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c<JNtotriSNg"itf> cWiflA " '* | TOLD BY MISSIONARY Society of First Presbyterian I Church Hears Interesting Program. ' Rev.- Mr. Yerkes, a missionary from China, discussed conditions in China at a meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian church in the church Thursday night. He told ot the political, economical and spirit ual life of the Chinese and their need of the service of the mission aries. Musical selections were rendered by girls of the West minister Guild. Ruth Thompson added to the enjoyment of the pro gram by reading "The Paint Pot” by Anne Campbell, and Violet Morris gave an Interesting recitation. The Society will dispense with meetings until September when their fall and winter activities Will commence. A social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served. Attending were: Miss Hannah Madden, Mrs. Marion Price, Mrs. Townsend, and Mrs. Conklin, of Absecon; Mrs. Preston Adams, Mrs. Lewis Muhley, Mrs. Harry Baker, Mrs. Wilbur Steelman, Mrs. Gertrude Sanders, Mrs. Anna Eekman, Mrs. Margaret Ireland, Mrs. Raymond Thompson, Mrs. M. J. Cbenney, Mrs. William Gordon, Mrs. Gus Koehler, Mrs. William Thudium, Mrs. Albert Tresidei, Mrs. J. A. French. Mrs. Morell Cordery, Miss Laura Muhley, Miss Agnes Wilson, Miss Ruth Baker, Miss Kathryn Porteus, Mrs. Ray Ireland, Miss Nesta Tresider, Miss Dorothy French, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra A. Lake, Rev. and Mrs. Thomas M. Simanton, Mrs. Neil Campbell, Miss Mary Stephenson, and Mrs. Samuel Gar ton. V AMERICANIZATION PARTY iiWIII be Held In the M. E. Chapel on Tuesday. «i An Americanization party will be $eld Tuesday afternoon in, the M. E. Chapel. The affair will be given under the Prohibition Guards of the •W. C. T. U. under the leadership of Miss Mabel Pennington. Each ‘little girl will bring a foreign child j ,with them. They will have as their guests members of the local branch W. C. I ,T. U., Mrs. R.*J. Frendlich, County! President; Mrs. Ellick, County Su perintendent of L. T. L; Mrs. Elea nor Mourer, of Elwood; Mrs. Sadie *Wood, County secretary, W. C. T. "TJ., and Mrs. Lillian Pennington,, -president of the Absecon Branch! *W. C. T. U. and also treasurer of! the County organization. ' *' _ | T "hold beach party. ^Young People’s Branch Has Suc^ cessful Affair. The Young People's Branch of the W. C. T. U. held a beach party ■ \ in front of the North Brigantine Coast Guard Station, which proved a huge success. This branch is nn J der the work being done by the di , rectors on Soldiers and Sailors of ; the W. C. T. U. The merry-makers built a large ' bon lire where doggies were roast* * ed. Those of the Coast Guard Sta \ tfon who enjoyed the evening with them were Captain C. H. Smith, * Romulus Daniels, Harry Higbee, Earl Mann, Wells Stebbins, Kermit t Godfrey, Clarence Holmes, Boyd ’ Mklgett and Demus Mklgett. About 30 persons from Absecon enjoyed the evening. SENIORS~ENTERTAIN Atlantic City Casino Is Scene of . Dinner-Dance . The Atlantic City Casino was ‘ the scene of a delightful affair Thursday night, when members of ! the 1937 graduating class of the Pleasantville High school feted the faculty of the school at a dinner dance. The affair, managed by George Wescott, president of the class, proved most entertaining and "enjoyable. The guests were seated at small tables after search ing for the place cards bearing their names. The favors were handkerchiefs with a pretty gift card attached. Following the dinner, dancing ' was enjoyed until a late hour. MRS. WARNER HOSTESS Mrs. Milton Warner, of Frafnbes and Clematis avenue, very gracious ly' 'entertained members -^of the Inltler’s dug at ber home Wednes day night. The two guests of the club were Mrs. B. Rogers, of this city, and Mrs. Edward Kline, of Northfield. Several games of “500” were enjoyed and prizes for top score awarded to Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. George Keilar. A dainty luncheon was served by the hos tess at a late hour. MRS. AI.TON BOICH, Phone 1068-J Is an accredited Social Corregpon* dent of The Pieasantvtllo Press. EPjTftE NOUS CLUB MEET8 Hall On Reading Avenue Being Remodeled—Play Plans Discussed. , Several matters of interest to members were discussed at a meet ing of the Entre Nous Club of Mt. Pleasant church in the hall Tues day night. The play “School Days” which wifi be given Thursday night was talked over, and final arrange ments made. The hall is being re modeled, the ceiling of the kitchen' being raised and a platform erected Which will assist materially in the presentation of the play. The busi ness session was in charge of Charles Falkinburg president.. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ortendahl, Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Pettet, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Falkinburg, Mr. and Mrs. William Booye, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowen, Mrs. Sara Hires, Mrs. Asentha Harris, Mrs. H. W. Hendricks, Miss Helen Trumbore, Miss Marion Adams, Miss Marion Traumborfe, Lemuel and Francis Hires, Elwood Bowen, Sara Bowen, Mrs. Jennie Manning, Mrs. Percy French, Mrs. Mae Martin, Louis Bowen, William Bowen, Miss Helen Neff, Francis Bowen, Betty Bowen, Herman Pritchard, Corey Gandy, William; 'Biggs, Herbert Bowen and Howard j Gaudy. j ENTRE NOUS clUB TO PRESENT SKETCH j Mrs. W. E. Pettet Coaching Play At Mt. Pleasant Church. “School Days,” a sketch, will be presented in the Mt. Pleasant church hall, hursday night by mem hers of the Entre Nous club of the church. Mrs. W. E. Pettet, who is coach ing the play has announced the following cast: Teacher, Edgar Baker; Liza Ann Snodgrass, Mrs. Grace Bowen; Samanthia Small, teacher’s pet, Mrs. Mary Orendahl; Blllious Smith, Philip Bowen; John Jacob ARtor, Walter Fields; Erastus, William Bowen; Julius Smith, William Booye; haby brother, Herbert Bowen; Lydia Pinkum, Mrs. . William Booye: Jerimiah Quackenbush, Charles Falkenburg; Phillippina, Fannie Martin; Cornelius Vanderbilt, Corey Gandy; Deacon Tidd, Wm. Biggs. The infant class will include Mehitable "iHornswoggle, Asentha Harris; Peruna Jones, Lillie Falkenburg; Tooti Fruitti, Mrs. Frank Hires; Buster Brown, Lemuel Hires; and Christopher Columbus, Raymond Ortendabl. MISS BROWN SURPRISED Friends Give Birthday Party in Her! Honor—Affair Enjoyed. j Miss Christina .Brown was tendered a delightful surprise party by several friends at her home, 1170 Iowa avenue, Thursday, night in honor of her birthday. She received many lovely gifts.: Music, games and dancing were en joyed until a late hour when a very enjoyable birthday luncheon was served in the prettily decorat ed dining room. The table was beautiful with pink rambler roses and favors of pink and W'hite. Attending were: Mae Hogan, Marilyn Thomas, Betty Thomas, Dorothy Allen, Peggy Miller, Irene Brown, Irene Mitchell, Emma Price, Laura Sutton, Christina Brown, Morris Brewiu, Edwin Gross, Joint Boyd, Jacob Reed, Welden Feni niore, Dick Burroughs, Russell Taggert, Leon Taggert, and Haines Johnston. WILL SEND DELEGATE Y. P. B. to Have Representative"at Convention Held at Delanco, New Jersey. At a meeting of the Y. P. B. held at. the home of Miss Mary Foster, 115 E. Adams avenue, plans w'ere discussed for sending a delegate to the convention In Delanco, N. .T. After the close of business a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Berry, Mr. and Mrs. William Zulker, Mrs. Ford Spencer, Mrs. Walton Glick, Mabel Pennington, j Francis Glick, Ruth &upplee, Ethel Joslin, Virginia Weeks, Mary Foster, I Stanley Mitchell, Roy Frendlick, I Hyatt. Cradle, Alice McKeen. I FESTUS CIRCLE FETED. Mrs. Anna May Clayton enter tained members of the Festua sew ing circle at her home on W. Park avenue Tuesday afternoon. The circle was very pleased to welcome Mrs. Maud Howell, who has been til and unable to attend the meet ings for several months past. Dan cing and singing were enjoyed, and several solos were rendered by Mrs. Flora Risley, Mrs. Rebecca Horton, and Mrs. Clayton. Dainty refresh ments were served. Mrs. J. Reiner of Doughty road and Church street will be the next hostess. 4 Jfrr^usylWMfari? t ■ * — “"S' * . The busy business woman chooses the trim suit for daily wear. This two-piece is of rose tan flat crepe trimmed with scar let. ' —" " * ' Coming Events Tonight. •SUNSHINE SEWING CLUB, will Hold a party on the Million Dollar Pier. ALLEQU1PPA COUNCIL. No. 7. Daughters of Pocahontas, will hold a meeting in Red Men’s hall at 8 P. M. INDIES AID SOCIETY OF Sa lei>rM. E. Church, will meet In the church at 8 o’clock. WIDOWS CLUB will be enter tained at the home of Mrs. Arlinda Cramer, Woodland avenue, 8 P. M. Wednesday. PHILATHEA Class of Salem M. E. Church will hold an all-day par ty on Million Dollar Pier, Atlantic City. Trolleys leave Park avenue and Main street at 10.15 A. M. LADIES AID Society of Bethany M. E. Church, will hold a meeting in the church. ROUND TABLE of Energetic Lodge No. 102, Shepherds of Beth lehem, will hold their regular meet ing in Red Men’s hall at 8 ^o’clock STERLING COUNCIL No. 92 Daughters of America, will hold in slallation of officers in Jr. O. U. A M. hall at 8 P. M. Thursday. ONWARD BIBLE CLASS of the First Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Louis Thomp son, Linden avenue, at 8 o’clock. LADIES AID SOCIETY of St. John’s M. P. Church will hold a get together meeting iu the church at 8 o’clock. All members ,and their friends invited. COURT HAWTHORNE No. 1020, will hold a business meeting in Red Men’s hall, at 8 P. M, SEWING CIRCLE of Keystone Chapter, No. 69, will hold an ull-da> sewing party in Masonic hall, Lin wood. BETA SIGMA TO HAVE DANCE Hold Meeting at Home of Mrs. Jay Frambes in Margate. The Ueta Sigma dance to be giv en iu Junior Order hull tonight was the main subject discussed at a combined meeting of the Lambda and Epsilon chapters of the Beta Sigma sorority at the home of Mrs Jay Frambes, Iroquois avenue.WIn Chester Gardens, Monday night Lucky favor prizes have been se cured by the members who ari working diligently for the suecesi of the affair. Previous to I his meeting a spec ial session of the Epsilon eliaptei was held and oilicers elected will the following result: Miss Ka; Arnold, president; Miss Mary Ton cr, vice-president; Miss Eleanoi Arnold, secretary; Mrs. Jay Frarn bes, treasurer, and.Miss Heleh Wal ker, press reporter. During the social hour followlm the meeting Mrs. Frambes’ guest: enjoyed dancing and at a late holt refreshments Were served. Pity the' Whale! The lesson was about "Jonhh, and the teacher wished to empha size the fact that , Jonah’s dls obedience caused discomfort to al on the ship. “Jonah suffered fo his disobedience, but who else ha* to suffer beoouse the prophet sir ned?" he asked. “Please, sir, tb whale,” replied one boy. a Newsy Notea ■■ ■ . ' • * .... ... . In Linwood Borough _MRS»_ALTON_SANDER8,, Shore Road Mt Elm Avggue. HAS FREEDOM PARTY vf Affair Given in Honor of John Platt Well Attended. A freedom party was given by Mr. and Mrs. John Platt at their home Friday night in honor of their son, John’s, twenty-first birthday anniversary. The decorations were carried out* in red, white and blue Games and refreshments, were en joyed. ' / The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith, Miss Vera Hardy, Vin cent Williams, Miss Elizabeth Her- j rick, Miss Bessie Croasdale, Frank j Miller, Miss Abbie Sanders, Oscar j Upland, Miss Bertha Steelman, WH-I liam Krnmm. League to Meet. The regular business and social meeting of the Epworth League will be held Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. andjytrs. Carlton John son, 1618 Belliaven avenue, Atlantic City. I - .... ; V. . • . SALEM TIES LEAGUE. » "_* Nine Defeats Myers' Team In Close Game—Score 5-2. The Salem Church baseball team tied the league by defeating Myers’ team, score 6-2, with George Price knocking a home run. The lineups—Salem: Philip Woodall, catcher; George Price, pitcher; Earl Nixon, first base; Robert Hudson, second base; An drew Carmen, short; John Haines, third; William Oakley, left; George Fleming, center; Bennett Hurtz, right. Myers’ team: Charles Kraft, cat cher; Elwood Meyers, pitcher; Wil liam Thompson, first base; William Myers, second; Leroy Hickman, short; Henry Carty, third; Richard Myers, right; Gordon Hurtz, center. -: Official Board to Meet. The July meeting of the Official Board of Central M, E. Church will he held tomorrow evening at eight o’clock. All stewards and trustees urged to be present. JOLLY FIVE MEETS. Enjoy Surprise Party at Home of Mrs. E. Mannery. The Jolly Five Club was enter tained Wednesday night by Mrs. E. Mannery at her home on Leeds ave nue. , Her daughter, Mrs. C. Lippin cott, assisted, the 'affair being a surprise to Mr. Mannery on his birthday anniversary. The evening was passed with ?ames and music. A duet by W. Price and Mrs. S. Wood was en joyed, as was one by Mrs. Mannery ind Mrs. Lippincott. A solo dance was given by W. Price. At a late liour the hostess served dainty re freshments. Those present were: Mrs. Louis Starr, of Newark: Mrs. Hattie In gersoli, Mrs. Nellie Hackett, Miss Elizabeth Hilton, Mrs. Sadie Wdod, Mrs. Carrie Lippincott, Webster Price'and Mr. and Mrs. Mannery. -^ The Vacation Bible School'Will ?ive a public demonstration of landeraft work and recitations of Sible passages on Friday evening, (uly 15, In the social hall. | Personal Gossip of Interest j ^ J 'To Folks on The Mainland I Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Bailey spent (he Fourth with relatives at Centreville, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Craig, of E. Pacific ayenue, are entertaining Mrs. Francis McCollom for a month’s sojourn. Mr. McCollom was a weekend visitor at the Craig home. Mrs. George W. Mack has re turned to her 4home on Glendale | avenue after spending several days | in Philadelphia. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Saxton, I of E. Pacific avenue, spent the j fourth of July weekend in Williams town Junction as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Shambers. Miss Mary Foster and Edwin Lacey, of this city, accompanied by .ViI', ana Mrs. Jtnomas Cray, or Ventnor, enjoyed a motor trip to various points of interest in Mary land on Thursday. Mrs. Margaret Brown, of Lenox avenue, entertained Mr. and Mrs Frank McComrick, of Germantown, for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lake, Percy Lake and James Newcomb, motored to Delaware Water Gap and points of interest In Penn sylvania over the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Newbohl, of E. Greenfield avenue, entertained their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Newbold, Emmerson Jr., and Dorothy Newbold, of Phila delphia, for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Loeffler, of E. Pacific avenue, had as their guests for the holiday weekend: Francis Silvers, of Fort Hancock: Miss Thelma Saxton, of Port Penn, Delaware; and Oliver Silvers, of Westville, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Glick, of Pleasant avenue, motored to Seaville for the Fourth of July. They are preparing to open their cottage in Seaville which they occupy during camp meeting activities. Miss Helen Foley, who is attend ing summer school In Ocean City, was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Cramer Sr., E Pacific avenue, during the pasl week. Miss Carolyn Carter, of E. Leedr avenue, accompanied by her cousfr Evelyn Simpson, left Monday for « month’s vacation albng tin Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Thej will be the guests of their grand mother, Mrs. Edith Carter. Another “PEIKIN’'Special $14.95 H. S. PEIKIN & SONS 1034-28 ATLANTIC AVK. ?“!*»• LocKttjto Chop of Atlnntle Clt|^| ESTABLISHED 18M »o-—»»o mnm o+ob+qh Tiie new addition, to the men’s anti women’s wards at Pine Rest are about completed. Judge Shinn, of S. Main street, left with his son, Stewart, for a camp in the White Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. William York, of S. Main street, entertained a large j house party over the Fourth of 'July. * i Master Billy Bricker is spending i i he vacation months with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Newell, South Main street. Jack Bradley has accepted a po sition in Atlantic City. William I. Newell is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Richard O. Bricker at Chester, Pa. mia. Li. Ks. amain iius reiurneu from Swaynesboro, Georgia, where she has been on a visit to friends. Mrs. A* C. Mott has returned to her home, 39 East Walnut street, from the hospital. Her friends are pleased to learn mat her condition is very much improved. Miss Amelia Stumm, of Girard College, Philadelphia, who has been spending the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quay, on Walnut avenue returned to Philadelphia i*ecently. Mrs. Mortimer Ware, of Lake place, has been suffering with a severe cold for the past week. Mrs. Clarence Mott, who has been a patient in the Atlantic City hospital, returned to her home on Walnut avenue, and is reported to be convalescing nicely. Mrs. Reginald Hyatt, of East Lindley avenue, has been entertain ing Miss Marion Ward, of Pitman. Friends of Winfield Marshall will be sorry to hear that he has been confined to his home on Wal nut avenue because of a sprained back. Mrs. Arlinda Cramer, of Wood land avenue, has recovered from her recent serious illness and is $ble to be about again. Mrs. Frank Beckett, of Chestnut street, has been entertaining her mother and aunt of Mt. Ephrlum Pike during the past week. WEDDING RINGS William Shoppy 1130 Atlantic Ave. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BUDWEISER Malt and Hops The Appetizing Store COWAN’S Delicatessen & Grocery (Formerly HESTON'S) 108 S. MAIN STREET ’ Pleasantville, N. J. Phone S22-W Open Evenlngi Open Sundays I l I Phone 1470 Diseases of Women end * Children a Specialty ALLEN BUSH, M. D. Leech Building Cor. MAIN ST. and WASHINGTON AVE. PLEASANTVILLE. N. J. Offlc, Hour,: 9 to 11 A. M l Mo 4 P. M.i 7 to 9 P. M. Sunday, 2 to 3 P. M. Junior Dilrnas, son of Mr. and | Mrs. A. Dltmas, of Park ave nue, had a tonsil operation per formed in a private hospital in Atlantic City recently. He is now convalescing at his home. I The two children of Mrs. Milton | ('lark, of W. Pfirk avenue, have been quite ill. Mrs. Horace Craig, of E. Pacific avenue, had as her guests Wednes day her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Channel), of Atlantic City. Among the Malnlanders attending the last meeting of the season of Atlantic City Chapter No. 53, O. E. S. held in Moose hall, Atlantic City were: Mrs. William Ritchie, Miss Mary Ritchie, Miss Lillie Ritchie and Cieorge P. Johnson, of North field; Mr. and Mrs. William Uron, Mrs. Charles St. John, Mrs. Mathew A. Booker, and Mrs. Martha i Powell. Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Sr.,' and Miss Mary Foster, of 115 E. Adams avenue, spent the weekend I holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olsen, in Camden. George Generotsky, of LaWe place, who is spending six weeks in California, will visit his sister, Established 1891 FREUND BROS. OPTICIANS Cor. Presbyterian ft Pacific (Next to Post Office) Look for the Clock THE ONLY PRACTICAL and FULLY EQUIPPED OPTICAL WORK8HOP IN ATLANTIC CITY. Kodaks and Supplies Developing and Printing 9E Mrs, Harold Ashton, In Pasedina this week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowen, of Delilah and Linden avenues, had as their guests over the weekend holidays: Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Moody and son, Martin R. Moody, of Collingswood. .. Sirs-, victor Jagmetty, of Main and Franklin avenues, has enjoyed several weeks visit with her sister, i Mrs. J. B. Kelly In Pittsburgh. Is Your Money Efficient? That is another way of asking whether your money is working for you as it should, and producing the best results possible. ■' Savings that are left with us work for you twenty-four hours a day; the result is definite and certain and independent of worry on your part. An account can be started in our Savings Department with a deposit of $1.00. DO IT TODAY. 4% INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS The PLEASANTVILLE NATIONAL BANK Where West Jersey Crosses Main Member Federal Reserve System, | <■ SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT, $2.00 YEAR *'KK*:***.*i**,*i*i***:*#.x**:*j*MX>.K*x:*.*j»:*:*x*.*i£*MX*.ii*M*MXM •V RUOCCO’S FAMILY PARLORS 6 NORTH MASSACHUSETTS AVE. Atlantic City, N. J. Male and Female BARBERS LADIES—We are Specialists in Hair Bobbing. Mme. Ruocco Will Cut Your Hair to Suit Your Face for 50c. ONE PRICE TO ALL. ^ WE Have Two Methods of Permanent Wav ing. Natural Hairwave. Guar- $4 fVOO anteed One Year. .. v ■5 f -L No Extra Charge. , Don’t trust yourself to a stranger or an in experienced beautifier. Come to Us We Have a Specialist in Ail Branches of Beauty Culture. HOURS: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. and % By Appointments. IJi Call Marine 414.1-W—Ask for MME. RUOCCO. Please Note—All Work Supervised by Mme: Ruocco. ■Ofi ^c««e«e««eae««e«c«t«»c4G«c«e««e«c«c«e«:«e«c«e«e«e«ca^> 10-DAY SPECIAL SALE From JUNE ,‘JOth to JULY 10th on All Pennsylvania Cord Tires * ?.» 27x4.40 29x4.40 29x4.75 30x4.75 PENN A. Reg. Price $1.0.45 10.50 13.75 13.70 JEANNETTE BALLOONS Sale Price i . Reg. Price Sale Price $ qjr 30x4.95 15.35 13.80 jj gQ 30x5.25 ' 17.15 15.40 12.30 31x5.25 17.80 16.00 Also 10 Per Cent Discount on the Reg. Penna. Line «**«KJC 1 U.S. TIRES 30x3'/2 USCO Fab..$ 7.75 30x3'/, USCO Cord_ 8.25 30x3*/2 Usco O. S. Cord.. 8.90 29x4.40 Uaco Balloon .. 9.75 30x3*4 Reg- Royal Cord 9.75 30x3*/2 O. S. Royal Cord 11.50 29x4.40 Balloon Roy. Cd. 12.50 GENUINE A. C. SPEEDOMETERS For Fords Complete. Regular Price $10.00. Sale Price— $7.50 MICHELIN TjJIRES - 30x3|/2 Reg. Cord .$ 9.00 . 30x3J4 Oversize Cord, .11.25 29x4.40 Overs. Balloon.. 12.45 STROMBERG CARBURETORS FOR FORDS. Regular Price 315.75. Sale Price— $9.75 FISK PREMIER 30x3i/> Reg. Cord .$ 7.65 30x3^2 O. S. Cord. 8.45 31x4 S. S. Cord.13.25 32x4 S. S. Cord . 13.95 33x4 S. S. Cord . 14.70 32x4/2 S. S. Cord__ 19.00 33x4/2 s. S. Cord.19.75 30x5 S. S. Cord.22.85 Bring Your Brake Bands in and Have Them Reiined by Machine. H. W. HELFRICH & SONS 15 NORTH MAIN STREET PLEASANTVILLE, N. J. j 3M*3M**)MiM:«*:«**.**.«)rjCc^3c*;«*c*j*j*3M*3MJr****3M:«**.«:«j«*^i«;c«**:*3***3**3*i