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Tell The Entire Mainland Your Wants Through These Column! 5 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AtOOOOOOOOOOOCIOOOOOOOO^ci (MJalmuw charge. is word* or less, *•« 0r8t 1 exertion: 15c each addition al Insertion. Each word over 25, first insertion, ie: each additional Inser tion. one-half cent.) LOST .STRAYED OR STOLEN— White beagle male dog, with blacl on back; brown ears. Reward, returr to_C._Kinscy. 11 S. Hampton (’t. pi; -MALE HELP WANTED MAN—Opportunity in this section foi energetic man to represent reliable up-to-date nursery. Good pay, perma nent position if satisfactory; no nur sery experience necessary: knowledge °c. farming helpful. Full or part time Write Hoopas, Bro. >4 Thomas Com pany. West Chester, Pa. W4' MAKE MONEY During ODD HOtlRS WANTED—Man or young man tc take orders for printing. Liberal commission. Address Printer, care Pleasantville Press. tl “- SITUATIONS WANTED - ' '"ANTED — Position, housekeeper (white); motherless family preferred Best ot references. Mrs. Dora Becker care Mrs. Benjamin Lee, Wood lawn Lin wood. Phone Somers Point 27RG MONEY TO LOAN Cnn * 1*1 V I* I IV/ — #1,500 to loan on first mortgage. Ap ply Vickers, 122 South Main St. Pleasantville. _ t FOR ^SAI AO—Chevrolet sedan, $ 150 jiu—v.nuvioiei setiail, Bcrkhout. 8 W. Delilah Road. hUH SALE „ A REAL BARGAIN Two Thousand Dollars shouldn’t go pegging. I am asking just that much below the real value for the brand new two-story house complete with every convenience that makes this property a real home, for proof com* Sare' with surrounding properties. nut colonial style with six large sun hRht rooms, hath, cemented cellar, sub-cellar, double floors throughout, Water, gas, electricity, heat, garage; corner lot 41x125, surrounded by shade trees generations old. Within 300 feet ?? • V?,e Fast Gine station on Ocean Heights avenue and less than three squares from the proposed new school at Glyn Neath. Price $5500; $500 cash and balance straignt mortgage, financ ed free by owner. Ernest W. Sony. S0?”” . Ave,, Phone. Somers Point 11R3. • I OK SADIS—Choice of 3 new ' moderr bungalows, all in nice location Terms John 15. Blake. Sr., 55 Easi West Jersey Avn.. Pleasantville. t FOR SALE—Beautiful California type bungalow, built one year, on wide street, center of town, strictly resi d tntial. 5 rooms .tile bath, shower etc Large fireplace, hot water heat. large cellar, cemented. 50x125 lot. Will scli ftr $3000 less than it can be duplicated for R. Miller, 21 E. Decatur Avenue, Phone 514-.J. wtf FOR SALE—Absecon—Five room cot tage, with ten acres facing two Streets, near Atlantic City Estates, reasonable, j. E. Nicholds. loth and Upland Avos.. Absecon N. .1. FOR SALE—5 rooms .hath, 60x180. $2800; f> room, bath, garage. $3700; 7 room, bath, 60x105, $1,000; 8 rooin; bath, 90x125 coiner. $8,000. Other bar gains. Seaman, California and 7th Ave.. Pleasantville. 361-J. tf. POR SALE—70 large healthy bushel of strong hedge; 2 linely leaded glasi ■windows, 45x32 and 11x20 <4 inches subject. Autumn and Winter; Morris chair, new single H. mattress; bureai With glass. Inquire 17 East Edgevva ter Ave. and Prospect. pl< FOR SAE— Wbite Rock broilers ar - ..-months old pullets. W. A. Aside Adams Ave. & Franklin Blvd. w FOR SALE—1927 Studebaker Victorl 915 S. Shore road. A. P. Ryon. FOR SALE—1 mare, 2 wagons, har ness. Call any day between 12.31 and 1.30 at 228 N. New Hampshire Ave., Atlantic City. pip FOR SALE—Free cabinet sewing ma chine and baby coach; reasonable 300 N. Main St., Pleasantville. w4: 1'OR SALE—New Bungalow, 6 rooms apd bath, hot water heat. $1,000 re quired. Owner leaving town. Applj 105 E. Adams Ave., Pleasantville. p3< FOR SALE—CtWRdy scales, 4-lb Day ton computing, $25. phone Brigan tine 11.1. ' «t FOR SALES—oeveral meadow plots near Fov uc.jt; suitable for devel opment. John n. Blake, Sr., 55 East West Jersey Ave., Pleasantville. tf FOR SALE—Two 1-passenger Harley Davidson side cars at a sacrifice. One new model *21. $65; one second hand ’19, with top, $20. Call or phone • Ralph Shultz Radio Store, 124 S. Main St.. Phone 1175. tf FOR SALE—Eight window frames and sash, $5 each; large wood stove,com plete with pipe, etc.; window sash, doors and porch railing and balusters. Fred Henry, New York Hoad, Abso jon. Phone 356. if FOR SALE—New five-room bungalow. all conveniences; corner lot, small down payment and balance like rent. $4600. Apply Vickers, 122 So. Main Street. tf FOR SALE!.—Special — 1000 pr. Shell Rim Glasses at $2.05 a pr., exami nation Included. Invisible Bifocals, §5.00; Elgin Watches, $8.95; -carat iMamond, $50.00; Unbreakable Crys tals, 25c. Coatsworth, 1826 Atlantic Mre., Atlantic City. FOFt SALE—On easy terms in choice location, one acre of ground and several small buildings suitable for chicken farm. John IS. Blake. Sr., 55 E. West Jersey Ave., Plcasantvil{p. FOR SALE—Home on West Oakcrest Ave., Northfteld; living room, dining room. kitchen and small kitchen, en closed side rear porch; 2nd floor, 3 bedrooms, bath, large closets; cement ed cellar, hot and cold water, electric ity. all conveniences. 60 ft. front. Grape arbor, fruit trees, all kinds of shrubbery, ehicken house, garage. Very reasonable for quick sale. Apply owner. S. Y. Wilson, or rhonc Pleas ant ville 410. w*H FOR SAIjE—On White Horse Pike. ,330 ft. frontage; beautifid homo. 9 rooms, 2 baths, all modern improve ments. Suitable for road house. Gas station, on grounds. 20 minutes ride from Atlantic City. Will sell at sacri fice. Phone PieasantviHe 59R1. _w 18 FOR SAUK—Ford- sedan, 1921 model, new tires, engine in perfect condi tion. .1. Callahan. New Road &'Chcst itiU Ave., North field. w43 FOR SALE — Five-room bungalow '.and bath; all conveniences, 2-car garage, and 1 acre ground. Hillside Ave. . & Meadows. Inquire Bctt3, Far mington. p47 FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALP1 OR RENT—6-room and hath cottage, cellar, heat, garage, located Princeton Ave., price $1500. $500 cash, balance financed free. Rent $40 month. Apply 11. P'it zebu lies. 135 Central Ave., Ocean City. Phone 312-W. jH3 FOR RENT FOR RENT—House. 6 rooms, bath, electric, all conveniences (vacant). Rent reasonable. 362 N. Main Street, near Mulberry Ave. pi4 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for housekeeping, private porch and en trance with private family. One block from Shore Fast Line. 400 S. New Road.H FOR RENT—9-room house: all con veniences. 115 N. First St. $50 per month. Apply Frendlich Barber Shop. 200 Pleasant Ave. w45 FOR RENT—Airy apartment. 51 North Main St, and Reading crossing. In quire at middle apartment, or 119 S'.. Missouri \Avo. Phone Marine 6613W. * • v- w4 f FOR RENT—Furnished 3 rooms and bath. All private; also ■garage space. Apply 23 Lakp Place. p36 kK. K' ' .A. FOR RENT—, largo lot, fruit trees, apples, pea^s. cherries, plums; larse. shade trees; warden; room for chickens. Dewey’s Popcorn Stand. . wtf FOIL ReNt—Large nicely furnished bedroom on first floor; use of kitch en if desired. Apply Vickers, 122 S. Main. ■ tf FOIt RENT—3 room apartment, all conveniences, close in. Desirable. Inquire Dewey’s Popcorn Stand. if. FOR KENT—8 room apartment: all conveniences, $35 per month. 5 W. Deeds Avenue._ pl3 MOST Convenient Apts Tn town—5 rooms and bath. $15.00 month. Lease. Call J. A. Flutie, 125 So. Main $35—House for rent—6 rooms, bath, electric, parage, good neighborhood. Apply 25 Woodland avenue.. tf. FOR RENT—All kinds dwellings ar*d apartments, furnished and unfurn ished, $25 and upward per month to $2,000 for the season. Apply Hanson’s Real Estate Ofllce, 20 East West Jcr sey Ave. tf FOR RENT—1 large and 1 small fur nished front sleeping room; Protcs tants only. 214 Brighton Place. p3-ltf FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnisji ed, four rooms and bath; hot water heat, gas, electricity, garage, tele- i phone, Shore Road, Lin wood. Phone Somers Point 131-R-12._ tf j FOR RENT—Bungalow, 5 rooms and | bath, garage, all conveniences; $10 month. 56 E. Loraine Ave. Inquire next door or Brcuuinger’s Bakery, 13 1 So. Main St. _— tf | FOR RENT—Apartment, central, mod ern, four rooms and bath; $27 per month. Apply E. C. Weeks, 26 North Main St. wlii I FOR RENT—New bungalow just com pie ted, 5 rooms and bath, also 1 -<*u parage; situated at 147 W. Brighton Ave., rent $40 month. Back door un locked. Apply to Roy Frendlich, 200 J leasant Ave. ^ y FOR RENT—1 large front room, bed j-oom and sitting room combined; kitchen privileges. Ohly respectable persons need apply. 325 Chestnut =»£:__ _P* 2 FOR RKNT—Apartment nic.elv furn ished, two rooms and bath; all con veniences. Adults preferred. 205 Brighton Place. plltf FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT_ Very reasonable, very good location. Apply PloaaanlviMf Floss._ p|| FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, hi Centro, 201 West Washington Ave-__p36tf HOUSE FOR RENT—6 rooms, bath, all modern conveniences; also gar reasonable. Apply 12 S. Hariip !:»n Court.___p31 tf l 9.,i,—1 ^° room Mechanics’ Hall, Main St. Decatur Ave., Fri ■'"y and Saturday niRhls. u.dKu or '•mo preferred. Special occasions in Harry K. Parsels., Trustee, tf FOR RENT—Apartments, 'centrally'fo va. Sheppard, Phone 301-W or 1226._ tf BARGAIN—22 Building Lots] each; also 10 acres cheap. Martcll, Boulevard at Main. Pleasantvillo. WANTED. — Homes, sale or rent. ] have many clients waiting to buy ci rent. It you want to clean out youi property bring it to me. Mai tell, Bou levard and Main, Plcasantville. tf BARGAINS IN HOMES. ' Saio or Rent—All sizes, all prices, for all classes. Bungalows $4,000 up; rent $30 up per month. Martell, builder. Boulevard at Main, Plcasantville. Phone Pleasantvillo 1051. tf. FOR SALE.—Doughty Road, trian gular lot 100 ft. frontage, 120 ft. deep, between Washington Ave. and Atlantic City R. R. Price. $4,000. ^ Northflold, 205 feet fronting on the New Road at Franklin Ave. ; Jesse Ijf Risley. 606 So. Main St., Pleasantvillc. N. J. tf - - excha'n6e -— ' ■ WILL EXCHANGE in Plcasantville, 5 room bung'ulow, all conveniences, for Philadelphia properly, or will sell. Address Box M, care Plcasantville Fross.p44 - FUHNI5MCD KOOMb-“ FURNISHED ROOMS—Two cheerful front rooms for light housekeeping; | private porch, overlooking Atlantic City. Phone and bath; all convenien ces. Adults. Reasonable. Phone 361-R, Pleasantville-_ tf FOR RENT. — Furnished rooms, 10 North Franklin Ave,. Pieasnntviile. - WAINTtD - CHICKENS.—will buy or sell In any quantity. Write C. Hare. Absecon, or call phone 246 JIVE CHICKENS WANTED. — In any quantity. A. T. Bateman, 21 N. Main Street. Phone 264. -' HAULING AND PLOWING - ELLIS ADAMS is prepared to do all kinds, of hauling and plowing on short ndtice. 233 N. Second Street, Pleasantville, Phone 52-W. tf NEWLIN. — LOCKSMITH, GUN SMITH, SAFE EXPERT. Keys made, Locks installed, I^awn Mower* sharpened and repaired, Scissors and Knives Ground. Phone 268-W. SThop, 8 Ingersoll Ave / CARPENTER CARPENTER and jobbing, porch en closures, screens, cabinet, shelving, rustic porch and lawn furniture, fenc ing and trellis work. Phone 1131) W. Joseph H. Roberts, 361 S. Main St., Pleasantville. tf. - -UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERING—First class, of all kinds, using material furnished by customers, or submitted upon request; cabinet work, furnilurb repaired, car ved parts made now, reseating, var- ' nishing, painting, etc.; estimates giv- i cn; work guaranteed. Work done, at ■ your home in town or country if de sired. Wm. J. Braman, 410 S. Main .—' PrtGFES^IONAL-I PRIVATE MATERNITY HOME— MRS. B. WATTS—Licensed by the medical State Board of New Jersey, with best professional attendants. Charles & Franklin Aveti. Pleasant.- 1 ville. 709-M. tf . DRESSMAKER DRESSMAKING — Ry day or at home. Mrs. Anna R. Bowen, N. JO. corner California &. Ocean Avefiues, Pleasant LAUNDERING -- WANTED—Small washing for men or Nt'omen, men’s shirts and collars; al so mending a specialty. Experienced laundress. Airs. Aliller, J04 N. Frank lin A vc._ _pj;{ - -- USED CARS - We also have for sale a good line of used Tires and parts. Tommy Warren's Garage, 210-18 New Road. 35 GOOD USED CARS We always have a large assortment, ■ for as one goes out we add another to i our stock. Priced from $50 to $1,000. : nil cars greatly reduced. Come hero | first and you won't have to go fur- ! ther, as our line is large and varied BOB MILLER'S 1 Pleasantville Used Car,Exchange Studobokor Sales'Room j Boulevard and Toulon Ave. I Phone 1120 (Fox Tract) NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of .the Stoekhol- - flora of the Mainland Building and Loan Association will be held on Thursday evening. .July 7th, 1927. at S r/cldck. in the oflices of tho Associa tion, 122 South Main Street. Pleasant ville, N. J. NICHOLAS J. WATERS. w43_ Secretary. NOTICE. Notice to Mrs.K.B.bang and ali others concerned, that 1 shall sell at public Ruction o» ^Tuesday, July 5th, 1927. • t 9.30 A. M., one Forcl Sedan, year 1927. Serial 14221708, at Hecker’s 3arage. 306 S. Main Street, Pleasant rflle, N. J., to satisfy a lien of Sam uel Hooker, trading as Hooker's Gar ige, according to 1*. L. 1915; supple ment thereto, 1922, 1924 and 1925. WILLIAM M. H AUG HEY, Sr. Bailiff for Samuel Heoker, Trading aa Heckec’e Garage. Scalloped Bolero i The bolero of this two-piece georgette dress is scalloped all around. The skirt is pleated and paneled at the front and sides. Stitched belt, buckle of rhine stones, pin and crepe streamers lomplcte the model. MAYS LANDING BOARD RE-ELECTS OFFICERS Janitors Are Appointed for Town ship Schools. At an adjourned meeting of tlioi Hamilton Township Board of Edu-j ration, hold on Monday night, the; following school officers and em-j ployes were re-elected for the year 1027-28: Archie H. Smith, district ! clerk; Dr. Henry C. Jones, school physician. James F. Canazza, cus-1 lodian of school moneys; Thomas! Harris, janitor of the High School; J. T. Read, janitor at Reega School; Mrs. Jennie Bet son, jani trass at School No. 7; Mrs. John Marsh, jaiu itress at Weymouth. No appoint ment was made for janitor at the Mizpali School, this being laid over until later. -- SCHOOL ELECTION The polls will be opt?n at 7 o’clock tonight, daylight saving time, at the High School building, to provide for a vote on the proposition to: spend $210,000 for a new High School for Hamilton Township. The law requires that they ho kept open Lit least an hour, but the time will be extended so that everyone who wishes to cast a ballot will have unple opportunity to do so. Como aut ancl Vote YES. The school is j iceded. TO REMOVE DUMMY. Because file State refuses to pay ’or repairs to the silent policeman it Baker's corner, recently damage;! >y storm, it is likely to be removed, riie Township Committee lias been lotified that if it wanted the light •etained it would have to have it n »aired, blit local officials say it is on i State Highway and they arc not •esponsihle for its upkeep. WIL LSOON FINISH. Henry Kraus will soon finish up lis work of enlarging the sheriffs Alice and have the roonf put in ihape for occupancy. The floor loor space lias been about doubled ind Sheriff Cimino will be much letter able to handle the cver-in ireasing work of his oflice when be ^ets located in the remodeled itructure. It spoils a favor if you are asked o return it. .-- . A loan widow is one who lias nooney out at interest. WHEN MOM SENDS WE To the store Foq„ crackers ! ALWAY5 GET THE LOOSE KlNt) IN Bags SO I CAN , taste some comin1* home* h=, r -7 * Why Take a Chance on Your Checks When You Can Get a New TODI) PRO TECTOGRAPH CHECK WRITER for .$20.00 Ask Your Bank i Local Agent J. I. SHERMAN 322 DREXEL AVENUE Atlantic City, N. J, . PROPOSAL Scaled proposals will bo received by the Board of Education or Egg Har bor Township, at Bargain town Hall. Bargaintgwn, N. J., on Thursday, July 7th, 1927. at 8.30 o’clock in the even ing. for the furnishing to the various schools of the Township at such thin . and in such quantities as the Board of Education .shall direct of 125 Tons Stove Coal * 25 Tons Nut Coal, The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. By order of the Board of Education of Egg Harbor Township. 1927 Chrysler 60 Sedan 1927 Chrysler 50 Coupe 1925 Bix Six Studc bakcr Brougham 1925 Ford 2-door Sedan 1924 Cleveland Sedan 1923 Dodge Truck 1925 Ford 1-ton Truck. Economy Garage R. E. K HEW SON, Prop. 9-11 West Washington Ave. Phone 581W Pleasantville » $ g along . & o: ^ a :o: v. :<* & a$ a « » » FAGAN’S TAXI Telephone Pleasantville ROY FAGAN 23 E. West Jersey Avenue I TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS AND WELL DRILLING AND CESSPOOL CON STRUCTION. I. S. COTTMAN Plume—PLEASANTVILLE Gl-J LOTS FOR SALE At English Creek On the Somers Point and Maya Landing Boulevard, near Bct By’s Wharf Road. Easy terms. Also large acreage ripe for Development. \ Apply Owner Joseph H. Hickman P. O. Blag. May3 Landing, N. J. A Business Partner For You If you operate it factory; run :t retail business; or own properly, we can furnish you with a busi ness partner you cannot do with out—sound, dependable insur ance .... insurance that ex actly fits your needs. . . . insur ance in tlie Hartford Fire In surance Co. We can Rive you knowledge, skill, and experience Plus a sin cere, heartfelt interest in you and in your problems. We know how to make investments safe. Jackson & Kreutz 106 S. MAIN STREET PHONE G50' 1. 'It Dog-Gone Pity j You pity the poor dog ^ that’s strayed from his jj own fireside. But here’s a t thought: Our Want Ads f will find the poor puppy’s 1 home through the Lost and 2 Found Colurnp. ij The Plcasantville Press reaches Six Thousand Homes on the Main land. Phillips Company Insurance, Real Estate and Mortgages UUARANTEE TRUST BLDQ. William A. Faunce, President * Waller W. Clark, Vice-President Harold W. Faunce, Secretary Herbert A. Faunce, Treasurer ATLANTIC CITY, -N. J. USED CARS Long service, fine condition, low price, general satisfaction is always found in a Turner* & Adams used car. We will glad ly demonstrate for you any of our used cars. Our liberal cre dit plan will make it easy for you to own a "Tumor & Adams” used car. 1926 Chevrolet Landan Sedan. 1924 Oldsmohile Coupe. 1925 Ford Tudor Sedan. 1924 Ford Fordoor. 1924 Dort Touring. 1923 Hudson Coach. 1926 Essex Coach. TURNER & ADAMS Hudson—Essex Sales & Service 18-24 E. WASHINGTON AVE. (New Garage) Phone 810 Pleasantvllle, N. J. USED CARS Will Finance. PLEASANTVILLE MOTOR CO. MAIN ST. & VERONA AVE. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER CLEARANCE SALE Dahlia, Gladiolus, Roses Chrysanthemums. Hardy Mums, large plants, ail alive, mixed colors. 25 for $1.00 Tea Roses, 2 years old, will bloom in a short time after plant* ing; several colors. 4 for $1.. 12 for $2.50. Rainbow collection of dahlia, mixed in digging;many high class varieties in these. .15 for $1. Postage piad. )XZX)< Z. J. STODDARD, Mt. Holly, N. J. UUOUOQCKXXXXXXX3000C OOQOOOOOOTiOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOO “THE LOSS MAY OCCUR TODAY— TOO LATE TO INSURE TOMORROW” PROTECT YOURSELF WITH AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE NO AUTOMOBILE IS IMMUNE FROM FIRE LOSS. NO CAR IS THEFT PROOF. NO CAR IS SAFE FROM COLLIS ION PUBLIC LIABILITY and PROPER TY DAMAGE CLAIMS, arising from Automobiles injuring persons and dam aging the property of others, are pre sented to us daily, in ever increasing numbers. Our Policy is a Guarantee of Fair Adjustment I and Prompt Service in the Event of a Loss. | JACKSON & KREUTZ 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET 00<xi<xx)00009000c00c>0000000000c>0000000000000000000 No Job ^ Too Large or Small. ERNEST KINSELL & SONS Cement Contractors 410 W. MERION AVENUE A NEW ROAD Phone 1462 All Work Guaranteed AR Our Work Gives Satisfaction Scooping—Cellar Digging See— W. G. Loeffler 626 N. MAIN STREET Mione 576-W Excavating-Street Grading Make your wants known thru The Pleasantville Press. FLOWERS PLANTS REASONABLE PRICES CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS VEGETABLE PLANTS $$$ Charles Howell 36 NORTH NEW ROAD At Reading Railroad PHONE—1003 Real Estate J -*H«-- f If yon hare property In J: f Atlantic City and wish to sell or exchange, uitre is a possibility tfvt vs may Snd a customer for you. We have many Inquiries,* and yours may lust suit. , Write us. f -- , •* , 20 8outh Tet..lessee Avs, ATLANTIC CITY • C. J. Adams Co* LOTS FOR SALE in the Ingcrsoll Tract Buy direct from the Owner and sat e Agents' Commissions ALSO A FEW CHOICE LOTS IN SOUTH OAKHUR8T Charles W. Ingersoll 'M N. Main St. Pleasantvllle PHONE 959-W BUSINESS SUCCESS A man's success Is often due to the acquaintance and friendship of otner men. We venture to say not one wan in a hundred succeeds In business nowadays with' out the co-operation of # good bank. —AT YOUR SERVICE-* ’ SECOND NATIONAL BANK Established 1887 ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Phone 914 Wilson & Helfrich Plumbing and Heating QUAKER HEATERS SOLD and INSTALLED 110 S. MAIN STREET PLEASANTVILLE, N. J. When You Braid Build tor Years My Experience Cover* All Kindt of Building, f Repairs and Alterations. I.ct me give you it Estimate. I Can SAVE YOU MONEY No business transacted on Sunday. * JOHN J. GREEN Contractor 72 W. Washington Ave.. PleasantvFle FOR SALE Four-Cylinder Dusenberg, 50 H. P. Motor, starter, Generator, High Tension Magneto. Converted for ma- , rine purposes. Shaft and propeller. Guaranteed A-l 8haPe- <-i. , «i* iiltt&i' BOULEVARD SERVICE STATION \ - LYONS COURT AND BOULEVARD Phone—723 OOOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ Home Seekers JACKSON & KRfiUTZ’S Largest Listing given yon the Best Selection to choose from. JACKSON & KRjGUWS Service takes off yonr shoulders ail worry and detail in connection with the Title Conveyancing and insurance. Jackson & Kreutz 10« S. MAIN STREET PLEASANTiVLLE THE SIGN OF SERVICE MUMFORD HAS— Some Attractive Bungalows on lot* 60x155, restricted. Will take your lot as part payment. 5 rooms, bath, sun parlor. Some with breakfast room fur nished. Gas or electric range. PHONE.... 200 E. COLLINS AVENUE Need Male Help? Try Press Want Ad.!