Is some
dancer, too.”
The next morning all the men
went rushing off to a long day's rid
ing. quite forgetting about the now
school twicher. Jim Blakeham him
self was the only one who actually
had her on his mind that morning
as he rode toward Red Gulf post
office. He had made up his mind
that If MUlie Gray appeared cold
and Indifferent, he would not ho
the one to try to arouse her inter
Dreaming thus as his white pony
ambled along the trail. Jim sud
denly heard a horse’s hoofs, and |
then, turning, saw the girl of his |
heart riding closely behind him. |
She did not glance up at his faro
at first. It was only when ho
whirled his pony out of the trail
and gave her a free passage that
she looked up gratefully.
“Oh, thank you—I was Just a hit
afraid of an Indian l met youder— !
why. Jim—Jim Blakeham! Is It
really you?” She was radiant with
delight, and Jim rode up to her, hat
"rdidn't believe yourt mewmber
me. Millie." be said contentedly,
‘'Remember you? How ridicu
lous !" She blushed warmly, hut
her blue eyes were dancing with
pure delight. "Just Imagine, see
ing you here!"
"Imagine meeting the only girl
I ever loved out here In m.v lone
liness." muttered Jim In a low,
tense lone.
for a moment the girl stared nt
him, unbelievingly. "Oh. Jim Blnke
ham. do you really mean that?"
she whispered softly.
"Ah. Millie Gray, Millie Gray, my
heart has ached for you ever since
J left J.eadenvllle—I mailed you a
letter, and yon never answered It.
and so. I just pulled stakes and
came, out here—Is it true—that you
care?" He was holding her bauds
now. and Ills hungry eyes asked
Millie bung her head. Presently
she nodded gently, and added so
that only his ears heard In that
vast prairie. “Would I be here to
day, Jim. If I did not? Hast spring
1 read In the paper something
about you and the ranch here—and
that nlghl I applied for the office
of school leacherl 1 never received
your letter—and my henrt was
"Surely It Is quite all right now.
sweetheart?" asked Jim as he took
her Into Ids arms.
—Work is about to stall on the
Albany avenue bridge. Much of the
excitement of a trip to Atlantic
City will be missing when the au
itoist hasn't the wobbly and narrow
spau to cross.
—There is talk of a soft coal
strike. Our suggestion is that it be
postponed until about June first.
—Staylate (at 11.40)—"1 am on
the go most of the time." Girl
(stifling a yawn)—"I never should
have noticed it.”— Boston Trans
‘ » Fun to Plan on Costume for. Valentine Party
fV.ii.1. ■ — - .. ■ i .—. __
. ' It s certainly a lot of fun to |»l;iit for (In- costume for ifir- S(. Valentine party. You innv "floss"
yourself up as a lovely old-fashioned lace valentine, you may he a Pierrette or Pierrot. You may he
even a "eomie,” or a "love pirate." However elaborate your costume hearts, large and small, cut out of
paper should he a prominent part of the motif. Ami crepe paper may he used to fashion entire cos
tumes that are artistic and inexpensive. Sketch above suggests some costumes and also favors lor
the enterlainnient.
Inviting Crime
‘•Look here wlmt 1 bought for !
that clog of Junior's,” Mr. Burton i
announced, throwing a package on
the table.
Mrs. Burton unwrapped it.
"Why. George!" she exclaimed. "A
dog collar, of all things!"
"Vos, and 1 gave $.".50 for it,” Mr. j
Burton related.
"Three dollars and a half!" !
echoed Mrs. Burton. "Wfcat; on
earth! I don't understand! You’ve
always said you had no use on
earth for Junior's dog and you
wished somebody would steal it.”
"Yes, that’s just, it,” tMr. Burton
agreed. "With that collar on It
i some one will be sum? to steal It
now."—Kansas City Star.
Clever Dog Thief
Within live days the police of
Abington, Pa., received reports that
51 quart bottles of milk placed on
as many doorsteps had been tapped
and the cream extracted. The only
• lew was that in each milk bottle
■ cap a hole was punctured and the
cap lifted from the bottle. Watch
ers then solved tin* mystery. The
thief was a big icollie dog with
j more than usual Intelligence. The
dog punctured the cardboard tops
frith one of his fangs, lifted out the
c aps and thus Mas able to lap out
the cream with his tongue.
—It is estimated that only 3 per
cent of all premonitions of war are
I felt by persons who have nothing
to sell a government.—Detroit
f Stripes
Thin black stripes set off the
white flannel jacket of this cos
tume and help . to: make it a dis
tinctive sports garb. The black
velvet skirt gives the eusembW
the finishing touch.
Hobby Is Training Worms
Training worms is the holihy of
David Masters. London journalist
and scientist. Loading his visitors
to his garden. Masters would take a
blade of grass and stroke the back j
of as much of a worm’s body as !
chanced to he out. of its hole in
Iho ground. Immediately the worm
would emerge from its hiding pJuce
and he would stroke its hack, which
the worm would arch after a few
strikes. “You see, even a worm
likes a good turn,” Masters tells his
Samuel Wood, of West Philnde*
pJiia, is now connected tvith “Y'e
Okie Schick’s Hotel”.
— Londoners arc thankful that a
skyscraper like the proposed 110
story Larkin lower would be im
possible in iheir town. Wo appre
ciate their feeling about this, yet
no sky in our wide acquaintance
needs scraping as much as Lou
don's.—The New Yorker.
-_ y
John—“Please! Just, one more
kiss before I leave.” Elizabeth—
All right. “All right, but you’ll have
to hurry. Fathtr will be home In
an hour.”—Pathfinder,
cently by Rt. Louis men to pay for
contraband liquor. Probably a fair
exchange at that.
•% Pleasantville, N. J,
§ i
Stop and Consider
that every DO seconds, even as you read this,
someone’s house burns. Some day it may be
INSURANCE is the only safeguard. Get a
policy that will protect you.
' —SEE—
Thompson & Cale
rieasantville Nat’l Bank Bldg. E. West Jersey Ave.
Local and Long Distance Hauling
Largest Up-to-date Storehouse in the City
Phone 104-J
The Daughters of America held
; their weekly meeting in the U.- 15.
hall Wednesday evening. Those
| present, were: Mrs. Anna M. Lee,
| Mrs. Ethel Giberson, Mrs. Amanda
Lee. Mrs. Edythe Nicholds, Mrs.
Mamie Smith, Mrs. Emma Zellner,
Mrs. Anna W. Lee, Mrs. Anna
Maria Leo,- Mrs. Swift, Mrs. Arelda
M. Lloyd. Mrs. Jennie Hill, Mrs.
Lina Harvey, Mrs. Margaret
Shields, Mrs. Lizzie Lee, Mrs. Alma
Barrett, Mrs. Caddie Lee, Mrs. Keba
Fennell, Mrs. Hannah Godfrey,
Mrs. Lizzie Dennis, Mrs. Dora
Smith, Mrs. Anna Somers, Mrs.
Sallie Dennis, Mrs. Lizzie Force,
Mrs. Mamie Steelman, Mrs. Emily
Madden, Mrs. Eliza Bailey, Miss
Hannah Godfrey, Miss Sylvia Lee,
and Miss Elizabeth Scull.
A Valentine social is being plan
ned by the World Service com
mittee of Asbury M. E. church of
Engljsh Creek to be held in the
Asbury hall February 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Soey, of
Ocean City, called on Mrs. Emma
Steelman and Miss Anna Braun
Miss Gertrude Godfrey, of Phila
delphia, has been spending a lew
days as the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Godfrey.
Mrs. Jennie tSeelman is ill at
j rer home in English Creek.
Miss Eliza Collins, of Atlantic
I City, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
| John Wolfe of English Creek, Fri
j day.
Edwin Albertson spent the week-1
end at the guest of his brother In j
Miss Eunice Wolfe, of English |
::reek, called on Miss Anna and
Josephine Smith, Friday.
Mrs. Emma Steelman and Miss
/Vnna Braun are spending a lew'
jays at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Sony of Ocean City.
The Community c;lub of Scuilvllle
nut English Creek will hold its
monthly meeting Monday evening
February 7 in the public school
Mrs. Arukla Lloyd spend Friday
as the guest of her mother, Mrs.
diaries H. Smith. *■
Mr. and Mr). Claude Somers, of
English Creek, Earl Steelman and
Richard Somers attended the party
given for Mrs. Alberta Hurtz, pr
Somers Point.
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Raymond
Ireland are recovering front the
Suturd cb. 12
Lv. Atlantic City (.South
Carolina. Avenue)-8.50 A.M.
Lv. Absecon .9.02 A.M.
Lv. Kkk Jlarhor.9.15 A.M.
Ar. Philadelphia (Market
Street Wharf) .10.10 A.M.
l.v.Phila(Market St. Whf)8.30 P.M.
Pennsylvania Railroad
All kinds oil
103 W. Wellington Avc. 32 Lake Place
F. O. Fox 5f>5
Columbia Casualty Co. of N.Y. £ j g gr JSSSS. •»
National Security Co. of Omaha.
Commonwealth Casually Co. of Phil*.
"Where Can I Buy It”
THE answer is as
simple and easy as
the method . . .
Simply look in the New
Classified Business Tel
ephone Directory.
There you will find page
after page of buying in
“Look for it in the New
Hell Telephone
to Bm
The Delaware &
Atlantic Tel. & Tel
-- --— ^
Modern Type
Makes Cooking a Pleasure
ivihH uur snowroom for a Practical Demonstration
Deferred Payments Can Be Arranged.
Atlantic City Gas Company
ToT 7 E. Washington Ave.PHiwe

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