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I pi\ K* ; «t Jiaynde Cky Note* SOMERS POINT EVENTS By R. VAN SYCKEI^ Fraternal Social Church {MRS. JOHN BROMLEY i '.i*' ENTERTAINS T i Mrs. John Bromley, wlio 13 a pummer resident and who resides in Germantown, Pa., in the winter Jnonths, gave a luncheon on Thurs day to the following guests: Mrs. John H. Headley, of Oakiyn, Cali fornia; Mrs. Blanche De Long, Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. George F. Young, Mrs. Carrie Sheer, Mrs. John H- Quinn, Mrs. William H. Bromley and Miss Bertha Allen. LADIES FIRE CO. NO. 2 •-T^Flie • Indies’ Auxiliary of the City Fire Company, No. 2, will hold a special meeting of the organisation on Wednesday even ing, n( 8 o’clock on August 15th. Mrs. Frances Cook will preside at <ihj3' meeting. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Amos Madara, of Marmora, were in the Point on business, Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. William Yarwood, df Philadelphia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenske. ’ Mrs. Smellne Loux is visiting relatives in Pennsylvania for a tjhree weeks’ -stay. < Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham, Jr., and son, Edwin, of Philadel home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L, (Better. ' Mrs. Herman, of Philadelphia, Was the guest of Mrs. Anna Olschaser and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lemmle over the weekend. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Boceelli r"1" Mutual He was a newcomer to the bank and consequently found his duties * rather hard to remember; but all .this was forgotten when he received his first pay envelope. - In a businesslike manner he quickly checked the contents be fore signing the receipt. Then his , eye caught the words underlined in black: f,»j.ii"Your salary is your personal and family spent the weekend with relatives in Landisville. Mrs. Margaret Caldwell, of Philadelphia, and Miss Catherine Craig, of Hyattsville, Md., are be ing entertained by Mr. and Mrs. John Bauder. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Townsend and family motored to Trenton and spent several days with relatives. Mrs. Mary Dobbins and Mrs. William Robinson motored from Delmar, N- J., and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fulton. Marvin Greis lost a new rod and reel on Sunday. He left it near Deither’s pier for ten minutes and when he returned it was gone. Harry Eckhardt, who was struck in the eye by a pair of pliers, while working on an electric pump, is recovering and will not lose his eyesight aB was first thought. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. German, of Haddon Heights, are the guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Rodan for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lukens are due at their home here, after spending several months in Europe. Charles Collins, of Washington, D. C., was the guest of his father, Charles Collins last week. Mrs. Anna Curtin, noted solist, of Philadelphia, is spending the summer at the Point with relatives. The Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1, baseball team defeated the Glyn Neath A. C. team on Friday in a twilight game by the score of 9 to 7. business and a confidential matter. It should not be disclosed to any one.’* The clerk grinned as he picked up a pen and signed his name. Be low he added briefly: “I won’t mention it to anyone. 1 am as much ashamed of it as you are.” -- "Quick, Sam, a wild cat’s just run into the house with your wife.” CLAYTON HECKERT’S FALL Drops Fifty Feet From Roof of His House. Clayton Heckert, who fell a dis tance of 50 feet from the roof ol his home while painting, is suffer ing from a broken arm and In juries to his back. He is being treated by Dr. John Whittaker, of Ocean City, and is recovering slowly from his experience. FORTHCOMING WEDDING Miss Claire Kennish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rlckings, will be married to Mr. George Smith, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Smith, some time in August. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenske are receiving congratulations over the birth of a sou. The "'new arrival has been named Edward Fenske. Miss I.ydie Hopkins was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Middleton, of Chester, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. F. Snyder and two daughters, Irene and Mary, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. George Saar. Louis Lemmle and Marvin Greis went on a fishing trip Saturday and returned with 17 large fish of different varieties. Mr. and Mrs. John Colton, of Germantown, are spending a month at the Rest Cottage. "Wall, he’ll jes’ have to get out he best way he can.” ----- Browne—Did you give your Wife that little lecture on economy you talked about? Baker—Yes; now I’ve got to slop smoking. --- The most contagious thing in the world is happiness. No man can keep it to himself. Zfi POSTOFFICE WITH LANDING ROOF PROPOSED t| Sketch of the proposed new $12,000,000 Chicago postoffice contemplates an enormous building with X&at roof, 320 by 800 feet, for landing and launching airmail planes. ( t m*U‘*ai* im* Public Acceptance ;3Proclaims It: &•*5. ikm- ;}6m;, 8; br GreatestfAll-Time #i||| ESSEX*Aehievement Xilreater Power and Performance—Roomier, Finer Bodies i* »-!{■ a?.1'. Expect a great car when you come to see and try the new Essex Super-Six. Expect a more beautiful, luxurious and comfort able car. Expect a car measured in terms of the best you know, unqualified by size or ■ price. Mo previous car—no previous value—gives anything by which to judge it. It is the greatest achievement in Essex history. 2-Pais. Speed about, $7#0; l-Paas. Speedster, $835j Coach, $735; l1 Coupe, 9739; Sedan, $835 AU price* f. o. b. Detroit, plus war excise tax > f TURNER & ADAMS ! * i 18-20 E. Washington Ave., Pleasantville, N. J. ;w*" "iaacssasssaiB.s= ■ .a... ■ COURT BUSY ' OFFENDERS Speedsters and Other Traffic . Violators Before Magis trate Champion Several cases. were heard in Magistrate Celia Champion’s office for the weekend: Garland Whittaker, of 441 West avenue, Ocean City, arrested on.charge of throwing glass on the Shore roaiU. After a reprimand, sentence was suspended. There is a fine of $1(10 and one year in jail for throwing glass on the public highway. Wendell Green, of 1215' McKinley avenue, Pleasantville, was arrest ed by Chief of Police Wentzell, brought before the Magistrate and fined $25. and costs, for changing tags. Chester S. Icory, of. 8380 Colum bia avenue, Philadelphia, was arrested by Officer Albert Steel man for speeding on the way to Ocean City. He was fined $25. and costs. The 9 o’clock “American Bus,” going to Ocean City, was stopped by Chief of Police Wentzell and held for driving without lights. The driver was released with a reprimand. J. R. Allison, 4S3 Strathmere road, Brookline, Pa., was arrested for speeding on Mays Landing Boulevard by Albert Steelman on Sunday, and fined $5. and costs. Really “Permanent" Princeton, N. J.—Another profes sor has challenged the originality of the styles of modern woman. This time it’s Professor Shirley H. Weber, of Princeton, who's been engaged in classifying Princeton's collefction of coins. According to the figureson the coins, the profes sor maintains, the permanent wave was popular in the second century of our era. More than that, the ancient wonian goes the modern girl one better. She accentuated the effect of the wave with jewelry. Abe Martin says, “We'd never know some folks wuz on a vacation if they didn't come hack.” -<&$> Those who contend, that there is more drinking under prohibition may indicate the company they keep. ---— “Live dangerously from Saturday to Monday,” advised the romantic Robert Louis Stevenson. How Rob ert would have rejoiced in an auto mobile era. And Then—! ‘‘Officer! A man just stole my car! Did you see which way he went?" "Was It a Bloole sedan?” "No; a Junkett sport roadster." “Oh, a Junkett! Let’s see now, yellow with purple spots?” . "Yes, yes.” “With a couple of extra tires?” Yes, and it had. the top down.” "Aud It had a motermeter on the radiator cap?” “That’s It! Which way did he jo?” “Did It have ay spot light In the windshield?" Yes! How long ago did you see "I didn’t see it at all; I was Just curious." Scores Girls Accepting Rides Ventnor Magistrate Points Moral in Alleged 'As ' sattlt Cases —— TWO YOUNG MEN HELD 1 Automobile "Slieiks” anti girls who go for rides with chance ac quaintances were scored by Magis trate Jdhii F. H.‘Hofnswell, of Vent nor, in holding two youths fbr the grand jury on charges of attacking two girls following a flirtation and “pick-up” Monday night. Following the hearing at the Mar gate City. Hall^fMagistrate Hope jwell held Charges Arrata 22 years old, 9344 Thoroajghfare avehue, un der $7500 bail and Ralph Harper, 23 years old, 27 South Jefferson ave nue,.under $5000 bail. Arrata faced i charges made . ^by Miss Paul id e Sternberg, 18 years old, 628 Wolf street, Philadelphia. Harper faced charges made by Miss Frances Fur man, 20 years old, 710 Winton St., Philadelphia.' Harper is an Atlan tic City life guard. Both men are married. • 'v “Too many girls accept automo bile rides tvitfh1 men they don't know," the magistrate said. “I, wish that every young person and every parent within the hearing of the court would take this case as a warning. This case and the pub licity coming out of it - will go far toward ending*these practices which trend to lower the morals ot the community/ < ^ [Don't Pool with M indreaders New York—If you're going toi steal autos be sure that -you don’t get one owned by a mindreader. Take the case of Joseph Dunninger. "mindreader extraordinary.'* -He * walked into the Alexander avenue station arid announced the loss of his car. Then he told the detectives just where they’d find it albng with the thief. -A half an hour later, he made good when the officers1 ar rested the thief wlio’d smashed the car into a pillar. Dunninger then furtheraBtounded the police by correctly forecasting the theif’a plea and excuse. CHECK UP ON YOUR BATTERY, TRANSMISSION tir * AND REAR AXLE HOUSING TODAY { fi We test and refill your Battery with real Double Distilled Bat tery Water—Free of Charge. ^ We drain your Crankcase and refill with Genuine Motoroil— Standard, Mobiloil, Quaker State, Invader and Veedol Oils of the proper body to suit your motor at the price of the oil only. < ** We will drain and wash out your Rear Axle Housing and Trans mission and refill with Genuine Standard Transmission Lubricant for the price of the lubricant.! s » LET OUR MEN OF LONG EXPERIENCE GREASE AND LUBRICATE YOUR CAR BOULEVARD SERVICE STATION MOHAWK TIRES AND TUBES Pleasantville: LYONS COURT and BOULEVARD PHONE PLEASANTVILLE—723 r-j. Absecon: .ILLINOIS AVE. and ABSECON BOULEVARD ' ' ■- ABSECON—1047-J. CLICK’S EXPRESS Local and Long Distance Hauling Largest Moving Van in the City Pianos A Specialty Crating and Packing Clean Storage House Ask for Bated 210 Pleasant Avenue 172 Phone 172 Sentiments Plus Inefficiency Results in direct looses ranging from 10 to 25 Per Cent/I can prove this in any kind of chnstrtiction, especially so hi small homes, garages, alterations, etc. Estimates given without obUgfr* tion. • . < GEO. I.. MUMFORD ' — BUILDER PHONE -■ 200 £. COLLINS AVE. ALL JOBS PERSONALLY SUPERVISED Pleagantville, N. J. (CHp This Voucher from Every Edition) Bring in this Voucher and get Profit Sharing * 1 Coupon, FREE COUPON The Pleasantville Press 1 Pleasantville, N. J, THEY GET YOU WHAT YOU WANT • Need Male Help?- Try; Press Want Ad. I Model S-7 For the family of'-medium sire. 10JS sq.ft. *helf • sfrgce. 96 ic* YOUR LOCAL LIGHTING COMPANY AUdtl S S ' \ Pot the •mall fam ily or,where kitchen’ •pacei»limited. 7yi : «Q> ft. *hdf ipm.1' 48 ice cube*. , i : . Until S-10 ■ _ *or the large family, rte more elaborate 4= home. %2H sq. ft* •Helf apace. 120 tee STANDS BACK OF SERVEL •In choosing SERVEL for your electric refrigeration you have the comforting satisfaction that your local lighting company will sell it to you and service it for you. This itself is a guarantee of SERVEL’S efficiency and all-around dependability. YOU BUY SERVEL WITH THIS DOUBLE GUARANTEE vwotj’ gi-?; IfZ Yi .; v^ett ■ ’ • Mg :> y& fflL There’s no risk whatever when you choose SERVEL. The manufacturer guarantees It and your own electric light \fe :.-i ■f M: tpohipany stand back of it as wdll. Visit the local’SERVEL display. Inspect these beautiful ^ new models. They .are the .last word in up-to-dateness. _ f^ .Allrsteel ,.fabinets built for long service. Smooth,, quiet ^ mechant^gi.. Low-cost operation, ,5,4 tv;;1.; ,, lilhfty j,, ;a . ..'t. , * .-' .' . 1 ' / * “ - vt/VtUl» Atlantic City Electric Company PLEASANTVILLE DIVISION, »T; 15 E. WEST JERSEY AYE. f Phime 1400 vas&s« EASY TO-OWN «« > AND PAY FOK *** A small /payment secures'complete , Installation the balance charged * i*l. • convenient amounts oh your light bill each month ovfer an extended perio%