Newspaper Page Text
County Union In Session At Atlantic City :5 ' V ' — ■ ■ 7 ■ ■ i i ■' i Fortieth Annual Gathering Opens Thursday Morning in Central M. J2. Church < REPORTS ON WORK WILL BE HEARD Election of Officers Takes Place in Afternoon—Mrs. Frendlich, County President Will Address Gathering ‘ The Woman’s Christian Temper ance Union of Atlantic County will gather in Central M. E. Church, At lantic City, Thursday for its for tieth annual session. Mrs. Ethel Luxthan, president of the Atlantic •City Union and her committee in charge of arrangements have com pleted all .preparations. The morning service will open at J0.30 with greetings to the Union by Rev. George W; Yard, pastor of the church. The response will be tnade by Mrs. Nettie Adams, qt this City. Tlie annual reports of Mrs. R. J. Frendlich, county president; Mrs. Sadie Wood, county corres ponding secretary, and Mrs. Lillian Pennington, county treasurer, will next be made. The afternoon meeting will be opened at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Anna Flemming, of Absecon, will open the session witli reading of tlie Psalm and prayer. A memorial will be conducted for members who have passed away since the last annual •meeting, six of whom were members of Dr. Eva Lake Union, of Pleasantvllle. Election of .officers for the coming year will follow. Reports from (.lie various depart ments will next be given. Mrs. Li da Bowen will be in charge of the music and will render solos, as will Mrs. Virginia Zulker. At the even ing session Mrs. R. J. Freluliich, county president, will give an ad dress on “The’New Crusade and Mission of Women as Gleaned from the National Convention;” Nathan Reinhart will follow with organ se lections. -«*$>—:— Sheriff Cimmo Investigating - ^ • {I Charge That Northfield Man Obtained Drugs While in County J31I ’ Sheriff James— Cimino is con ducting an investigation into jail conditions at Mays Landing with the object of uncovering any smuggling of narcotics into the county jail, if there is any. “Sometimes we have prisoners brought here under the influence of narcotics. We can’t prevent that, but we take every precaution to keep them from obtaining more,” the Sheriff declared. “When we have a prisoner whom we know to be a user of narcotics, the turnkeys atwch every visitor' carefully and compel them to stand four feet away from the cells to prevent them from handing any thing to the prisoner. Of course, it is possible to hide dope in cigar rettes and very small articles, but we take every precaution. The jail physician never gives narcotics to anyone”. The alleged smuggling of .nar cotics was charged in the case of James Haley, Northfield contrac tor, now in the county asylum at Smiths Landing, committed to jail on charge of intoxication and later found to be temporarily demented. . -;?«?> RECOVERS FROM ,MISHAP English -Creek Woman Slightly Hurt In Fall To Pavement. Mrs. Richard Lee, qf English Creek, is improving from slight received last week In a r- peculiar accident. Mrs. Lee, pro prietor of a roadside 'Stand, was waiting on a customer when she stepped on a walnut. She slipped and fell backward, her head strik ing the pavement with force. She suffered bruises and cuts. —dH-— Oisrk Lumeer Co., lumber, mid work —builders' supplies. Phone *8f.- ~A~ - : a c. a. beitel r Watchmaker and Jeweler Noxt to Fostodlcc. Phone CS2W PHONE NIOH1 OR DAY Coat yard or tiuovon cemept A Sup ply Co., may be reached by phone day or night. Phone it. Orders at -night receive -prompt ...attention following morning. Building supplies, too.—sdv. •_* * KNOW YOUR CITY No. G—THE EARLIEST FISHERMEN. Hundreds of years ago, before the -white man first cut ills way through the jungle-like swamps in this section to establish fishing villages and iron foundries, the Red Man had for centuries known the hays and shores of Atlantic County as excellent fishing grounds. No permanent settlements were ever made, but the Lent Lenape, a tribe of Delaware Indians, made regular trips to this section from Pennsylvania and Northern New. Jersey to catch clams and oysters. After eaich haul, the .savages would bring their hauls inland to high ground along the streams, where they would establish a temporary camp and dispose of their fresh sea food. This custom followed through the years, resulted in huge shell heaps'on the sites of these camps, ten to twenty feet high and sometimes as much as a quarter mile long. These heaps may be seen today along the Mullica liver and even the smaller streams which pass through this-city. Legion Post To Choose Leaders Nomination of Officers VVill Take Place Tonight; Mem bers To Attend Theatre' LEGION HALL BEGUN The Mainland Post No, 8L American Legion, will meet tonight at the First street hall to nominate officers for the ensuing year. Fobert Cir'ens, present commander of the post, will decline nomination for re-election, according to the un written law of the post, and there is much speculation as to the probable choice of the post members. After the meeting the members will attend the showing of “What Price Glory" at the Rialto Theatre. It was announced today by post officials that ground was broken yesterday for the Memorial Hall oh First street aud that construction work was going rapidly ahead. The hall, ground for which was donated by the post to the city, will house police offices, and will provide on, the second floor a permanent meet ing place for the Legion. ,j Local Firemen 1 In A. C. Parade -— h Company No. 1 Will Have 35 Men in Line Saturday Afternoon WILL BRING APPARATUS Thirty-five members of Fire Co. No. 1, of this city, will be In line Saturday when firemen from every part of the State parade in Atlantic City. The State Convention of fire men, being held at present in the resort, will roach its climax iu the parade, which is Scheduled to start at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon at Texas avenue and Atlantic. The Pleasautville firemen will take wit'u them the Linwood fire men's band, and will have two piec es of apparatus in line. Those who are to march in the procession will meet at the local firehouse at 12 o’clock Saturday noon. A special meeting of the members of the company will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in the firehouse to discuss plans lor ilie parade. JUNK BUSINESS IS ESTABLISHED HERE Pleasantville Junk Com pany Opens Yard on New Road The Pleasantville Junk Company, t’p.e only licensed junk yard in this city, has Dee A opened at New Road and the Shore Fast line. Edward Kressloff is the local manager of Hie concern, which also has yards in Atlantic City, Ocean City and Wildwood. The .concern is a wholesale and retail- dealer in scrap iron, metals, rags, rubber, old tires, paper and junk of all kinds. Calls will be made anywhere, homes, offices and warehouses, and (he yard will be open 2 to 6 P. M. daily, and all day Saturdays. -<&?. WAR EXHIBITION. Replica of Machine Gun Nest Erect ed in Front of Theatre. A replica of a war-time machine gun nest, sand bags, machine guns, helmets and everything, has been erected on the sidewalk in front of the Rialto Theatre in connection with the exploitation of What Price Glory/' now showing at that place, j The rifles and machine guns, rep resenting both American and Ger | man types, as well as the helmets, ! were loaned by the Mainland Post, American Legion, and the Post I members aided in the erection of the exhibition. -- ■ ■ AUTOIST ARRESTED, j J. Perry, West Washington ave i nue resident, was fined $25 in po ! lice court yesterday for having no | proper automobile registration. He | was arrested in a down-town street. -- ST. MARK'S CHURCH ..Tomorrow, Wednesday, ;being St. Matthew the Apostle's Day, there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion in St. Mark’s Episcopal dhurch at 10 o'clock in the morn ing. bULUmtUL LVUrUN PRIZE JALE ENDED Home Department Store Announces The Lucky Prize Winners , . The judges counted the coupons j Monday afternoon in the final canvasB and checking of the one month’s sale conducted by the Home Department Store, 107 South Main,street. The coupon box closed at 4 o'clock at the office of The PleasantviUe Press. After careful checking and count ing it was found that the first, second and third holders of the greatest numbers of coupons were as follows: First, Mrs. Barbara Ketschet, Box 65, McKee City. Second, Madeline Firth, 125 Wellington avenue, Plehsantville. Third, Mrs. William Suegal, 610 Doughty road.. That this sale conducted by the Home ; Department Store was a popular one was witnessed by the interest taken in itr The store under' the ownership of George Guard, and the capable manage ment of Charles Weiss, while one of the newest in the city, has be come very popular with the ladies of the Mainland. The management lias endeavored to serve the public well, and has been rewarded by (lie patronage and good will of those who believe in buying where I hey can get most for their dollar. -<$<$ TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE. Sessions to be Held in Atlantic City High SchooJ. Announcement has beep made by Qouuty School Supervisor Henry M. Creasman that the .Atlantic County Teachers’ Institute will be held in Atlantic City High School, Albany and Atlantic avenues, October 7, morning session i commencing at 9.15. Cafeteria luncheon will be offered the teachers through the hospitality of the Atlantle City schools. Teachers dealring lunch eon have been asked to notify their principals in advance. —L—«>® P. T. A. MEETS The Decatur avenue school Parent-Teaoliers' Association will meet • Thursday afternoon at three o’clock. A reception to the teachers will be given. --<M» Lake * Rlaley Co., supplies, lumber hardware, paint and coal. Pbonea U and U.—adv.K "It Does Make a UKteience When •Toil Buy Tom- Coal!" -Call Burkard Coal Company. Marine 7900.—adrjc OFFICES TRANSFERRED. City police olfiees were transfer red .today to the city hall, the po lice station on First street having been utilized as a voting place. > -®<S>-— REVIVAL MEETING Evangelist Albert McAmey is holding a revival at the Apostolic Assembly, 3-5 East; Oakland ave, -- Lace * Ulster Co., supplies, lumber, hardware, paint and ooaL Phones IS and IS.—«4*.» --- Always 2.0i»-» iha to a ton. . JEvery H>. go-*d, clean coat B iVRflf LETT ft HOLZER Phone 6S1J -r*UV. NorthHeU Woman Injured In Crash Here --r . ■»( - Driver Is Held on $2,500 Bail Pending Victim’s Recov ery; Fined HER COMPANIONS ESCAPE UNHURT William J. Kees, Ohio avenue, Absecon, is being held here under $2500 bail, following an automobile accident Sunday on West Washing ton avenue, near Doughty road. Emily Wayne, 32, df 140 N. Maine avenue, Atlantic City, suffered in juries to her hip and spine in the crash and Kees is being held on an open charge pending the recovery of the woman. Before being held on bail, 4£ees paid $200 fine in police court here on the charge of driving while in toxicated. The accident occurred when Kees drove his car up Washington ave nue at a fast rate of speed Suifday*: The automobile overturned and Miss Wayne was rushed to the At lantic City Hospital, from which she was later discharged. Other passengers in the car were J. Stew art and Bertha Stewart, both of Vontnar, who were unhurt.. Kees’ arrest followed shortly af ter the accident. -44 *-— Rutgers Begins Extension Class Course in Psychology and Salesmanship Opens in At lantic City Monday Residents of Pleasantville and vicinity have been invited to take advantage of the University Exten sion Classes which Rutgers Uni versity is going to establish in At lantic City as an extension center. It is the plan of this State Univer sity to offer a number of courses covering a range of subjects. The first of these is to be a class in -Bus iness Psychology and Salesmanship, which will begin in Atlantic City Monday evening, September 26. This is open to all who are em ployed during the day provided they are interested in self-improve ment. The Psichology and Salesmanship class will have a series of twelve lessons, given during the evenings for a period of three weeks. The tee in charge, who are Fred C. lars. Those interested may phone Marine 622 or call at 215 Guarantee Trust Building, Atlantic City, New Jersey, for a bulletin which w'ill give the details. • ---<$*S> SUICIDE ATTEMPT. Local Woman Reported to Have Taken Laudanum—Will Live. A young woman, whose name is being withheld by the police, is re ported to have attempted suicide Sunday by drinking laudanum. While no details of the case could be obtained today, it is understood that aid was administered her in time to save her life, and that she is recovering from the effects of the poison. -W CARD PARTY Legion /'uxiliary To Give First of Benefit Scries: The Ladies* Auxiliary to Main land Post No. 81, American Legion, will hold their first of a series of card parties Wednesday afternoon at. the home of Mrs. Vernon Doncy, W. Washington avenue, under the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth Sanders, chairman of the committee. These affairs will be given throughout the winter for the purpose of rais ing funds for kitchen equipment in the new ' legion hall to be erected on N. First street. Reser vations may be made through any member or by calling, Mrs. Doney, ! Phone 1G.. -- i Mr. and Mrs. So.l Barnett, of 104 W. Verona avenue, have been en i tertaining Mrs. Emma Carpenter land Miss Margaret Sharpless, of Upland, Pa. Miss Patsy My rose,, of Bargain town, left this moimiiig for Linden Hall, Sititz, Pa., where she will resume her -studies. -W* WATCH REPAIh HEADQUARTERS All work personalty supervised and guaranteed. Indian J. Doughty, Jewel er, 17 8. Main M,. Pleasantville.—adv. ■-*-<$x& C*?AL OF QUALITY. HYGIENIC Terr & COAL CO. Call oo2. —adv. Accused Held | On Heavy Bail | Atlantic City Man Waives Ex amination Before Linwocd Magistrate; Bail is $2500 HAD LOADED DICE IS THE CHARGE George Miller, arrested early on Sunday morning in at Atlantic City place on a charge of gambling, waived examination last night when arraigned before Magistrate Naglee at Linwood. Bail was set at $2500, Miller had in his possession and was using at the time of his arrest, the officers charge, a pair of loaded dice and other paraphernalia. The dice were weighted with gold, it was found on examination. The scene of the arrest was the Blue Kitten Inn, 1418 Baltic avenue, and according to the arresting officers, there were fifty others in the resort at the time. J. Washington, arres ted ns proprietor of the place, was released by Magistrate Naglee, af ter showing that he had sold the, inn some time ago. • . V, County Parent Teachers Meet Life Membership Discussed at Gathering of Council at Woodland School . * - An executive board meeting of the Atlantic County Council of Par. cut. Teachers’ Associations was-held in Woodland avenue school yester day afternoon, at: which time Mrs. Carl M. Hop!’, of Linwood, county chairman, gave a resume of impor j tunt factors of the Slate executive j meeting which she attended Wed nesday, September 14, at Trenton. The life membership plan /was discussed and Mrs. George Park hurst, of Hammonton, appointed chairman of the committee. Any member of the Parent-Teacher As sociation is eligible for life mem bership. Tiie iilan of making each county council chairman a life member is being discussed by their respective bodies. Funds accruing from the life memberships are to be placed in an endowment fund for aiding school children. Mrs. Henrietta Ciubowicz, or Po mona, will be literature chairman and also chairman or the subscrip tions lor the child welfare maga zine. All associations wishing lit erature or want to subscribe for the magazine may obtain the same by applying to Mrs. Ciubowicz. (Continued ou Page 2) STYLE^SHOwTuT AUDITORIUM HERE Event Scheduled for Octo ber 4—Dresses and | Hats Shown A women's style show, under the direction of Mrs. Catherine H. Gri ebcl, will be held in the Pleasant ville high school auditorium Tues day, October 4, at 2.30 P. M. The event is scheduled for a day earlier j at the Hammonton high school. Mrs. Griebel will talk on new col ors, new fabrics and points on silks. A display of dresses and hats will bring out the season’s best points in style, fabrics and colors, the per : tttanent pattern having been used j for the making of (lie dresses and extension patterns for the hats. Helpful suggestions will bo given to those who buy ready-made clothes. -^ inflitntH HOSTESS Mia. Russell Thatcher, of East Verona avenue, entertained mem j here of her club Monday afternoon. Her guests included: Mrs. D. S. LeCouipte, Mrs. Francis Me Outchen, of West Atlantic City; Mrs. Charles Conover, Mrs. Albert Bossier, Mrs. A. Sherwood Risley, Mrs. Harold Smith, Mrs. A. E, Stone, Mrs. Margaret Ireland. Mrs. William Fort, oC /Atlantic City; Mrs. Henry Lewis and Mrs. Victor Thompson. Otark Lumber Co.. lumber, mill work •on Guilders' auEaU“H. Phooe i87._ad\ Wm. E. ilnuns, ihumhlni? son Heat Ins. 42 R. Went Jersey—Adv.X Clark Lumber Co., tumDer, mill work ana builders* supplies. Phone 187.— DANCE. Pomona Volunteer Fire Co. will give a (lance Saturday night. Sept. 24. in tlu* tire department headquarters. Mu sic by the Happy Five.—Adv. 8IQNS AND LETTERING of every description. M. A. Frlttchi 10 W. Decatur Avs.—s' Bond Issue Of $635,000 B°v^ForNe# High School Is i ii ^ Authorized By Council '‘id (i-—~T t . '}< Second Reading Bill Is Set For October 3; Salary of Assessors Is Set at $1,000 by Passage of Ordinance at Final Reading; Street lights Are Recommended A $635,000 bond issue, to covert the cost of constructing and equip ping Pleasantville’s new high school was authorized in an ordinance passed last night by the Common Council- Second reading of the or dinance was set for October 3. The ordinance stipulated that the issue .consist of bonds in $1,000 de ..nominatiouB* bearing six per cent, interest and maturing at the rate of fifteen a year until 1957, and at the rate of twenty a year from 1958 to 1968. Of the total amount authorized, $550,000 is to be expended solely on the construction of the school, j $50,000 on equipment, and $35,000 to pay off obligations assumed by (he city in the purchase of a site lor the school on Franklin avenue. The passing of the ordinance followed close upon the acceptance by Council of a recommendation by*the Hoard of School Estimates i Protest Against Pageant Stands _l_ ; I Hotel man Says Seats on the Boardwalk Violate The Easement Deed * ’ The Marlborougli-Blenheim Hotel Company, of which Judge John J. White, of the Court of Errors and Appeaisi is president, has dis patched a letter to the Atlantic City Commissioners protesting that erection of grandstands and court of honor for the annual fall page ant is a direct violation of the easement deed, which broughi about the public boardwalk and t beach-front park, and which speci finally prohibits the beach side ol the walk and the beach beyond being utilized for commrcial pur poses. The letter calls upon the com mission "to enforce complete com pliance with the terms, conditions, provisions, covenants and restric tions” of the easement deeds ami in future not to permit the placing of seats, booths or other obstruc tions to a free and unobstructed view of the ocean. The letter calls upon the com missioners to take action in the matter at an early date, and goes on to say that unless the relief re quested is furnished "it is our in tention to take such legal action In the Courts as we shall be advised we are entitled to take in the matter.” -^ DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blackman, of N. Main street, was hosts to a large dinner party on Sunday, theii guests being: Mr. and Mrs. Char ies Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riis-y, Mry. Alice Woolman and sons, Charles and Ralph Woolman of Elmer, N. J.: Mr. and Mrs Walton Banks, of Camden, whc were also weekend guests; Mr and Mrs. Harry Garlon and son Charles, of Absecon; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Birch and Miss Nelds Birch of this city. STARR KN1TT Pleasant Mr. Kenneth Goldtbwaite, Care of Pleasantville Press, Pleasantville, N J. Pear Mr Goldthwaite: I want to take this opporti obtained through the use of yi which we held on Community I We sold approximately fou three days, which was approxin chandiso which we offered for s large number of sales to the ndi for til is event. We are-not only gratified ; were more than pleased to note people who have purchased fri upon us as their regular source We thank you again for you you that yoif can count on us f opportunity presents itself. Tt improvement for which your pai for the welfare of the entire co With kindest personal rega Very truly 3 I that .thi? amount bo, appropriated. The recommendation was signed by the Board members: Mayor Charles E. Jackson, Edward T. Stephenson, Nell S. Campbell and R. E. Sanders. All ordinance setting the salary of city assessors at $1,000 a year was passed at its second and third readings by .Council. The new sal ary will go Into effect as of July 1, 1927. Public hearings were set for Oc tober 17 on the assessments Cor sidewalks, curbing and paving done in 1925 and 1926. The engineer's report ;ou both of these years was accepted after reading. 'The issuance of $600 bonds to pay Edward Goehler for paving work was authorized in an ordin ance which was passed. ' , * The light committee, in a report, recommended the installation of lights, including one GOO e.p. lamp at Shore Road and Ashland avenue; one GOO c.p. lamp at Clematis and Ashland avenue; one 600 c.p. lamp at Shore Road and Floral avenue; one 600 c.p. lamp at Clematis and Floral avenue; one 250 c.p. lamp at Floral avenues. : * A petition was read from Loraine avenue residents complaining of unsanitary conditions on that Btreet and asking that action be taken. The petition was turned over to the department of streets, and the pe titioners who were present were assured that the matter would be investigated. The street committee reported that it was working on the Inspec tion of Prospect between Greenfield and Bayview avenues, and on West Leeds avenue between Shore .and New roads. • ri -^ End Litigation In Divorce Case Mrs, Eva E. Naylor Is Fav ored In Court De cision LASTED THREE YEARS A three-year litigation in the divorce matter of Eva E. Naylor, of Ventnor City, and Joseph L. Naylor, former member of the Vent nor Oity Police Department, and employee of an Atlantic City hard ware firm, just ended in favor ol Mrs. Naylor. In 1924, Joseph L. Naylor filed a divorce libel, through his attorney, David Griffith, in the State of Pennsylvania, alleging (Continued on page 2) RECEPTION The reception to the teachers ol Leeds avenue school will be held Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the school under the direction of the Parent-'feacherfs Association. AH members are invited to be ;pres ent. s • • -<sxs. Lake ft rtlsley Co. supplies lumber hardware, paint and coal. Phones 13 mil 13.—iu1». [NG MILLS, Inc. vi\\o, N. J . September 19, 1927. nity to thank you for the results mr paper in advertising the sale >ays. •teen hundred pairs of hosiery in lately 75 per cent, of all the mer ile at that time. We attribute the titional circulation which you had it the Results of the sale, but we that many of the customers were m us before, and who now look of supply for hosiery, r splendid cooperation, and assure >r using your paper whenever the e spirit of progress and ideas of er stands is one of lhe best moves mmunity. 'ds, I am, ours, LAWRENCE H. STARR. White Cloth | On Tree Signal ‘ To Slayer? | :■ —1—— ■ -' • Hammonton Physician Died in Plot The Police Now Assert WIDOW OUT ON BAIL OF $25,000 1 A Neighbor, Brought Into the Case Denies That He Eyec Wrote to The Doctor or His Wife. % ■< • ■ -I i: r ' me luvtjsusuuon into tne mur der of Dr. William Liliiendahl, at Hamnionton, which has been as t puzzling on the surface as the crime itself, turned into new chan* ttols laBt night with the admission i by the police that the person or persons who shot the physician to death had lain in wait for, him. This theory was put forth by ■> Captain William Carter, commander of the State Police on the' case| A piece of white doth had been observed fluttering lu a tree near where the automobile containing the body of Dr. Liliiendahl was found. Ernest Woodman, a milk wagon driver of Mount Holly, N. J-, told the detectives that he .had seen the cloth after the murder. Robert R. Giberson, of Qceanville, said he had seen it several days before the crime. The piece of cloth was two feet long aud five Inches wide. They said it might hav been tom from a pillowcase. Captain Carter said it probably was a marker placed ’ by some one who had planned to wayfaw .the doctor and bis wife at that spot. He said that several of his men were working on the case from that angle. Widow Is Released. Mrs.'tLilllendahl was released in bail at 9.30 p. m. under $26,000 bail as a material witness. She visited the office of her attorney, 1 end then went to the morgue where the body of her husband was lying. She did this to make formal indantt ficatioa, a prerequisite - to the ' funeral service which is to be held today. .Burial will bo in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn. : The widow, dressed tn deep mourning, almost collapsed as she made the identification. Her fall form sagged and she was unable to (Continued on page 2) -- " Man Attacked By Savage Dog E. V. j: Richmond, Well Known Athlete, Injured at '■ His Home ' • E. V. J. Richmond, well known athletic trainer and participant in the Catalina Island swim last winter, who makes his home in a bungalow on Mill road,. Bargain town, was attacked by a dog last night at his home. The dog,- part beagle and part police dog, had become savage by being tied up. The dog bit Mr. Richmond through the right hand and in the left forearm. His son, James. M., came to his rescue and the dog g also bit the son on the right hand. Both father and son were treated for their wounds and the police authorities were notified of the dangerous dog. * no,-. MOVIE BENEFIT FOR FIRE COMPANY No. 3 Will Show “False Alarm” at Carlton., Theatre Members of FireiCompany No. 3 will hold a movie benefit Wednes day and Thursday, September 2S and 29 in the Carlton Theatre. The feature will be “The False Alarm," a fire picture. Tickets are available from any member of the company or commit fee for the entire course is ten dol Leeds, Raymond Conover and Wil lis Cramer. -■ — MainlanderB, be boosters for the only real Mainland paper. --- LIN WOOD TAX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that ah de linquent taxes in the Borough or Lin wood for the year 1926 must be paid by Oct. 1. 1927. or property will be ad vertised and..sold for taxes. M. L. ROBINSON. Tax Collector,