Newspaper Page Text
dooooooooooooooooooooooo CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ^(Minimum charge, 25 words or less. Brit i&iertion; 16c each addition al insertion. Each word oyer 26, first insertion, lo; each additional inser tion, one-half cent.) EEJtAI.E HBI.P WANTED—VounK learn hair-dressing business. vVUtchen, 175 S. Virginia Ave., At-, Hl»_Uic City. _wtf -MALE HELP WANTED MAN—tiood pay with advancement: for etiergetic man in this general1 section, to represent up-to-date nur sery, as salesman; full or part time. ! Outfit and full particulars furnished; up nursery experience necessary;, Knowledge of farming helpful. Write: Uoopes, Bro. & Thomas Company, i West Chester, Pd. » will WANTED-—Automobile1 salesman. Ap-: • ply PleasantviUe Motor Company,: Main' St. & Verona Ave. tf SALESMAN, with car preferred, to ; call oh contractors and builders to BOll asbestos shingles. W. G. Speece, Shore Road and Illinois Ave., Abseeoh, Phone 1187._ if MAKE MONEY During ODD HOURS WANTED—Man or young man to i take orders for printing. Liberal commission. Address Printer, care PleasantviUe Presy^_ if i -—— SITUATIONS WANTED -I WANTED—Mother with 6-year-old I girl wishes position; general house keeping. Apply care Denton. Shaw Ave. and New Road, PleasantviUe. p:{5 PRACTICAL NURSE, physician’s wi ' dow, desires engagements, city oi country. Convalescents or permanent invalids. Also maternity cases. Box C, PleasantviUe Press. p35 *- MONEY TO LOAN -i $1,500 to loan on first mortgage. Ap- ! ply Vickers, 122 youth Main yt... I plettgautvUle. ti | , FOB SALE FOR SALE—lx)t 100 feet from Shore Road; 80 ft. frontage; good title; quurilico. Linwood. Rhone Sonior.s Point 211 -R-3. tf FOR SALE—Dining room suit, good as new. 221 N. First St._ w3« FOR SALE—Thirty acre farm; lot of fruit and chickens. Five rooms and sun. parlor. . Very reasonable. Act QuiCk. House, four rooms and bath, wewly built, chicken coops and plenty of fruit. Size lot 80x200. G. F. Gol den, Box 235. Elwood. N. ,1._was FOR SALE—New Bungalow, (5 rooms and bath, hot water heat. $1,000 re Qtiifed. Owner leaving town. Apply 105 E. Adams Ave., Please ntvilie. p.'itl FOR SALE—Baby coach, cost $22; practically new, $10. Baby pen, cost $15, like new, $5. Rhone 51IJ or 10 K. PecHtnr FOR SALE—Candy scales, 4-lb Day ton computing. $25. Rhone Brigan tine 11.1._ wtf Folk S A L E—4 - ho rse power marine engine, complete with propeller and shaft, $15. 1G Brighton Ave. w34 FOR SALE—Two i-passenger Haiiey ' Davidson side cars at a sacrifice. One new model *21, $05; one second hand ’19, with top. $20. Call or phone Ralph Shhllz Radio Store, 121 S. Main St., Rhone- 1175:_ ti FOR SALE—Bungalow,if. rooms, bath, ail improvements; 2-car garage; '3 Ibis. Bargain. Apply 709 W. Adams Ave. p36 FOR SALE—27 pairs window sash. 2 lights 24x21 glazed, good condition, $2 per pair for the- lot. Calvin Nick erson, 12 Woodland Ave. Rhone 628w •• ■ •tf fPR SALE—Owner must have money.* Bungalow. 5 rooms ami bath, gar age, hot water heat, one block from ^Voodfand Ave. A real bargain $3,600, Small amount cash. New bungalow 6ft Woodland Ave., 6 rooms and bath. tiH improvements, $5,500. 2-fatnily house, 5 and C rooms and bath, 2 gar ages, $6,800. Seaman, California and \7th Aves., Rieasantviile, Rhone 361-.I •y/ ._ p.75 FOR SALE—Refrigerator, practically ? new, a bargain at $10. Gustav F. Koehler, 24 N. New Road. p35 FOR SALE—New 6-room bungalow; 'hot water heat, just off Shore Road, liear Leeds A Vo. school. Only $7,000. Terms. Box 206, Rieasantviile. wtf FOR SALE—Ford touring car, just refinished; good engine and tires. $125; .T. Draper, Absccou, phone. tf FOR SALE—New bungalow just com pleted, 5 rooms and bath, also 1-car £$irage; situated at 147 W. Brighton Ave., $750 cash required, balance li ttaneed. Buck door unlocked. Apply to Roy J. Frcmllich, 200 Pleasant Ave. tf FOR SALE—Five room house and store; also 40 or 50 nice building lots.' Will sell at half price. Before you. buy or build it will pay you. to edine and look them over. Gas. elec tric light'and water on premises. Lo cated West Washington AVc., 2 miles from Rieasantviile, this side of Jewish Cemetery. Title guaranteed by Chel sea Title Co. Joseh B., Marlin. Ap ply on the ' premises.p39 FOR SALE CHEAP—Malaga camp Jh meeting cottage, on Circle, Mrs. E. D. Riley, FOR SALE—Modern bungalow, splen fjdld location.’ Let your rent money buy a home. Box 44. Ab.secon. tf power; $JI5. 20 East Edgowater Ave., Pleasaritville. ; ...... tf FOR SALE—New modern bungalow; C'5 j’obms and bath, and nice sunpai lor; ,all conveniences; lot 40x120; 1-car garage. West Delilah Itoad, above Linden Ave., for $5600. E. A. Lake. 1o3 Nf Main St., ft)R SALE—Biingalow, 6 rooms and f-'.fiunparlor, hot water beat, all con veniences. new. Inquire 127 Welling ton -Ave., Ploasantylllc._ tf FOR SALE—Bungalow 712 Woodland Ave., Pleasantviiic. Lot 60x125. In quire Tommy Warren’s Garage. No. N5w Road. tf F&K BALE—lx>ts in Tudor Terrace. Wo have a few choice lots at the ridiculous low price of $1200 and up. Clark & Chirk. Northlleld. wtf FOR SALE—-Eight window frames and Rash, $5 each; large wood Move.corn ptote with pipe, etc.; window sash, dbors and porch railing and balusters. Fred Henry, New York Road, Aban don. Phone 356 tf FOR SALE—New five-room bungalow. • ‘all conveniences; corner lot. small down payment and balance like rent. $♦600. Apply Vickers, 122 So. Main Street. • . tf Fmr SALE— Sweet potato, tomato. cabbage, lettuce, pepper and egg {Hants. Sec Frank Pitale, 45 W. Mer lon Ave. _• * _pR9 FOR SALE.—special — 1000 pr. Shell jRlra Glasses at $2.95 a pr., examt ftetlon Included. Invisible Bifocals, $8.00; Elgin Watches, $8.95; ^-carat Diamond, $50.00; Unbreakable Ciya tals, 25c. Coatsworth, 1826 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City. FOR SALE—Bungaiow in Northfleld; $♦500. 3 bedrooms, all conveniences; obly $500 cash required. Clark & Clark.'Phone Pleasgntvffle 948. tf fOR SALE—New Modern bungalow. rooms and bath, sunparlor; lot 45x I$5; all conveniences. 128 E. Charles Ave. Price $5600. Apply E. A. Lake, fcttttdfei*; 153 N. Main St. tf FOR 8ALE—In choice location, one acre of ground and several small buildings 'suitable for chicken farm. John E. Blake' Sr., 55 E. West Jersey Ave., Pleftsantville. ,, i • - ' ■ „v,»*. t-1 FOR SALE OR 'RENT—New end house, modern, G rooms, bath, gar age. Renter inay have long lease. 25 R_ Morion Ave. w38 --- FOR KENT -- FOR RENT—^Furnished 0 roomsf and bath; conveniences. Shore 'Road. Lin wood; corner. rnone Somers Point 241-R-3. tf STORE FOR RENT—Largo cheerful store and three rooms. Modern-; reasonable. 25 E. Washington Ave. Phone 721W. >v3fl FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room for couple or lady. 25 E. Washing ton Ave. Phone 721W.w35 FOR REKfT—Furnished 3 rooms and bath. All private; also garage, space. Apply 23 Lake Place. p36 FOR RENT—Two rooms and kitchen with electric light. $20 a month. Adults only. Dippenbacli, East Wal nut Ave. ■_- • p56 FOR RENT—House, $35 per month; G rooms, garagej ail conveniences, except gas. Cor. Chalfonte & Spruce St. Apply 25 Woodland Ave. tf FOR RENT—Furnished bedroom* for gentreman. 2£L6 S. Franklin Boule vard. • p34 FOR RENT—Unfurnished apartment, rooms and bath, ground floor, $30 per month. Protestants only, and ad ults. 11 W. Merlon Ave. p38 FOR RENT—2 rooms, unfurnished; electric, gas, bath;,, inquire 20 North 3rd St., Plcasantvilie. .w35 FOR RENT—House with large lot, garage, fruit, apples, pears, cher ries, grapes, large shade trees, gar den and room for chickens if desired. Inquire Dewey's popcorn stand. tf FOR RENT—1 large and 1 small fur nished front sleeping room: Protes tants only. 211 Brighton Place; p34tf FOR RENT—Furnished housekeeping apartment, 2 rooms witli private bath and entrance, lirst floor; with private family. One block from the Shore Fast Line. 400 S. New Road. p35 FOR RENT—Large corner room, fur nished. next to bath. One or two gentlemen. Single beds: use of porch and phone. No other roomers. 89 E. .Washington Ave., upper apt. p39 FOR RENT—3 rooms and use of bath, $30 per month. 23 East West Jer sey Ave. w36 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for housekeeping: ..also single furn ished room. 11 s. Third St. tf FOR RENT—Apartment, four rooms and bath, all improvements: garage. Rent $35. at 12 W. Merlon Ave. Ap ply Lord, 709 W, Adams Ave.p36 FOR RENT—Six room stucco house with all improvements: newly pap ered and painted. 104 N. Second St. Inquire 118 Pleasant Ave; p35 FOR RENT—Two front bedrooms. Gentlemen preferred. 22 N. Second FOR 11ENT— Bungalow cm Mulberry avenue; 5 rooihs and bath: large attic, large lot, all conveniences ex cept gas. 0 S. Hampton Court. Phone MG-R._wtf FOR RENT—Most convenient and central apartments In Plcasantville, 5 rooms and bath, with ail improve ments. At moderate price. J. A. Flu tic, 125 S. Main «t. tf FOR RENT—Reasonable,i completely furnished three-room private bath and kitchenette apartment. Adults preferred; centrally located. Apply 16 W. Adams Ave. _>.. - tf HOUSE FOR RENT—G- rooms, bath. all modern conveniences; also gar age, reasonable. Apply 12 S. Hamp ton Court. p31tf FOR RENT—Furnished bungalow, for season. Apply 319 W.Adams ave. pj&g FOR RENT—-5-room Hist floor apart ment; hot water heat; garage; cen tral, $35 per month. Carl F. Hansen, 29 E. West Jersey Ave. tf FOR KENT—1 and 5 room apartments all improvements; located cor.Ohest nut 6c Decatur. M. Daley, 103 W. De catur Ave., Pleasanlville. tf FOR RENT—Furnished nedroom with use of kitchen and dining room, $5 per week, inquire 23 South Third St. PlcasunLvillc. tf FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also garage. Ad ults only. 623 N. Main St. tf FURNISHED BUNGALOW for rent. G rooms and batlu Apply 315 S. Doughty road. If FOR RENT—Large room Mechanics’ Hall, Main St-. & Decatur Ave., Fri day and Saturday nights. Lodge or club preferred. Special occasions in vited. Harry E. Paraels, Trustee, tf FOR RENT—Garage, rear 338 West Adams Ave._ _ _ _ tf FOR RENT—Apartments, centrally lo cated. Phone C. S. Sheppard, Phone 301-W_or_ 1226. tf — furnished rooms FOR RENT. — Furnished rooms, 10 North Franklin Ave;, Plcasantville. FURNISHED ROOMS with or with out kitchen, privilege of washing and ironing; next to bath. Very reas onable. For girls or collide. 22 Old Turnpike. . ...... tf - REAL ESTATE SALE - FOR SALE—Absecon Heights, N. J., bungalow, G rooms, garage, near golf flub. Price $180(i. Apply Win. F. Tune r. Absecon, N. J. p42 - REAL. ESTAtE -- ABSECON—Plots of nearly ah aero in size on two and throe streets, will make six building lots, near Atlantic City Estates. $1,000 cash or payments. J. E. Nicholds. 10th and Upland Ave., Ahsccon, N. J. tf BARGAIN—22 Building Lots, $400 each; also 10 acres cheap. Martell, Boulevard at Main, Pleasantville. WANTED. — Homes, sale or rent. * I have many clients waiting to buy cr rent. If you want to clean out your property bring it to me. Martell, Bou icyard and Main, Pieasantvillo._tf BARGAINS IN HOMES, Saie or Rent—All sizes, all prices, for all classes. Bungalows $4,000 up; rent $20 up per month. Martell, builder, Boulevard at Main, Pleasantville, Phone PleasantvHlo 1051. tf.‘ toR SALE.—Doughty Road, trian gular lot loO ft. frontage, 120 ft. deep, between Washington Ave. and Atlantic City It. ft. Price, $1,000. Northfleld, 205 feet fronting on the New Road at Franklin Ave. Jesse L. -Histcy, 606 8o. Main St., pleasantviHe. N. j. f tf - PROFESSIONAL -- PRIVATE MATERNITY HOME— MR8. B. WATTS—Licensed by the medical State Board of New Jersey, with best professions' attendants. Charles & Franklin Aves. Ploasant viile. 798-M. . tf CARPENTER CARPENTER and jobbing, porch en closures, screens, cabinet, shelving, rustic porch and lawn furniture, fenc ing and trellis work. Phone 113'J W. Joseph H. Roberts, 361 8. Main 8t.. PlOaaantvHle.'. e , •tf. 35 GOOD USED CARS We always have a large assortment, for as one goes out we add another to our stock. Priced from $60 to $1,000, all cars greatly reduced. Come nerd first and you won't have to w?o fur ther, as our line is large and varied. BOB MILLER'S Pleasantville Used Car Exchange Ktudobrtker Sales Room Boulevard and Toulon Are. Phone 1120 (Fox Tract) -- SCREENS - JOBBING CARPENTER—Porch and window screens; days work or con tract. Estimates cheerfully given. T. J. Conover, P. O. Box 475, Pleasant vine. : • .? .. .. . . ■; u FURNISHED APARTMENTS'* and ROOMS, hot running wa ter, heat. Reasonable rates. Apply— MARLBORO COTTAGE 120 North Main Street --- WANTED '- . WANTED—Furnished apartment, by i man and wife; 1 room, kitchenette and use of hath. Apply box B. Plea- ' santvtlle Press. will 1 WANTED—100 cesspools to dip and ! clean. P. O. Box 113, Pleasantville. I _ p3(! i JIVE CHICKENS WANTED. — la any quantity. A. T. Bateman, SI N. Main Street. Phone 264. --HAULING AND PLOWING - ELLIS ADAMS is prepared to do all kinds of hauling and plowing on short notice. 233 N. Second Street. Pleasflntvilh*. Phone 52-W. tf i MISCELLANEOUS ATLANTIC CITY & PLEASANT VILLE EXPRESS, dally trips. R. J. Hughes. Stand: Reading station, At lantic City. Phone 133-W Pleasaut ville. NEWLIN. — LOCKSMITH, GUN SMITH, SAFE EXPERT. Keys made, Locks installed, I^awn Mowers sharpened and repaired. Scissors and Knives Ground. Phone 268-W. £hop, 8 Inge rsoil Ave. CHICKENS.—Will t>uy or sell in any quantity. Write C. Hare, Absecon, — BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTO REPAIRS. Store and shop for ■ rent. Splendid location for tires,1 accessories 0 and general repairing. Prominent corner in Absecon.. Me chanic can make good money. A. J. Royer, Absecon, N. J. w36 i --- USED CARS -- We itlso have for sale a good line of used Tires and parts. Tommy Warren*a Garage. 210-18 New Road. -- WILL EXCHANGE - WILD EXCHANGE for unencumbered acreage or farm lands, choice group of lots ripe for building, in Margate (Atlantic City) near school and built up section. Send full description of what you have to J. J. Cassady. Ten nessee & Pacific Aves., Atlantic City. p35 -PAPERHANGER -* D. W. CUNNINGHAM, 701 Broad St., Pleasanlvillc. Rates reasonable. p34 - DRESSMAKER - DRESSMAKING—By day or at home. Mrs. Anna B. Bowen, N. E. corner California & Ocean Avenues, Pleusunt PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that goods held for storage and belonging to A. .1. Miller, Irene Garrett. Raymond Rich ards and Mrs. A. llilsee, will he sold at. Public Auction at our warehouse. Old Turnpike, Fleasantville, on June II. 1927, at 2 P. M. .!. W, Kirkbrldc Body & Storage Co. vv.’M i CARD OF THANKS. t We wish to thank Rev. C. K. Dilks and members of tliff M. E. Church, choir, friends and neighbors* for the kind sympathy extended during the il\neess and death of David F. Ireland, lather. Signed, MIL AND MRS. EDWARD IIACKETT AND FAMILY. G. H. PARKER j PAPERHANGER i Good Work Done at Reasonable Rates 324 W. BAY VIEW AVENUE Pleasanlvillc, N. J. USED CARS Lour service, fiuo condition, low price, general satisfaction is always found In a Turner & Adams used car. Wo will glad Iy demonstrate for you any of our used cars. Our liberal cre dit plan will make it easy for you to own a "Turner & Adams” used car. 192G Chevrolet Landau Sedan. 1924 Oldsmobilc Coupe. 1925 Ford Tudor Sedan. 1924 Ford Fordoor. 1924 Port Touring. 1923 Hudson Coach. 1926 Essex Coach. TURNER & ADAMS Hudson—Essex 8ales A Service 18-24 E. WASHINGTON AVE. (New Garage) Phone 810 Pleasantville, N. J. BARGAINS Coupe, 1926 .. .$350.00 Coupe, 1923 ... 140.00 Coupe, 1925 ... 175.00 Tudor, 1925 ... 200.00 Touring, 1926... 100.00 Runabout, Pickup 55.00 4-Door Sedan | 1925 ..,. 140.00 i Runabout, Overhauled 130.00 ; Pleasant villc Motor Co. Verona Ave. and Main Phone 11 , . NORTHFIELD ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE prohibiting the erection of public garages, gasoline stations, gasoline tanks, auto, tire and accessory shops on the Shore, Road of the City of North'lleld, New Jersey, between certain boundaries. WHKREAS, the Increase of traffic and fire hazards on the Shore Road have become greater so that public safety js endangered by the erection of public garages, gasoline stations, gasoline tanks, auto, tire and acces sory shops, therefore. Re It Ordained by the Common Council of the City of Northfield, New Jersey; Section 1. That Jrom and includ ing the date of the final pfssago of this ordinance, it shall be unlawftil for anyone to erect a public garage, gasoline station, gasoline tank, auto, tire, and accessory shop on the Shore Road from city Une to city line. Section 2. For the violation of the above ordinance, the offenders shall suffer a penalty of $50.00 for each day that the violation continues in effect. This Ordinance, however, not to af fect any public garage, gasoline sta tion. gasoline tank, auto, tire and ac cessory shop now existing or in the process of erection, between the above mentioned boundaries. • This Ordinance shall take effect when aftd as provided by law after its final passage and publication. Introduced and passed first reading at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of North field held in Common Council Chambers, . City tlall, Monday. June f>, 1927, and will be considered for second and final readings at a regular ‘meeting of Northfield Common Council to he held in Common Council chambers, City Hall, Monday evening, June 20, 1927, at 8 o'clock, daylight saving time at which time the public will be given an opportunity to be heard.. GEORGE H. MtJU-ER. City Clerk. Dated. Northfield. N. .1.. June fi. 1927. V;. TO HCLDFHS C? SECOND LIBERTY LOAN BONDS * ___ EXCHANGE OFFERING OF NEW TREASURY RONDS tfn*\cm |« given of fc new offering of JNl'i'KD STATUS T3TSASUR Y BONDS, iirtwi .lunr I A, 192 7. ami W avlng intereiit rom thn* at the ratr* of 8nf» per •out. Tire bond* v.-ill mature In twenty eats, but mny h“ eailed tor redemption ftor slT1*»n ye^ra. S?cond Liberty Loon bonds wlH'bi’ at •vpted in exchange at par. Aenrued in* on the Se:«»nd Liberty bonds of ‘trad for e^rhanire will he paid as of 'une 15. 1927. 'Se.'OtVd Liberty Loan bords' hove bam alltd for pavment on November 13, 11*27 id Vv111 I’ .iiF tr>* bear ItttefPbt on thill •At? Holders of such' b—ods v/Ho dcfib'r r t.V r ndtanfa;re or the exchange ofTe-' •'ntild cnrstil* t «»ir hnrrk'oi* trijat com' isr ai Ones Tb® e*:nhnn*e privileg* n| b** *«vcil b1-» iw a limited no-ioJ only ul may expire about .ftme l Hh. Further ln/m motion nmv be obfainei om bin' * or t-ust comr*ani«Si oi*j fron ny Federal Reaerre Rank. A. VV. MF.LI.ON, Gcrrrf.ary o? tiro Treasury Washington, May 31, ICZ7. I OR SALE! . Sweet Potatoes, Tontuloes, Prp pern, Efit; Plants, Red Skill and Pink Eye White Potato Seed. Richman Service Station New York A Moss Mill Road Smlthvllle, Phono 69R2 ' TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS AND WELL DRILLING AND CESSPOOL CON STRUCTION. I. S. COTTMAN Phone—PLEASANT VILLE 61-J ► LOTS FOR SALE At English Creek On tho Soinorn Point and Mays Landing Boulevard, near Bet Bye Wharf Road. Eaey terms. Also large acreage ripe for Development. ... Apply Owner Joseph H. Hickman P. O. Bldg. Maye Landing, N. J Helping Hands When you call on Ibis agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. you have enlisted the service of strong, ready, capable and help ing bands. Whether you manufacture goods or kiuip a store; whether you pay renj or own your own home, wo can help you. The men of this agency are skilled in insurance knowledge, expert in writing policies that fit, protect and pay. Y6ur insurance is safe in our hands. Jackson & Kreutz 106 S. MAIN STREET PHONE 650 •mBBBaas^BBSBSBBaaamass; INKER8’ CLUB MEETS Mrs. Ellis R. Warner was a delightful hostess to members of the Inklers* club at her home on ! Chester avenue, Wednesday night, j Cards were featured until a late | hour with prizes for score being j awarded to Mrs. Olive Heller and Mrs. W. D. Dare. A very enjoyable luncheon was served. Present were: Mrs Edward Guion, of Northfield; Mrs Oscar Gill, Mrs. W. D. Dare, Mrs. Olive Heller, Mrs. Milton War ner Mrs. Raymond Scull, Mrs. Louis A. Bell and Mrs. Gborge Keller. , , BUSINESS SUCCESS A man's success la oftan due to the acquaintance and friendship of other men. We venture to say not one man in a hundred succeeds In buaineaa nowadaya with out the co-operation of a good bank. —AT YOUR SERVICE-* SECOND NATIONAL BANK Established 1887 ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Phillips Company Insurance, Real Estate and Mortgages * GUARANTEE TRUST BLDO. William A. Faunce, Freaident Walter W. Clark, Vice-Presidoni Harold W. Faunce, Secretary Herbert A. Faunce. Treasurer ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Scooping—Cellar Digging See— W. G. Loeffler 626 N. MAIN STREET Wionc 576-W Excavating-Street Grading Real Estate -y. Eft If you Imre property In Atlantic City and wish Id Bell or cixcbaDga; there I* a possibility that do may find a distorter for you. Wo bav. many lntjTlrlee, and yours may just suit. Write ub. -... - 'SO South Tennessee Ave. ATLANTIC CITY C. J. Adams Co. The easiest road to Wealth Is to have a rich relative die aud leave you a fortune. , CHRYSLER | SALES AND SERVICE : We also liave a number of il'SED CARS—trade-ins wlilch wo will sell under tlio Battle' 1 condition .as now cars, namely, 190 days’ guarantee. I<ct us ' show you THESE. 1927 Chrysler 60 Sedan 1927 Chrysler 50 Coupe 1925 Bix Six Studc baker Brougham 1925 Ford 2-door Sedan 1924 Cleveland Sedan 1923 Dodge Truck 1925 Ford 1-ton Truck. Economy Garage R. E. KREYVSON, Prop. 9-11 West Washington Ave. Phone 581W Pleasantvillc Day Dreaming JUST a moment’s lapse from your usual alertness may result in a costly crash. Claims for damage to the property of others often run into large amounts. Carry an jEtna Combination Automobile Policy with ade quate property damage limits. CLARK & CLARK Shore Hoad & Rosedalo Ave. NORTHFIELD, N. J. | “THE LOSS MAY OCCUR TODAY— _ TOO LATE TO INSURE TOMORROW” PROTECT YOURSELF WITH AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE ; NO AUTOMOBILE IS IMMUNE' FROM FIRE LOSS. NO CAR IS THEFT PROOF. NO CAR IS SAFE FROM COLLIS ION PUBLIC LIABILITY and PROPER TY DAMAGE CLAIMS, arising from Automobiles injuring persons and dam aging the property of others, are pre sented to us daily, in ever increasing numbers. Our Policy is a Guarantee of Fair Adjustment and Prompt Service in the Event of a Loss. JACKSON & KREUTZ .•&106 SOUTH MAIN STREET MUMFORD HAS Some Attractive Bungalows on Iota 50x155, restricted. Will take your lot , i as part payment. 5 rooms, bath, sun parlor. Some with breakfast room fur* nishcd. Gas or electric range. • PHONE.... 200 E. COLLINS AVENUE No Job Too Large or Smali ERNEST KINSELL & SONS Cement Contractors 410 W. MERION AVENUE & NEW ROAD Phone 1462 All Work Guaranteed • '. . > . * —f—r: y*-? ■ r.? AD Our Work Give*« Satisfaction FLOWERS PLANTS REASONABLE PRICES ®#$ CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS VEGETABLE PLANTS Charles Howell 36 NORTH NEW ROAD At Reading Railroad PHONE—100.3 LOTS FOR SALE : in the Ingersoll Traci " Buy direct from the Owhef and save Agents' Commission# AL80 A FEW CHOICE L'OT* INt SOUTH OAKHUR8T Charles W. Ingersoll 168 N, Main St. PleaaantVIII«; PHONE 959-W , i . I'"" — | FIRST MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNTS Abseeon, Pleasantvtlle, Norfh field, Ltnwood, Somers Pohrt Residential and Business Prop erties. Immediate Action; INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC H. MYERS, JR. 237 N. Massachusetts Aye, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. " Marine 8261 AS ANNOUNCED IN OUR FORMER ADS THE COLLERIES RAISED THE PRICE OF COAL JUNE 1st. For the advantage of those not seeing their way dear to lay in their Winter Coal in June— You Stili Have a Temporary Opportunity NOW. ■ HYGENIC SERVICE— IS YOUR SERVICE. We will serve '■ ' You at All Times at the LOWEST PRICE Possible Consistent to Good Business Principles. “HYGENIC SERVICE” Builds for the fu- A ture. Our Aim is ‘‘ONCE YOUR COAL DEAL ER ALWAYS YOUR COAL DEALER.” To do "« This We Aim to Purchase Unquestionable Quality —THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY. “HYGENIC SERVICE” is a Guarantee. Your '% Troubles are Our Troubles. The Guarantee is- an Unending Effort on Our Part to Satisfy. Our . Hundreds of Satisfied Customers are Proof That' We Aim to Live Up to Our Ideal. ORDER NOW ! Price Not Guaranteed For Any Stated Time. :■ 1 PHONE—352. FOR SALE l Four-Cylinder Dusenherg, 50 H. P. Motor, starter, Generator, High Tension Magneto. Converted for ma rine purposes. Shaft and propeller. Guaranteed A-l shape. BOULEVARD SERVICE STATION LYONS COURT AND BOULEVARD Phone—723 GEORGE S. BROOKS FLORENCE D. REHOE BROOKS A KEHOE All kind! o| INSURANCE , 103 W. Wellington Are. 32 Lake Place PLEA8ANTVILLE, N. J, P. O. Box BIB ; J V l . Oolwnbl* CamiAlty CO. of N.T. National Security Co. of Omah*. f’ommnnwoRlth Cammlfy Co. of Phlla. Home Seekers ;l t JACKSON & KRfilJTZ’S Largest Listing givee yon the Best Selection to choose from. JACKSON & KRfiUVZ’S Service takes off your shoulders all worry and detail in connection with the Title Conveyancing and Insurance. . Jackson & Kreutz 106 S. MAIN STREET-' PLEAS ANTI VLLE * THE SIGN OF SERVICE - Need Male Help? - Try Press Want Ad.!