Newspaper Page Text
Newsy Note* In Linwood Borough MRS. ALTON PANDERS, Shore Road & Elm Avenue. Newsy I Notes J WIEN’S CLUB !SUPPER SUCCESS Third Annual Affair Given by Civic Club is Well Attended . The third annual baked bean supper, given by the Women’s Civie club Thursday night was at tended by nearly three hundred people. The tables looked very at tractive with blooming plants donated by Mr Meekers, a local florist. Among those present were: Mayor and Mrs. ChnrleB Brown, Councilman and Mrs Walter Scull, Councilman and Mrs. Fred Gant, Councilman and Mrs. Harry Pen «*U, Councilman and Mrs. Mercer Wilson, Councilman and Mrs. l^raak Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nagley Jr„ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nagley Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gobi, Mrs. Harold Fife, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilson Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. William Wenlock, Martha Wenlock, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Wootton, Mr. and Mrs. John Gant, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sutton, Mr. and Mrs John Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. William Sharrock, G. W. Mathis, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Force, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SJ.eeJiman, Miss Alice Osman, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Seitz, Mr, and Mrs. Ifenry Scull, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Scull, Mr. and Mrs Jesse Bowen. MTs. Elizabeth Steelman, Mr. and Mrs. George N. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse James, Mr. and Mrs. Ohattln Risely, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steelman, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wright, Mrs. Clarence tee, Mr. and Robert Garey, William Gill lock, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buck ley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yates, Mrs. Zane Rose, Mr. and Mrs. $jUmond Somers, Mr. and Mrs. Baniel Sutton, Mrs. John Cutler, 4^r. and Mrs. Charles Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cope, S. N. Zip pier, Mr. and Mrs. John Pedrick, T. Porch, Miss Mabel Adams, Mrs. Amelia Corson. Miss Carrie Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rose, Mrs. Oscar Ireland, Mrs. Sarah Leeds, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rears, Miss Elsie Stuber, Charles Stuber, Mark Reals Sr., Florence, Beatrice and B.thel Brown, Ralph Waite, * Mr. and Mrs. Leo Garsqn, MIsb Lulu Cunningham, Mrs., Elizabeth Snyder, Mrs. Cornelia Somers, Mrs. Mina Burroughs, George Rodgers, J. T. Sutton, E. H. Snell, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, Mrs. Ralph Waite,-Mrs. J. B. Scull, Mrs. James Way, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pedrick, Evelyn and James Steel man, Mr. and Mrs. L. ,Williams, Vincent Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Platt, Mr. and Mrs.1 R. L. Scull, Mr. and Mrs. George Mc Kenzie, Mrs, Duncan MacKenzie, Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. Linford liaines, Paul Fry, Mrs. Russell Brown, Mrs. D. S. Collins, Mrs. T. Leinwon, Marjory Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John Malsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Rol and Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Garrison, Mr. and Sirs. D. M. Patter son, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Megroni gle, Mrs. Alfred Scull Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Howard McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Brown and son, Jack, Jacob Freus, Marie Ralston, Margaret Sowers, Mervin Smith, Miss Bertha Steelman, Mary' Meskors, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Meskers, Mildred Braddock. Sidney Gordon, Mrs. Robert Fullerton, Ruth Sanders, Mary Gant, Dorothy Pedrick, Mrs. Walton Sanders, Mrs. George S. Smith, porothy and Alma Barrett, Lila Sutton, Helen Hoffner, Irene Ivins, 'Mildred Wolfbrandt, Mrs. Samuel Clark, Mrs. Mamie Bakley, Mrs. W. Rilmyer, Mr. J. Y’ost, Margaret Durfee, Adalbert ‘ and Raymond Barrett and others. . Those who remember the “Bean Town Choir,, given so successfully by lhe choir last year, will be glad to hear that It is practicing a new musical comedy to be given in ap proximately four weeks: PLAN SEWING BEE Members of Keystone Chapter No. 69, will meet at the home of Mrs. Winifred Van Sant, of Poplar avenue Thursday, to sew for the bazaar to be held in the fall. This will be an all-day meeting,, the ladles will bring a box lunch. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Van Sant of Poplar avenue, entertained Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bartow, of Colllngswood; Mr. and Mrs.. Clarence Miller, and children, of Westville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Keys, of Poplar avenue, motored to Conshocken, Pa„ over the weekend. ' Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steelman are enjoying a motor trip to Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nagley Jr., Mrs. Philip M. Bessor, Mrs. Amelia Corson, and Miss Mabel Adams motored to Philadelphia, Saturday. Mrs. Amanda Barrett received a blooming plant from the J. U. G.l club, besides many other plants j during her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greinor are en joying a new radio. Cerlna Van Pelt was a Philadel phia visitor Saturday. Mrs. Mercer Wilson, Mrs. Charles Johns, and Mrs. Frank | Steelman motored to Ocenn City, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neil and daughter, of Philadelphia, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. O’Neil’q parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steelman. Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliams spent the weekend in Philadelphia. Eleanor McW’illams will spend a part of the week in Philadelphia, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steelman Jr., of Ocenn City, visited Mr. Steel man’s parents, of; Garfield avenue, the past week. Mrs. Naomi Somers and daughter have opened their home again, Shore road and Garfield avenue after spending the winter at the home of her son, Albert Somers, in Brigantine. , '1, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Somers, of Brigantine, visited Mrs. Howard Smith the past week. James Smith was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Williams, Sunday. * ' SOCIAL* KLUB MEETS The Admore Social Club, of the Bethel M. E. church met Friday night in the Social Hall. Mrs. Charles Johns entertained. After the business meeting a social hour followed with refreshments. Those present were: Rev. Walter Bishop, Mrs. T. M. Force, Mr. and Howard Fluke, Dorothy, Alma ani Mrs. William Force, Mr. and Mrs. Gladys nuke, Mrs. Thomas Cope, Anna Cope, Mrs. Linford Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns, Mrs. Lewis Ireland, Madeline Ireland, Mrs. Jesse Ingersoll, Mrs. Edwin Mills, Miss Hannah Somers, Mrs. John Gordon, Miss Margaret Gor don, Mr. and Mrs. John Scull, Mr. and Mrs. James Way, Miss Edna Robinson, Mrs. Carl . Ilopf, Miss Althea Ilopf, and Mrs. Clarence Lee. FIREMEN ANGRY Seek Writer Of Letter in Voice of The People At a meeting of the Firemen Wednesday night Mrs. Neat, who’s initials are the same as the person who put the piece in the Voice of tile People in the Atlantic City Daily Press commenting on the firemen, denied all knowledge of the article. A resolution was adopted to authorize Jacob Nagley Sr., to de mand of The Press the name of the peraon who wrote the article. WILL ATTEND TABERNACLE Saturday night will be Linwood night at the Tabernacle. All organi zations are Invited to meet at the Ltnwood Fire Hall at C o’clock. The Invitation includes members of Churches, Tax Payer's League, Civic Club, Fire Company and Lodges. They will march in a body from Virginia avenue and the Boardwalk headed by the Linwood band. B$B*B*B*BtB«B«BtBtB*B»B?B»a«B<B*B«B*B*B»B$BeB*B$B Phone Marine 35S5 : ‘K MATTRESS EXPERTS THE BENSON BEDDING CO. We Have BEDS—BEDDING RUGS — FLOOR COVERINGS AND FURNITURE. ' 1924 ATLANTIC AVENUE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. FREE DELIVERY. PROMPT- SERVICE. |3p4£*KtB<B^B*fl<M*t>B«ttSB$B:?B»B?B»B*B$B«B«B$B*B$a f _ V-. . • • • ‘SAFETY FIRST’ WILL BE GIVEN Farce Comedy to Be Played in Linwood Social Hall, April 5 "Safety First,” an American farce-comedy in three acts, which has been staged in both Absecon and Pleasantville to packed houses, is to be played in the Central M. E. Hall in Linwood Tuesday, April 5th. The characters are as follows: Jerry Arnold, a young “Romeo” who sayB he is the Exalted import ed woggle; Jack Montgomery, a young married man, otherwise "The Ilazook;" Aboil Ben Mocha, the terrible turk, so desperate, he always wants to kill everybody ex cept himself; McNutt, a detective, so suspicious he won’t even play solitare for fear he’ll cheat him self; Elmer Flannel, a very timid college student who falls for Zulieka’s peachiest eyes; Virginia Brldger, struck very forcibly by one of ettpid’s darts, who happens to be in lovo with Jerry Arnold; Mable Montgomery, a sweet young thing who’s husband left her at eighteen minutes past seven by that clock; Mrs. Barrington Bridget, a very dignified society matron,'much engrossed in social affairs. Don’t you know?; Mary Ann O’ Finnerty, an Irish maid who Is in love with McNutt. We don’t know why. Zulieka, a little lurklsh maiden who elopes with Elmer Flannel. The Pleasantville Presbyterian Sunday School orchestra: composed of fourteen instruments will ren der the specialty music of the evening. CHURCH AND CLUB NOTES Rev. C. I. Fitzgeorge, district superintendent, will preach in Cen tral M. E. church next Sunday morning. The Junior Girl 'Scouts will organize Thursday afternoon at 4.15 o’clock at the Hall. All young girls are invited. Miss Elizabeth Herrick Is the loader. AWARDS MADE PUBLIC Awards recommended by the Board of Commissioners who looked over the properties which will be damaged by the Now road exten sion have been reported by Clerk James Parish as follows: Walter J. Busby .$ 900.00 j Edwin H. and Mary I. j Rowan, Jr. 100.00 i Heirs of Joseph Broadhead, deceased. 75.00 George W. Snyder/. 2,000.00 Heirs of Daniel Leeds, deceased . 150.00 Anna Lleby Jost . 750.00 John W. and Irene Buckley 3,000.00 Harvey nnd Luolla Roselle 850.00 John P. Kiggens . 10.00 Ella J. Powers . 900.00 Elmira Powers . 100.00 Total ' 88,835.00 PLAN COURT GAME A'basket ball game, will be played in tire Adam's Social Hall Thursday night between the married men and the single men. The married men won last Thurs day night by one point. VALUABLE BUSINESS SITE _ § • ; » MARLBORO COTTAGE l 120 NORTH MAIN STREET S « Corner lot 65x204. House contains 35 rooms, jg all modem improvements and furnished. Well fin- is ancgd and priced for quick sale. Apply any Realtor or sa Marine 2771-W. » PACKMAN BROS. WHOLESALE GROCERS as BUTTER, EGGS and CHEESE 12(5 NORTH MISSISSIPPI AVENUE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. .EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CARNATION MILK •DERBY-MEATS . SKIPPER SARDINES UPTON TEA BAOS AND COFFEE DON’T GET IN WA Y OF HIS GUN! » 11 ' --- “Dead Eye" H. P. Lee, crack shot of the Berkeley, Calif.t police school, although GO, splits cards as clean as a whistle with » .38 at a distance of 20 yards. To show his versatility, he does the same with his left hand. He pumps live shots into the bull’s eye ol a target at 15 yards in less than JG seconds. He was'a Rough ltidei with Roosevelt in Cuba. Top view shows him aiming with left hand bottom, the result—the split card. Students Will I Give Lecture! Fifty Woodland Ave. School Scholars in Entertain ment Thursday Night BENEFIT LANTERN FUND An illustrated lecture will be given in the High School auditor ium, Thursday night by pupils of the seventh andv eighth grades of Woodland avenue school, for the benefit of the lantern fund of the P. T. A. of the school. The fifty boys and girls who will lecture are being trained by Mrs. j Helen Lull, who is working very i energetically to make the affair a success. She is being assisted by Miss Edythe Sampson and Miss Sadie Dressier, who are coaching the pupils. The committee on back stage arrangements is Mrs. Rosalie jv Crosby and Miss Margaret Messier. . The pupils are doing excellent work and . showing wonderful enthusiasm. The committee on tickets at the door is, Miss Whitman, Miss Keep, Miss Parker and Miss Collins. All the other teachers will assist Mrs. Carrie Bowen who has charge of i the ushers. The pupils who will lecture are: Loretta Weasel, >Villiam Degley, Margaret Lewis, Walter ynd strom, Charlotte Reeves, 'Howard Field, Hector Boney, Florence Thompson, Catherine Mercer, Ruritt Do Mill, Thelma Leith, Dwell. William,* Florence Morns, Clara Jeschke, Coleman Bostick, Theresa Cesario, Ruth Gaskill, Josephine Notaro, Stella Cesario, Lorraine Mum ford, Algert Green wood, Elizabeth Reeves, William Jeschke, Dorothy Willets, Thelma Pettit, Charles McAnney, Malinda Endicott, Lawrence Scnn, Thelma Harison, Vivian Dagrossa, Frank lin Nickerson, Charles Harfey, Frank Trumbourne, William Lewin, Frank Souder, Ethlyn Swain, Dorothy Miller, Frieda Ott, Dorothy Kruger/ Charles Augey, Matilda Stewart, Vernon Miller, Wilmer Burgey, Geneveive Carr, Yewdall Cpnovcr, Dorothy Freeh, Ruth Wetzstein, Louis Schmoll, Morris Dttsnheimer, and Gladys Adams. Commodore Tanguy has planned to visit friends in Philadel phia about the first of April for several days. Rev. William Blackman and Mr. Reed, of Long Branch, were the quests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Boico, if Faunce Landing road, tthis week. Mrs. Harry Lentz has recovered lor a few days. “THE LOSS MAY OCCUR TODAY*— TOO LATE TO INSURE TOMORROW” PROTECT YOURSELF WITH AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE NO AUTOMOBILE IS IMMUNE FROM FIRE LOSS. NO CAR IS THEFT PROOF. NO CAR IS SAFE FROM COLLIS ION . PUBLIC LIABILITY and PROPER TY DAMAGE CLAIMS, arising from Automobiles injuring persons and dam aging the property of others, are pre sented to us daily, in ever increasing numbers. Our Policy is a Guarantee of Fair Adjustment and Prompt Service in the Event of a Loss. JACKSON & KREUTZ 106 SOUTH 11 Ain STREET - MIOsK Puzzled about Water Supply? What you want is not just a water system—you want satis factory water service.' That's why Dtiro offers a free - Advisory Service. WheiJ you * ■ take advantage of our Service we accept responsibility for the installation. Ask us about your water supply. No obligation. DURO PUMP CO. West Washington Ave. (Opp. First StJ PLEASANTVILLE, N. J. „ W. W. EDWARDS ■ Phone 703 Fac. Rep. Bayside City Notes SOMERS POINT EVENTS By R. VAN SYCKEL. Fraternal Social Church MOOSE PLAN FOR NEW QUARTERS Elect Officers at Session — Plan Installation Tomor row Night The Loyal Order of Moose, No. 845, at their regular meeting Wednesday evening elected the following officers for the ensuing' year: Dictator, Benj. Shannon, of Somers Point: Vice-Dictator, Joseph Orr, of Ocean City; Prelate, Harry Taylor, of Ocean City, Treasurer, Walter E. Clark, of Somers Point. Trustees, George A. Brownmiller and Fred H. Manley, of Ocean City. Tomorrow night the installation of officers will take place when every member should be present to help Brother Shannon and his crew of worthy men, to embark on the ship of "Prosperity and Success" whose port of destination will be “Their New Home" on the shores of the Great Egg Harbor bay. These same officers have pledged themselves to lay the corner-stone for thetr new home on Monday, the Fourth of July, 1927. Trusting that every member by his presence will help to make this a "Night of Nights” is the wish of Thomas Birch secretary. MISS LEEDS DIES Passes Away After Several Months illness At Home of Parents Miss Sylvia Leeds died early Saturday morinng after several months illness at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leeds. Miss Leeds, who was only 21-years old, graduated from the Atlantis City High school, Class of 1924. x She was a member of several organizations, among them the Order of Eastern ptar. Rev R. C. Phillips officiated at funeral ser vices this morning. Interment will be private in Greenlawn Cemetery, Salem. CHANGE DATE L. T. L. To Have Silver Medal Con test Thursday Night. The L. T. L., at a meeting Thurs day afternoon in the Public School building, announced that the date for the silver medal contest will be Thursday evening in the Bethany M. P. church. Those present were: Thelma Burnham, Ella Adams, Ruth Eliason, Betty Clark, Elizabeth Busby, Marion Townsend, Beatrice Brewer, Myra Horton, Francis Lopor, Daniel Flynn, Benny Fox, Arthur El'well, Roscoe Kelson, Robert Evans, William Schaff, William Du Barry, George Drake, Thomas Rasch and Milton Vander hoff. ORGANIZE ASSOCIATION t>el Rey A. A. Becomes Somers Point Athletic Association. The Del Rey Athletic Associa tion has moved from its head quarters on Bay avenue to the basement of the Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1, building and has re orgainzed under the name of the Somers Point Athletic Association. Election of new officers, new by laws and constitution will bo drawn up. All members are re quested to attend on Friday even ing In their new headquarters. PERSONALS Tho American Legion, No. 72, drew a good audience to view the famous was picture "Carryin’ On,” which was photographed during the World War, at the Seaside theatre on Saturday evening. Freeholders George Jeffries and Chester Conover are enjoying a six week’s trip through Florida, in Mr. j Conover’s new car. William and John Miller are home from Florida, where they spent the winter. They will over-: haul their boats for the coming season. Mrs. James Most and throe children, of Philadelphia, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ainsley. Mr. and Mrs Boccelli and family spent the weekend with relatives in Landisvllle. The Silver Moon Council, D. of P., will move to their new head quarters in Linwood after April 1. Leo Mazzeo, of Germantown, Pa., spent several days at the Waverly. Mrs. Chester Conover and daugh ter, Lillian, were guests of Mrs. Martin Lee, of English Creek. Magitsrate and Mrs. Lewis B. Mathias, who have returned home after wintering in Palm Beach and Miami, Florida, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Haffert, of Sea Isle City, last week. NOTICE. , SOMERS POINT ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE to provide for uni form system of numbering: for stores. dwelling houses and other buildings in the City of Somers Point. Bo It Ordained by the Common Council of the City of Somers Point: Section 1. That all stores, dwelling houses and all other buildings of what ever kind or description in the City of Somers Point bo and are hereby as signed the numbers shown and desig nated upon the numbering map of the streets, avenues, highways and alleys of the City of Somers Point hereto annexed, hereby approved and made a part hereof. Section 2. That all unimproved land or lots of land in said City fronting upon any of the streets, avenues, high ways and alleys of said City be here by assigned the numbers shown and designated upon the numbering map of said streets, avenues, highways and alleys hereto annexed as aforesaid. Section 2. That all owners, tenants or occupiers of stores, dwelling houses and all other buildings of whatever kind-or description in the City of Som ers Point shall cause such stores, dwelling houses and buildings to be numbered and designated with the ifumber or numbers shown upon the said annexed map In such manner that, the same shall be plainly and easily discernable from the sidewalks fronting said stores, dwelling houses and buildings within sixty days from and after the taking effect of this or dinance. Section 4. That any person, per sons or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before the Po lice Justice or other proper oflicial, pay a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or in default of the payment thereof, be committed to the city or county jail for a period not exceeding thirty days. Section 5. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent here with he and the same are hereby re pealed and that this ordinance shall take effect immediately after final passage and publication. Notice is hereby given by the Com mon Council of the City of Somers Point, N. J., that the foregoing ordi nance was passed on tlrst rending at a regular meeting of the Cbm men Council held on the 25th day of March, 1227, and will he further considered by said Common Council at a regulai meeting to be held in City Council Chambers, City Hall, Somers Point. N. J.. on. the 8th day of April, 1227, at .8 o’clock in ihe evening for second, third and final reading ar a public hearing. JAMES O. SCULL,, City Clerk.. Dated March 25, 1227. NOTICE. -v SOMERS POINT ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE to create the ofllce of Mercantile Appraiser in the City of Somers Point. Be It Ordained by the Common Council of the City of Somers Point: 'Section 1. That there be and is hereby created the ofllce of Mercan tile Appraiser of the City of Somers Point. Section 2. T^hat the Mercantile Ap praiser shall Uo appointed by Common Council for the term of one year, and shall be a resident of the city of Som ers Point: that he shall give bond to the City of Somers Point in Ihe.sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars con ditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office as required by the Common Council and by law, \mh such surety as shall be satisfac tory to and approved by said Common Council. Section 3. That the Mercantile Ap praiser shall collect or cause to he collected all fees or license taxes im posed or required to be paid by the ordinances of the City of Somers Point. and shall pay over all such moneys so collected monthly or oflen er if required to the City Clerk of the City of Somers Point, and he shall re ceive for his compensation a sum equal to ten per centum of the am ounts collected by him upon the pre sentation of duly verified bills there for. Section 4. That the Mercantile Ap praiser appointed for the year nine teen hundred and twenty-seven shall serve from the date of his appoint ment and qualification to January 1, ! 1928. Section 5. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent here with be and the same are hereby re pealed, and that this ordinance shall take effect immediately after final passage and publication, i Notice is hereby given by the Com mon Council of the City of Somers Point, N. J., that the foregoing ordi nance was passed on first reading at a regular meeting of the Common Council held on the 25th day of March, 1927, and will be further considered by said Common Council at a regular meeting to be held in City Council Chambers, City Hall, Somers Point, N. J., on the 8th day of April. 1927, at 8 o'clock in the evening for second, third and final reading at a public hearing. Dated Mr.rch JAMES Cl. SC DLL. City Clerk. 2.\ l.*27. * PROPOSALS. notice to contractor: City of Somers Point, N. J. Contract No. 101. Sealed bids or proposals are to he received by the City Council of Som ers Point, N. J., in the offices of said Council in tho City Hall, Somers Point. N. J., on April 8, 1927. when called for, for the erection and con- * struction of a timber wharf or pier at New Jersey Avenue and the llay, Somers Point N. J., as described in the specifications and plans. All bids must be made on the forms provided,- cover all items contained therein and be accompanied by cash or certified check, without condition, m the sum of Three Hundred ($300.00* Dollars, payable to the City Treasurer of Somers Point, N. J. A certificate from a satisfactory Surety Company, covering the de mands of the specifications must bo attached to the bidding sheet. • , ° ■entire work to be completed within 30 working days from the da to of the award. Contruct to be awarded to the low est responsible bidder. The City Coun cil reserves the right to reject dnv or all bids or to -waive any informality in any bid. Plans and specifications may bo ob tained from the City Clerk by depos iting $10.00. n - Dated March 26, 1927. JAMES G. SCULL, City Clerk. WM. H. COLLISSON, JR, City Engineer. In your next motor car get the protection of the famous Sealed t' v'l'-i-c’f Each Buick operating unit is sealed inside a dust-proof water-tight housing to protect these vital parts from wear i; ■ SEE BUICK GENERAL MOTORS EXHIBIT AT STEEL PIER j HALL & GRAVATT 2200 Atlantic Ave. Atlantic Citv, N. JM Phones: Marine 6030 and 6031