Newspaper Page Text
ft. ill ULO PoP-ER.-1 WA.S JEST TUIHKIH' ~U f MfcOUSTUJVVfcYVb •OW YcviRCtRESRAL -**T L r—-—'■? , ’OWE EE Mtav tt-HcURUV ; awo rtoE vuEEta'i To sAiVS-nsE j AWfeTHER. VopL ^olNWtTHmGtlJ.KT ) ttfE CftWER. WWMT DCHE3 S fc.oco'f!'.* A WDfcS Ot'a.'T - Sow UJOOLDH'T '3PAHVG Mt Vos ^omEVwm& l HADN'T OOHt-UJOUIJMA? Wife TO UHiO'Stv.y V.A'f WAHDS U?oH AH MHOCt.R'T ?tRSOH* \=«eewK>,s i ha ve/'jrT DOrifeTUt EKRAHD Trucff sootolo\€ Jto OOTWS fftCRt\\K6.' SIAMESE TWINS, MOTHER DINE\ Arary arid Margaret Gibbs are said to Ire America's onlv native born joined-togethcr twins. Here they I are having breakfast in ew \ ork City with their mother, who is the only woman, accordin'** records, to survive the birth of Siamese twins. ” *>ome people never seem to do much talking except when they have nothing to say. PUBLIC NOTICE. "■ SRAT.RJ) RIDS will ho received by the Hoard oi' Chosen Freeholders of the County or Atlantic at 12 o'clock noon on April 12, i:>27, at a regular meeting of the said Hoard, to be held in, the Assembly Room on the seventh floor of the Guarantee Trust Building. Atlantic. City, Now Jersey, for a one »«tory brick anti lireproof extension to the Sheriff's Office in connection with the Jail Building, at Mays Banding, .Atlantic County, New .Jersey, accord ing to the plans and specifications in •the office cC S. Hudson Vauglm. Ar chitect, Hoorn (M2 Guarantee Trust Building, Atlantic City, New Jersey, where said plans and speeilieations may he seen; said bids are to he op ened and rend in public at the afore said time ami place. Bids must he accompanied by a certified check payable to lOnoth H. Johnson, County Treasurer, or cash in the amount of ten per cent, of the bid, hut in no case is tint certified check or amount of cash accompany ing said bid to he less than $500.00. The certified check or cash as above ; stc.ed which accompanies hid is in- I tended as a guarantee that if the1 Contract is awarded to the Bidder In? "will enter into a Contract with said; Board of Chosen Freeholders ami give i Bond in the full amount of Contract bid as required by specifications, and | if for any reason the successful hid- j dor should fail or refuse to execute j the Contract and Bond as required. | the certified cheek or cash accompany- j ipg said hid becomes the property of the County, and the. proceeds of same I is to he deposited to the credit of said County Treasurer. All cheeks Will be returned within three days after the bids have been opened, excepting the c hecks of the | lowest and next lowest bidder. At- i tontion Is directed to the form of hid. ] Certificate of Surety. Form of Con- i tract and Bond covering the proposed I work, which are on file in the office I of S. Hudson Vaughn, Architect, afore- i said, and all bids must he made on I “Bidding Forms" as provided under ; • Section “A" of the specifications. If j the Bidder fails to state the name of i Surety that will go on his Bond, the I bid will lie considered irregular. .By orrler of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Atlantic. F. \\\ WILLKTTS. j 4tl!) Cl,,!:. | ADVERTISEMENT. ♦SRAMdl) R1D8 will be received by tjio B,oard of Chosen Freeholders of ! Atlantic County, N. J.. at !2 o'clock 1 noon on Wednesday, April 13, 1!»27. I during n regular meeting of the Board ! ill its Assembly I’onm in the (inninn.- j ,tee Trust- Bldg.. AUantic City. N. .1.. for the furnishing to tin- (bounty film.- 1 000 publicity booklets in exact accord- , glide with the model anil the • specif! - 1 options, both of which arc on (He in j the office of the County Fiiftineer, 751 : Guarantee Trust Bid ft., Atlantic City. N. J. A prospective bidder may inspect and'study the model,* which may not, )W» taken from llm County Fnginoor's office. and the specifications may be secured from' the County Engineer Without charge, The bidding will be on the basis of furnishing tin* full supply of booklets, final delivery to be accomplished not later than Novem ber Tfi, 1!»27; shipments are to be made , ill lots orr»n,00ft commencing not later tlian July Iti. tsi27. A bid will be rtf- , Cfijvwl only on the bidding form "it-f tached to the specifications and the hid must be accompanied by a certi fied check in an amount ootml to 10% of the bid; there must also lie sub-| 'milled a certificate of surety on the1 form attached to the specifications. The successful bidder must furnish n satisfactory bond in the full amount •of the contract to guarantee, faithful performance. The right is reserved tn reject nny or all bills. By order of the Hoard of Chosen Freeholders. ' > P. \V. ^I^LBTTS, 4«3 ... . *. Clorkj •' ' :t i ■ i Its the unexpected that happens, j Never bet on a sure thing unless you get the right sort of odds. Make your wants known NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of tlurrison Ut'anlfii, di'cfiasoil, Pursuant to the order of Albert Abbott. Surrogate of the County of Atlantic, this day made on the appli cation of Iho undersigned. Administra tor. c. t. a. of the said decedent, no tice is hereby given to the creditors of the said decedent to exhibit to the subscriber, under oath or alllrmatiou, ■tlieir claims and demands against Ha estate of the said decedent. wilHbi six months from this date, or they will be forever barred from prosecuting or re covering the same against the sub scriber. THOMAS I. DITNT.AP. __ Pleasantville. N. J. Mays T.nnding. N. .1. Ma u ii ath. iu2?. 1*1*5 > Pi’s foe. $18.10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Testate of August .T. Wiegman, Deceased. Pursuant to the order of Albert C. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Atlantic, this day made on the appli cation of the undersigned, Executor of tins said decedent, notice is hereby given to the creditors of the said de cedent to exhibit to the subscriber, under oath or aflirmation, their claims und demands against the estate of the said decedent, within-six months from this dale, or they will be forever bar red from prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscriber. TH1-: Cl I i'll..SKA NATION AH HANK ,r „ , Atlantic C’ity, N. J. Mays Handing, N. J. January 10th, 1927. IT's lee, $1 S‘.40. 9t-l5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Wesley S. Sampson, Deceased. Pursuant to the order of Allsort C. Abbott, Surrogate of the Countv of Atlantic, this day made on the appli- . cation of the undersigned, Admirtistra- , tor of tin* said decedent, notice is hereby given, to the. creditors of-the . said decedent to exhibit to the* sub scriber, under oath or adirmation. their claims and demands against the estate of the said decedent, within six months from this date, or they will he : forever barred, from prosecuting or re- « covering the* same against the sub- ■ fieri her. TI TOMAS i; DTJNt/AP. i Pleasantville, N. ,f. stays landing, N, J., Feb. II, 1927; !>M8 Pr’t fee. $18.40 IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. To John McCann; Margaret S. McCann. Klsit't Met'ami. Harriet Kiscnhnch. , ICrntst J). Kiscnba.c.h,. Michael Mc Cann and George 10. Gindliurt: By .virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery of New Jersey, made o.n the day of the date hereof, in a certain cause wherein Theodore Ireland is complainant and you aro defendants, you are required to appear, pleadMmd answer to the bill of complaint on or before the 11th day of May. next, or j -in default thereof such decree will he taken against you as the Chancellor shall think equitable and just. I The object of said suit* is to reform ; a certain deed from yourselves, as tin I heirs of TCdward McCann, deceased, to'i Theodore Ireland* dated March III. I If*2B. lind recorded in the. Connl> | Clerk’s' Oil ice at *’ Mays l.anding, iiij jRook Ml ft ot Deeds, page .'{(*7. and h\ ' such reformation to effect the eon- { veyanee to said Ireland* of certain I lands and prealises situate in Picas- 1 nntvillc, Atlantic County. N. Jr., «1< j scribed in said deed hod lately hclom: j ing to Edward MeCafin. Von are mad< J defendants because you claim to have' an interest in said lands and premises; and if you now claim any right, title or interest in the lands and premises referred to you are required ti> answer the. complaint, hut not otherwise. Dated: Ala re h II. 1927. FJAVOOD C. WKICKS, 1 Guarantee Trust Building, Atlantic City. N. J. 4tl7 —* Solicitor of Petitioner. . SHERIFF’S SALE. I>y virtue oi 2 certain writ.*? of fieri punas, directed to the* Sheriff of At jontie County, issued out of the At lantic County Circuit Court, will ho sold at public vendue, on Thursday, the Twenty-First Day of / April, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven, at two o’clock in the afternoon of said day, in tin1 Hoard of Chosen Freehold ers Assembly Room, on the Seventh Floor, Cun ran icc Trust Building, in the City of Atlantic City. County of Atlantic and Slate, of New Jersey-: Property situate in the City of Vent nor City, in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. Beginning at a point in the Westerly line of Harvard AvenUe one hundred seventy-three reel North of the Nor therly “line of Winchester Avenue and extending theme (l) Westwardly, par* allelewitlt Winchester Avenue sixty two and five-tenths feet; thence (2) Northwardly, parallel with Harvard Avenue forty-seven feet: thence (2) Kastward!y parallel with Winchester Avenue sixty-two and five-tenths feet; thence (I) Southwardly in and along tn« said Westerly line of Harvard Av enue, forty-seven feet to the point and place of beginning. Being known and designated as Hot 20 and one-half of Hot 22 in Block IS-B on Plan of lots of Vent nor City, N. also known as 112 North Har vard Avenue. Vontnor City. I a* vies approximately $1,(580.(17, be sides interest, costs and foes. Seized as the. property of John J. Ridley and taken in execution at the suit of Margaret A. Keller, and to he sold by JAMES CJMINO, Sheriff. Dated March 20, 1027. Cole & Cole, Attorneys. Pi’s fee, $21.81 SHERIFFS SALE. Tiy viitue of a writ of fieri facias, 'lireetod to tin* Sheriff of Atlantic i.’oimly, issued out of the New Jersey Court of Chancery, will he sold at Public vendue, on Thursday, the Fourteenth Day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven, it two o'clock in (lie afternoon of said lay, in tin1 Hoard of Chosen Freehold - •rs -Assembly Room, on the Seventh i«'loor, Guarantee Trust Building, In he Oily of Atlantic City, County of \llaiilie and State of New Jersey. Situate in the Township of Kgg Har 10r, in the County of Atlantic and ■itale of New Jersey. -.Beginning; at a stone set for a corner it the Intersection of the center lines >f Ridge and Jefferson Avenues, and •xtending thence (l) North sixty •ight degrees and fifteen minutes West ilong the center of Jefferson Avenue, Ive hundred tlftyTone feet, more or ess, to th.e line of Traet A of farm ots belonging to K. A. Doughty et •1; thence (2j North twenty-eight de trees an<l fifty-One mintiles Fast, four mndred seventy-three and six-tenths eel; thence OR. South sixt.v-eigUt de trees and fifteen minute.s Bast, par dlel with first course, four hundred iinety-two and six-tenths feet, more ir less to thi' center of Ridge Avenue; mil llienee (I) Soulh twenty-one de trees and forty-live minutes West, dong the center of Ridge Avenue, our hundred and seventy feet to the dace of beginning. . Decrees approximately $:i.7l7;19, bo lides interest, costs and fees. Soiled as the property of Dora L. Seeker ef al, and taken in execution it the suit, of Pleasanlvilto Mutual /mu an<r Building Association. &o., nid to he sold by •> JAMBS Cl M I NO. Sheriff. Dated March 19. 1927; I., W. Lewis,.Solicitor. 1 PCs fed. $23.10 SHERIFF’S SALE. TTy virtue of a writ of fieri facias, j I i roe ted to the Sheriff of Atlantic I 'ounly, issued out of the New Jersey : ’ourt of Chancery, wilf-ln* sold ai I mblic vendue, on Thursday, the Fourteenth Day of j April, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven, ' t two o'clock in the afternoon of said | lay. in the Board of Chosen Freehold rs Assembly Itooin, on the Seventh '')oor. Guarantee. Trust Building;. in he City of Atlantic City, Comity ot Make your wants known thru rhe Plcasantville Press. STOP And See Us at 11 NORTH VIRGINIA AVE. (Just Around the Corner) BITTEN PEANUTS TEA, COFFEE Atlantic City, N. J, Atlantic and State of New Jersey. All that certain tract or parcel of land and , premises., situate in the ^Township of Buena Vista, in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, conveyed by the heirs at law of Nicholas Rape, deceased, to R. D. Wood. K. D. Green and the Mays landing Water Power Company, de scribed' in said deeds as Lot No. 9, called the Buena Vista Tract near Daniel Veals on the Tuckahoo Road, reference beiifg had to the said deeds, will be more fully and at large np Decrees approximately $14.100.8a, be sides interest, costs and foes.. Seized as the property of H. Stanley Fox et ux. et als, and taken in exe cution at the suit of Michael Cupizola and to be sold by JAMES CIMINO. Dated March 19. 1927. . M. Joseph Greonbiatt, Solicitor. Pr’s fee. $18.90 SHERIFF’S SALE. - By virtue of a writ of fieri faClas, directed to the Sheriff of Atlantic County, issued out of the New Jersey Court of Chancery, will be sold N at public vendue, on Thursday, the Fourteenth Day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven, at two o’clock in the afternoon of said day, in the Board of Chosen Freehold ers Assembly Room, on the Seventh Floor, Guarantee . Trust Building, in the City of Atlantic City, County of Atlantic and StatQ of New Jersey. All that tract of- parcel of land and premises hereinafter particularly de scribed, situate in the City of Absoeon. in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey: Beginning in the Northeasterly line of Lee Avenue, at a point distant .one hundred sixty-five feet Southeast wardly from the Southeasterly line of Shore Rond, and extending thence (1) Northeastwardly, parallel '\yith Shore Road, one hundred fifty feTit: thence (2)Soulheastwaidly, parallel with Lee Avenue fifty feet; thence (2) South west wardly, parallel with Shore Hoad, one hundred fifty feet, to Lee Avenue; j thence (!) Northwestwardly, along Lee Avenue, fifty feet to the place of beginning. Decree approximately $5,223.25, be sides Interest, costs and fees. Seized as the property of Elizabeth A. Riley et als, and taken in execu tion at the suit of Home Building and Loan Association of Pleasantvilie, N. .1., and to be sold by .1A AlfaS Cl AH NO. Sheriff. Dated March 19. *927. C. C. Shinn, Solicitor. Pr’s fee. $20.if 5MUKH- t S SALfc. By virtu** of a writ, of fieri facias directed to the. Sheriff of Atlatitif County, (Smirod out of the New Jerse> Court of Chancery, will lie sold »f public vendue, on Thursday, the Fourteenth Day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven, at I wo o’clock in Uio afternoon of snl« day, in the Hoard of Chosen Freehold ers Assembly ItoOin, on the Seven! I Floor, < Trust Building, ir th«* City of Atlantic City, County oi Aliantie and State of New Jersey. All those trads or parcels of lane and premises hereinafter pari iculuri> described, situate in the City of Plea* samville, in the County of Atlaiitii and State of New Jersey: Beginning at a point in the North west line of First Avenue or McKin ley Avenue as it is known, distant one hundred fifty feet. Southwestward ly from the Southwest line of Asldanf Avenue, and from thence extends (It Sou I. h west wnrdly in and along tin Northwest line of McKinley A vend* sixty feet; thence (2) Northwestward ly and parallel with Ashland Avenue one hundred forty foot to the South east line of a twenty foot wide alley; tlienee (Jj Northeastwardly, in ant along said line of alley, sixty feet tc a point; thence (1; Southeastward!) and parallel with the second course hereof one hundred forty feet to th< Northwest line of McKinley Avenut and place of -beginning. Being i/Ot s Nos. 20 an«l 27, Seelior No. 2S. as shown on Map No. 2 oi Pleasantville Land Company, also Lot.1 Nos. 20 and 27 in Section No. 28. a.* shown on Map of property adjoining Pleasantville Land Company, Jesse L. Kisley, Agent. / Decree approximately $.'1.51 I.-I7, be sides interest, costs and fees. Seized as the property of Carrie P. Burrell ft nls, and taken in execution at the suit, of Home Building and Loan Association of Pleasantville, N. .1., and to ho sold hy JAM MS Cl Ml NO. Sheriff. Bated March 10. 1027. < ’. C. Shinn, Solicitor. Pr’s fee. $23.20 SHERIFF’S SALE. 1 By virtue of a writ of fieri facias. ; directed to the Sheriff of Atlantic! j County, issued out of Ihe New Jersey : Court of Chancery, will he sold at public vendue, on Thursday, the Fourteenth Day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven, at two o’clock in the afternoon of said day, in tIn' Board of Chosen Freehold ers ’ Assembly Boom, on the Seventh Floor,. Guarantee Trust Building, in the City of Atlantic City, County of Atlantic and Stale of New Jersey. All those certain traeis or parcels of land anil premises hereinafter par ticularly described, situate in the City of Pleasantville,- in the County of At lantic and State of New Jersey; Beginning at a point, in tie* Masterly line of Plaza Place, distant throe hun dred llfty-four and lift>-eight hun dredths feet Southwardly from, the Southeast corner of Shore Bond and Plaza Place, and extending thence (1) Mastwnrdly, one hundred twelve and twenty-live thousandths feet; thence (2) Southwardly fifty feet; thence Cl) Westwardly, one hundred twelve and twenty-live thousandths feet to the Masterly line of Plaza Place; thence O) North wn rdly, in and along the Masterly line of Plaza. Palee, fifty feet Id the place of beginning. Being known as Lot 7 as shown on map of Plaza Place, Pleasantville. N. J., belonging to Beal Estate Exchange, made April 192!. revised November 1921, by Haymond P. Thompson, Civil Engineer, scale 100 feet to ouq, inch. Also beginning at a point in the Easterly line of Plazjt Place, distant i four hundred fifty-four and fifty-eight hundredths feet Southwardly *from the Southeast Corner of Shore Road and Plaza Place, and extending thence (1) Kastwardly, one hundred twelve and twenty-five thousandths feet; thence (2) Southwardly, three hundred feet to the Northerly line of Clematis Ave nue; thence (3) Westwardly, in and along the Northerly line of Clematis Avenue, one hundred twelve and twen ty-five thousandths feet tlf -the East erly line of Plaza Place; thence (•!) Northwardly, in and along the East erly line of Plaza Place, three hun dred feet to the place of beginning. Being known as Lots 9, 10, 11, 12. 13 and 11 as shown on map of Plaza Place, Pleasantville, N. J., belonging to Real Estate Exchange, made April 1921, revised November 1921, by Ray mond P. Thompson, Civil Engineer, scale 100 feet to one inch. Decree approximately $8,441.51, be , sides interest, costs and fees. Seized as the property of Jerry C. •Hampton et al, and taken in execution at the suit of Absoron Mortgage Com pany and to bo sold bv JAMES CIM7NO. Sheriff. Dated March 19, 1927. John D. McMullin, Solicitor. Pi's fee. $32.31 SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue oT n writ of fieri facias, directed to the Sheriff of Atlantic* County, issued out of the New Jersey Court of Chancery, will he sold at pub lic vendue, on Thursday, the Seventh Day of April Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven, at. two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, in the Board of Chosen Freehold ers Assembly Room-, on the Seventh Floor, (Suaranteo Trust Building, in the City of- Atlantic City, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. All that certain lot. tract or parcel of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Atlantic City, in the County cf Atlantic and State of New Jersey, bounded and described as follows: Beginning nt a point in the Norther- | ly line of Sunset Avenue ninety feet j East of Richmond Avenue; thence (tj Northwardly parallel with Richmond Avenue seventy-five feet more or less; thence (2) 'Kastwardly along Inside I Thorofare the several courses thereof \ thirty feet more or less; thence cij | Southwardly parallel with Richmond j Avenue Seventy-live feet more or less; | thence (I) Westwardly along the Nor-| therly line of Sunset Avenue thirty ! »*ot to the place of beginning. i Decrees approximately $5.9S5.C9. be- ] sides interest, costs and fees. ^ j Seized as the property of Newton W. Knauer et a), and taken in oxceu- ' tion at the suit of Atlantic City Lum- I her Company ami to lie sold bv JAMES Cl Ml NO. Sheriff. ; Dated March 12. 1927. ! Thompson & Hansteiri,' Solicitors. Pr’s fee, $20.53 j ancnit-f & bALL. T»y virtue of n writ. of fieri facias, I i»'*"■«'.ted to tin' Sheriff of Atlantic; County, issued out of (ho Now Jers«w I Court of Chancery. will he .sold at pub- 1 lie vendue, on Thursday, the Seventh Day of April Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven,' at two o'eloek in the afternoon of said day,, in the Hoard of Chosen Freehold- j ers Assembly Hoorn, on the Seventh t Floor. Guarantee Trust Building, in ; the City of Atlantic City, County of; Atlantic and State of Now Jersey. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Atlantic City, in the County of Atlantic and State of Beginning In the Westerly line of St. Katherine Place one hundred nine- i teen and ten hundredths feet South- ! wardly from tin? Southwest- corner of; Atlantic Avenue and St. Katherine i Place, and extending thence South- | wardly along the Westerly line of St. ! Katherine Place nineteen and fifteen hundredths feel: thence Westward!}-! parhllel with Atlantic Avenue eighty seven feet: thehee Northwardly par allel ‘with St. Katherine place nine teen and. fifteen . hundredths feet; tin nee Fast wardly passing through a party wall and parallel with Atlantic Avenue eighl.v-soveu feet to the Wes . terly line of St. Katherine Place and , ! place beginning. lining promises designated and known as J8 South St. Katherine Place. Decree approximately $1,808.08, be sides interest, costs and lees. Seized as the property of Morris Click et aU. and taken In execution at the still of Harry F. Stern and to be JAMES Cl MI NO. Sheriff. Datedt March 12. 1027. Thompson & ITatutcin, Solicitors. Pr’s fee. $22.20 SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of liori facias, directed to the Sheriff of Atlantic County, issued out of the New Jersey I Court of Chancery, will he sold at pub I lie vendue, on I Thursday, the Seventh Day of April Nineteen Hundred and T wenty-Seven, at two o’clock in the afternoon of said day, in the Hoard of Chosen Freehold ers Assembly Hoorn, on the Seventh | Floor, Guarantee Trust Huilding, in jibe City of Atlantic City, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Vent nor City, jin the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, hounded and described as follows: Heglnning in the Easterly line of Hoshorough Park one hundred twenty ! feet North from the Northerly line of Winchester Avenue; thence (1) North wardly along the Faster!}- lino of Hos ; borough Park thirty-eight feet: thence <-), Fastwurdly-ourallcl with Winches ter Avenue seventy-six feet: thence CD Southwardly parallel with Hosltor ough Park thirty-eight1 ‘feet; thence Cl) Westwnvdiy parallel with Winches ter Aventtc seventy-six feet to the Easterly'line of Hoshorough Park and place of beginning. Decree approximately $3.803.GO, be sides Interest, costs and fees. Seized as the properly of Harry F. MeQuale et al, and taken in execution ooooooc Phone Pleasaritville 241 ANTHONY J. CORIO PRINTER Successor to PENHALLOW PRESS 236 W. Washington Ave. --* If It’s PRINTING, V/e Do It I ruODC ol4 6hfub»» - Wilson & Helfrich Plumbing and heatir g QUAKER HEATERS SOLI) and INSTALLED 110 S. MAIN STREET PLEASANTVILLE, N. J. at the suit of Eugene P. Coho, et al, and to be sold by JAMES CIMINO, Sheriff. Dated March 12, 1927. Thompson & Hanstein, Solicitors. Pr’s fee, $20.58 SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, directed to the Sheriff of Atlantic County, issued out of the New Jersey Court of Chancery, will be sold ut public vendue, on Thursday, the Thirty-First Day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven, at two o’clock in the afternoon of said day, in the Board of Chosen Free holders Assembly Room, on the Sev enth Floor, Guarantee Trust Building, in the City of Atlantic City, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. All that certain lot. tract or parcel of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Margate City, in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, hounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the Westerly line of Jasper Avenue, said Jasper Avenue being forty foot in width, and the Southerly line of Ventnor Avenue, and extending thence (1) Westwardly in and along the Southerly line of Vent nor Avenue forty feet to a point: thence (2> Southwardly parallel with the Westerly line* of Jasper Avenue eighty feet to a point; thence(3)East wards parallel with the Southerly line of VentnOr Avenue forty feet to a point in the Westerly line of Jasper Avenue; Ihence(l)Northwardly in and along the same Westerly line of Jas per Avenue eighty feet to the jjoint and place of beginning. Decree approximately $7,297.83, be sides interest,. costs and foes. Seized as th6 property of George W. Kelly et al, and taken in execution at the suit of Harry Cohen and to be sold by JAMES CIMINO. Sheriff. Dated March 5. 1927. Thompson & Hanstein. Solicitors. Pr’s tVe, $21 .si SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of a writ ol' fieri facias. I directed to the Sheriff of Atlantic I County, issued out of the New Jersey i Court of Chancery, will he sold at public "vendtie, on Thursday, the Thirty-First Day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven, at two o’clock in the afternoon of said day, in the Board of Chosen Freehold - ory Assembly Boom, on the Seventh Floor, Guarantee Trust Building, in the City of Atlantic City. County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Northlleld, in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, bounded and described as follows: . Beginning at. a point in the South westerly line of Jackson Avenue, four hundred seventy-live feet. Southeast ward I y from the Southeasterly line of First * Avenue, thence (1) Southwest wnrdly, at right, angles to Jackson Avenue, seventy-live feet; thence Bit Southeast wnrdly, parallel with Jack son Avenue, forty-live feet: thence CO Northeastwardly, at right angle.* t<» Jackson Avenue, seventy-live feet to the Southwesterly line of Jackson Avenue: thence (1) Northwestwardly, along the Southwesterly line of Jack son Avenue, forty-live feet to the place of beginning. The property will he sold subject to taxes due the City of North field, N. J., ; for the full year of 1920, amounting to $52.1G, interest and cost to be ad ded. Decrees approximately $4,823.33, be sides interest, costs and fees. Seized as the property of Marie Fra ser et als, and taken in execution at the suit of The Atlantic Const Build ing and Loan Association of New Jer sey and to he sold by JAMES CIM1NO. j Sheriff. j Baled March 5. 1927. Marlin E. Keffer, Solicitor. Pi’s fee. $23.10 1 —BUY— Northfield Baking Company «-SPECIALTIES Home-Made, Layer, Fruit, Pound Cake —AT YOUR DEALER'S— OOCXSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCJOOOOOOOOOOOOOa PRESTON n E x o D *; I ; A j M O N D SHINGLES Put on over your old roof-NOW Call, write, or phone us at Pleasantville %L. r,40, and we will send our represented/• '3! to give you an estimate.. *■*?$'. Time Payments if you wish South Jersey Asphalt Roofing Co Mill Road anil Shore Fast Line l| INorthfield. New Jersey WILLYS-KNIGIIT OVERLAND f SALES and SERVICE See the ‘WHIPPET* the European Type Car CITY GARAGE 66 E. WASHINGTON AVE. • “Woody** Dare Phone —866 i 0 CARPENTERS’ BUILDING & LOAN ASS N ) ) ) ' i > i ) I I i I 1 I j 5 I NEW SERIES ISSUED JANUARY and JULY Everybody Invited to Subscribe. I Fixed Premium on Loans. t January Shares Now Ready. Meets First Wednesday Evening Each Month at THE PLEASANTVILLE NATIONAL BANK Weather Tested What is more important than the roof of your home ? Since man first built houses to shelter him and his loved ones, the “roof tree” has symbolized home comfort, home beauty and home strength. Remember the word “roof tree.” It shows how closely our ancestors connected their protection from wind and weather to the storm defying qualities of the trees of the forest. Durable Shingles of Seasoned Wood Shingles of today are an improve men* over, those of the last century— in appearance and economy. In strength and protection they uphold the reputation of their predecessors —- still cut from selected timber. We are proud of our stock of shingles. Come to us for CLARK LUMBER CO. Phone 287 Pleasantville, N. X