Newspaper Page Text
rage o The Entire Mainland Your Wants Through These Columns Doooooooooooooooeooooono CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING '*JQGOOOQOOQO0OOOOOOOOC* *** (MinJmura charge. 25 words or leas, No first Insertion: 16c each addition al insertion. Each word over 26, first Insertion, lc; each additional inaer »ton^_one-half_c-ent.) •-4-— FEMALE HELP WANTED. - , WANTED—Colored girl for house work. Apply 847 N. Main St. w39 FEMALE HELP WANTED—Young lady to learn hair-dressing business. Wlttchen, 175 S. Virginia Ave., At iantjc_City.__ wtf **-MALE HELP WANTED MAN—Good pay with advancement for energetic man in this general aectlon, to represent up-to-date nur * aery, as salesman; full or part time. Outfit and full particulars furnished; lid nursery experience necessary; Knowledge of farming helpful; Write Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas Company, - West Chester, Pa. w41 WANTED—Automobile salesman. Ap ply Pleasantville Motor Company, Main St. & Verona Ave. tf MAKE MONEY During ODD HOURS WANTED—Man or young man to . take orders for printing. Liberal commission. Address Printer, care Plessnutville -- SITUATIONS WANTED - iVlAN AND WIFE wish position in private family. References. Call * Pleasantville 1270 or 910 Washington Ave. n.tfi / WANTED—House work or day work, lfalf or whole time (colored;. Phone Pleasantville 712W. p40 SITUATION WANTED—Woman, eld erly, desires to care for child or semi-invalid; also light work. 702 Seneca Ave. Miss Spear, Oakhurst, Pieasantvllle, N. .1. p4U SITUATION WANTED—Good lnund ress wishes work by the day; will go anywhere along mainland.. Mrs. .lohn son, CPU Baltic Ave., Atlantic City. pH — CARPENTER WORK WANTED — CARPENTER and general jobbing of all kinds in building work; plaster « ing, chimney repairing, etc. Phone -- MONEY TO LOAN - $1,500 to loan on first mortgage. Ap ply Vickers, South Main St., pleasantville. If FOR SALE FORr SALE—Kiddy-coop, cheap, like new, large size, with-mattress. Ap ply 212 Frankfort Court, _w40 4 FOR SALE—3-burner cabinet oil sfbve, very cheap. Phone Cl OR or call 125 E. Park Ave., Pleasantville. p39 FOR__SALK—2 shutter porch screens, cider or fruit press. For information apply 115 W. Wright St., Pleasantville. ._ • plU FOR SALE—Ford touring, 11)24, good I condition, all new rubber, price $1)0. Apply 119 S. Chester Ave. after G P. JVL_.p3 9 FOR SALE—Pipeless heater, line con dition, 24 S. Martindaie, Ventnor; Phone Neptune 202:>.l.._tfp40 FOR SALE—Beautiful California type bungalow, built one year, on wide street, center of town, strictly resi d tntial, 5 rooms .tile bath, shower, etc: * Large lireplace, hot water heat, large cellar, cemented, 50x125 lot. Will sell fcr $3000 less than it can be duplicated fbi R. Miller, 21 K. Defcatur Avenue, Phone 514-J._ wtf FOR SALE—Absecon—Five room cot tage, with ten acres facing two streets, near Atlantic City Estates, reasonable. J. E. Nicholda, 10th and Upland Aves., Absecon N. J._ FOR SALE—Bungalows, all improVe •-'T, ments, 7 rooms and bath, $4500; 4 rooms and bath, $2500. Part cash. 71 Walnut Ave.ft. 30 FOR SALE—Complete furnishings of •“The Normandy.” Apply at "The .Normandy,” Church street and New York road, Absecon.•_w.lO *■ FOR SALE—5 rooms .bath, <50x180, $2800; G room, bath, garage, $3700; 7 room, bath, C0xl0f>. $4,000; 8 room, bath, 90x125 corner, $6,000. Other bar gains. Seaman, California and 7th Ave., Pleasantville, 361-.J. tf. FOR SALE—6 chairs, almost new, $10; one Davenport* good condition $20; 4, W. Verona Ave. tf. FOR SALE—Pool table, cheap. Ap ply 49 E. Verona Ave.w.40. FOR SALE—1927 Studebaker Victoria, 915 S. Shore road. A. P. Ryon. tf FOR SALE—Baby pen, cost $15, like; new, $5. Phone 511J or inquire 19: East Decatur Ave., Pleasantville. tfi FOR SALE—1 Ideal cement block ] machine, 1 Ideal automatic tamper, i 1000 steel palets. Charles A. .Clark, i Central Ave., Bargaintown. p.42l FOR SALE—New Bungalow, C rooms and bath, hot water heat. $1,000 re quired. Owner leaving town. Apply 105 E. Adams Ave., Pleasantville. p36 FOR SALE—Candy scales, 4-lb Day ton computing $25. Phone Brigan tine 11J. \ - » wtf FOR SALE—several meadow plots near Ftow tiLat; suitable for devel opment. John kJ. Blake, Sr., 55 East West Jersey Ave., Pleasantville. tf FOR SALE—Two 1-passenger llarley Davidson' side cars at a sacrifice. One new model '21, $G5; one secorm hand ’10, with top, $20. Call or phone Ralph Shultz Radio Store, 124 S. Main St.. Phone 1175.;tf FOR.SALE—New bungalow Just com pleted, 5 rooms and bath, also 1-car garage; situated at 147 W. Brighton Ave., $750 cash required, balance fi nanced. Ba£k 'door unlocked. Apply to, Roy J. Frendlich, 200 Pleasant Ave. tf FOR SALE—Five room house and store; also 40 or 50, nice building lots. Will sell at half price. Before you buy or build it will pay you to come and look them over. Gas, elec tric light and water on premises. Lo cated West Washington Ave., 2 miles from Pleasantville, this side of Jewish cemetery. Title guaranteed by Chel sea Title Co. Joseh B. Martin. Ap* ply on the premises.p39 FOR. SALE CHEAP—Malaga camp meeting cottage, on Circle, Mrs. E. D. Riley, Ahsecon. tf FOR SALK—Eight window frames and sash, $5 each; lurge wood stove,com plete with pipe, etc.; window sash, doors and porch railing and balusters. Fred Henry, New York Road, Abse ion. Phone 356,___tf •FOR SALE—N»*w five-room Tnmgalow. J all conveniences? corner lot, small j down payment and balance like rent. , $4600. Apply Vickers, 122 So. Main Street. tf FOR SALE—Sweet potato, tomato, cabbage, lettuce, pepper and egg plants.1 See Frank Pitale, 45 W. Mer lon Ave. P39 FOR SALE.—Special — 1000 pr. Shell Rim Glasses at $2.95 a pr., exami nation Included. Invisible Bifocals, $6.00; Elgin Watches, $8.95; M-carat Diamond, $50.00;. Unbreakable Crys tals, S6c. Coatsworth, 1826 Atlantic Mre., Atlantic City. FOR SALE—On easy terms in choice lacation, one acre of ground and several small buildings suitable for chicken farm. John E. Blake, Sr., 5a E. West Jersey Ave,. Pleasantville. FOR SALE—New 6-room bungalow; hot water heat, just off Shore Road, near Leeds^AveX school. Only $7,000. T«rme. Box 206, Pleasantville. wtf FOR SALE—Choice of 3 new modem bungalows, all in nice location. Terms. John E. Blake, Sr., 55 East .West Jersey Ave., Pleasantville. tf FOR SALE OR RENT—Cottage, six rooms, bath, cellar, heat, garage irt Princeton Ave., Pleasantville. Price $4500. Cash $500, financed free. Rent $45 per month. Apply H. Fitzcharles, 120 Central Ave., Ocean City, N. J. p38 FOR SALE OR RENT—Service Star lion and general store; three bed rooms, parlor and kitchenette; on a good corner on a main traveled high way. Phone, Pleasantville 1120. w3lf - FOR SALE OR RENT -- Business for sale or rent and apart nient for rent, furnished or unfur nished. Inquire West Washington Ave. and Doughty Road. wi2 - FOR RENT - .FOR RENT—Large nicely furnished bedroom on first Moor; use of kitch en if desired. Apply Vickers, 122 S. Main. tf FOR RENT—Two rooms for house keeping, private porch and entrance with private family. One block from Shore Fast Line. 4UU S. New Road, tf FOR RENT—Newly completed 7-room house, all conveniences, garage, $55. Near car line, schools, markets. In quire 4 Guard Place, near Woodland Ave.,. Pleasantville. p40 FOR RENT—On»* or two unfurnished rooms, use of kitchen and bath. Al so garuge for rent. Mrs.. Coughlin, Fairway and Broad, Northfleld. p40 FOR RENT—7 room house, all conven iences. 43 Lorain Ave. p40 FOR RENT—New furnished cottage, 4 rooms, bath, all conveniences; or wiil rent 3-room apartment; reasona ble. 4G Lenox Ave. plU i—uesinime nouse on Ad ams AVe., near Shore Road. Apply Lewis M. Cai’ty, G West Adams Ave., Pleasantville. p39 FOR HHJNT—2-room unfurnished ap artment, private entrance, all con veniences. Apply cor. Linden and Brighton Aves., store. Phone 872. tf FOR RENT—Unfurnished apartment, i-oonis and bath, ground floor, $80 per month. Protestants only. 11 W. Alerion Ave. p42 FOR RENT — Furnished room for Protestant gentleman . All conven iences, use of garage. $5 weekly. Shore road, Lin wood. Telephone Som ers Point. 2H-K-3>_ tf. FOR/ RENT—Large furnished rooms. all conveniences. Housekeeping priv ileges if desired. 328 Chestnut St. _ 'p.30 FOR KliNT—3 room apartment, sill conveniences, close' In. Desirable. Inquire Dewey’s Popcorn Stand. U'. FOR RENT — One room furnished; housekeeping apartment, suit busi ness couple. Near train and trolley, 118 S. Hampton Court, Second floor. __________ p,40 FOR KENT—G room stucco house, all improvements. Newly papered and painted. 101 N. Second St. Inquire 118 Pleasant Ave,p.39 MOST Convenient Apts in town—5 rooms and hath. $15.00 month. Lease. Call J. A. Flutie, 125 So. Main St. $35—House for rent—6 rooms, bath, electric, garage, good neighborhood. Apply 25 Woodland avenue. tf. FOR RENT—House at 203 Attains Ave. rooms and bath, hot whter heat, and electricity. $45 per month. Apply at store, Adams Ave. and Sec ond St. tf. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with kitchen privileges. Only respectable need apply. 325 Chestnut St. p.40 FOR RENT—Furnished 3 rooms and bath. All private; also garuge space. Apply 23 Lake Place. p36 FOR RENTUnfurnished second lioor apartment, 3 rooms with use af bath. Inquire 101 West Adams Ave nue. p3G FOR RENT—All kinds dwellings and apartments, furnished and unfurn ished, $25 and upward per month to $2,000 for the season. Apply Hanson's Real Estate Office, 29 East West Jer sey Ave.__tf FOR RENT—1 large and 1 small fur nished front sleeping room; Protes tants only. 214 Brighton Place. p34tf FOR RENT—Large corner room, fur nished, next to bath. One or two gentlemen. Single beds; use of porch and phone. No other roomers. 89 E. Washington Ave., upper apt. p39 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for housekeeping; also single furn ished room. 11 S. Third St. tf FOR RENT—Two front bedrooms. Gentlemen preferred. 22 N. Second street. tf FOR RENT—Nicely furnished j-oom, El Ceptro, 201 West Washington Ave.__:_p3Gtf HOUSE FOR RENT—6 rooms, bath, all modern conveniences; also gar age, reasonable.. Apply 12 S. Hamp ton Court. p31tf FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also garage. Ad ults only. 623 N. Main FURNISHED BUNGALOW for rent. 0 rooms and bath. Apply 315 S. Doughty road. tl FOR RENT—Large room Mechanics' Hall, Main St. & Decatur Ave., Fri day and Saturday nights. Lodge or club preferred. Special occasions in vited. Harry E. Parsels, Trustee, tf FOR RENT—Garage, rear 138 West • Adams Ave._ tf FOR RENT—Apartments, centrally To cated. Phone C. S. Sheppard, Phone 301-W or 122G. tf -- ROOM WITH BOARD FOR RENT—One or two rooms, with or without board. Inquire 130 West Adams Ave., Pleasantvi!ie. p3D —• FURNISHED rooms - Burnished rooms—Two cheerful front rooms for light housekeeping; private porch, overlooking Atlantic City. Phone and hath; all "convenien ces. Adults. Reasonable. Phone 3G1-R, 'Pleasantville. tf FOR RENT. — Furnished rooms, 10 North Franklin Ave.. Pleasantville. - REAL ESTATE SALE - FOR SALE—Absecon Heights, N. J., bungalow, 6 rooms, garage, near golf club. Price $1800. Apply Win. F. Turmu\j\hseconA^Cj^Ti^^^^i^^^g42 ——■ REAL ESTATE -—1 BARGAIN—22 Building Lots, $400 each; also 10 acres cheap. Martell, Boulevard at Main. Pleasantville. WANTED. — Homes, sale or rent. I have many clients waiting to buy or rent. If you want to dean out your property bring it to me. Martell, Bou levard and Main. Plcasantyilie. tf BARGAINS IN HOMES, Saie or Rent—All sizes, all prices, for all classes. Bungalows $4,000 up; rent $30 up per month. Martell, builder, •. Boulevard at Main, Pleasantville, Phone Pleasantviile FOR SALE.—Doughty Road, trian gular lot 1D0 ft. frontage, 120 ft. deep, between Washington Ave. and Atlantic City R. R. Price, $1,000. Northfleld, 295 feet fronting on the New Road at Franklin Ave. Jesse L. Risley, 606 So. Main SL, Pleasantviile. N. J. ff - PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS - Atlantic City States Academy Teach ers, tutoring in all school subjects. Language and Art. Visiting Teachers. Oliver B. Johnson, Prin., 10 E. Oak land, Pleasantville, Phone 1Q59W, tf \ ■ • .. V- • • • - •' | FURNISHED APARTMENTS^ | and ROOMS, hot running wa ter, heat. Reasonable rates, j Apply— MARLBORO COTTAGE 120 North Main Street WANTED -- WANTED—Seven-foot cedar fencing posts, state price. A. J. Royer, Ab sec-on.___ WANTED—Gentleman wants room ■with private bath. Reply to P. O. Box 501, Pleasantville, and state terms. ^ - P40 WANTKU TO IsUY—Ford Roadster. Must be cheap and in good condi tion. No model earlier than 1921. State price, model number and condition in first letter. Address Box XX, Pleas antville Press. tf. WANTED—Used car suitable for light trucking, or car with truck body. State name of car, age, condition and price. Address, Wilson, care Pleas antville Press. CHICKENS.—win Duy or veil In any quantity. Write C. Hare. Abaecon, or call phone 24R. -IVE CHICKENS WANTED. -*1 a any quantity. A. T. Bateman, SI N. Main Street. Phone 264. -- HAULING AND PLOWING - ELLIS ADAMS is prepared to do all kinds of {lauling and plowing on short notice. 233 N. Second Street, Plea sent vijle. Phone 52-W. tf MISCELLANEOUS lO EXCHANGE—Team of young mules for one young horse. Frank Martin Farm, Delilah and Fire Hoads. p41 ATLANTIC CITY & PLEASANT VILLE EXPRESS, daily trips. R. J. Hughes. Stand: Reading station, At lantic City. Pbone 133-W Pleaaant NEWLIN. — 1-iOCKRMITH, GUN SMITH, SAFE EXPERT. Keys made, Locks installed. Lawn Mower* sharpened and repaired, Scissors and Knives Ground. Phone 268-W. Shop, H Jngersoll Avo. CARPENTER CARPENTER and jobbing, porch en closures, screens, cabinet, shelving, : ustle porch and lawn furniture, fenc ing and trellis work. Phone 1139 W. Joseph II. Roberts, 361 S. Main St., Pleasant ville. tf. -- PROFESSIONAL -- PRIVATE MATERNITY HOME MILS. B. WATTS—Licensed by the, medical State Board of New Jersey, with best professional attendants. Charles & Franklin Avefi. Pleasant ville. pt'nwo 7<iy-M. _ tf DRESSMAKER DRESSMAKING—T3y duy or at home. Mrs. Anna B. Bowen, N. 10. corner California & Ocean Avenues, Pleaaant ,_ tf USED CARS ■ We also have for sale & good line of used Tires and parts. Tommy Warnin’* Garage. 210-1K New Road. 35 GOOD USED CARS We always have a large assortment, for as one goes out we udd another to our stock. Priced from $50 to $1,000, all cars greatly reduced. Come hero first and you won’t have to go fur ther, as our line is large and varied BOB MILLER’S PleasRntville Used Car Exchange /Studebaker Sales Room Boulevard and Toulon Ave. Phone 1120 (Fox Tract) s NOTICE Notice to the put/rre and nil others concerned, that I will sell at public auction on Monday, July 11. 1927, at 10 A. M. (daylight saving time) one <-handler touring, No. 9!J7nf; one Peer I<‘kh sedan. No. 16524, at the Palace Garage, West Washington Avenue, Pleasantville, N. J.. to satisfy a lien <»l the Palace Garage, according to I’. L. 1915, and supplements thereto, 1922, 1924-'25. » ' FitYMIRE & MACAULEY. 2F40 G. H. PARKER PAPERHANGER Good Work Done at Reasonable Rate* 324 W. BAYVIEW AVENUE Pleaeantville, N. J. Why Take a Chance on Your Checks When You Can Get a New TODD PRO TECTOGHAPH CHECK WRITER for V $20.00 Ask Your Bank Local Agent J. I. SHERMAN 322 DREXEL AVENUE Atlantic City, N. .1. USED CARS Long service, fine condition, low price, general satisfaction is always found in a Turner & Adams used car. We will glad- I ly demonstrate for you any of our used cars. Our liberal cre dit plan will make it easy for you to own a "Turner & Adams” used car. 1926 Chevrolet Landan Sedan. 1924 Oldsmobile Coupe. 1925 Ford Tudor Sedan. 1924 Ford Fordoor. 1924 Dort Touring. 1923 Hudson Coach. 1926 Essex Coach. TURNER & ADAMS Hudson—Essex Sales & Service 18-24 E. WASHINGTON AVE. (New Garage) Phone 810 Pleasantvllle, N. J. i___ Make your wants known. T Chicago's Own. - - y What Kansas City did foi 'Marion Talley, Chicago may d< for Miss Elizabeth Connor oi Oak Park, 111. After her recent musical debut in which she wot praise from many repiitabh critics, several wealthy Chicago citizens agreed to offer her finan cial assistance, if she needs it, ti help her attain operatic success Miss Connor made her first stag appearance at the age of three. Some people waste a lot of energy ['limbing mountains before they are even in sight. -- An idle brain is the advance agent of a busy tongue. NOTICE. Notice to K. Bf Lang and all others concerned, that I shall sell at Public Auction on Tuesday, July 5th, 1927, at 9.30 P. M-. one Ford Sedan, year I 927. Serial M221708. ot Keeker’s Garage, 306 S. Main StroFt, Ploasant ville. N. J.. to satisfy a lien of Sam uel jlocker, trading as Mocker's Gar age. according to P. I j. 1015: supple ment thereto. 1022, 1924 and 1925. WILLIAM M. KMTGHKY. Sr. Bailiff for Samuel Hooker. Trading ns Mocker’s Garage. Phillips Company Insurance, R«aJ Estate and Mortgages UUARANTEE TRUST BLDQ. William A. Faunce, President Walter W. Clark, Vice-President Harold W. Faunce, Secretary Herbert A. Faunce, Treasurer ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS AND WELL DRILLING AND CESSPOOL CON STRUCTION. I. S. COTTMAN Phone—PLEASANTV1LIJS CIJ LOTS FOR SALE At English Creek Oil the Somers Point and Mays Landing Boulevard, near Bet sy's Wharf Road. Easy terms. Alto large acreage ripe for Development. Apply Owner Joseph H. Hickman P. O. Bldg. Maya Landing, N. J I I —“and you are fully protected” A dependable insurance agen cy does its work quietly and does not often come into the limelight—until you have a loss. Then it is all important. We are glad to help you be • ore loss conies. We are sincere in our desire to save you money, annoyance and trouble. We want to serve you, and wo can, for we are agents of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Jackson & Kreutz 106 S. MAIN STREET PHONE 650 PUBLIC NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the Common Council of the Borough of Unwood at the Borough Hall in the Borough of Unwood on or before Tuesday, July 12, 1027. at 8.15 o'clock In the afternoon (daylight saving time) at which time and place, or at the next regular meeting of the Borough Council held thereafter, the same will be opened and read, for the construc tion of a Borough Hall in accordance with plans and specifications prepared b.v Mr. V. B. Smith, Architect, with olHces at <534 Guimmtee Trust Build ing, Atlantic City, New Jersey, where said plans and specifications may be < Bids must ue accompanied by a cer tified check, payable to Alnnville Rob inson, tax collector, or cash, in the amount of 10r/r 0f the bid; which cor tifled check or cash accompanying such hid is required as a guarantee that if the contract is awarded to the bidder he will enter into the contract with the Borough of Unwood and furnish a bond with sufficient, surety' in the full amount of the contract, condition ed for the faithful performance there of; and if for any reason the success ful bidder should fail or refuse to ex ecute the contract and furnish a sufli eient bond aS required, the certified check or cash accompanying the bid will become the property or the Bor ough of Unwood as liquidated damag es for such failure or refusal on the part of the bidder. All the checks will be returned I within 10 days after the bids have I been opened excepting the check of the lowest bidder. I Attention is directed to the forms of the bid. contract arid bond cover ing the proposed improvement, which may he obtained at the office of the architect, aforesaid. All bids must he made on,, forms to lie provided as aforesaid, which bids shall he for the full and complete operation required I “>■ I1"- Plans Mini Npemlio;,lions :.n.l snail also contain sepm-nlc bids for tic pliirnlihiK and hoatiritr and electrical work and the hid must state the'name of .the proposed surety Tor tfie bond 'above referred to or the same mav In-I considered irregular. Bids may hoi tiled with Hie undersigned. The Borough of Unwood reserves the right to reject any and ail bids. • By order of the Property Committee of the Borough Council of Unwood. .IAMI0S PARISH. Borough Clerk. Uinvood. N. J. Doted June 10, 1027. Easy Entry The best way to get the attention of the big boss when you ore looking about for a job with better money and bigger future is to broadcast a message in our Want Ad Columns. Make your wants known through The Plrasantvillc Press. Scooping—Cellar Digging See— W. G. Loeffler 626 N. MAIN STREET Mione 576-W ExcavatingStreet Grading FOR SALE : Sweet Potatoes, * Tomatoes, Pep pers, Egg Plants, Red Skin and Pink Eye White Potato Seed. Richman Service Station New York & Moss MU! Road Smithville, Phone 69R2 BARGAINS Coupe, 1926 ...$350.00 Coupe, 1823 ... 140.00 Coupe, 19&5 ... 175.00 Tudor, 1925 ... 200.00 Touring, 1926... 100.00 Runabout, Pickup 55.00 4-Door Sedan 1925 . 140.00 Runabout, Overhauled 130.00 Pleasantville Motor Co. Verona Ave. and Main Phone 11 CHRYSLER SALES AND SERVICE We also have a number of USED CARS—trade-ins which wo will sell under the same condition as new cars, namely, 90 days’ guarantee. Lot u:i show you THESE. t 1927 Chrysler 60 Sedan 1927 Chrysler 50 Coupe 1925 Bix Six Stude baker Brougham 1925 Ford 2-door Sedan 1924 Cleveland Sedan ,1923 Dodge Truck 1925 Ford l-ton Truck. Economy Garage R. E. KREWSON, Prop. 9-11 West Washington Ave. Phone 581W Pleasantville / CLEARANCE SALE Dahlia, Gladiolus, Roses Chrysanthemums. Hardy Mums, large plants, all alive, mixed colors. 25 for $1.00 Tea Roses, 2 years old, will bloom in a short time after plant ing; several colors. 4 for $1.. 12 for $2.50. Rainbow collection of dahlia, mixed in diggingjmany high class # varieties in these. .15 for $1.* Postage piad. * )IOW' # Z. J. STODDARD, Mt. Holly, N. J. 000000000000000000000000090000000000000000000000?: “THE LOSS MAY OCCUR TODAY— • TOO LATE TO INSURE TOMORROW” PROTECT YOURSELF WITH AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE NO AUTOMOBILE IS IMMUNE FROM FIRE LOSS. NO CAR IS THEFT PROOF. NO CAR IS SAFE FROM COLLIS ION PUBLIC LIABILITY and PROPER TY DAMAGE CLAIMS, arising from Automobiles injuring persons and dam aging the property of others, are pre sented .to us daily, in ever increasing numbers. Our Policy is a Guarantee of Fair Adjustment and Prompt Service in the Event of a Loss. JACKSON & KREUTZ 106 SOUTH MAW STREET. ooooooooooooooceooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc No Job Too Large or Small. ERNEST K1NSELL & SONS An Our Cement Contractors 410 W. MERION AVENUE * NEW ROAD Satisfaction Phone 1462 All Work Guaranteed Work Gives ——£—._ FIRST MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNTS Abseeon, Pleasantville, North field, Linwood, Somers Point Residential and Business Prop erties. Immediate Action. INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC H. MYERS, JR. 237 N. Massachusetts Ave. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Marine 8261 FLOWERS PLANTS REASONABLE PRICES $$$ CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS VEGETABLEPLANTS Charles Howell 36 NORTH NEW ROAD At Reading Railroad PHONE—1003 a-2 - Real Estate * f -—,; If yon have property In Atlantio City and wlafl to Bell or exchange, ui-rr* to a poBBlblllty that wo may *n<J , , a customer for you. We have many Inquiries, ar* vmir« may Just cult Write us. HrfkalJBR. --oh* 20 South Tennessee Ave. ATLANTIC CITY C. J. Adams Co. LOTS FOR SALE in the Ingersoll Tract Buy direct from the Owner ami «a\e Agents' Commissions AL80 A FEW CHOICE LOTS IN SOUTH OAKHURST Charles W. Ingersoll '68 N. Main 8t. Pieatantvlllt PHONE 959-W BUSINESS SUCCESS A man’i eucceee le often due to the acquaintance and friendship of other men. We venture to eay not one man In a hundred aucceed* In business nowadays with out the co-operation of • good bank. —AT YOUR 8ERVICS-. SECOND NATIONAL BANK Established 1887 ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Phone 914 1 Wilson & Helfrich Plumbing and heating QUAKER HEATElfe SOLD and INSTALLED 110 S. MAIN STREET PLEA5ANTV1LLE. N. J. g:sra«c.. ~ ^ When You Build Build tor Years My Experience Covers All Kindt of Building, Repairs and Alterations. Let me give you *r Estimate. I Call SAVE YOU MONEY Mo business transacted on Sunday. JOHN 3. GREEN Contractor 72 W. Washington Ave.. PleasantvPle FOR SALE Four-Cylinder Dusenberg, 50 H. P. Motor, starter, Generator, High Tension Magneto. Converted for ma rine purposes. Shaft and propeller. Guaranteed A-l shape. t :<b . BOULEVARD SERVfCE STATION LYONS COURT AND BOULEVARD Phono—723 OOOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO4 Home Seekers— JACKSON & KREUTZ’S Largest Listing gives 70s the Best Selection to choose from. JACKSON & KREUTZ’S Service takes oft your shoulders all worry and detail in connection with the Title Conveyancing and Insurance. Jackson & Kreutz 106 S. MAIN STREET PLEASANTIVLLE THE SIGN OF SERVICE ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MUMFORD HAS PHONE. Some Attractive Bungalows on lots 60x155, restricted. Will take your lot as part payment. 5 rooms, bath, sun parlor. Some with breakfast room fur nished. Gas or electric range. 200 E. COLLINS AVENUE Need Male Help? Try Press Want Ad.! f