Newspaper Page Text
Tell The Entire Mainland Your Wants Through These Columns pooooooooooooooooqoooooc I CLASSIFIED I | ADVERTISING | fJ0<K)OOOOOOOOOOTOOOOOOUO • '• (Minimum charge. 25 words or leea, *»• first 1 insertion: 15c each addition U Insertion. Each word over 25, first Insertion, lo; each additional inser tion. one-half cent.) —■ LOST AND FOUND f LOST—Saturday morning, nearTPress office, a Parker Duo-Fold fountair pen and Chilton fountain pen. Kewarc if returned to Pieasantville Press of fice._^_w 51 STRAYED—Tan and roan heagU hound "Dick.” Friday’ Old Pennsyl va'nia license and chain on collar. Re ward. 20 Lake Place, Pieasantville or Phone 271-VV. pf, 1 - FEMALE HELP WANTED - .WANTED—White girl to work in res taurant; experience not necessary. Ye Open Kitchen, 1403 N. Alain St. Pieasantville. * wiil —— EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Call Pleasant vi He 1034W for bdfel white and colored help. References. Quick Service Employ merit Agency. 814 W. Ashland Avo., cor Columbia. — SITUATIONS WANTED - SITUATION WANTED—Single man, 45, educated, desires light outdoor work. Experienced with gardens, lawns, flowers. * Wages moderate. Ad dress A. Gardener, General Delivery, Pieasantville. |1 *- MONEY TO LOAN - $1,500 to loan on first mortgage. Ap ply Vickers, 122 South Alain St., Pleasanlviile. tl FOR SALE FOR SALE—Porcelain both tub, $12. Phone Pleasantville 1112. \v52 FOR SALE—New bungalow, 5 rooms and bath. All modern conveniences. Garage. 123 E. Adams Ave. Applv A. W. Fimvall, 224 N. First Street, Phone 1185-VI._ u FOR S A" (71*1—Standard computing scale and National cash register. See Ambrose Perry, rear 29 N. Main Street. w52 BOR SALE—Cheap; good work horse. W. J. Gordon, Steelmanvillg, R. .T. j- p52 FOR SALE*—Must sell account of sick ness, beautiful 6-room house, im provements, 60x70, shade trees; con venient to trolleys; worth $5,500; no reasonable offer refused; terms. Call Burnett, 118 Glendale Ave., Pleasant Vllle. _ ^ tf FOR SALE—Large screens for porch enclosure. F. It. Henry, Absecon, Phone FOR SALE—Two 4-room bungalows, garc(. t, >/2 acre, $2800; 5-room bun galow, garage.all improvements, $2600; 7 rooms, garage, all improvements, $4,000; 8 rooms, all improvements, cor ner lot 90x125, $6,000, BetiJ. Seaman, California and 7th Aves., Pleasant ville. Phone 301J._ tf FOR SALE—20-piece aluminum set, $5; gas hot water heater, $3; electric reading lamp, $2; buffet and china closet^ 127 N. 2nd Sl.__w50 FOR SALE—Leatherette davenport bed, good condition, reasonable. 4 W. Verona Ave. p5l FOR SALE—Bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, all conveniences, large basement, ground 200x125 ft. Apply 132 West Mulberry Ave. pf,f, FOR SALE—Pleasantville, new 6-room house; all modern Improvements. Tile bath, hot water heat, hardwood cromar floors, cement basement and garage. 200 ft. to trolley direct to At lantic City. Half square from Albany boulevard. Fine residential section. Well financed. Inquire Coast Auto Supply Co.. Absecon Blvd., Absecon. Phone Pleasantville 885. tf FOR SALE—one Ford truck in good working order; price reasonable. Just becji overhauled. JO. Kinsell. 4Hi W. Merion Ave. Phono 1162. 4w52 FOR SALE—H. B. Smith hot vw.ter heater and 3 radiators, $6U. Apply HOC S. Main St., Pleasantville. If FOR SALE—Ford sedan. good condi tion; very cheap. 221 Brighton Place. pi 8 FOR SALE—New Bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, hot wat<%- heat. $1,000 re quired. Owner, leaving town. Apply 105 E. Adams Ave., Pleasantville.- p4G FOR SALE—Choice of 3 new modern bungulows, all In nice location. Terms. John E. Blake, Sr., 55 East West Jersey Ave., Pleasantville. tf FOR SALE-*-A beacon—Five room cot tage, with ten acres facing two (streets, near Atlantic City Estates, reasonable. J. bJ. Nicholds, 10th and Upland Aves., Absecon N, .f. FOR SALE—several meadow plots near Fox trc.3t; suitable for devel opment. John n. Blake, Sr., 55 East West Jersey Ave., Pleasantville. tf FOR SALE.—Special —. 1000 Dr. Shell Rim Glasses at $2.95 a pr., exami-* nation Included. Invisible Bifocals, $6.00; Elgin Watches. $8.95; -carat Diamond, $50.00; Unbreakable Crys tals, 26c. Coatsworth, 1826 Atlantic Vre„ Atlantic City. jf'UK;—1un easy icnns m ciiuich location, one acre of ground and Several small buildings suitable for chicken farm. John H. Blake, Sr., 55 E. West Jersey Ave., Pi/tasantville. • ■-i- REAL ESTATE - ■ BARGAIN—22 Building Lota, $400 each; also 10 acres cheap. Martell, Boulevard at Main. Pleasantville. .WANTED. — Homes, sale or rent. I have many clients waiting to buy or rent. If you want to clean out your Juoperty bring it to me. Martell, Bou evard and Main, Pleasantville.tf_ BARGAINS TN HOMES, Saie or Rent—All sizes, all prices, for all classes. Bungalows $4,000 up; rent $30 up per month. Martell, builder,. Boulevard at Main, Pleasantville, Phone Pleasantville 1051. tf. FOR SALE.—Doughty Road, trian gular lot 190 ft. frontage, 120 ft. deep, between Washington Ave. and Atlantic-City R. R. Price. $1,000. Northfleld, 295 feet fronting on the New Road at Franklin Ave. Jesse L. Risley, 606 So. Main St., PleaHantville. N. J. tf WANTED WANTED—Rellned lady desires fur nished room, privilege of light house keeping, city or country if convenient. $12 month, permanent if suited. Give particulars. Address. Box L, care Hie Pleasantville Press. w__P|»l CHICKENS.—will Duy or sell in any quantity. Writ© C. Hare. Absecon, uIVE CHICKENS WANTED. — la any quantity. • A. T. Bateman, 21 N. Main Street. Phone 264. NEW LIN. — LOCKSMITH. GUN SMITH. SAFE EXPERT. Keys made, Locks Installed, Lawn Mowers sharpened and repaired, Scissors and Knives Ground. Phone 268-W. £hop» H Ingergoll Ave PAPERHANGER High Grade, experienced. Prices rea sonable. Phone Pleasantville 1439.1. W. J. Adkins. Box 14, K. I£ D. 1. YV; WasMnglon Ave. __Eilii - HAULING AND PLOWING ELLIS ADAMS is prepared to do all kinds of hauling and plowing on abort notice. 233 N. Second Street, DRESSMAKER DRESSMAKING—By day or at home. Mrs. Anna B. Bowmen, N. K. corner California & Ocean Avenues, Pleasant yilie, tt ---- FOB RENT i KOK RENT OR SALE—New 7-room stucco dwelling, all improvements. I* ireproof garage; opposite school, near stores, trolley and markets. $50 per month. Guard Place, between North Alain and Woodland Ave. p51 FOR RENT—3-room apartment. Airs. Higbee. 14 Lake. Place. ' - tf FOR RENT—9-room house, all Con veniences. «115 N. First St., $45 per month. Apply Frendlich Barber Shop. 200 Pleasant Jtve,_ tf FOR RENT—Detached house, 5 large rooms and bath, gas, hot water heat, fine shade, large lawn. Ocean Heights Ave. $30 monthly. -John Al. Soo'y. Phone 11R3 Somers Point. w52 FOR RENT—Largo furnished room, all conveniences, housekeeping priv ileges if desired. 328 Chestnut ,St. #v.r>l FOR RENT—Apartment, furnished, four rooms and *batn.’ Hot water heat, also garage. No. T E. Motion Ave.. Phone 1137,J. mw50 FOR RENT—Unfurnished apartment, 4 rooms and hath, ground floor, $30 per month; Protestants only. J1 West Alerion Ave. _l>f,2 FOR RENT—Unfurnished apartment. Private, 3 rooms and bath. Large living room, electricity. 19 S. Second St. phoife 492-.J. „ tf FOR RENT—At 418 West Delilah road, 5 rooms, bath, kitchenette and gar age. Apply W. D. .Vanuntan, 7G East Buyview Ave. tf FOR RENT—Five room apartment: all conveniences. Cor. Chestnut and Decatur. Apply AT. Daley on premi ses. wtf FOR RENT—Apartment or whole house, furnished or unfurnished,* al so bedroom with kitchen privileges. HU<* W. Washington Ave. w&l FOR RENT—burnished 3 rooms i bath. All private; also garage spa Apply 23 Lake Place. p45> I*OR RENT—Front bedrooms for rent with kitchen privileges if desired. $5 a week. 323 Chestnut St. p!7 FOR RENT—Bungalow unfurnished, 3 rooms and bath, all improvements. Adults only. Inquire 111 N. Second St. Pleasantvllle. i p!5tf FOR RENT— Beauiiful California type bungalow, built one year, on wide street, center of town, strictly resi dential, 5 rooms .tile bath, shower, etc. Large fireplace, hot water heat, large cellar cemented; 50x125 lot. R. Mil [er, 21 E. Decatur Ave. Phone 514.1. tf FOR RENT—0-room stupeo house, all improvements, newly papered and painted; 104 N. Second St.. Inquire 118 Pleasant Ave. $45 per month. p52 FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, large hay window front, all conven iences; reasonable. 20 North Second ‘St- _• • p44tf FOR RENT—Large hall, Mechanics Hall, Mam St. & Decatur Ave., Fri day and Saturday nights. Apply (diaries Shewed or janitor. t.f FOR RENT—4 bedrooms and hath, garage, corner Nevada and Franklin Boulevard. Phone Pleasantville lSO. tf MOST Convenient Apts in town—5 rooms and hath. $15.00 month. Lease. Call J. A. Flutie, 125 So. Main FOR RENT*-AI1 kinds dwellings and apartments, furnished . and unfurn ished, $25 and upward per month to $2,000 for the season. Apply Hanson’s Real Estate Ollice, 22 East West Jer sey Ave. If FOR* RENT—Furnished or unl'urnish ed, four rooms and hath; hot water heat, gas electricity, garage, tele phone. Miore Road, Linwood. Phone Somers Point 134- K-12. tf OR RENT—Bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, garage, all conveniences; $40 month. 50 L. Ivoraine Ave. Inquire next door or Breuninger’s Bakery, 13 So. Main St. HOUSE FOR RENT—6 rooms, bath, all modern conveniences; also •gar age, reasonable. Apply 12 S. Hamp ton Court. p3ltf FOR RENT—Apartments, centrally lo ^ od Phono C. S. Sheppard, Phone 30j-W or 122(1. _ tf - FURNISHED ROOMS --— FOR RENT. — Fmnished rooms, 10 North Franklin Ave.. Pleasantville. FOR RENT-—2 or 2 rooms-furiTisITeS for light housekeeping, all conven iences; reasonable. 3(1 Loraine Ave., Pleasant vide. jjf,l — STORES FOR RENT — 2 NEW MODERN STORES—$40 per month: suitable for barber shop; hairdressing parlor, bakery, delicates sen, florist, plumbing or painting, etc. 45 & 47 East Washington Ave., Plea santville. Apply M.. Med hold t, 110 S. Franklin Ave, p57 USED CARS We also have for sale a good line of used. Tires and parts. Tommy Warren’s Garage, 210-18 New Road. Thousands of Luxurious Miles at * Minimum Cost. If you’ve been patiently wailing for the day when you could own a new car, why wait? The cars we offer are in such excellent condition that both yon and your friends will believe it a brand new car. Here is an opportun ity to make the dream of your life come true at about one-fourth of the price you thought you would have to pay. Buy your Used Car from— BOB MILLER’S Pleasantville Used Car Exchange Studebaker Sales Room Boulevard and Toulon Ave. Phone 111* 11_*' (Fox Tract) - PROFESSIONAL -- PRIVATE MATERNITY HOME— MBS. B. WATTS—Licensed by the medical State Board of New Jersey, with best professions1 attendants. Charles & Franklin Aves. Pleasant ville. 7HD-M. tf NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the Ac counts of the Subscriber as Adminis trator of the JOstate of Wesley Samson, deceased, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate and reported for settlement to the Orphans’ Court of Atlantic County on Wednesday, the Thirty-lirst day of August, next, at which time application will be made for commissions. I Dated July 25. A. D., 1‘>27. THOMAS 1. DUNLAP. I'leasantvllle, J. Pi’s fee*$7.80 514 Phillips Company Insurance, Ildat Estate and Mortgages (GUARANTEE TRUST BLDO. William A. Faunce, President Walter W. Clark, Vice-President Harold W. Faunce, Secretary Herbert A. Faunce, Treasurer ATLANTIC CITV. N. J. Beautify Youl- Homes TREES —SHRUBS FLOWERS From West Chester Nurseries. Iloopes Bros. & Thomas Co. LEWIS H. LAKE, Agent 847 LINIiEN AVENUE Phone Pleasantvillo, N. J. NORTH FI ELQ ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE authorizing the in curring: of temporary indebtedness f in the sum of not exceeding .One Thousand ($1,000) - Dollars to defray the cost of purchasing a dump-truck for road purposes. ( • Re It OrdumecJ by the Common Council of the City of Northfleld, New 1. • That there shall he issued bv thf City of Northfleld temporary note in the sum of not exceeding One Thous and ($1,000) Dollars to raise funds tc I defray the cost of purchasing one ; Chevrolet dump-truck for road pur poses. 2. That said note shall be issued . for such Unit* and in such amount at the governing body shall by resolution determine, however, in no case to ex ceed the total sum of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars and not to be issued for a * longer period than six years from the tlute thereof and at a rutt of interest riot exceeding six pet* cen tum per annum. This Ordinance shall take effect when and as provided by law aftei its llnal passage and proper publica Hy order of the Common Council of the City of Northfleld. New Jersey. Passed after public hearing on final reading at a regular meeting of tin; Norlhlield City Council held m Coun cil Chambers August 1, 1!)27. WILLIAM- STOKES. President of Common Council. Attest: GEORGE H. MU Approved August 1, 1‘hw. EUGENE SWJLKEY. Mayor. LLEG. * City Clei NORTHFIELD ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE to provide •for the assessment and collection of taxes hi the City of Norlhlleld, New Jer • He It Ordained hy the Common Council of the City of Northfield, New Section 1. That there lit? created in the City of Northfield, New Jersey, a Hoard of Tu x Assessors consist inf; of three persons who shall be elected hy the Common Council for a term of three years, provided that the mem bers first chosen, one thereof shall hold olllce until the end of the cal endar year in which he shall he chos en: another thereof shall hold ollico until the expiration or the calendar year next niter that in which lie shall •lave been elected: anti the third shall hold pflice until the expiration of the second caloutiaf year ensuing that in which he shall have been chosen, anti then succeessors shall he elected and hold olUce for the lull term of three Section 2. Said Assessors shall each roceiyc such salary as from time to time shall be fixed hy the Common Council *f the City of Northfield and shall give bond for the faithful per formance of their duties in such sum and* in such form ami with such sure ties as the Common Council shall pro vide. Section 3. Said Ttoird of Assessors shall have all the powers ami perform all the duties devolving bv law upon the assessors of taxes at the time of I lie passage of this Act. and tin* of fice of such assessors shall h* abol ished upon the election and qwnlil'y ing in office of the Hoard or Asses sors hy this Act established. Section 1. There shall be a. reeciv er of taxes who shall he chosen b the Common <'hum'll of the City d Northfield, New Jersey^ for a perio. of three years, providing hat tin* tern of oflice of the officer first chosen shul expire on the llrst day of Januar m xt following his selection, when hi; successor shall he cho&en for. a ful term of three years. Section 5. The said Tax Receive shall give bond in such form, for sm l sum with such sureties as the Com m»n Council may approve. Section <». The said Tax Receive Hha|l receive such salary as from tim to time shall be fixed by the Comnioi < ofim-il and shall perforin all the du I tms now devolving by law of llie Tu 1 Collector, which office is abolish) ( upon the election and qualify ing in of lice,,of the said 'Pax Receiver. Section 7. The Common Counci of the City of Northfield shall #ix il,, annual salary of the Assessors or T:i: Receiver hy resolution and such sal ary shall be payable quarterly. This Ordinance shall take offec when and as provided by law after it; final passage and publication. Passed after Public hearing oif Una reading at a regular meeting of ||H Northfield City Council held in Conn cil Chambers, August 1. I!i27. Wild JAM STOK PIS, President oi Common Council ’ Attest: GEORGE H. MULDER A , . Pity Clerk. Approved August 1, lf)27. . EUGENE S WILKE V, > BOROUGH OF LINWOOD. N. t ORDINANCE NO. 24—1927 TABOR AVENUE GRADE ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE establishing grade, of curbs, gutters and wi< of sidewalks of that portion of ' bor Avenue lying between Oak A nue and the Shore Fast Dine Southwest line of said Tabor A Scooping—Cellar Digging See— W. G. Loeffler 626 N. MAIN STREET Mione 576-W Uxcavating-Street Grading Real Estate -♦«<$ If you have .property in Atlantic City and wish to sell or exchange, there is a possibility that we may find a customer for you. We have many inquiries, and yours may just suit. Write us. -**"><»- • 20 South Tennessee Ave. ATLANTIC CITY C. J. Adams Co. LOTS FOR SALE At English Creek Oil the Somers Point and Mays Landing Boulevard, near Bet sy’s Wharf Road. Easy terms. Also large acreage ripe for Development, Apply Owner Joseph' H. Hickman P. O. Bldg. Mays Landing, N. J. Make your wants known through Tlse Pleasantvllle Press. tt . .-A nue being shown on Map of*Premi ses situate in the Borough of Lin wood. belonging: to Joseph H. •Kichorz. . Section 1. Be it ordained by the Borough Council'of the Borough of Lin wood that the elevation for the grade of gutters on said Tabor Ave nue shall be live-tenths (0,5) of one foot lower than the grade of the ad joining curb. Section 2. Be it further ordained that the pitch or rise of finished sur face of sidewalks from the curb to the property line shall he at the rate of three-eighths of an inch per foot, the outer edge to he flush with the curb. I Section 3. Be it further ordained that the sidewalks on said Tabor Ave nue shall have a width of ten (iu) feet. Section 4. Be it further ordained that the grade of the .Northeast curb line ol ^Tabof Avenue where it inter sects the Southeast curb line of Oak Avenue shall be at an elevation of 28.33 feet, thence: (A) Extending Southeasterly and descending at the rate of 2.34 feet per one hundred feet to an elevation of 15.31 feet at the Northwest curb line of Oak Grove Avenue. Section r>. Be it further ordained that the grade of the Southwest cwi|» line of Tabor Avenue where it inter sects the Southeast curb line of Oak Avenue shall be at an elevation of 28.fls feet, .thence: (A) Extending Southeasterly and descending al the rate of 2.34 feet per one hundred feet to an elevation of la.51 feet at the Northwest curb line.* of nca ^ Grove Avenue extended, (B) Ascending at the* rale of O.fia reef per one hundred feet to an eleva tion o! 15.71 feet at the Northwesterly nghj-of way of tl>e Shore Fast Line. Section II. And he it further or dained. that any ordinance or parts thereof inconsistent herewith, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that this ordinance shall take effect im mediately. Notice is hereby given that the fore going ordinance was passed on lirst reading at a regular tuft-ting of Bor ough < mined held in Council Cham V«"«. Borough Hall. Lin wood, N. .1.. Monday evening, August I. 1327 and will la* further considered for second reading and final passage at a l'egulnr nieoting of Borough Council to he held in Council Chambers Monday evening, Aimi'sl 1511,. MI27. Winn til,. t,„|,lin will he, given an opportunity to be heard regarding tin* some JA5II0S PAIil.XM, ('lurk, Hm,until „f Limn,o,|, N. J. It.'itiil July IN, 1U‘>7. PUBLIC NOTICE. Public notice is •hereby given that on August I. 1327. the City Engineer ol Ihe City of Pleasant vide died in <>>« ollice of the City Clerk of said Citv an apportionment of the total cost and expense of tin* completion of curbs and sale walks for the year 1323, in said City of Pleasant.vide, among the . . . among the several properties improved in propor tion to tin* frontage of their respective lands, which Report wnj# filed under oath as rerjuired by law and that our suanl to law the Common Council of the < ity of Pleasantvilh* has fixed Monday, the fifth day of September. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO BUNGALOW clout* tn'hoth trolleys on the widest st ivet in Plensanlvilk*. 5 rooms and mth. sun parlor, hot water mu., built-in ironing hoard, laundry tubs, polish'd I loors, large attic, •rn.ino. Small amount of cash buys .it, well tinaueed. Apply .John Me Caughreari 1319 South Broad Street Adjoining the Ball Park. USED CARS Wo have several unusually soiiil "buys” In Used Cars. Those cars have all boon roeondit iniV-d and will sive good, Ions, subslail lial service, prices and terms are very reasonable. We slailly deni si rale any one of these cars lor you. 1926 Star Sedan, looks like a new car, a real bargain. 1925 Ford Tudor, in A-l condition, mechanically perfect. 1924 Ford Tudor, in fine running condition. 1923 Hudson Coach. I 1926 Essex Coach, in tj)c best of condition. Essex (4 cylinder) Sedan, a j good car in every respect, | priced low. Ilomonibor — "You can’t go wrong on a Turner & Adams Used Car." TURNER & ADAMS Hudson—Esse\ Sales & Service 18-24 E. WASHINGTON AVE. (New Garage) Phone 810 Pleasantvllle, N. J. | 1027, at the Council Chambers,-City Hall. l’leasantvillo. New Jersey, at the hour of eight o’clock in the evening, daylight saving time, as the time and place for a hearing upon the question of tin- confirmation of said assess ments and al(, persons having any in terest in the lands improved or inter ested In the said assessments for said curbing and paving improvements. for said year, may appeal* at said time and pihcn and they will he afforded a hearing. ni:h i:\iiaj r andriows, City Clerk. Dated August 1. 1D27. 'VWVWVWWUVW-' Home Seekers JACKSON & KREUTZ’S Largest Listing gives you the Best Selection to choose from. JACKSON & KREUTZ’S Service takes off your shoulders all worry and detail in connection with the Title Conveyancing and Insurance. Jackson & Kreutz 10G S. MAIN STREET ‘ PLEASANTVILLE THE SIGN OF SERVICE A Friend in Need Whether your income is from farm or factory; * whether you handle the plough or pen; whether you work in office or in the open, fields, you need the protection of' sound dependable ! insurance. * Insurance after a loss is a friend in need. But don’t wait until after a fire or other mis ! fortune. .See this agency of iho I Hartford Fire Insurance Co. to day. It may save you heavy loss tomorrow. • Jackson & Kreutz 10(i S. MAIN STREET PHONE 650 ! CHRYSLER SALES AND SERVICE We also have a number of USED CARS—trade-ins which we will sell under the same condition as mjyr cars, namely, 90 days’ guarantee. Lot us s^ow you THESE. 1926 Chrysler 58 Sedan 1924 Cleveland Sedan . Very Al tractive Car for tlio money 1925 Bix Six Stude baker Brougham * 1925 Ford 2-door Sedan 1924 Cleveland Sedan 1923 Dodge Truck Economy Garage It. E. KRHWSON, Prop. 9-11 West Washington Ave. Phone 581W Pleasantville 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000^3000 I “THE LOSS MAY OCCUR TODAY— § TOO LATE TO INSURE TOMORROW’’ 8 PROTECT YOURSELF WITH | AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE | NO AUTOMOBILE IS IMMUNE 8 FROM FIRE LOSS. . 7 | NO CAR IS THEFT PROOF. | NO CAR IS SAFE FROM COLLIS- 8 ION § § PUBLIC LIABILITY and PROPER- | | TY DAMAGE CLAIMS, arising from jjj § Automobiles injuring persons and dam- j j 8 aging the property of others, are pre- l|l § sented to us daily, in ever increasing jj R numbers. § Our a Guarantee of Fair Adjustment and Prompt Service in the Event of a Loss. | JACKSON & KREUTZ I I 10s south Main street 8 ooocooooooooooooooooodooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Genuine 13 plate (t*-i /\ aa FORD BATTERY *10 NOW nv/rr . • • And your oic, Battery Pleasantville Motor Company AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Main St. and Verona Ave. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY II ART AND GIFT SHOP | NIJ-ART and GIFT SHOP 6 East Washington Avenue Hand-Made Lamp Shades. Beat Brand Yarns, Bucilla Needle work, Scarf Painting, Free In struction with All Material. BUILDERS c GEO. L. MUM FORD Phone 200 E. COLLINS AVE All jobs Personally Supervised _PleasantvUle. N. J. WILLIAM C. LEAR 225 Linden Ave., Pleasantvilie Phone 789 JOHN J. GREEN 210 W. Washington, Pleasantvillt Let Me Give You Estimates CKjARS & SOFT DRINKS CENTRAL CIGAR STORE 10 WEST WASHINGTON AVE. rivals. C’iKaiftfes, Soft Drinks I’andy, let* Ca-am. We specially.* in I he inak1-"' of Italian Spaghetti, CIVIL ENGINEERS SAMUEL J. CLARK & SON CIVIL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS Kstublished |!ID2 1 S. Main 321 W. Washington _ Bell Phone 33W GARAGES PALACE GARAGE • SERVICE—STORAGE First St. & Washington Avenue HOSIERY Ankle Clinging; HOSIERY J. W. GIFFORDS 177 .North Main Street Quality—Service—Appearance, ‘The Arrowhead for nil the Family1 JEWELERS C. A. KEITEL JEWELER-WATCH SPECIALIST Next to Postoffice Phone G82-W OPTICIAN Kstjil»ll.slu*cl 1 S!IS * FREUND BROS. 100G PACIFIC AVENUE Atlantic City (Next to Postoffice) Look for the Clock PAPERHANGER hftgh Grade; Experienced Prices Reasonable I Phone Pleasantville 1439J W. J. ADKINS Dox,14, R.D.1, W. Washington Ave. PRINTERS ANTHONY J. CORIO Phone Pleasantville ?41 236 W. WASHINGTON AVE. PLUMBING—H EAT1NG1 PAT GABEL PLUMBING : HEATING FURNACES R. D. No. 1—86, Pleasantville WILSON ^ HELFRICH PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS 110 S. Main St., Pleasantville SERVICE STATION Boulevard Service Station Mohawk Tires and Tubes Pleasantville—Lyons Court & Bou levard; Phone P’ville 723. Absecon—Illinois Ave & Absecon Boulevard. Absecon—1047-J. SEWING MACHINES HEMSTITCHING USED MACHINES REPAIRING SINGER MACHINE STORE 116 North Main St. SHOE REPAIRING FRANK LAKE FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING 16 E. WASHINGTON AVE. Cr&pe Sole Specialists _All Wor k guaranteed NICK FAZIO HIGH GRADE SHOE REPAIRING • 25 N. MAIN ST. Reasonable Prices Prompt Service GEORGE ISAAC ! FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING Risley Bld.(1 door from Main St) "We Use Re-1 Leather" Prompt Service Guaranteed _TAILORS _ New York Tailoring Co. EXCELLENT CUSTOM TAILORS Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing Repairing 91 N. Main St. Phone 134-d Reasonable Prices E. Wilkin, prop , trucking—storage CLICK’S EXPRESS Crating and Packing Clean Storage House 210 PLEASANT AVENUE Phone 172 J. W. KIRK BRIDE BODY & STORAGE CO. \ OLD TURNPIKE & SHORE RD. "Prepared to Do Your Moving” Largest Up-to-date Storehouse in the City Phone 104-J TOBACCONIST UNITED CIGARS 15'/2 S. MAIN ST. United Profit-Sharing Coupons With All Purchases. USED CARS BOB MILLER’S “Plensantville Used Car Exchange STUDEBAKER SALES ROOM Boulevard & Toulon Ave. Phone 1120 (Fox Tract) TURNER & ADAMS Hudson-—Essex Sales & Service 18-24 E. WASHINGTON AVE. (New Garage) Phone 810 Pleasantville, . N. *J. 18 ACRES — NORTHFIELD 2000 foot frontage on Zion and Oak Avenues. Will Take Small Amount df Cash or Ex change for Other Property. Charles F. Stuber POPLAR AND SHORE FAST LINE Linwood, New Jersey Phone 914 Wilson & Helfrich Plumbing and Heating QUAKER HEATERS SOLD and INSTALLED 110 S. MAIN STREET PLEASANTVILLE, N. J. When You Build Build tor Years My experience covers All Kinds or Building, Repairs and Alterations. Let me give you an Estimate. I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. No business transacted on Sunday. JOHN J. GREEN- Contractor 210 W. Washington Ave. , I’leasantvillle MUMFORD HAS Some Attractive Bungalows on lots 60x155, restricted. Will take your lot as part payment 5 rooms, bath, sun parlor. Some with breakfast room fur nished. Gas or electric range. PHONE.. 200 E. COLLINS AVENUE