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W«ia.,>2 FROM THE WORLDS PLAYGROUND JUST A STEP TO HOME GATEWAY TO THE WORLD'S PLAYGROUND The West Atlantic City News PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WEST ATLANTIC CITY GATEWAY TO THE WORLD'S PLAYGROUND Vol 1. No. 10. THE WEST ATLANTIC CITY NEWS. WEST ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., TUESDAY. MARCH 22. 1927 PRICE THREE CENTS Double Effort To Meet Demand of Record Year 1 Decision Gives Little Surprise Organization Interested in Big Events Next Year Are Getting Busy WORK ON CONVENTION HALL RESUMED Courts Dismiss Fraud Charge and Uphold Markland Con ^ tract — Will Be Completed About on Time The 18,000,000 Convention Hall; the largest In the world under roof, Will be completed In 1928, nearly as soon as was planned, and the several organizations Interested In big events for next year are al work to close arrangements for ' them. Among the events called off was the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Steps f will be taken to bring the confer ence here, as well as other meet ings, now mat the ha|| troubles appear settled. i! , Work on tho hall .halted since March 7 on account of certiorari •proceedings attacking the contract, has been resumed as a result of a decision of the New Jersey Su preme Court sustaining the con tract. The contract held by M. B. Mark land Corporation, Atlantic City, for $4,694,000, was attacked by Brown Brothers, real estate dealors, on the ground that the price had been II < legally raised from $4,00*0,694 to $4,694,000 by M. B. Markland. It was charged he wrote the word "thousand;' , before’ the word "dol lars” in the written amount of the contract. In addition to declarlhg ilib Mark laud contract legal, the court In a decision also sustained the award of $609,000 to Riggs, Bletler and ' Company, heating contractors, which also had been attacked. Little Surprise Over Oecislon * While business men and residents dire glad to see work on the con ivenlion hall resumed, little sur Iprlse was manifested in tho court's Sdecision. Most rosidents appeared -to agree with the court that the 'original figure of $4,000,694 in the Markland contract was a clerical 5 error. In its decision tho Court held that the change in the nmotiht of the contract was not made surrepti tiously—Markland made the change in the Office of the city clerk—and was not an attempted fraud, but merely a correction of a clerical error, and that it was well known the company’s bid was for the lar ( ger amount. § (Continued on Tage A-l) I NEARBY PROPERTY VALUES SOAR Convention Hall Helps To Raise Prices and Revenues f - A $100,000 arcade building is In course of construction near the «new municipal convention ball. A 'ibig influence prompting tba in Svesiment was the proximity of Kthe big civic enterprise. Since jStlie convention hall was decided § upon, property values in its 4 neighborhood have been soaring. L A number of the owners have W been consulting architects, it is ■ the current report, in regard to 5 building costs and profits in propositions they are entertain ing. The $8,000,000 operation, before its foundations wore laid, began to turn In extra tax income , to the [city through the rise In land values [due to its expected presence, and [this new source of revenue Is [going to increase to a point, it is | anticipated, that will eventually be ‘great enough to meet the bonded debt created to pay for the hail as lit matures. If the convention hall is leased iio private management, as is dls cussed, at a price that will liqui iate the investment, besides its up teep, it will prove as good a busi ness Investment as could have sen made by the city. ., Records Favor Albany Av. Blvd. Demand For Apartments,! Homes and Certain Com mercial Buildings DUE TO POPULATION INCREASE Investment in class of property such as the Albany Avenue Boule vard, with tts adaptability for home sites, apartments and com mercial buildings, is encouraged by Lhe records and activities in con struction of those types. The ever-growing demand due to population increase, to better liv ing conditions, to the desire for better business quarters, coupled with a more plentiful supply of tvailable money, will keep the con struction industry operations at a high rate for soma time to come. Signs point to a building volume well up toward the totals of the last three years. This in spite of warnings to retrench and reports )f over building in some branches rhere is still a sharp demand for :he moderate-priced apartment and Records Favor Albany Av. Blvd. Demand For Apartments, Homes and Certain Com mercial Buildings DUE TO POPULATION INCREASE Investment in class of property such as the Albany Avenue Boule vard, with tts adaptability for home sites, apartments and com mercial buildings, is encouraged by Lhe records and activities in con struction of those types. The ever-growing demand due to population increase, to better liv ing conditions, to the desire for better business quarters, coupled with a more plentiful supply of available money, will keep the con struction industry operations at a high rate for soma time to come. Signs point to a building volume well up toward the totals of the last three years. This in spite of warnings to retrench and reports )!' over building in some branchesf rhere is still a sharp demand for :he moderate-priced apartment and iuum uoii intuit; uuu uci tttiu ijjicn Df commercial buildings. The Albany Avenue Boulevard la i main artery in a system of super highways and the vast sums appro priated for the good roads and bridges of the Albany Avenue Bou levard system and its connecting links also stimulates the conslruc lion of better dwellings nearby, while all commercial structures now placed directly facing the Boulevard are in keeping with the finest types of construction and the highest outward attractiveness, W-—4-- ' The total value of the proper!, appraised by the Atlantic (: Real Estate Board in 1926 ex ceeded that of 1925 by 300 per cent. APARTMENTS BUILT BY BENJAMIN R. FOX Benjamin R. Fox, operating as the Benjamin R. Fox Construction Co., made a splendid record in the construction of apartments in the northern part of Atlantic City where he attracted wide attention in the success of his development of the Inlet Section. The apartment houses he built in Main Avenue h ad seven rooms and two baths each, with hot and cold sea water in the baths; refrigeratin g plants to manufacture ice; steam laundries, dryers and other advanced features for Atlantic City apartment houses. One of the most interesting details was the promenade on the r oof. This promenade afforded a stretch of 800 feet overlooking the Boardwalk and an un interrupted view of the ocean. These were the first apartments of their kind in Atlantic City and the first to bring a rental of $3,000 or more per year. Mr. Fox, in his plans for West Atlantic City, contemplates the con struction of modern apartment houses which will have many new advantages and late features. NEAR ALBANY BLVD. $1000 A FRONT FOOT Three Small Properties Nearby Brim Price of $75,000 Another change In ownership is reported in (ho Albany Boulevard district at 21-23-25 South Provi dence avenue. Adolph Bonner, of Philadelphia, has purchased two smaU cottages and a raw .of amull garages at a price said to be $75, 000, and is contemplating the erec tion of a new business building thsre. Stanley Baker is the for mer owner of the property. The lot is 75x150 feet. Golden Warmth Of The Sun Atlantic City Is Abundantly Supplied With Rare • Sunshine WORLD’S PLAYGROUND HEALTH SPOT hr. C. C. Charlton recently spoke on "Health by the Sea,” lo the radio audience of municipal station WPG. It was ono of a series of addresses being broadcast under the auspices of the Atlantic County Medical society. LOCATION OF WEST ATLANTIC CITY Location, as termed by Webs ter, is a plot,of ground marked out by boundaries. Superb location is where environment or surroundings favorably in fluence its growth and increase In values. West Atlantic City is superbly located. It adjoins Atlantic City and forms the most beautiful gateway to the ..World's Playground. The West Atlantic City-Albany nve. Bl’v’d. enters Atlantic city at the new center of the city. West Atlan tic City is the only development I lie growth of which has kept near the pace set by Atlantic City itself. NEAR ALBANY BLVD. $1000 A FRONT FOOT Three Small Properties Nearby Bring Price of $75,000 Another change In ownership In reported in tho Albany Boulevard district at 21-23-26 South Provi dence avenue. Adojph Bonner, of Philadelphia, has purchased two small cottages and a row .of wnall garages at a price said to be $75, 000, and is contemplating the erec tion of a new business building there. Stanley Baker is the for mer owner of the property. The lot is 75x150 feet. I Tented Camp For Shrine Nobles At The Airport Imperial Council Meet Here June 12 to June 19—Play and Entertainment of Visitors In the World’s Playground When (he Shriners hold their fifty-third annual session ot the Imperial Council in Atlantic City from June 12 to June 19 efforts will bo successful, it Is stated, to make this the most amazing gather ing ever held under Shrine auspices. | If the present plans carry somn j of the visitors will house them selves in tents at Bader Athletic Field, the Airport, on Albany Boulevard, creating the __atmos phero of a brilliantly costumed camp-. Director General: Earl E. Jeffries and his staff have Just completed their programme. For assistants he has Milton S. Lind say, William J. Houpt, Carroll W. Brown, Tercy E. Howard, and Wal ter S. Jeffries. The Shrine will be here for eight days. Medina Temple of Chicago will come to the resort in Special trains, in seven sections. The visitors will be welcomed by Governor Moore and Mayor Ruffu. Everything in the resort that will contribute to the enjoyment for the occasion will be called into play, and the choristers from the differ ent temples will sing before the broadcasting apparatus of WPG. Boardwalk Parades With fine and continued warm spring weather, the famous parades along the. Boardwalk here have begun, and each day the turnout:* become larger as to numbers and more picturesque as to style. In the morning the multitude c* fair visitors appear in smart froc!«i or golf and riding attire, while in the afternoon fur trimmed , coats and wraps over two and three toned dresses feature the proces sion.. From the various early announce ments it is apparent that the Easter entertainment program will be an ample one and suited to all lasts. There wijl be a large attend anee, especially from Philadelphia and New York, at. the Easter Saturday performances of the new show to be given by the famous Mask and Wig Club of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. In addition, all of the big piers, theatres, "movie1' houses and other piaces or amusement will be open, ready to receive a capacity number. At the same time the yacht, country and night clubs will have their functions ,and affairs. Floating Cabaret New York promoters are believed behind a floating pavilion for general amusements Inside the Inlet, for which preliminary plans have been drawn. It is proposed to operate a cabaret and dance auditorium under real marine con ditions. The floating "palace” is lo be in the form of a hugli house boat, with stroll decks on all four j sides, dance floor on the upper [ deck and inside. The craft will j have power aboard and on moon- j light nights will swing out through j (Continued on rage A-l) SEAL NEAR NEW GRETNA NEW FISHERMAN’S TALE Now many folks may not be lieve this yet it comen from fishermen whose integrity is be yond question. Here It 1st A roal live seal, of the Behring sea variety, was. observed, at close range, disporting itself in the waters of one of the small trlbu'aries of the Mulllca river, Just above New Gretna, last Sunday. Those who vouch for the epi sode, are Charles Davenport, Ed. Klingenberg, and Joe Grillo, who say they saw the seal while returning In thnir motorboat, with a catch of 42 flounders. Golden Warmth Of The Sun Atlantic City Is Abundant!) Supplied With Rare • Sunshine WORLD’S PLAYGROUND ,A HEALTH SPOT Hr. G. C. Charlton recentl) spoke on "Health by the Sea,” Ic the radio audienee of munielpa station WI'G. It was one of a series af addresses being broadcast nndei Lhe auspices of the Atlantic Couni) Medical society. Dr. Charlton, v/ho has written f pamphlet with the same title, con tensed into the brief time allottee to hint some very interesting in formation on the health qualities af the resort. He told the radio fans that the natural location of Absecon Islanc gave it a southerly exposure, anc that the p'lne belt protected it t( the north. Sanitation and hygiene In Allan tic City is described as more thai usually good because of the alert ness of the health officers, ant described the resort’s drinking water as a splendid drink. The docior cited a few govern ment statistics to show tht quantity of sunshine the city en joys, and the fact that the tern porature average is,ever mild. Of sunshine, Dr. Charlton said “Statistics prove that Atlantic Cit; is abundantly supplied with tin golden warmth of the sun. Tit annual average of sunshine for tin last fifty-two years is given as G percent. In tfie rest of the Unite, States the average is put at 5 per cent. "The ultra violet rays of lhe sui are being utilized in many branche of medicine. At the. shore they ar freely distributed. They gain i power by reflection from the sui faces of lhe sea and the sand o the beach. Thus they are mult plied in strength and number. "Tho soothing results of th agreeably tempered and freely cii culated air cannot be over-cst mated. Those suffering from th disorders of the ntucous membrane of the nose, throat or other part of the respiratory tract, find vast natural inhalaiorium at thel disposal. Some of the country1 foremost specialists are in resit ence to direct and control the us of it. Asthma, hay fever, bronchilii the lingering weakness rcsultin from the common cold, pneumoni or influenza are greatly benefite by the restorative properties of th atmosphere.” -- STORE AND APARTMENTS The construction of a store an five aparlmenls for Willlai Malamut is well under way a 1903 Atlantic avenue. The lot i 20x175 'eet. The structure will b three stories in height, of bricl steel and concrete. LOCATION OF WEST ATLANTIC CITY Location, as termed by Webs ter, is a plot,ot ground marked out by boundaries. Superb ' location Is where environment or aurroundings favorably in fluence its growth and Increase In values. West. Atlantic City is superbly located. It adjoins Atlanlic City and forms the most beautiful gateway to the _AV.ojdd’s P.I.gj'gronnd. The West Atlantic Clty-Albany ave. Bl’v’d. enters Atlantic City at the new center of the city. West. Atlan tic City is the only development the growth of which has kept near the pace set by Atlantic City itself. SALES OF HOTELS AT A PROFIT Rise of Property Indicated In Transactions Here Substantial increase in price over their original cost is reported for the hotel properties which are fea tured among the sales of tho week. The Edgewater hotel, at 123 S. South Carolina avenue, was report ed sold to Wesley E. Johnson, also owner of the Pine Tree Inn, on St. Janies Place, from George A. and Helen E. Casteen for the staled price of $160,000, and the Carnix hotel, at 130 S. Kentucky avenue, was sold for the Beach Realty coni {rnnUnued on Page A-l) : RESIDENCES WERE ONCE SHOW PLACES 11 Demand For Growth Near ’ Albany Boulevard Trans > forms Them I i - . Tho steady development of the j i Albany ave. Boulevard section in . Atlanlic City is further deni,-. I f onstrated in the commercialization - of (lie one remaining block of Chelsea’s Atlantic avenue resi > dences. Two stono bungalows of . English design, of a igroup of - five, sitnaled on Allantic avenue, j between Chelsea and Montpelier r avenues, which were at one time n considered show-places of the i city, are being converted, into a r business building at a cost of 3 $45,000. Tim work is being done by 1 Hiram Mathis & Son, for Daniel Blttenger and John Fessler from ’ plans drawn by William S. i Hewitt, architect. It will consist 1 of a two-story addition, 36 feet by s 104 feet in size, to the front of the two bungalows and interior alterations to the residences. The new- structure will bo con structed of concrete, steel and 1 brick, (trimmed with terra-cotta, i and will contain six stores facing t on Atlantic avenue, besides four s apartments of various sizes. The b plumbing and heating contract :. has been awarded to David H. Moore. Unmarried, ' Never a Model Or An Actress Qualifications Necessary to Enter Competition For Title of “Miss America” EVERY COSTUME REGULATED ftules More Stringent Than Ever for the Greatest Pa geant and American Beauty Contest—Bar Contracts 1 no young woman who wins the itle Miss America this year will lave the most keen competition In I’ageant history," declares Director leneral Armand T. NlcholB, active ixecutive head of the Atlantic City Pageant., Sept. 6 to ?. "Not only beauty but charm of lersonallty and high standard of character at home are demanded 'or entry. The Atlantic City Page mt Is too important and much too ligh in regard of the people of America to allow any but girls of lie finest character and demean or to enter the competition for what has become the most coveted lward possible to bestow on an American Beauty. “For that reason the rules are/ nore stringent this year than ever oefore. In my visits to communi ies engaged in selecting candi iates for Beauty Tournament honors I am making it plain that Atlantic City and its officials and the Pageant Committee neither need nor desire any 'axle-grease’ bathing suit publicity or any taint of professionalism among the girls entered in the amateur Inter-City Contest. "Under the regulations adopted it is specified that only girls be tween 16 and 26 years of age, and only those who have never been married will be allowed to com pete. Not only must each entry prove that she !?as not been en gaged as a model, or oa screen or stage, but a special rule bars any girl whose too enthusiastic friends nr sponsors secure for her any professional contxact iduhlng the competition. “In the matter of costuming we have reserved the right to regulate every outfit including those worn In contests for bathing beauties. Bathing suits should enhance at (Continued on Page A-l) READING STATION HEARING MARCH 31 Opponents and Proponents Marshall Their Forces Opponents and proponents of the Reading station enabling ordinance, passed on first reading by City Commissioners are marshalling their forces for the public hearing March St. The crux Of the matter, as far as opponents of the station Iilan are concerned, was said to resl in the provision for detouring Bal tic avenue. The clause covering this in the ordinance embodying the city's agreement with the Reading Rail way reads as follows: “Tho company proposes to relocate and reconstruct its railroad and terminal station so as to eliminate the exist ing grade crossings on Arctic and Baltic avenues by remov ing the (fucks from Arctic ave nue and detouring Baltic ave nue around the front of tho new station, located on the north side of Arctic avenue, as widened to a width of 110 feet.’’ Another clause touching on the Baltic avenue issue follows stipu lations for the widening of Arkan sas. Missouri and Arctic avenues, and reads as follows: "The city shall, by proper or dinance, duly passed and adop ted, vacate as a public high way that part of Baltic avenue between the east side of Mis souri avenue, as widened, and • the west side of Arkansas ave nue, as widened.” The ordinance then goes on to provide protection for utilities and drainage systems In the section to be vacated. ARMAND T. NICHOLS Director General Atlantic City | Pageant, , Diversity A ' Strong Asset' West Atlantic City Offers Much for Attraction to Resi dents and Visitors • FULL PROGRAMME OF ENTERTAINMENT What does West Atlantic City offer for attraction? Plenty, ac cording to those who live there. These days much attention is de voted to lawns and shrubbery so that in a short time every home will have its settiug among blooms and greenery and the interest shown in preparations for floral effects is one of the finest demon strations possible upon the part of i these happy home ow'ners. It is only a short time to the days when the bathing beach will be populated. The tennis courts will be an added feature this sea son. Many sails are to be seen moving daily over Lakes Bay while several sloops are already in the Bay or on their way. With the best theatres and the latest productions to be reached by only a short ride it is never pos sible to exhaust one’s programme of entertainment, while the varie ties and diversities of the Board walk vie with golf courses, country club and motor route for full share of one’s time and attention. PROGRESS ON VENTNOR PIER Will Be Ready in July It Is Expected — So cial Center It i8 expected that Ventnor's new pier will be ready in July. The old Municipal pier at Cornwall avenue has been demolished preparatory to the erection of a set of new piers. These will consist of three separate buildings 10 occupy the entire beachfront between! Corn wall and Cambridge avenue. Two small structures of the pavilion type will be situated at. each end of the location with the main pier building in the center. The inter vening space will be taken up by attractive flower gardens set in stone bases. According to the plans drawn by Seward C,. Dobbins, local architect* the project has been designed in the Spanish Mission style of archi tecture of stucco and tile construct ion. A large auditorium, 70 feet by 120 feet In size, will be laid out in the main pier building with a stage at one end. Entertainments, moving picture shows, dances, card parties, and other social affairs will be held In this build ing. BARRED FROM SEA DERBY. Mrs Lottie Schoemmel, interna tionally famous swimmer, who sought, through her manager ,to compete in the Atlantic City sea derby here on June 25, will not be permitted to enter the race because it is a strictly amateur affair. In stead of monetary prizes, which have been give# in. the recent long distance races, there will be trophies. Dn M. Francois IYEliscu’s bronze plaque valued at $200 is the first prize. Preparing For New Population i In Growing City Building and Home Buying Will Surpass High Record of Last Year )EMAND IN WEST ATLANTIC CITY Jnder Fox Plan of Building It Is Possible to Own House Worth 33 1-3 Per Cent. More Than It Cost House building and home buying n West Atlantic City this spring nd summer will pass the high ' ecord of last year, according to 'resent Indications revealed from urveys by prominent New York nd Philadelphia realtors. Evidence that the demand for tomes is not confined to any single lassiflcation but ranges from bun galow to the highest class of Iwelling, fifty of which are now inder construction, in West Allan ic City, is presented by the siif ■eys. Realtors, for example, have sold iver a dozen beautiful homes in he Benjamin R. Fox development tince January ], and confidently iredlct that the spring will bring m increased activity of 50 per cent iver a year ago in this class of lousing. Far-seeing and pnbllc ipirited men predict a West Allan- - ic City of over 500 homes within i years. , c, Bay Drive Activities Demand for vacant land In the rtcinlty of the Bay Shore Drive, by Guilders of bungalows and houses s showing a decided increase, vlillo nearby on the Pleasantville llbany ave. Boulevard land shows lecided promises of jumping from he present price of $300 per front dot to $1,000 per front foot within • lie year. This is probable because and at the Pleasantville end, less (ban bite-half hiile distant-; had , Drought $1,400, while at the Atlan ic City end it Is valued at $3,400. Die building program on the tract, ncludlng the construction of ten ds courts and a swimming pool, to ae completed next summer, aggre gates over a half million dollars. Through the Fox plan of building in which the purchaser saves one ihird the cost of the building, it is [lossible to own a house worth 13 1-3 more than it cost. Thus pur chasers who invest $15,000 are obtaining homes that would cost $20,000 elsewhere. It may seem i hat West Atlantic City otters ex cellent investment possibilities which augment Its desirability as a home site. program increased Due to the approach ot spring and summer and the fact that ap proximately three million people will visit this section each week during the long vacation season, activities in West Atlantic City have doubled in an effort to theet the demand that is sure to follow. Streets are being filled to grade, dredges are working overtime to meet contracts to fill in the re maining acreage of meadowland. Contractors are busily engaged In finishing up fifty houses now near- ijS ing completion, and laying foun dations for more. Work is to login within a few weeks on the new1 swimming pool and tennis courts, which together with other improve ments, will Involve an expenditure of $500,000. ASKS FOR NEW SCHOOL IN CHELSEA Superintendent Says Section Is Growing Rapidly. Superintendent Charles B. Boyer has asked the Board of Education to provide a new school building in Chelsea Heights as the section is growing rapidly and that the distance to either the Brighton or Richmond avenue schools is too far for small children. Supeiln- g; tendant Boyer recommends that plans be made to complete one section ot the building in the immediate future. He also says the city should have new schools at Inlet and Venice Park.