MISS PARSON’S PUPIL8 ' • GIVES FINE RECITAL Delightful Program Is Presented at Her Ryon Avenue Home Pupils of Miss Marlon Parsons gave an interesting piano recital at her home on Ryon avenue Friday night. Tile program included: ‘‘Dance on the Green," played by Donald Haverstick; (a) "Cap ricclo,” Harris; (b) "Wind at " Play,” Harris; (c) "‘Fireflies,” Harris; played by Elizabeth Albert don; "Hammock Lullaby” Frog man, played by June Hepburn; "By a Mossy Bank” and Minute in G”, Beethoven, played by Catherine Robertson; "Twinkling Stars,” Frogman, played by Mildred Con over. (a) “Ventian Love Song”— Nevins; (b) “Dance Caprice”— Grieg, played by Vashti Fagan; “On T„ the Wing”—Wachs, played by Eugene Wescott; “To a Wild Rose” ,, : —MacWowell, played by Ruth Hil liard; ||Sonatina”—Kuhlow, played by James Kirkpatrick 3rd.; “Valse Chromatique”—Goddard, played by Kathryn Whitman; “Sunny Spain” played by James Kirkpatrick 3rd.; (a) “Scenes form Imaginary” (b) "Caprice Viennoise” played by Mar garet Yard; "Spring”—Grieg, and "Valse Buliatl’n’— Copin, played by Mlldrod Hilliard. Those enjoying the recital were: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hilliard, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Obert, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen, Mrs. William G. Preble, Mrs. Leeds, Mrs. Ina Stad .* ler, Mrs. Gertrude Hitchens, Mrs. Edward Kopp, Mrs. Park Haver stick, Mrs. R. Warren Albertson, Mrs/ Robert Robertson, Mrs. James Kirkpatrick, Jr., Mrs. Lem •*’" uel Conover, Mrs. James Kirk - patriok Sr., Miss Claire Cole, Miss Evelyn ParsonB, and Miss Gladys Swanson, Miss Ceceil -Steiner, Miss Carrie McCoy and G. Bolton Par sons. TENDER MR, CORRIGAN SURPRISE' PARTY Aftalr Given In Honor of His Natal Anniversary Enjoyed. Mrs. Robert Corrigan tendered "' her liuBband a surprise party at their home on E. Edgcwater ave nue, Saturday night. The affair was in celebration of Mr. Corri gan’s natal day anniversary. He received many nice gifts. Card playing was enjoyed with prizes for score in the pinoihle games be ing awarded to Mrs. Mahlon Geiger, . Jules Holzer and Charles Lutz. At the conclusion of the game of ”500” 'a prize was awarded to Miss Lena Robinson. At a late hour the guests enjoyed a birthday luncheon at the tablo prettily decorated in pink and white. Favors at each place and ice cream <3 watermelon effect ad ded a color note to the table dec orations, wfclch boasted a large lighted birthday cake as the center piece. The guosts Included Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keeper, Mr. and Mrs. Jules Holzer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lut::, Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLean, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davison, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Geiger, Mr. and Mrs George Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blake, Miss Clara Brahler. Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Lena Rjbin son, George Holding, Harry v/etr, George Stevens, Mrs. Margaret Wendroth. LEAGUE HA8 BEACH PARTY Outing On Strand at Ocean City Is Enjoyed. A party on the Ocean City beach was a delightful recreation for1 ■members of the Epworth tongue society of the Bethany M. E. church Friday night. Games, bath -tag In the surf, and a ‘'doggie" roaBt were pastimes of the even ’ tag. Those enjoying the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Walton Glick, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Groome, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carman, Mr- and Mrs. Russell Stevens, Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Champion, Mr. and Mrs. Benj amin Click, Mrs. C. F. Hann, Mrs. Alfred Fish, Mrs. Cornelious Blom, Mrs. Tudor, Mrs- Anna Shelhorn, Mrs. Mary Carmen. Miss Dorothy Hewitt, Miss Johanna Blom, Mist; Helen Hewitt, Miss Florence and Lola Groome, Miss Elizabeth He!lam. Miss Beatrice Otter, Miss Elsie Lloyd, Miss Mattie Fleming, Betty and Evelyn Carman, Miss Ruth Fleming, Edward Champion, Albert and Billie Groome, Stanley f Saraeinsky, Harry Blom, John “ Poley, James Price, Joseph Flem • « ■ lng, Halver and Raymond Glick Harry Vallaster and Jimmie Shel horn. -- OTHER SOCIAL ON PAGE SIX __»»—. MBS. ALTON BOTCH. Phone 1068-J Is an accredited Social Correspon dent of The Plcasantville Frees. CHIEFS ARE INSTALLED Red Men Have Meeting When Officers Are Placed. At the regular meeting of Kine waugha tribe No. 45, I. O. E. M. Thursday bight, installation of the chiefs by district deputy Adolph Stubcr, of Victoria tribe No. 77, of Linwood, was in order. The chiefs raised were: prophet, Clarenco Daugherty; sachem, Edward Farley; senior sagamore, Joseph Guth; junior sagamore, Thomas F. Barnes. The following officers wore ap pointed by Sachem Edward Farley: John Bleecher, guard of the for est; Harvey Steelman, guard of the wigwam; Joseph C Conover, first snnap; Charles H- Lewin, second snnap; John B. Adams, first war rior; Burr McAuney, second war rior; N. D. Martin, third warrior; Clarence Davis, fourth warrior; William Z. Scott, first brave, Mer ritt Tatem, second brave; Howard Handle, third brave; and Herbert Thomas, fourth bravo. Several addresses were given by the groat chiefs and visiting brothers after which refreshments were served by tjie committee: Joseph C. Conover, Clarence Davis and John B. Adams. HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY ' An enjoyable beach birthday par ty was given at Wildwood, T’riday, in honor of Elearnor E. Waters' birthday. She is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Waters, 38 Walnut avenue. Tlie family motored to Wildwood and after enjoying all the amuse ments and games on the Boardwalk, donned their bathing suits and frolicked on the beach and in the surf. A delicious basket lunch was en joyed on the sand. They arrived tame at 11 o’clock and enjoyed a birthday cake and ice cream. Many lovely gifts were received. Those in the party were: Mrs. Mae Waters. Mrs. E. J. King, Miss Eleanor E. Waters. George Bishop, Nicholas J. Waters, Harry F. Wat. era, Bertram A: Waters, Robert L. Waters and Nicholas J. Waters, Jr. BEACH PARTY PLANNED A beach party wa3 planned by members of the Vagabond club at a meeting held at the home of Arthur Fudera, Northficld, Thurs day night. The affair will be held next Thursday night on the beach at California avenue, Atlantic City. Plans were also made for the purchase of club pins. Attending wore: Miss Kay Bar ton, Miss Gertrude MacIntyre, Miss Dot BlunJenthaU Miss Catherine Gourlay, Miss Kay Woolbert, Miss Evelyn Nixon, Miss Madge Fowler, Miss Eleanor Higbee, Miss Lila Woolbort, Miss Jean Gilbert, Miss Marjorie Wertzberger, Bill Abbott, Allen Stewart, Henry Shotts, Joe Vitto, Laurence Shoen, Pat Bocello, Foster Maxwell, Frank Ireland, Charles Keysor, David Broomall, Russoll Barr, Nathan Fincus and Al. Broomall. COMPANIONS INSTALLED At a meeting of Kinewaugha Hayloft No. 45 12, in the bayfield of this city, the following compan ions were installed by District Deputy Past Chief Haymaker, John W. Odenwelder, of Arasapha Hay loft No. 106 1-2, of Atlantic City. Those installed were: past chief haymaker,' John Bleacher; chief haymaker, Harvy Steelman; assist apt; chiof haymaker. N. D. Mar tin; overseer, Thomas F- Barnes; boss driver, William Z. Scott; horn blower, Joseph Guth; guard of the barnyard, Charles Lewin; guard of the hayloft, Edward Far loy; keeper of the bundles, Edward Rr. Merrick and collector of the straws, Charles Weisenberger. Tho Gamma chapter of “Bats,” which is the local chapter, is plan ning its first closed social affair at the Atlantic City Casino for tomor row night. Dick Meyer and his committee /j. have been working overtime to perfect plans. “Doc Daugherty, who is a resi dent here, >and well known, with his orchestra,... will furnish the music. i Miss Anna Helms, of Brighton Place, entertained a few friends evening. Prizes were given foi at a Rook card party Tuesda) high and low score. Refreshmentf were served. Those present were: Eleanoi Gilkey, Doris Sykes, Ella Hommel Mary Eeach and Anna Helms. A very enjoyable dinner part; was held in Hackney’s restaurant Atlantic City, Sunday. The groui included: Dr. and Mrs. W. j. Hud son, Mr and Mrs. Glenn Brewer Mr and Mrs. Harry Frings, Mr. an< Mrs. Harry Helfrich. Jr., Ilowari Hudson and Dorothy Helfrich Coming Events Tonight. t PHI BETA TAU fraternity will' meet in Jr. O. U. A. M. hall at 8 o’clock. MRS. THOMAS HAMM will en tertain members of the Pollyanna sowing circle at her home on Broad street. j SUNSHINE SEWING CLUB members will enjoy a theatre party on the Garden pier. ALLEQUIPPA COUNCIL, No." 7, E. of P., will meet in Bed Men’s hall at 8 P. M. $ WIDOWS’ CLUB members will ffieot at the home of Mrs. Alico' Herbert, Wellington ave., 8 P. M. Wednesday. INKLERS’ CLUB meets at the home of Mrs. Walter Whitman, E. Washington avenue, 8 P. M. ENERGETIC LODGE No. 107, Shepherds of Bethlehem will meet in Red Men’s hall at 8 o’clock. Thursday. ENTRE NOUS CLUB of Mt. Pleasant M. P. Church will hold a beach party, meeting at the hall at 8 o’clock. ANNUAL COUNTY FARMERS’ Picnic will be held all day at Mays Landing. COURT HAWTHORNE No. 1020. Catholic Daughters of America, will meet in Red Mon’s half, 8 P. M. KINEWAUGHA TRIBE No. 45. I. O. R. M., will meet in their hall at 3 o’clock. 1 BIBLE CLASS of Salem Church will hold an all day outing in At lantic City. VAGABOND CLUB inombers will hold a beach party on the Califor nia avenuo beach, Atlantic City. PHILATHEA CLASS of Salem M. IS. Church will hold an outing on the Virginia avenue beach, Atlantic City. -—f.-i-... . i GLEANER’S CLASS TO HAVE BEACH PARTY j A beach party was planned by members of the Gleaner's Class of Wesley M. E. churoh at a business meeting and social in thp church bpsement Tuesday night. It will be held August 9 on the Ventnor beach. George Reed, Norman Reed, Harold Long and Roy Somers were appointed to make arrangements. AfLer the business session, in ohargo of Mrs. Roy Somers, pres., tho hostesses who were Mrs. Harry Holfrich Jr., Mrs. Woodburn Hudson and Mrs. Stanley Parsels served delicious refreshments. During the social hour the mem bers, under the supervision of the hostess, engaged in an automobile guessing contest and a spelling bee. Mrs. George Reed and Stanley Parsels received prises for nam ing the greatest number of auto mobiles and Mrs. Harold Long won the prize in the spelling contest. - Attending wore: Rev. and Mrs. Haley, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Par sels, Wilbur Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Somers, Mrs. W. J. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long, Mr. and Mrs. George Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reod, and Mrs. 'Russell Shavjr, Mrs- II. W. Helfrich Jr., and Mrs.: Arthur Smith. GUILD GIRLS PLAN Another of the popular Steeple-! chase pier parties was planned by members of the World Wide Guild 0i the First Baptist church at a meeting in the church parlor Tues day night. * I-Ue in the evening the girls re tired to the recreation hall where refreshments were served by the hostesses, Claribel Wells and Jean Collins. Those present were: Lillian Woolbert, Jean Collins, Naomi Collins, Miriam Moshor, Margaret Dix, Francis Thomas, Jessie Ragan, Dorothy Thomas, Claribel Wells, Elizabeth Thomas, Mrs. George Adams and Anna Mao Leach. Dean Prabst and Bill Adklsson, of the younger set, had dinner at the Green Grill restaurant in Atlantic City and were entertained at a birthday party given by Mrs. Morton in honor of her daughter. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOfSOOOP PHILATHEA CLASS PLANS FOR OLD HOME WEEK Several matters of Interest were discussed by members , the the Phiiatbea class of Salem M. E. church at a meeting In the church parlor Thursday night. Plans are being arranged" to present their playlet, “Sophronia’s Wedding" about the second week in Septem ber. The class will also assist with the Old Home Week of the church, to be held in October, by selling tickets for a musical. Miss Hannah Scull, president, presided. Oames were a feature and re freshments were served by the hostesses of the evening: Miss Hannah Scull, Miss Lillian Scull, Miss Marion Johnson, Miss Ruth Muskett, Miss Alberta Johnson and Miss Esther Brown. The next meet ing will be held August 11, at which, time Mrs. Japhet Garwood, Mrs. Horace Ingersoll, Mrs. Taylor Sharrock, Mrs. James Blackman, Mrs. Naomi Blake and Mrs. Nancy Evans will be the hostesses. MRS. HOLROYD ENTERTAINS Mrs. Joseph Holroyd proved a most entertaining hostess at a family reunion at her home on Pacific avenue, Thursday. Bathing in the pool at Absecon was a fea ture of the day, and a family din ner and supper was also enjoyed. Mrs. Holroyd’s mother, Mrs. Sara Corbitt, of Camden, who is spend ing the summer with her daughter, assisted in entertaining. The guests were: Mr- and Mrs. Harry Major, of Stonehurst; Mrs. Harry Water house, and son, Jack, of Camden, and Mrs. John Smith also of Cam den. Paul Holroyd returned to Stonehurst with his aunt. Mrs, Major. ENJOY PIER PARTY An outing on the Million Dollar pier proved vory enjoyable recre ation for members of the Bible class of Salem M. E. church Thurs day. A box luncheon was a feature of the day and the minstrel. show was also enjoyed by the members of the party: Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Brown, Esther and' Dorothy Brown, Mrs. Cora Parker, Edith Parker, Master Billy Homey, Mrs. Frank Beckett and mother, Mrs. French, of Mt. Ephrlam pike, Mrs. John M. Hilton, Mrs. H. Ingersoll, Mrs. John S. Walker, office. - RETURN FROM INDIANA Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sanderson and children, Paul Jr., Robert and David, who formerly resided at 113 Chestnut street, have just returned from Lafayette, Indiana, where Mr. Sanders underwent an operation at the hands of his uncle, Dr. Tompkins. They are now'residing on W. Leeds avenue and Mr. Sanderson, who holds a responsible po^ltio^n with the Atlantic City Gas company, has returned to that SORORITY HAS MEETING Members of the Epsilon Chapter Of Beta Sigma sorority met at the homo of Jeanne Joslin, Ocean City, Monday night, when Martha Col lins, Rose Arde and Evelyn Snyder were extended bids. The next meeting will bo a com bined session of the Epsilon and Lambda chapters at the home of Hetty Toner, Poplar avenue, Lin wood. Present at the meeting were: Jeanne Joslin, Dot Boice, Kay Arnold, Eleanor Arnold, Marge WEDDING RINGS William Shoppy 1130 Atlantic Ave. ATLANTIC CITY, N, J. : HAIR CUTTING 50c TURNER’S CHILDREN’S, 25c . Over McCrary's 5 and 10c Store. 1418 ATLANTIC AVE. CHILDREN'S SPEOALTY SHOP Dresses ;; . Bonnets and Sweaters Exclusive Boardwalk Models at a Reasonably Moderate Price ORDERS TAKEN FOR ANY SIZE OR STYLE. Simpson, Helen Seltzer, Betty Toner, Jay Frambea, Maly Toner and Helen Walker. MRS. FRENCH ENTERTAINS Mrs. Percy French entertained a few friends at her home on North Second street Saturday night in honor of her birthday. She re ceived many pretty gifts. Cards were the pastime of the evening and at a late hour refreshments were served. The invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff D. Dare, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. William Mcllhonney, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Austin, Mrs. Elizabeth Chase, Edward Walker, of Camden, and Percy French. CIRCLE HAS PARTY Mrs. Charles Black was hostess to members of her sewing circle at her home on E. Edgcwater avenue, Thursday afternoon. After a pleas ant hour of sewing dinner was serv ed and husbands of several of the ladies joined the party for the eve ning. The group included: Mr. and Mrs. John Sooy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitehead, Mr. and Mrs. James Sooy, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hall, Mr. and Mrs. John Barnshaw, Mrs. Wil liam Leach, Miss Beatrice Hall, Miss Ethel Giberson, Fred Braun, Miss Clara Virginia Sooy, Jack Barnshaw and Charles Black. CELEBATE VICTORIES Mrs. Fannie O. Sheldon, Demo cratic County Committee Woman.' and Wilbur Adams, Democratic County Committeeman, wore guests of honor at a dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carr, Linwood, recently. The dinner party was givon as a celebration of the victory of the candidates in the olcction. The table was beauti fully decorated with cut flowers and I ferns. Those-present were: Mfs.1 Fannie Sheldon, Wilbur Adams, Mrs. Minnie Steelman. Mrs. Mae Kudolph, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Jo seph Sheldon and Mr. and Mrs. Carr. ENTRE NOUS CLUB TO HAVE BEACH PARTY A beach party was planned by members of the Entre NOus club of Mt. Pleasant M. P. church at a meeting in the church hall Thurs day night. Members desiring to go will meet at 8 o’clock at the hall and will go to Brigantine beach, where an evening of games and '“eats’’ on tho sand will be enjoyod. At the close of the business ses sion, in charge of Charles Falken burg, president, a social hour was in order and refreshments served. The next meeting will be held in the hall July 28. MISS M’GINLEY IS HOSTESS Tho Jolly Mainlandors club met at the home of Miss Alice E. Me Ginley, Somers Point, Wednesday night. The prize was donated, by Edythe Hawkins and won by Rose Fox. It was a shoulder flower. Plans wero made to have a beach party in Ocean City next Wednes day night. Those present were: Lela Wool bert, Becky Brooks, Evelyn Lee Cathryn Camp, Edith Hawkins, Maisio Somers, Casper Johnson, Alice Booth and tho hostess. MISS GLENDENNING BACK Miss Ruth Glendenning, who under went an operatiqn for appen dicitus in Sayre, Pa., a few weeks ago, returned to her home on .New road Saturday morning. She was accompanied by Miss Laura Carpen ter, who will remain until Steptem ber. Miss Carpenter will visit Mrs, Ferdinand Stadler In Atlantic City next week. - ■iA beach party was enjoyed Sun Matinee j Daily 2.30 Evenings 7,00—9.00 THEATRE Saturday Continuous Performance 2 to .11 Direction Stanley Company of America LAST SHOWING A TRIPlp THE Hawaiian pwto With IMPERIAL HAWAIIAN SIN0 on The Most Unique and Dif ferent Entertainment Ever Presented Upon Any Stage. In Conjunction With MILTON SILLS IN i ,' > “THE SEA TIGER” His Best Role Since The “Sea Hawk.” WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY BETTY BRONSON . IN • • •- - . “RITZY” One of the best comedies of the year based on the famous story by Elinor Clyn. COMING-FRIDAY—COMING “AVENGING FANGS” A Tale of a frogV Devotion. Phone 1470 Diseases of Women and 'Children a Specialty ALLEN BUSH, M. D. Leech Building . Cot. MAIN ST. and WASHINGTON AVE. PLEASANTVILLE. N. J. , omce Hours: 8 to 11 A. M.j t to 8 P. M.; 7 to 8 P. M. Sunday, I to S P. M. day at the .Virginia Avenue Beach by Mrs. G. W Mack and her house guests Mr. and Mrs. Edward Read and children, Edward Jr. and Betty Refill, of Millville, a,nd .Elaine, A'*'*-*'* *'*•<*'*'*■*'*■'*-*'*-**■ Gertrude and Millie Mack and Cour tis Lyle. A dip in the ocean was enjoyed by some of the party and a picnic luncheon was a feature of tlie noon hour.' Beware of Wild Cats While there may hot be any wild cats .in our . woods, there ' are always GET RICH QUICK ,SCHEMES being offered to induce you to invest /our ■ "hard earned dollars with promise of tremendous re turns on s am e. While we do not claim any monopoly on. financial knowledge, still experience has taught us how to in vestigate sudh offerings, -and we advise our-custom ers not to INVESTbefore they INVESTIGATE. v Our service is free to our customers on such matters., ' „■ , , * . . 4% INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS The PLEAS ANTVILLE NATIONAL BANK Where West Jersey Crosses Main Member Federal Reserve System. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT, $2.00 YEAR i tma a jt/ \\ FELT HATS—Made on Your Head Select your own color and body. Have it blocked, draped ami nui/io any way you like in any lieadsizc. $6.50 Complete Limited number of. $15.00. HAIR HATS reduced to $8-50 COMPARE OUR PRICES—We ore out of the high rent district. * SYLVIA—Exclusive Millinery .. 117 S. KENTUCKY AVE. ATLANTIC CITY OPEN EVENINGS l AnotKer “PEIKIN” Special nllWIillUlJLl.. TO"*' $14.95 I H. S. PEIKIN & SONS 1021-26 ATLANTIC AVE. P"The Lottcr-re Chop of Atlantlo Cltjr"j ESTABLISHED 18i)D Established 189S FREUND BROS., OPTICIANS Cor. Presbyterian & Pacific (Next to Post Office) . Look for the Clock THE ONLY PRACTICAL and FULLY EQUIPPED OPTICAL , WORKSHOP IN ATLANTIC CITY. • Kodaks and Suppllss Developing and Printing fSL RUOCCO’S FAMILY PARLORS 6 NORTH MASSACHUSETTS AVE. v Atlantic City, N. J. i Male and Female 1 BARBERS LADIES—We are Specialists in Hair Bobbing. 1 Mme. Ruocco Will Cut Your/Hair to • Suit Your Face for 50c. ONE PRICE TO ALL. / WE Have Two Methods of Permanent Wav ing. Natural Hairwave. Guar- $4 A.00 anteed One Year. . * W No Extra Charge. ~ Don’t trust yourself to a stranger or an in experienced beautifier. Come to Us We Have a Specialist in All Branches of Beauty Culture. HOURS; 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. and f ? t By Appointments. : r „ . Can Marine 4143-W—Ask for MME. RUOCCO. . Please Note—All Work Supervised by Maie. Roocco.