THE PICNIC LUNCH REALLY THE STAR FEATURE DAY'S OUTING. OF Proper Arrangement and Packing Food Necessary If One Would Have the Fea6t Tempting .' and Palatable. of Just Suppose. "Just suppose," said BrotLer Dickey," "heaven wuz one big watermelon p.'itch, an' It wuz de Fo'th er July de year roun!" "Go long, man," said Brother Wil liams, "you. almos' makes me want ter go dar!" Atlanta Constitution. THE INTERSTATE FAIR. Too much luggage spoils the picnic, and yet the little feast is the star feature of the day. How, then, to car ry enough to eat, and at the same time have it look tempting? There is a hamper made of light weight wicker and yet strong enough to stand the wear of many outings in the woods. A telescope shape is easy to handle and its size can be regulated to fit the contents so readily that the wom an who thinks ahead and of the par ty's return is sure to choose this style Instead of the square or oblong hamp er made after the fashion of the Eng lish tea basket. Straw cases for bottles, cups and glasses are superior in many ways to leather ones. The lighter covering may not wear so well as the others, but It looks much cooler. Hamper fittings can be bought separately and tucked away in a plain basket, and If well packed no danger of breakage need be feared. Woodeu plates are really much more nlcnlckv than china. If sand wiches and cakes are placed on plates when the basket is being arranged and each one is wrapped first in a nap .kin wrung out in ice water, then in baker's or parafflne paper the food will be kept perfectly fresh, and it can be placed at once on the picnic table when the time for luncheon has arrived. Lettuce leaves that have been nacked loosely ' in a linen bag thor oughly dampened with ice water will help to give the luncheon table a fresh, cool and inviting air and they can be used to garnish the plates of cold meats and salads. This is an ex cellent way to carry green salads, and if the dressing is made just before starting and carried in a bottle, or the Ingredients packed so that the dress ing can be mixed by the salad expert while the luncheon is being spread out, the salad will be fresh and crisp. Tiny cones of Bait and pepper, one packet for each member of the par ty, are easier to carry and much less trouble than to take along a set of shakers. There are such perfect ways now of carrying hot or cold liquids and keeping them at their original temper ature that few picnic parties botboj with making tea or coffee at the grounds. A basket that is well packed with edibles which have been properly chilled before starting seldom gets warm and mussy if it is handled care fully and kept out of the sun. Plates and cups can be kept on the ice for a while before they are tucked away in the hamper and they will stay cold for some time. Tinned and bottled foods are beat taken in small lots so that they can be opened as needed and the empty boxes or bottles thrown away at once. Having a number of things in this way does away with passing the food from one end of the table or luncheon clolh to the other. Paper napkins are good enough for the average outdoor func tion of this kind. They should, how ever, be supplied in quantities so that they may be used for covering the plates, for wiping off dust and for cleaning the dishes after the meal is over. important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle ol CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years, The Kind You Have Always Bought Rapid Progress Being Made in Prepar ation for the Opening. Practically every building is com pleted, and by August 20th everything will be in readiness at Overland Park, Denver, for the first annual Colorado Interstate Fair and Exposition to be held September 7th-12th. No Offense. Miss Passay Old Dr. Gruff was re marking to-day that the weather this spring was just like that of 1876 and he asked me if I didn't remember. Miss Knox Yes? Miss Passay Yes. Positively insult ing, wasn't It? Miss Knox Oh, surely not inten tionally so. He probably doesn't know what a wretched memory you have. Philadelphia Press. The Sort of Thing He Liked. In an early day lu Stone county, Missouri, a farmer's boy rushed into the office of Dr. T. J. McCord of Ga lena and urged the doctor to come quickly to see his father, who seemed to be dying. Said the doctor. "What ails him, and what has he eaten?" The boy said: "Oh, nothing much but 14 roastin' ears for supper." "Weir," said the doctor, "just go back and throw him a couple of bundles of oats and tell him I will be up there in about 30 minutes." From Judge's Library. IN TOYDCM. Billy Block A Teddy bear! And here I've went and shot me last stone at a canary bird! Drat the luck! each 78x285 feet in size and provided with every modern convenience, have been built for the cattle and horse ex hibit, and of the $25,000 in cash pre miums offered, more than $6,000 is put up for cattle, and nearly $4,000 for horses, with other department pre miums corespondingly high. Mr. Fuller says that requests for the premium list are coming in by every mail, and that entries are rap idly filling in the various departments. HORSE EXHIBIT BUILDING. This is to be a pure bred live stock show, and G. C. Fuller, acting secre tary, says that the entries, for the horse and cattle departments which close on August 15th, are coming rapidly, ana that there is every indication that this will be by far the greatest pure bred stock show ever seen west of the Mis sourl river. Some of the-finest bred horses and cattle In the United' States have al ready been entered, and word has been lecelved by Mr. Fuller from otner orea ers that they will enter. Two buildings, Among the amusement features will be harness races and running races every afternoon, with purses of $500 in the harness and $250 in the running events; Knabenshue's famous passen ger airship, a midway feature similar to the Pike at St. Louis, and at night Pain's marvelous production of the carnival of Naples, requiring 300 peo ple; and the eruption of the' volcano Vesuvius, followed by a $1,000 fire works display, the whole forming one of the most spectacular pyrotechnical spectacles in the world. Egg Salad. Boll eight eggs 15 minutes, chop, pepper and salt, then make dressing of one teaspoon flour, one teaspoon sugar, one teaspoon butter, ono of ground mustard, half a cup of good vinegar. Cook five minutes and pour over eggs; add nuts if you like. WONDERED WHY Found the Answer Was "Coffee." Many pale, sickly persons wonder for years why they have to suffer so, and eventually discover that the drug caffeine in coffee is the main cause of the trouble. "I was always very fond of coffee and drank it every day. I never had much flesh and often wondered why I was always so pale, thin and weak. "About five years ago my health completely broke down and I was con fined to my bed. My stomach was in such condition that I could hardly take sufficient nourishment to sustain life. "During this time I was drinking coffee, didn't think I could do with out it. "After awhile I came to the con clusion that coffee was hurting me, and decided to give it up and try Postura. I didn't like the taste of it at first, but when it was made right boiled until dark and rich I soon became very fond of it. "In one week I began to feel better. I could eat more and sleep better. My sick headaches were less frequent, and within five months I looked and felt like a new being, headache spells en tirely gone. "My health continued to Improve and today I am well and strong, weigh 148 lbs. I attribute my present health to the life-giving qualities of Postum." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read, "The Road to Well ville," In pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears f.-om time to time, They sre genuine, true, and. full of human Interest, Resents Good Advice. That there is a startling difference between the temper of the rising gen eration and that of the youth whose young ideas shot up according to the teachings of Mrs. Hannah More and "Sanford and Merton," has recently been proven by a little seven-year-old girl, who was laboriously spelling her way through a reading le&son. "Al-ways speak the truth," she said, ' and o-bey your par-ents. "Be gen-tle and qul-et. Never slam the door and shout and scream a-bout the house. "At the ta-ble eat slowly; not In a greed-v man-ner like a pig." Suddenly the little girl shut the book with a portentous bang and an nounced with firmness and decision: "I'm not going to let any old third reader boss me like that!" Rochester Herald. DENVER DIRECTORY $22C.0.D. You take no chance when buying a har nean rom us: every set war ranted to be an represent ed. This dou ble team har ness complete with collars and breech Inns. Concord style, ü-lnch traces, for 22 00. Sold everywhere for $27.00. Send for our free cat alogue of saddles and harness. Lowest prices In the U. S. The Fred Mueller Saddle ft Har near. Co.. 1113-19 Larimer St.. Denver. Colo. BON I. LOOK lug mailed tret. Dealer In nil kinds of MKB : HAN DISK Mammoth cata Corner ltítü and Blake, Denver. BROWN PALACE HOTEL ííe European Plan. SI. 50 and t'nwanl. Hmtllne young man for paying Died in Infancy. There is a section of North Carolina, said to oe remarkable by reason of the longevity of its Inhabitants, which ha3 been the inspiration of many goo.l stories. Perhaps the best of the lot is one told by a Representative in Congress from that state. It Is to the effect that a native of the region mentioned, who had attained the age of ninety-two, was returning, with his wife, aged ninety, from the funeral of their eldest child deceased at the age of sixty-nine. As th-jy mournfully discussed the subject of their grief, the wife said with a sigh: "Ezekiel, I allers tole you we'd never raise that chile." Wants vs. Needs. Little Dot Oh, Mamma, the organ grinder's monkey Is at the window, an' he has a little round box in his hand. Mamma Well, my pet, what do you think he wants? Little Dot (after a glance at the organ-grinder) I dess he wants to bor row some son p. New York Weekly. COLORADO PLUMBING SUPPLY M-Xt; Independent plumbing supply house In the West. Write US iur JJllucs uitluio uujuifi fUUI plumbing material. m-m Diane oireet, Denver. Colorado. HOWARD E. BURTON, ASSAYER & CHEMIST Specimen prices: Gold, silver, lead, 1; gold, .uvor 7Siv eold. 50c: zinc or copper. II. Cv- ni4 tents Stalling envelopes and full price list sent on application. Control and umpire work solicited. Leadville, Colorado. , ftMrWl v HVPvn,a.9 na'.inai ruin, WANTED Wiwtern Sales Co.; 101 Kmpire Bldg., Dearer, Colo nrnmwltlnn. Kelerem-es re- mured, us we nienn imam.'. WHOLESALE MILLINERY TIIR ARMSTRONG-TURNER MIUINKRV CO. 1017-23 Cnllfornln St., DENVER, COI.O. 1JOOK-KEKPINO. SHOKTHANI), SPANISH, 1'KKI'AKATOSl Kxpert Teachers. Now Equipment, Thoroughly Organized. Graduates In nmny Hues earning irom tMMtoKVMO. Catalog free. J.Ui Munjon, Prin., Ml Citarles Building. Denver. 1(142-44 Cnllfornln St., nenr Seventeenth. Good used upright piano $110 Kimball used upright piano 147 Many others, $150 tn 250 Victor and Edison Talking Machines. Cnsh or Easy l'nynients. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE ' H. A.M. SHIRTS AND PANTS BEST MADE TAKE NO OTHER Made In Howe, Allen & Kaull Fac tory, Denver. If your dealer don't tell them, write us,ja í jj fill J MÍ""?'