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Newspaper Page Text
THE SPANISH AMERICAN E. J. II. ROY, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter at Roy, Mora County New Mexico, . under the Act of Congress of March 3, 187!). W. R. HOLLY Attorney-at-Lw Practices in Territorial and Federal Courts. :: :: :: :: Springer, N. Mex. í W. FredOgden NOTARY PUBLIC Legal documents and pap ers acknowleged. .:: :: :i Issued every Saturday at Hoy, Mora County, New Mexico. S inscription Rates Per year Six months Single copies .05 Advertising Rates . Display, single issue per inch -. 15c Display, per mouth - - 50c Local readers, per line - - - 5c We best redeem the past by forgetting it. And it Hained, Ruined, Rained, and then some. Just you listen to my advice: Take noybodys. The average man plays to the gallery of self-esteem. Tilings cease to be supernatural when we understand them. Our chief Oppressors are Tradition, Precedent and Fashi.m. Leave off thinking of your thoughts and feeling of your feel ings. The Strong man's reward lies' in being strong. Is. that not enough? . Truth is in the air and cannot be corralled by any club, clique, or coterie. ' Every quarrel begins in nothing and ends in a struggle for supremacy. . - , Roy Land and Live Stock Co. ' , Dealer in All kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats Provisions of all kinds . . .. Wa guarantee full vralght and moderate prices Mora County Publishing Company. INCOR.POR.ATED ' CAPITAL STOCK $5,000. ,' PUBLISHERS OP THE SPANISH-AMERICAN Official Paper of Mora County. ;E. J. H. ROY, Managing Editor. ROY, - ' NEW MEXICO. FRANK A. ROY President. C. F. ROY ,Vice. Pres. v WM. C. ROY . . Sec. & Treas. 0 The Roy Land & Live Stock Company. ' INCORPORATED) ' , CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 Pear, Hate, and Prejudice deprive a person of the power to ar rive at correct conclusions. .' In Bad Fix 1 "I had a mishap at the age of 41, which left me in bad fix," wrilés Mrs. Georgia Usher, of Conyers, Ga. "I was unconscious for three days, and after that I would have fainting spells, dizziness, nervousness, sick headache, heart palpitation and many strange feelings. "I suffered greatly with ailments due to the change of life and had 3 doctors, but they did no good, so I concluded to try Cardui. Since taking Cardui, I am so much better and can do all my housework." ORIGINATORS AND OWNERS OF. THE ROY TOWNSITE DEALERS IN ReaJ Estate arid Ranches Breeders of Sheep, Catile and Horses We hold several choice tracts of Agricultural land for sale. Town Lots a Specialty Take (P J 41 The Woman's Tonic Do hot allow yourself to get into a bad fix. You might get in so bad you would find it hard to get out Better take Cardui while there is time, while you are still in moderately good health, just to conserve your strength and keep you in tip top condition. , In this way your troubles, whatever they are, "Will grad ually grow smaller instead of larger you will be on the up-grade instead of the down and by and bye you will arrive at the north pole of perfect health. Get a bottle at your druggists' today. ! i Roy Livery, Feed. SsJes Stable F. S. BROWN, Proprietor ii . . Horses Bought and Sold GENTLE DRIVING AND SADDLE HORSES Teaming, Transfering and Feed Yard - i I