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FROM THE WORLD’S PLAYGROUND JUST A STEP TO HOME GATEWAY TO THE WORLD’S PLAYGROUND VoL 1. No. 12. The West Atlantic City News PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WEST ATLANTIC CITY THE WEST ATLANTIC CITY NEWS, WESTATLANTK: CITY. N. J„ TIES I) A Y, A PRlfs” 1927' GATEWAY TO THE WORLD’S PLAYGROUND PRICE THREE CENTS Are Certain of Rapid Population Increase Here Air-Light And Day-Light Advantages New Twin Homes Under Con struction Just a Step From The Trolley Lines NEW IDEA IN FOX-BUILT HOMES Ail The Windows Open Out ' Erom Four Sides of the House—Special Features— , Low Cost Foundations arc being laid for a number of specially designed bouses suited to (ho Jersey shore and West Atlantic City particularly. The homes are the idea of Benjamin R. ‘Fox and have been developed by A. L. Brooks, the architect for West Atlantic City homes. The special features of these houses are the air-Ilrht and day light advantages. All windows open out front one of the (our sides of the house. The houses will be built in twins, 24x36. The first floor will have front porch or sun parlor, living room, dining room, kitchen and boiler room. On the second floor will bo three bedrooms and beauti ful tile bath. The pantrios, closets, Shelves and cupboards which are such notable features of the Fox Built homes will be Included in the complete homo of the day-light and air-light construction. The exterior will be stucco and the roof will be of tile. There will be a single car garage and the new home will bev just a step to the trolley lines. , • "• fheso houses .will be .aQld .at Jt pHce that will make Tile carrying" charges less than rent. These homes ar0 financed without extra cost to the purchaser. Plans, blue prints and other information may be ob tained at the field office, West Atlantic City Casino, Und also at the main office of Beiijamin R; Fox, 1102 Atlantic avenue, Atlantic City. ORGANIZE AGAINST READING PLAN Opposition to Ordinance Prepares to Petition for * R a Referendum — Many Active Petitions asking for a referendum ou the Reading tenniual plan will be circulated by the opponents to the, Arctic avenue site. Among those who are protesting against tho Reading ordinance which the Commissioners are likely to adopt at a meeting to bo hold Thursday afternoon are: West Side Taxpayers’ League, Venice Park Taxpayers’ League, Arctic Avenue Business Men's Loague, Fourth Ward Business Men’s Assn., Northslde Independent League and the Isaac Nutter organi sation. Perfecting the petition will bo accomplished, it is expected, dur ing the ten days following April 7, assuming that the City Com mission passes the terminal ordin ance on that day. The number re quired to create a referendum is 4.400 bonafidei signatures. Those 'who are arranging for tho petition declare that they can obtain 10,000 if necessary. *3,750 PER FRONT FOOT Central City Property (ring* Good Price. .The salo of tho Brinsley Hotel, at' 1606 Pacific avenue, by Harry Moore to Harry Weinmann, presi dent of the Weinmann Finance COrp., is reported at *150,000, or *3,750 per front foot. Tho Brinsley hotel Is a four story frame building containing 40 rooms and occupying a lot, 40 feet by 125 feet.-It has two stories facing on Pacific avenue. -<jx$. ■.- > AVENUE HOTEL SOLD The Schuylkill Valley Hotel at 15 S. Michigan avenue has been sold by the Elrae Corporation to A. H. Generotsky. It will be replaced by a two story garage. The price is stated at *50,000. Another *50,000 will be expended in im provements. : THE FAMOUS BOARDWALK ON A SPRING DAY. Roof Magic In West Atlantic City Homes Individuality Of Color Adds Warmth And Beauty SLATES AND TILES USED Just as a pleasing variety of tex r figured and brightly colored wall finishes are being used in a larger way on the interiors or small homes in West Atlantic City, so are the roofs of houses taking on more interest through a generous use of color, and pattern. The day of the drab roof is gone, the roof that merely shuts out the rain. While the roof of the home must shut out the rain and be durable, it should at the same time—be cause it is one of the most promi nent architectural features of the hpnse—add beauty through color and pattern. Architects and* roof experts, working on lines of color harmony in West Atlantic City, have conceived a roof pattern that is cheerful and beautiful to both the dwellers and tue passers by. Adds Individuality. The greatest opportunity to in crease the effect of the house top and the entire architectural treat ment lies in a wise choice of roof color. The magic influence of color relieves monotony, adds individual ity and creates the very atmosphere of a home. Often the largest unbroken ex pansion of a house, the roof, sets its whole color keynote. Pleasing liueb can be strengthened by tones contrasting with the body color or trim of the home, or its setting; severe dues may be softened by means of the blending shades. . It is important, of course, that' the roof color be in harmony with the rest of the houses. Only then docs the roof contribute Us full share of beauty to the home. Often times people, in walking along Albany Avenue, and glancing down toward tlic bayl'rout, arc heard to say, “What beautiful homes! The roofs are so distinc tive!" It is “roof magic" as it is knowu and practiced by the build (Continued on Page A-l) 24 FEET WIDE $2,400 A YEAR RENT Twenty Year Lease of Cor ner to United Cigar Company A 20-ycar lease of llie store at the southeast corner of New York and Atlantic avenueB has been executed by Ernest Sehwehm to the United Cigar Stores Company at a rental price of $24,000 a year, or a total of $480,600. The new lessors will take pos session of the store on Dec. 1. and will operate it as a cigar store and luncheonette. The store has a front age of 24 feet on Atlantic avenue, and is now occupied by the Atlan tic Candy company. Value Rendered By Developer He Gives Service to the Inves tor and Home Builder No body Else Can Give EXPLAIN “ADVANTAGES By BENJAMIN R. FOX If a man wants to bay a fur coat he prefers to go to someone who knows all about fur one of the leaders of the profession. The fact that this man lias bought and sold fur coals for profit, probably for a long time, will rather strengthen than weaken his con fidence. There is no reason why a man should not apply tho same logic to the purchase of a parcel of real estate, or why ho should prefer a parcel, not because it is cheaper or choicer, but merely because it is not held by a developer. It is generally believed by those reluctant to purchase developers' holdings that they can save an op erator’s profit if they deal directly with the original owner. Granting that this is possibly true in isolated cases, it must bo admitted (hat, as a rule, time, money, and. lots of sad experiences are saved to the pri vate investor-who selects his pro perties from an operator’s table. This is so because a reputable developer-operator gives service to the investor at a fair and legitimate profit nobody else can give. As a matter of fact the "got rich quick” typo of operator is practically ex tinct. Tho ofllcc of a reliable devel oper nowadays is a clearing house where real estate is turned over, not with arbitrary increases, but rather with Sifiall, quick' and-«ys tematicaliy calculated profits. Gains Advance Knowledge Furthermore, co-operative work with hundreds and hundreds of other brokers, through modern or ganizations, through the keeping of specialized records and many other means, the developer gains advance knowledge and a vision of improvements of certain sections and sharpens his sense of comparative land and building values. He buys early, before tho upward movement starts in' a section, and is ill most cases able to undersell the private owned who has stub bornly waited for the advantage of boom prices. What is more, many parcels in tlie hands of private owners are badly fUianeed and luosl of them require cash paymeht too big for tile average investor. Developers on Ihc oilier hand, arc in contact willi largo lending institutions and are in a position to refinance their holdings and to improve mortgage terms so that thoy can put within reach of tho small investor with a modest bank account many a parcel Which otherwise would bo outside of his reach. Tliero is another Held where the operator’s service becomes or value to tlie purchaser—that of division and separation of largo sized pro perties. Tracts of laud and big building complexes, Having been held for many years by estates and executors, aro as a rule, sold in their entirety. These parcels aro sometimes far loo big for a private investor. They are cither syndi cated or purchased by a developer aud thereafter sub-divided and sep arated into small units, and only so (Continued on Pago A-l) WIDER BASIN SOUGHT. Shore Seeks Approval of Proposed Clam Thoroughfare Change. War Department approval of a plan of Director Harry T. Headley, or the Street Department of Atlan tic City, to divert the course of Clam Thoroughfare in order to make a deep, wide basin for ships in the territory between Tennessee and North Carolina avenues, is awaited by the -City Commission preparatory to buiidlhg the long needed incinerating plant. Before the city can do anything towards constructing the plant the meadow site must bo filled in, and while the dredger is making land. Director Headley desires to exca vate for the basin in the one oper ation. . v £ SELECTION MADE BY JACK DEMPSEY * •%».*•» A" Jack Dempsey had the opportunity to select the ideal house in the Atlantic City district when he came to the Shore last, year to make his headquarters to train for his memorable ring battle with Uene Tunney. Mr. Dempsey was accompanied by his wife, Estelle Taylor, famous in the world of motion pictures, and they chose for their home during those important mouths a house in West At lantic City. Their house stands on Florence avenue at the entrance to Bay Drive. It is or Italian architecture and has many notable features, among which are a high ceiling in the living room, two bedrooms and bath on |i„, first floor. There are also three bedrooms and bath on the Becoud floor. A two-car garage, also of Italian architecture, is a l'ea fure of the property. It was in Lilia garage that Mr. Dempsey engaged with many private workouts with his trainers for the short hour iu tile ring that meant a mil lion dollars to him. Survey Shows Gains in this Area Building Permits Gain Over Newark and Other Lead ing Jersey Cities -C MOST PROMISING * * **’ '*1 ? r OUTLOOKFOK t9TT According to a record of building permits compiled by S. W. S$raus and Company, of New York, At lantic City ranked fifth in tile state of New Jersey in February, 1927. According to the survey, Kearney led with permits or $1,654,210. Then came Newark, with $1,442, 960. Following were East Orange, with $945,092, and Paterson, with $921,181. Atlantic City permits for that mouth totaled $804,079. For the corresponding period one year earlier, Atlantic City ranked third. Newark was first with permits to totaling $G,627,425; Jersey City sec ond with $2,171,650, and Atlantic! City third with $1,526,219. New Jersey ranked sixth in the United States in building. The six leading states were New York, $92, 260,588; Illinois, $40,-177,201; Cali fornia, $22,165,472; Michigan, $16, 927,880; Pennsylvania, $11,597,944; New Jersey, $10,514,601. New York, Chicago and Detroit were practically the only cities showing a gain over February, 1926, in permits. Atlantic City made a net gain of $175,097 in per mits over January, 1927, while Newark showed a loss of $6,696,896 for the corresponding period. Tho outlook of Atlantic City and vicinity for 1927 is the most prom ising one in the state. Great Importance Of | Color Harmony In Homes Livk.g With Wrong Colors As Unpleasant As Living With Wrong Persons—Rented Houses Lack Color „ - —West Atlantic City Colors ■ "tillin' tlie wrong i colors itf as unpleasant as living: with the wrong people. No home can have real charm, distinction or beauty without a harmonious and appeal ing use of color. The color plans of a home are as important as the, architectural of furnishing plans. In a rented house one has to make continual compromises with color. The external painting scheme is seldom interesting or individual-, and often even ugly and inharmoni ous. The interior walls and wood work are never quite the right background for a new furnishing plan or old furnishings. Consequent ly, one has to make the best of a misfit. One of the great advantages in building or owning your own homo lies In the opportunity offered for color schemes which are individual, harmonious and basically right. llow inanv women would ex change the alluring individuality offered by women’s styles for the deadly uniformity of men’s attire? A well-dressed woman knows that certain colors and types of wearing apparel are more characteristic of her own personal type than others, and consequently arc more flatter ing and distinctive. The majority of house exteriors suffer either from deadly unifor mity or from an unsuitable or un flattering color scheme. Today, the chemical composition of paint and stains has reached such a high stage of perfection that one verit ably has the entire rainbow to choose from, and there Is no practical or artistic reason for™the limitation of exterior painting j schemes to a few stereotyped j colors or combinations. The use of j stucco as an exterior offers a new ! and delightful field for color plans,! and the many and various delicate' tints to be seen in West A-tlanticj City are curefully planned by color i experts. Stucco is closely associated with Spanish, French und Italian provin-; cial architecture which is essent ialy colorful. Stucco was never intended to be used in its gray white state. Grays, buffs and yellows seem to be the inevitable choice of the inexperienced in color ing st iceo houses when they are not left uncolored, and the many delightful color possibilities which stucco offers are quite generally neglected, except, in some of the far-Westeru and Southern states. This situation has been very care fully studied by Mr. Benjamin K. Fox, and West Atlantic City re flects, i., some sections, the color ful old Spanish missions of old California. Pistache green, tawney, amber, gray lavender and Italian blue have been found by Mr. Fox to present very pleaslug and suit (Continued on Page A-l) Parades Of Styles Begin In Boardwalk Throngs _ N Resort Prepares For Influx of Guests For Palm Sunday and Easter — Playing Around In the World’s Playground Today 'Setting tlip pace for Palm Sun day and Easter fashion parades Sunday’s display on tile Boardwalk was in the nature of a dress rehear sai from which the fashion predict era will he able to accurately fore cast just what will bo worn during the two great days to follow. Hotel reservation lists indicate that New York will transfer more of Its prominent citizenry to the Boardwalk for Easter than any oth er city. Every preparation is being made by the amusement folk to receive the coming throngs. The $1,000,000 Pier, Steel Pier and other centers of entertainment are open , and the Boardwalk playhouses are announc ing special attractions. Of course society is taking its usual deep in terest In the coming Easter Satur ; day premier of the animal stago production of the Mask and Wig Club of tho University of Pennsyl vania, known this year as “Hoot Mon,” and several leading hotels will have concert stagers and in strumental soloists of high caliber for special programs. New Vacation Year. In Atlantic City, Easter Sunday has come to have a triple purpose. It introduces the hew vacation year, brings forth the first great week end of Spring and gives modistes and individuals a striking setting for the display of fashions. It is no uncommon record when 200,000 visitors move' along the Wooden Way on an Easter Sunday. Nor will it be a surprise to rail (Continued oo Page A-l) $200,000 IN BUILDING PERMITS Amount Authorized Brings Total for Year to Date $1,798,917 Atlantic city building operations amounting to $10,POO or more authorized during the last seven days arc: Bauk building lor the Bankers’ trust company at 1210 Atlantic avenuo by Samuel II. Headley, $143,800; addition to 3510 Pacific avenue by the Connecticut Building company for Anne Bogatin, $10,000, and the erection of a store and two apartments for Harry Nusbaum by Alexander Nedelman at 1901 Atlantic avenuo to cost $20,000. The total amount of permits issued was $200,000 as compared to $60,048 for the previous week, bringing tho total for March up to $707,647 and for the year up to $1,799,917, Best Bet For Those Seeking Real Homesites West Atlantic City Offers More Advantages To Home Builder and Buyer LARGE LOTS-FINE HOMES Prospective buyers of homes in New Jersey cun do no better* than to locate in West AUuutic City, ac cording to prominent realtors of New York and Philadelphia. West Atlantic City, situated in tile ie': t ropolitun area of Atlantic City, less Ilian sixty miles from Philadelphia and one hundred miles from New York City, is enjoying a natural growth rather than a boom. There have been many improve ments in the town within the past year. Practically all of the streets have been gravelled, and a macad am highway runs through its cen ter. The residents own their homes. There is plenty of space for children to play and plenty of fresh air. Well laid out streets, well kept lawns and hedgos afford a pleasing suburban atmosphere to the town. West Atlantic City is provided j with adequate transportation facil ities enabling easy communication w ith any outside point. New York City lies three hours away, uud Philadelphia is one hour distant. Atlantic City may he readied by motor in nine minutes, and in fif teen minutes by trolley. There is property available in West Atlantic City with every known convenience at hand. Fea tures of tile homes are electric cooking ranges, unusually large I bathrooms, excellent heating facil ities, and all other conveniences that go to making a house a homo. Tile town is also uuusuuily fortun ! ate in having room for expansion, expanding towards the oust, where it; will eventually meet the expand ing outskirts of Atlantic City. West AUuutic City is preparing for tile influx of peoplo following tlie general shore-ward rush of city population that occurs yearly. A new Delaware river bridgo to be built across to Red Bank will also add to this Influx, making West At lantic City a welcome solution to the housing problem. West Atlantic City Is equipped with an excellent Information Board that supplies data on home building in West Atlantic City up on request, and may be reached at The West Atlantic City Casino. This City Is ; The Center Of Developments Gateway to World’s Play ground Is Situated on Main Trunk Line ALBANY AVE. BLVD. IMPORTANT Plan of West Atlantic City Provides for Innumerable Homes of the Character Already Built Importance of a "good front," recognized as essential in the world of private enterprise, is be ing practically demonstrated in a civic way in West Atlantic City. Albany Avenue Boulevard, and the contributing side streets have about them an air of prosperity. Pro jected improvements .now under way will give added dress to this South Jersey suburb. More important than a good front is that the outward appear ance be bucked by "the goods.” As it is true in private affairs, so It is in town affairs. Behind the front, West Atlautic City is amply sijp^ plied with tile goods. The rolling lauds that once lay between Pleasantville and Atlantic City, beside the Albauy Avenue Boulevard, are fast disappearing, and in their pluce, filled in laud and residences spring up llko magic. Purpose In Layout. The layout of West Atlantic City has been designed with a purpose, although some developments have been rather hit-aud-mlss. The through highway between Atlantic City aud Philadelphia, that divides the tract, acts us an artery. Albany Avenue Boulevard Is flanked on the South by through streets to the boulevard running along the shore of the Bay front proper. Tho streets are substan tially built upon, aud fine residen ces are found thereon. To the north of the avenue, more streets run through to trolley and electric train lines. These streets are also well populated with fine homes and buildings. In this section stands one of the most beautiful automo bile display places in the State, owned by the Mathis Motor Com pany of Atlantic City. A goodly number of very fine homes dot the town—for West At lantic City as a suburb is second to uouo—and there are some man sions aud largo estates, but on the whole the residents occupy homes that families of moderate incomes can afford. Rapid Increase. Population is increasing rapidly* New homes have been built in clus ters in tile last year aud now are being built In numbers. The town is entirely a place of residences, although there are a few unrestrict ed lots to be had along Albany avenue. These lots are believed to be selling way under actual val ue at present, being held at $300 per loot, while property in the vi cinity brings from $1,400 to $3,000 per foot. West Atlantic City is destined to a marked growth in a year or two. It is in a direct line with the east ward flow of population from Phila delphia, aud lies at an advantag eous position in the corner of a tri angle, the other two points of which arc New York and Philadelphia,, tile largest cities in the East. There are Industries on the mainland ad joining West Atlantic City, ami new industries are daily inspecting the section with the purpose of in stalling permanent plants there. As West Atlantic City is a logical distribution point lor the entire pop ulation of the southern end of Now Jersey, rapid growth is assured. DEMOLISH. OLD BUILDING Demolition of the old building at the northeast corner of Ohio and Atlantic avenues, preparatory to the erection of a three-story com mercial structure for Harry Nus baum, ha3 been completed. Work men are now engaged in putting in the foundations. The project will be completed about June 1.