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CLUB CHURCH ms, ABSECON NEWS By LENA ROBINSON Absecon Builds Steadily \V <• Oaks Association Sponsors Hunt at fey View Drive Saturday ■it ■ ._ Scores of children from The Oaks and vicinity participated in an Easter egg hunt in the grove ait Bay View Drive, Wyoming avenue ,, ^ujd, the New York road, Saturday afternoon. It was one of the first ..affairs of its kind ever to be en ' joyed by Mainland youngsters. •The affair waS sponsored by The ■■"‘Oaks Association. Henry Hornbos tle, a member of that association, donated a crate of eggs for the oC ? ■ casion. A iarge majority of the i. ..youngsters participating in the egg i i hunt were successful. -i” ' . Those who enjoyed the affair i....were: Hermenia Brangenburg, ''“ Margaret Radeanor, Marjorie Sim i1' inson, James BrangenbergV Walter f "Brangenberg, Edward Siminson, Edward Brangenberg, Raymond Siminson, Carl Lauker, George Grimshaw, Constance GrimshaW, «<-;.Ruth Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, 'Adele DuPuy, Harry Murphy, Phyl —i lis: Murphy, Ellen Ardrey, Ivy Skip ner, Junior Nice, Elaine Odenath, ""'Esther Faber; Ted' Odenath, Bea trice Faber, Emma Odenath, wai '•**tfer Brangenberg, Dorothy Farr, '*-• Wilhilmina Hornbostle, Alice Horn bdstie, Marie Hornbostle, Doris ’*-■ Renn, Betty Dalbow, Jdmes Collins, ‘""William Newell, James Towner, ‘"’■'William ToWner, Edith Towner, William Renn, Marie Schmacher, Harry Brangenberg, Billy Radea nor, John Brangenberg and Laura ‘Brangenger. w „ Attend Grange Meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hornbostle .Mr. and Mrs. Albin Engstrom, Fer" ,;,..dinahd Zruckler, Mr. and Mrs. Leo •'■•' Hard Bruckler, Mrs. Alma Henkle, Ernest Sahler, Carl Engstrom, Flor *>■ ence Engstrom, Theresa Hornbos ui Ale and Jack Bruckler attended the .'meeting ot the Cologne Grange Sat -■■■ ■urday night. Ernest Sahler and ' "' Mrs. Hans Letsch rendered a spe olal musical program- Dancing was - enjoyed. The members of the f c “Highlands Grange were given a .warm reception, as their visit was a big surprise..•' Personal Notes. The Queen Esther Circle will *' meet Friday evening at the home of * Mrs. A. L. Hammell. Mrs. William Hammell is ill at v 1 her home. John Conover, of North Absecon, * 'is on the sick list. Mrs. Benjamin Sheppard is con lined to her home by illness. ■■ ‘•-1- Mr. and Mrs.John Tozer and Wal ter Tozer, of Point Pleasant, were Standay visitors here. kr. and Mrs. Howard Snover en tertained Sunday Mrs. Elsie Cono ver.and Samuel Snover of Atlantic City. * ■ ' Miss Adelma Miller, who has been visiting her parents, has re turned to Glassboro Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hurts and ! daughter, Marjory, returned home Friday from Florida, where they have spent the last two months. ■ Mr. Kurts reports having enjoyed -fishing while there. ' Mr. Hawk, of Franklin Boulevard, "•■'is ill at his home. . Mr. ahd Mrs. William Wyand en-1 tertained over the week end their - grand daughter, Miss Dorothy Farr, of Atlantic City. ■' Miss' Anna McCarthy, who has “’keen spending the past week with i her parents, Mr.and Mrs. E. J. Mc Carthy, returned to college Monday. Miss Olive Hammell, of Westfield J who has been spending the past ’"•ten days with her parents has re-1 - turned home. ' " j’*-', Dr. and Mrs. Howard " COnoVer and family, of Barnegat, spent Sun day with Mr.and Mrs. Gilbert Con "o.ver. ’ 1 ‘ ‘ Harry Gartou has recently pur " phased a new Butck coach. 3,..« . Sir*. Laura Show-pit of lifll roja,. ie ill at this writing. • ] »,,(w William Scttly, of Riverside, vis Jted hie mother, Mrs. F. J. Scilly, p „~and sister, Mrs. A. M. Dick, Sunday., REV. VOELKEL CONDUCTS EASTER SERVICES Will Fill Pulpit of Presbyterian Church for Six Months. Rev. Harold Voelkel conducted the Easter services in the Presby terian Church Sunday. He will oc cupy the pulpit for ‘the next six months. The church was beautifully dec orated with potted plants which were donated by Mrs. Gertrude Howlett, Absecon First National Bank, Mrs. Sadie Smith, the Freas family, Mrs. Martin Spiekerman, Mrs. Charles Kunkeley, Mrs. Earl Fairbrothers, Mrs. Charles Adkis son, Miss Hannah Madden and the Home Department. Music was ren dered by the Junior and Senior choirs. . C. E. SOCIETY ELECTS. Miss Katherine Miller Is Named President of Organization. A business and social meeting of the Senior Christian Endeavor was held at the home of Mrs. Emma Attales Thursday evening. Officers were elected as follows: President, Miss Katherine Miller; first vice president, Miss Edith Freas; second vice president, Miss Jennie Moore;, treasurer, James Ballantine; secretary, Russell El wood. Following the business ses sion a social time was enjoyed. Local Notes. The Absecon Civic Club will hold a very important meeting Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Robert Rickards, E. Bolton avenue. A re port will be made on the recent minstrel show. The Oaks Fire. Company will hold a dance Thursday night in the new firehouse. The Mirthmakers Or chestra will furnish the music. The Absecon Art Club .will meet Wednesday afternoon. BOYS CLUB MEETS ’ The Boys club held an important meeting in the chapel Friday even ing. Plans were made to hold a cake sale, Saturday. Present were; Rev. C. K. Dilks, George Beaty, Edmund Smith, Carlton'Giberson, Theodore Fox, Harry Brandenberg, John Bewley, Samuel Smith, Charlps Garton and Collins Snover. ., . Hes^eaTpaV' / 1 ■■ ' ■ • ■ When 5,00 Chicago youths' were asked what boy they con sidered the ideal pal, 800 of 'hen* voted for Sod Goodman, Iff, junior high school student. He serves as school traffic police man, is a member of the school court committee and is active in boys’ club work. " /_ ' ---■ .— SMATHERS JUMPS ON MR, JUMP Sends Youthful Husband to Jail On Contempt Chaise. Harry Jump, 19, of English Creek, was sent to the eounty jail by Judge Smathers Saturday for contempt when he accused the court authorities with being too, familiar with his wife, Mrs. Olga Jump, 18, who brought her youth ful husband to court for falling $35 in arrears on her $15 a week alimony. In th® course of the hearing in Domestic Relations court ’ Jump charged the probation officers with “becoming friendly with his wife” and the sentence followed. Judge Smathers told him that Mays Landing was a good place for him as he found him' "too cocky and j smart” ., I Easter Services Feature Sun day—Many Donate Palms, and Ferns Speecial services wipre conducted in the M. E; Chufqh Sunday. The floral decorations oc palms, ferns and blboming plants, v#ere. most pleasing. *■'’ | "■ \M ' ■ ■ Plants Wefe donated by' Mr?. Amy Gosline, F. F. Doughty, Miss Carri? Heed, Mrs. T. D. Shovel!, Lewis Bowker, Mrs.. T, D. Showed, mell„ Absecon National Bank, Wes ley Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Gilpatrick, A. L. Haminell, K. L. Babcock, Mrs. E. S. Weaver, John M. Bewley, Mrs. George B. Conover, Mrs. Wal ter Burns, Harry J. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason, Mrs. Margar et Johnson, Dr. Johnson, Mrs. F. M. Henry, Mrs. Marette Clark, Mayor Harry Mattsbn, F.' G. Turner, Mrs. Clteste.r. i<eel5, Mpn’?, Bible class, Mrs. Sarah Klein, A. J. Craven, I Mrs. Sarah Garton, Mjss F. Robin son, Mr. 'and Mrs. Hgrry Brangen berg, William Nice, Mr. and Mrs. Charles" Burns, Mrs. Charles Fry mire, Mrs. Gertrude Howlett, Sam uel Giberson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bartlett,, Elllff family, Robert Price Mrs. William Wyand, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Juniewicz, William "Wyand, Dr. and Mrs. William Hurd, Fran ces and Henry Smith. The plants were sent to the sick and shut-ins at the close of the evening service.; ’ ! —-««$> Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sutton, of Oak avenue, had as their dinger guests. Sunday, Councilman and j Mrs. Harolu Morton. h—*..... MTS3 MARION PICK. Zion Road News of Interest HONOR ANNIVERSARY ‘ : ‘ 1 OF JUNIOR LEAGUE Anna and ' Elinor Campbell Enter tain at Linwood Home. The Junior Progressive League, held a party Thursday night for members and their friends, In hon or of the first anniversary of the club. The affair was held at the; home of Anna'and Elinor Campbell, Fenton' and Vernon avenues, Lin wood. The house was beautifully decorated With red and blue crepe: paper, pussy willows and red wax flowers. ' The table' decorations were red ci-epe[ paper over Jack Horner pies. The young folks en joyed dancing and gatoes. 1Those1 present were Anna Mor ton, Belie Colliery, Lillian Casto, Bob Snyder, Elinor Campbell, MUta Price, Jennie Brown, Evelyn Allen, Adelaide McMurray, Anna Camp bell, Dorothy Shappell, Louise Sut ton, .Dorothy Trailtenberg, Dorothy McMurray, Russ Meyers, Don Childs, Howard Lawson, Alice Cas to, Allan Taylor, John Morton, Bill Garr, Engelbert Breunig, Herbert Trautenberg, Jack Wilson, Lambert Magee, Edwin Forshaw, Sam Block, Mrs. Jack Wiison, Mrs. Ben Sutton, Mr .and Mrs. Alex Forshaw, Mrs. Myra Casto, Mrs. W. F. Bits, Mrs. McDougiU, Mrs. Campbell. NC>RTHFlELp M. E. LADIES AID Meet at Home of Mrs. Thos. Landis and Plan Affairs. The Ladles Aid of the Northfteld M. E. Chapel met at the home of Mra. Thomas Landis,. Jackson ave nue .last Tuesday night. During the business meeting plans were perfected for the cake and pie sale held Saturday,and for a baked bean supper to be held in the church basement Eriday evening, April'29.' After the business meeting the hos tess served a delicious luncheon. Those present Were Mrs. William Oxley, Mrs. William Mathis, Mrs. Stanley Lovett, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. William Stokes, Miss Edna Ryon, Mrs. Prank Davison, Mrs. Herman Banning, Mrs. William Poley, Mrs.' Powers, Mrs. Henry Crawford, Mra. Ida Archer, Mrs. Grover' Hinman,. Mrs. Neva Somers, Mrs. Walter Powers, Mrs. Hurley Lee, Mrs. Wal lace Shappell, Mrs. Welter Brad ley, Mrs. Howard YanDyke. MILLINERY INSTRUCTION. Class Conducted by Mrs. Edith Q.‘ Norman at City Hall. Mrs- Edith G. Norman, home demonstrator, assisted by Mrs. Wil liam Relyea, local leader, held a class in millinery instruction Tues day, in the City Hall. The ladles began work at 9 o’clock and con tinued until 5. A box lunch was served at noon. The ladies made silk and felt hats. Those taking the lessons were Miss Mary Banning, Mrs.: George Banning', Mrs. Grace Schop py, Mrs. O. L. Lawson, Mrs. Victor Jagmetty, Mrs. W. E. Pettit, Mrs. Wm. Truex, Mrs. Louis kuhl, Mrs. Julia Herrick, Mrs. Bertha Tomp kins, Mrs- Theodore, Smith, Mrs. Laura Duble and Mrs. Wm. Relyea. Plan Dinner Dance. , The ladies of the Northfield Pro gressive League will give another dinner dance Thursday. April 28. A New England baked dinner will be served from 6.30 to 8.30. Danc ing will be enjoyed from 9 until 12. The Egg Harhor Happy Five pi chestra wilt play for the dancers. Tickets may be obtained from any of the members. The pommlttee In charge includes MrB. Maggie Sut ton. Miss Hilda Morton, Mrs. Hol land, Mrs. Hires and Mrs.Sara Rltz. ; . Fight Fire. -. -.j,.:-:-.. Local firemen Were called out on Friday afternoon to extinguish a fife back of the home of Mrs:'How ard MaGee,' Shore Fast tine and Zion road. Thb flames had Already spread through the woods when the firemen wtere called. After a hard fight In which several' volunteers aided, tlie names wefe subdued, not however, until tlie underbrush in the plpt of woods between Zion and Tilton roads had been burned over. HOST TO OTHER LEAGUES. - it -\_c V-:' : ■-» >.■-Srtf'-t': Northfield M. E. Church Ep^orth League Meeting Tonight. The*Ep'frorth League of North field M. E. TJhurph will be the host to the "Other Leagues of the various; churcUeeiaioui: the Shore this Tues day ’ evening. After a short busi ness me|tiilg tl^e social hour of the LeaguPwilf reign supreme. * The pastor. Rev. E. H. Mathis, will sfve .« short talk on "The Youth of .the Church.” The young folks <Sf the'Northfield Church will then holdihocit trial. The entire body will retire to the basement o‘f the churcH at the close 6f the trial, Where they will bp en tertained with several humorous sketches. ' Gamps will be played and a gObd Mftie is promised all who attend. Refreshments will he served at the close of the evening by the committee in charge. Every League on the Mainland iB invited to attend this Fripndship JUNIOR pWORTH LEAGUE. : Enrollment Is Mow Fifty-three— ' New Teachers. The meeting of the Junior League was held in tbe Northfleld M. E. Church Wednesday afternoon. The lesson of the afternoon was “Truth fulness.” Mrs. VanDyke instructed the children., Refreshments were served after the lesson. The re freshments will be furnished at the next meeting by the Pastor. Rev. E. H. Mathis, as he promised the i children a special treat when their membership- increased to SO. The enrollment of the League is now 53. Two new teachers were appoint i ed. Mrs. Landis and Evelyn Allen. The new members present were Marie Simms, Charles Frambes, ; Nelson Lehman, Charles Beckman, Bobjlle McDougal, Durwood Simms and Robert Taylor. Mrs. Scllly Better. The many friends of Mrs. F. J. Scllly. aged mother of Mrs. A. M. 'Dick, of Zion road, will be. glad to know that swe is recovering nicely from the shock and bruises sus tained when she fell down a flight of stairs Several days ago. Mrs. Scllly is subject to epileptic attacks and is seldom allowed to go up stairs alone. However, while Mrs. Dick was busy, Mrs. Scllly ventured up alone. Other members of the family were unaware of it until they heard a thud in the front of the house. They found Mrs. Scllly unconscious at the foot of the stairs. ." ; | Northfi»ld Personals. Miss Martha'Lawson, a student of Philadelphia Normal school, is spendiug-the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. L. Lawson, of Shore Road. Miss Law son will graduate from the Normal school in June. Mrs. 6. L. Lawson, accompanied by her daughters, Martlia and Mar garet, and son,. Howard, motored to Philadelphia last week. Mrs. George Brown and son, Rus sell, of Nortnfleld avenue, were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ashley, Port Republic. Mrs. Walter Bradley, of Zion j Road, and Mrs. Prank Swain, of | Pleasantville, spent Wednesday in Atlantic City. r Mrs. A. M. Dick, of Zion road, who has been ill fpr several days with grip, is able to be out again. Mr. afid Mrs. Henry Crawford, of Northfleld avenue, entertained Mr. Crawford’s mother, Mrs. William Crawford, Mrs.' Raymond Hunt and daughter, Elizabeth, of Merch ahtville. ‘ " ’ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bozarth, of East Oak Crest avenue, entertained over the week end their daughter, Miss Mary Bozarth, William Friz len, Jr., of Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. Washington Cope, of Vrexel Hill,’ Pa. : ' 'The many friends of Mi’s. Robert Chambers, of Davis avenue. Will be glad to hear that she has recovered. from her severe attack of laryngi tis. Mrs. Chambers was out Thurs day morning for the first time in I two weeks. j Sunrise Service. The Mays landing jail workers had charge of the qpnrise service held at six o’clock Sunday morn ing ill the Nbrthfield M. E. Church. The weekly prayer meetings held ip the church Wednesday evenings are well attended. They are very inspiring and helpful. More mem bers are urged to make a real eff ort to attend and bring their Charles E. Sage and John Truex, of Roosevelt avenue, spent the hol idays in New York and Norwich. Conn. Norwich is the home of Mr. friends. f .—■— ’/. ■■■■■ ■■ . T&AVELTRA ILS TO TIN Y SCHOOL _______ < i Cimarron country claims the smallest school house inOklahoma ■a little eight by 10 shanty, seven feet high. Its only pupils, Bulah, and Eli Baker, travel through dangerous canyons and over crudei .trails twice daily to recite to Miss Helen Smith, their instructor ‘The youngsters are always accompanied by their two dogs which) lalso attend school. The animals lie on the floor near the stove untiij 'lessons are oyer, then they trot homeward at the side of their charges; i Miss Smith and her students are shown outside the school. ; Sage, who is a teacher in the Jun ior High School of Atlantic City. Mr. Truex has a clerical position in the office of that school. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kitz, of Til ton road, had as their dinner guests oiji Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beaumont, Misses Dorothy Beau mont and Leona Misco.all of Frank ford. Miss Lillian SJjtcppard, a student in the New Jersey State College for Women, visited Bernadine Heifer nan, Saturday afternoon.' . Bicycle . ' •,! Rider Dies' Robert Forneron, of Mays , Landing Road. Hit ' by Auto DRIVER UNDER RAIL Robert Forneron, it of Maya Landing road, was fatally Injured, Sunday when the bicycle on which he was riding was'struct by an j automobile; almost In front of his home. He was tat?11 in the machine and raced .to the Esposito hospital . at Hammonfon where he died ^ half hour after being admitted. The accident occured while his parents looked on from the front verandah of their home. Forneron was hit by one machine, thrown off his bicycle and run over by another car which was approach ing close in the rear of the first George Smith, of Vinelend was the driver of the car which first struck the boy. Lloyd . Harvey also of Vineland was driving the second. Both machines stopped and the' drivers picking Harvey up, placed hint in one of the cars and raced to the Esposito hospital four miles / away. ‘ •" / Smith is ne:ng held by State police under $1,00$ ' ball on a technical charge of manslaughter. Smith claimed when arrested that an approaching car obstructed his View and that he did. not see OUR SPRING OFFER! TWO MORE WEEKS i. ^ 't ■ v .v - % We positively guar antee every wave. Our guarantee is based upon years of experience and con scientious service. 2000 successful per manent waves last y 'e a r speak for themselves.. If you haven’t had a Milton’s Permanent, try one. Price Will Be Advanced ’ • :■ 'y ■ 1 -A. - . V -• ’’ ; " 1 \ b In Two Weeks—Act Now .X: IF YOU ARE NOT READY FOR A WAVE AT PRESENT, YOU MAY PLACE A DEPOSIT FOR A FUTURE DATE. 1 r. PRICE ADVANCE DOES NOT EFFECT THOSE WHOSE DEPOSITS ARE * RECEIVED DURING 2 ^ THIS OFFER! PLACE YOUR DEPOSIT NOW • / S’.. * • W• '• • •> .4 129 South New York Avenue MARINE 7137 SS m ATLANTIC cm, N. 1. • . * . ~ <■_„** S* • / ♦ e- . V' f- •' • - * ‘ .. * y-. ..-Vv ' v f'• ..