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The Spanish American Isjued on Saturday of each Week. Published by Mora County Publishing Company. SUUSCRIPTION PRICEl One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Single Cop" OB Entered at Roy, N. M., postofflce for transmission through the malls as second-class matter. CARING FOR PETS. PROPER TREATMENT IN HEALTH AND IN SICKNESS. Characteristics of the Popular Pugs Hand-Reared Kittens Salt Bathr for Sick Goldfish Birds' Need of Sunlight. Pugs are very affectionate and good tempered dogs; their great fault is greediness, and this is all the more- serious as they are naturally inclined to be fat, and want less food than most dogs of their size, and more ex ercise. When a kitten has to be reared by hand the best thing to do is to bring it up on the bottle; a miniature feed ing bottle such as is sold in toy shops will answer the purpose admirably. The method is much superior to spoon feeding, as the latter involves much handling, and kittens should be han dled as little as possible until they are six weeks old. The most common and fatal of the diseases which attack goldfish is a fungus growth which first appears as a tiny white speck on the tail, fins, head or body of the fish, and which spreads with great rapidity unless it is treated at once. The sick fish should be placed in water containing a strong solution of salt. It should then be taken out and wiped with a soft cloth so as to remove as much of the growth as possible, after which it should be given a second salt-water bath. This seems to enable the fish to throw off the disease sooner than anything. If your canaries have laid eggs out of season it is safer not to allow ;them to be hatched, but to take them Jiway and either destroy them or blow them and put them on a string. The peason of this is that the moulting season may be at hand, and it is too peat a strain on your birds' consti tutions to bring up another family. Plenty of sunlight greatly beautifies a bird's plumage. If it is daily placed where the sun's rays can fall upon it, the feathers will become far brighter and more richly hued than if it is always kept in the shade. Take the firecaution, however, to cover a por ion of the cage so that the bird can Retire out of the glare of the sun when it chooses. Retrievers learn to fetch and carry more quickly than other dogs, and may be made very useful in bringing one's slippers and other small arti cles, and in carrying things in the street. Meringue for Lemon Pie. Allow twice as many level table spoonfuls of sugar as there are whites of eggs, and as many whites of eggs as are conveniently at hand . Two whites will do, but three are better, and four will be required, if the last of the meringue mixture be put on with pas try bag and tube. Beat the whites until dry, then gradually beat in half the sugar. Continue beating until the mixture is very glossy and firm, then "cut and fold" into it the last half of the sugar.. Let the pie cool a little before the meringue is spread over it. Set the pie in a moderate oven, to cook the meringue. After ten min utes longer if the meringue is very high, increase the heat, if necessary, to color the meringue slightly. Chicken in Jelly. Prepare a chicken as for boiling. Place it in á saucepan with sufficient water to cover it "cold," add a sprig of thyme and a thick slice of lemon, and salt to taste. Cook gently till tender. Meanwhile, soak half an ounce of gelatine in suffi cient water to cover it. When the chicken is done add the gelatine to the liquor in which the chicken was boiled, and reduce. Skin the chicken when cool, and cut it up into neat Joints. Place in a round basin, or shape, if preferred, and when the liquor is re duced enough strain over chicken and leave till set. Useful Cement. An efficient cement for -mending china can be made at home with very little trouble. A paste is made of powdered quicklime, the white of an egg, and the whey of milk and vinegar In equal parts, and the mixture must be beaten well and warmed, not heat Bd. The broken edges of the china must also be exposed to heat before the cement is applied. A very thin coating is sufficient, and the Joint should be held firmly in place yitll the cement has dried, when It will jrove a most durable solution. NEW MEXICO , Sheep Board Defended. The following communication from Louis A. McRae of Magdalena, who takes issue with the writer of an article appearing in a recent number of the American Sheep Herder. It is reproduced as being of general inter est in the territory. The letter fol lows: "Aditor American Sheep Herder In your issue of September 15, 190G, an article from New Mexico signed 'Ranger' appears containing some misstatements bordering so near on to falsehoods that I think it necessary to contradict them. "The statement is made that the Sheep Sanitary Board refused to co operate with the Bureau of Animal Industry officials. This is false, as the Sheep Sanitary Board and the Bureau of Animal Industry are work ing in perfect harmony and to the good of the sheepmen of New Mexico as any representative sheep man will acknowledge. I doubt if any Bureau of Animal Industry official ever claimed that 'there is too much politics in the Sheep Sanitary Board,' for If there is any territorial board in New Mexico clear of politics, it is the Sheep Sanitary Board, and Investiga tion will bear this out. "Your Ranger correspondent can find out how much money is received by the Sheep Sanitary Board and how it Is expended, if he will go to the proper place to get the information Vhe honor of the men comprising the Sheep Sanitary Board is so well known that this hearsay talk that, when they have a surplus of money on hand, they vote to increase their own salaries is rot, and furthermore no salaries are paid to the members of the Sheep San itary Board. "For the benefit of your readers, I would state that the county from which 'Ranger' hails is one of three counties in our territory which con tain a few isolated herds of sheep, these counties being heavily stocRed with cattle, and he is not posted as to the condition of sheep In the heavily-stocked regions. "At the sheep growers' convention held In Albuquerque recently, a vote of thanks was given to the members of the Sheep Sanitary Board and the Bureau of Animal Industry for their hard and painstaking work in eradi cating scab in New Mexico. "LOUIS A. McRAE, "Magdalena, New Mexico." Dead Man Not Identified. An Albuquerque dispatch of Novem ber 22d says: Undertaker Borders is still holding the body of a man sup posed to be Charles T. Caldwell, who was found dead alongside the Santa Fe track at Algodones Siding two weeks ago to-day, in the hope of discovering some relative of friend who knows him. The star which he wore and let ters found on his person indicated that he was in the United States secret ser vice, but no one has been located who knew him. W. E. Bacon of Chama, this terri tory, writes that he knew a stranger calling himself C. A. Caldwell at Chama a few months ago who claimed to be connected with the secret service of the government, but that his right name might have been some other than Caldwell. This stranger, says Bacon, stated that he had a sister liv ing in Denver, but did not give her ad dress. He also claimed to have been on quarantine duty at Los Angeles, un der George Miles, inspector. All his letters point to the fact that his name was Charles A. Caldwell, but all tele grams sent to addresses have brought no favorable response as to clearly es tablish the fad; that he was known anywhere or positively to any person. The remains represent a man of me dium height with short curly brown hair, brown moustache, high forehead and muscular build. On his left arm is an old tattoo mark and on right, arm is a tattooed figure of a dancing girl and the Initials, "C. A. C." ' Perished In the Storm. A Roswell dispatch of November 22d says: Edgar Lamar, a sheepman, was found frozen to death on the plains esterday near Carlsbad. It is be lieved that many sheep herders have perished. A party of leading citizens of Carls bad went to the Guadalupe mountains to hunt big game, and it is thought all have perished. They were not prepared for storm, which is unusual at this time of year, even in the mountains. Judge A. A. Freeman, formerly of the federal bench and dean of the terri torial bar, was a member of the party. The body of Antonio Santiago, á cowboy, was iound to-day in the Guad alupe mountains. A cowboy on the Green ranch, near Carlsbad, has been missing since Monday night. Onvernnr .Tose Romero, with his war rnntain and ex-eovernor of the Jamez pueblo, who. stopped at Santa Fe on their way to Washington to air tneir grievances before President Roosevelt, harm met. with another delay in the shap of an order from the commis sioner of Indian affairs, prohibiting them irom leaving the territory with nnt. un Ititernreter who knows English as well as Spanish and Indian. A courier was dispatched to Jamez, to get" an interpreter, and $150 more to pay expenses to the national capital. NEWS SUMMARY Jose Baca Likes the Pen. - i'WelI, this old place looks familiar to me, but I don't expect to stay long. The governor will pardon me." This, says the New Mexican, was the greeting of Jose S. Baca, landed at the Territorial Penitentiary Sunday for the fifth time, and who has been an In habitant of the place almost contlnu ously since 1890, as he faced Capt. Ar tnur Trelford, superintendent. "Shut up," said the superintendent curtly. "Place him in stripes and put him to work; he looks like he needs it," was the order he next gave the guard. To-day Jose Baca, professional cattle thief, is earning his living. Baca wag recently arrested by Mounted Po liceman Rafael Gomez after a long chase in the mountains of McKlnley county. He escaped from the county Jail in Albuquerque, while awaiting trial on a charge of cattle rustling and lias been a fugitive from Justice for a year. Judgo Ira A. Abbott last week sentenced him to the limit for his of fense, amounting to five years. The night before election, Novem bei 6th, Baca forced apart two bars leading from his cell. In trying to squeeze through to liberty he became wedged tightly. A guard found him in that predicament and tried to extricate him. Baca fought desperately, al tl-ough escape was hopeless, since he could not even get from between the bars back Into his cell. It finally took two men to pry apart the bars and get the cursing prisoner into his cell. He took his incarceration at the pen itentiary coolly Sunday. When or dered to strip and don stripes he face tiously remarked, as he surveyed his. own apparel : "Sure, I needed a new suit, any way." The following record, which was fur nished by Superintendent Trelford, shows that Baca has been behind the bare or a fugitive from Justice almost continuously for sixteen years. His pet offense is horse and cattle stealing. He first came to the penitentiary from Bernalillo county, under the name of Sustino Baca, June 18, 1890. He was under sentence of one year for horse stealing. He was released on Decern ber 8th of the same year on a cornmu tation or sentence by Governor L. Bradford Prince. During that term r.e was known as convict No. 382. As Jose Baca he again appeared at the penitentiary as convict No. 444, under sentence of one year and two days for larceny in Bernalillo countv. He was released at the expiration of nis sentence March 2, 1892. Jose Sustino Baca, convict No. 538, was the name he gave when for the third time he was incarcerated on April 26, 1892. During the part of a month that Lad elaosed. since his re lease, he had been arrested, tried and convicted on two charges In Bernalillo county. The first was burglary, for wnicn ne received three years. The second was larceny, for which he re ceived one year. He was released after serving both sentences on January 6, 1896. During his confinement he lost seven months good time allowance for bad behavior. Jose S. Baca, prisoner No. 1520. was his title on the prison books, when he again applied for admission to the ter ritory's big hotel on April 3, 1902. This time he had been convicted of man slaughter in Bernalillo county and was under sentence of four years. With good time allowance he secured his re lease June 3, 1905. Nothing prevent ing, he will again be eligible for sen tence before 1911. Captain Trelford said he would not allow the man a single privilege be cause of his bad record. Joseph R. Llvesay has been ap pointed postmaster at Earlham. Dona Ana county. A Durango, Colorado, dispatch of No vember 20th, says: The Farmington Oil & Gas Company,, which started drilling ten days ago for oil, struck a strong flow of gas to-day at 350 feet. The town is greatly excited about it and real estate has begun to soar in price. This is a company Just organ ized and composed entirely of Farm ington men. The capital stock is $100.- 000. On the night of November 1st Jose Marcl and Christian Croix, Pima In dian youths from Arizona, attending St. Catharine's school at Santa Fe, se cured whisky and attacked the home of Frank M. Jones, near town. Mrs. Jones, who was alone, put them to flight. Captain Fornoff and Lieutenant Collier of the mounted police captured one of the boys. The other escaped to the school. J. C. Fitzpatrick, aged seventy-six years, died Just as he was entering the hospital at Pueblo. He had lived near Pueblo for several years, but little was known about him. From his effects it was learned that previous to the Civil War he was a steamboat captain, that his boat had been confiscated by the Union army, and that he then became a member of the staff of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Fitzpatrick was supposed to have wealthy relatives in Philadelphia and Fayettevllle, Ohio. For the first time in several years nearly every developed coal mine in and about Gallup is being worked at present. Over 100 cars of coal are be ing shipped out of Gallup dally. In the Gibson and Heaton mines 600 men are employed. The Otero and Clarkville mines are employing a force of men and several hundred more miners would be given employment if they could be had. The Santa Fe railway is nuliding several miles or sidings and spurs to accommodate the increasing output of coal. VAN WYKS CONVICTED. Found Guilty of Murdering Mrs. Van Wyk's Sister. Denver. A dispatch from Wray, Colorado, November 23rd, says: After deliberating for nearly twenty-four hours, the Jury in the case of Gerrit Van Wyk and his wife, Wourtheje Van Wyk, this morning at 10:30 brought in its verdict finding the two defendants guilty of the, murder of Gerretje Haast. The verdict read: "Guilty as to both, with penalty of life imprisonment." Thus ends the murder trial that has held the atten tion of the people of the state for sev eral days. For the first time since the begin ning of this remarkable trial the two defendants showed more than a pass ing interest in the proceedings in the court room. Mrs. Van Wyk collopsed when she Beard the reading of the ver dict and creid out continually that she was Innocent of the killing of her sis ter, Miss Haast. "I did not do it," she cried, "and I do not know who did it. What will happen to my children and baby?" Van Wyk himself did not give vent to any spoken expression, but the lines of his face were drawn and he was pale. As the jury left the court room, Van Wyk turned to one of them, Claude Terb bett, and said: "Shame, and you pretend to be an honest man." Isaac Pelton, attorney for the de fense, as soon as the verdict was an nounced, asked for an arrest of sen tence and time in which to file a mo-J tion for a new trial. He was given fif teen days In which to prepare his mo tion. - The Van Wyks were charged with the murder of Gerretje Haast, the sis ter of Mrs. Van Wyk, December 27th last. The dead body of the young woman was found in her lonely cabin on the plains, and the Van Wyks were arrested and charged with the crime. The testimony showed, among othei things, that the Van Wyks held an in surance policy on the life of the Haast girl for $8,000. This, the prosecution said, furnished the motive for the crime. GRANGE ACTION. Important Resolutions Adopted by the Patrons of Husbandry. Denver. Just before adjourning Fri day the National Grange passed the two most important resolutions thai that body has had before it since Its commencement. Both are national questions of great importance, one be ing in favor of a national women's suf frage law, allowing women of all states to enjoy the privileges now enjoyed by Colorado and two other states, and the other favoring a revision of the tarifl laws. It was decided to establish a weekly National Grange paper, and it will be publibhed next year. The report of the forestry proposi tlon was adopted and recommended that both logs and lumber be placed upon the list of free imports, as it was said that large lumbermen have cor nered the American market, forced up prices and are destroying the native forests. The grange has also adopted a reso lution favoring the Inheritance tax law. A resolution introduced by J. A. New comb of Colorado, favoring the passage of a national pure food law, was also passed. It was voted that a change In the laws of the grange whereby states should have a vote, was unwise and the proposition was lost. The most important measures adopted by the grange during its ses sion were: A $10,000 appropriation foi lecturing purposes; a fraternal life In surance system; making the condition of the rural mail carrier equal to that of the city carrier: restriction ol amount of land that may be held by one individual; by taxation, the plac ing of a progressive tax upon swollen fortunes; governmental control of the use oí fortunes as a vehicle of inter state commerce in accordance with President Roosevelt's Harrlsburg speech; the abolishment of the frank ing and special privilege system. Peary Expedition Returns. Sydney, C. B. Flying the flag of the United States, which had been placed nearer the pole than any other national standard, and weather-beaten and disabled, the Peary Arctic steamer Roosevelt arrived here Saturday under sail and steam after sixteen months' vain effort to reach the pole. Though not entirely successful, the expedition nevertheless got ' to eighty-seven de grees six minutes north latitude, or within 203 miles of the pole. Com mander Peary came ashore almost im mediately after the steamer came to anchor, and joined Mrs. Peary, who has been here for two weeks waiting for her husband's return. Earthquakes in New Guinea. Victoria, British Columbia. Alarm ing earthquake shocks in German New Guinea, the Bismarck archipelago, fol lowed by tidal waves, causing much loss of life among the natimes, are re ported by the steamer Miowera, from the South seas. Captain Prejawa of the German steamer Star reported that near Finchafen his steamer rolled and vibrated considerably, due to seismic disturbances. The effect was plain ashore, fissures belong visible in the mountains. A tidal wave swept the low-lying coast, devastating the coun try for forty miles. A tidal wave wrought great havoc on Chiarsi island. MAIL QUESTIONS GRANGERS WANT CHEAP PAPER POSTAGE AND PARCELS POST. TWO COMMITTEES REPORT Next Convention Goes to Hartford, Conn. Strongly Indorse Good Roads Movement Want Automatic Bells at Railroad Crossings. Denver. At the session of tha Na tional Grange Wednesday the following n solution, introduced by W. F. Hill ct Pennsylvania, was adopted: "Whereas, The Postmaster General has recommended an increase in the Becond-class mail matter rate from one cent per pound to four or five cents per pound, thus increasing the cost of newspapers and all publications of the fiecond-class, and, "Whereas, Under an act of Congress, approved June 2, 1906, a special joint commission of Congress, consisting of three Senators and three members ot the House of Representatives, was ap pointed 'to investigate, consider and re port by bill or otherwise to Congress its findings and recommendations re garding the second-class of mail mat ter,' and, "Whereas, Said commission is to hold its final session before submitting Its report to Congress in the city of Washington, D. C, November 26th, 1906; "Resolved, That the legislative com mittee be, and the same hereby is, In structed to advise said commission at said hearing that the Grange is op posed to the increase in the second class mail rate." On special order of business Hart ford, Conn., was selected by the dele gates as the location for the next con vention of the National Grange. Oliver Wilson of Illinois, chairman of the good roads committee, submitted a strong report, In which he pointed out most convincingly the curse which bad roads are to the United States. He esti mated that the people of this country lose $500,000,000 a year on account ol the execrable condition of the roads over which the agricultural products ol the country have to be hauled in order to reach the markets. The following resolution was passed: "Resolved, That the National Grange demands the improvement of our Dublic highways by the employment of such methods and materials as may be found to be best adapted to the vari ous local conditions. "Resolved, That we favor a generous appropriation by the federal govern ment for this purpose." A resolution was passed asking that railroad companies be required to establish automatic bells and keep them in repair at all crossings in rural districts, and that important rosslngs be guarded by flagmen or gates. C. B. Kegley, chairman of the spe cial committee on parcels post, sub mitted the following report, which was at once adopted: "Your committee on parcels post, of which i have the honor to be chairman, respectfully submits that all the recom mendations made by the worthy mas ter in his address regarding parcels post, should receive your unqualified indorsement. It is the unanimous opin ion of the committee that a campaign vigorously prosecuted along the lines of these recommendations is the only plan we can recommend as giving any prospect for the early establishment of a parcels post. "We cannot too strongly emphasize the importance of not underestimating the power of the opposition. The great express companies will furnish a large campaign fund and with their highly organized systems of agencies reaching into every village in the country hav ing railroad connection, and with their paid representatives in the United States Senate and House of Represen tatives, are in themselves an enemy which will require constant and deter mined effort to overcome. They will have the support of the railroads, thus making of our monopolistic enemies alone a tremendous opposition. "Unfortunately this is not all the opposition we will have to meet. Tha National Association of Retail Drug gists have organized a vigorous cam paign of opposition, and during the last political campaign systematically pur sued the policy of questioning candi dates for Congress, with the intent of securing pledges to vote against all parcels post legislation, if elected. The National Association of Retail Hard ware Dealers are conducting a similar campaign and were equally active in securing pledges from congressional candidates. Other commercial bodies are aggressively active in the same way. Rural merchants in all sections of the country, and the wholesale mer chants, and the commercial travelers doing business with them, are strong in their opposition. "How mistaken this opposition on the part of the retail merchant is has been well shown by the worthy master. "To an opposition thus powerful, supported by an unlimited campaign fund and having Its forces co-ordinated and directed by the ablest lawyers and experts that money can secure, we must offer the solid front of the farm ers of the entire country, supported by every other friend of postal reform. We must match expert with expert and our advisers and counsel must be sec ond in ability to none that the enemy can secure. The policy that was so successful in the denatured alcohol campaign must be our policy In this campaign for parcels post we Deileve that to attemDt tn win on any less broad lines would be folly but we are strong in the belief that we can win a glorious success if such a Plan is adopted."