Local and Personal THE WEEKS HAPPENINGS IN AND ABOUT ROY. I Know Not What I Only tell You As Take the Spanish-American. Sam Bland of Kansas Valley, was a business visitor here Wednesday. Trinidad C. di Baca has been here for several dys, from Wagon Mound. Joe Ballard of I)e Haven, was tran sacting business in town Thursday. Joe Phillips was a business visitor here Tuesday from Solano. M. S. Bently was here Tuesday from Mills. - Laura Whitemañ, was up from Red River, Tuesday. Clark Harper, was a visitor ft ora Mills, Tuesday. Albert Bacaraeh was in Dawson this week . Elmer Evans of Abbott, entertained several gentlemen at dinner, Sunday. Mrs. A. B. S.tanton and little son Eddie, are In the city from Las Vegas. Try a Spanish-American want ad, they do the work. When in town stop at the Oriental. Best meals. ., ' Alex Pi'jnsley raturnaJ Saturday from a few months visit at Duncan, Okla. . .. Tom Cooper of the Cudahy Packing Co. was f alling on his patrons here Wednesday. Mika Kranna vittjr of Tujjincari, (.pent Saturday in this-jty at the home of A. J. Hern. John Gal1 agher of Ute Creek, was a business visitor in the city Wednes day. ' Education is not the result of a course of study; it is a result of a course of experience. ine epanisu-vuici ing and official paper of Mora County and only costs $1.50 per year. Frank A. Roy and J. Floersheim went to Mova Sunday returning Thurs day. Chas. Bushnell, a sheep inspector, was her from Clayton, the first of the week. Karl Guthman, who is employed at Dawson, spent a few days this week with his parents at Hoosier Plains. Miss Opal Evans was here Monday from Abbott, and paid this office a very pleasan; call. The Uoy R-ial E-rtate & Abstract Company has several nice pieces of furniture for Rale at a very low price. Manuel Paltenghe, who is connect ed with the McArthur Merc. Co., at Wagon Mound, was a business visitor here this week. Work has been commenced on re modleing thi Roy íiuteí building. We do not know what the building is to be used for. The new school house at Mills is rapidly nearing completion. The building is a frame structure 20 by 30 feet. . News of Interest The Truth May Be, 'Twas Told To Me. John H. Gabbard of Berea, Ky who came here for his health, is very ill at the home of Dr. Brady, with Pneu monia. Why not be a Top-Noteher? A Top Notcher is simply an individual who works for the institution of which he is a part, not against it. Mr. Bias Sanchez Superintendent of Schools of Mora County, accom panied by his wife, spent a few days in town this week. ' Mrs. D. Ella Romine, teacher of the primary grades of the local school re turned Sunday from the Teachers In stitute at Wagon Mound. Mrs. L. E. Alldredge and son Em mett, returned Tuesday from Trini dad, Colorado, where Emmett under went an operation upon his nose. Mrs. L. K. Mitchell, returned from Wagon Mound Saturday, where she was in attendence at the summer Insti tution for teachers. ' S. P. Davis and sons are getting 'j ready to sow four hundred acres of j wheat. They believe in this country ! as a wheat nnnntrv ' The recent rains have benefited the crops considerably, and several farm ers are getting ready to sow winter wheat. . The grass is looking flue. A well known Des Moines women after suffering miserably for two days from bowel complaint, was cured by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic -and Diarrhoea Remedy. Por sale by all dealers. ' Chas. A. Reynolds special land agent with headquartes at Santa Pe, has been in the city the past week, looking after the government's inter est. " Wm. Baum received a new live pas senger Buick automobile this week. Mr. Baum and son Earl and Harry Thiel. went to Springer Monday, re- l turning Tuesday with the machine. It behooves every farmar in this vi cinity to take Campbell's Scientific Parmer. The most successful farmers are readers of that great publication. The Spanish-American and Camp bell's Scientific Farmer $1.50 per year. A'n ordinary case of diarrhoea can, 88 a rule be cured by a single dose of Chamberlain's Colic, . Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy has no superior for bowel complaints. For Bile by all dealers. Gus Pollack, who represents the Carson Pierie Scott & Co. Dry Goods House, the second biggest house in the United States, was here Wednesday in the interest of his Arm, and visit ing his relatives, thu Floershein fami ly. B"3y it now. Now is the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoera Remedy. It is al most certain to be needed before the summer is over. This remedy has no superior. For sale by all dealers. Did you notice that Sabiondo re mark. We wonder who the person was that suggested it. If we had the Sabiondez that you have, we would be editing some nefarious publication. II. Goodman, manager of the Good man Merc. Co., has placed an order with us for five thousand warehouse orders. This makes the second order of this -kind that we have received from Mr. Goodman, in the short time he has been in business, which goes to show that he is doing a good busin ess. " Cuts and bruises may be healed in about one-third the time required by tho usual treatment by applying Cham berlain's Liniment. It is an antisep tic and causes such injuries to heal without maturation. This liniment al so relieves soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains. Por sale by all dealers. . In the language of the wise? Brady's came and gone again. Dr. Frank Brady of Dawson, visit ed home folks Saturday, returning to Dawson Sunday, taking with him the youngest daughter of A. J. Hern, who had the misfortune to fall from a bur ro Saturday evening and break her arm. Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach "1 suffered intensely after eating ard no medicine ortreatment I tried seemed to do me any good,' writes H. M. Yourigpeters, Editor of The Sun, Lake View, Ohio. "The first few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising re lief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new btomach and perfectly good health. For sale by all dealers. Lost Lost One full blooded Herford milk cow, three years old, long heavy .boras, no brands or marks dark red,, white face. " ' Will pay suitable reward for ber re turn or information leading to her re covery. Notify this office or Elmer Evans, at Abbott, N. M. Notice to all Legal Voters All legal voters of Precinct No. 22, being precinct wherein Roy is located, are requested to see that their names appear on Registration books for the coining election. Those not having time or unable to see that their names are registeredrjvill leave their names with W. Fred Ogden at the Roy Real Estate & Abstract Co. Frecinct No, 22, extends from the Solano Precinct up to Colfax on the north add to Union County on the east. It is abso lutely imperative that all voters see that they are registered. Colorado Inter-State Fair and Expo sition at Denver, Sept. 3 rd to 7th. There is to be a contest for old la dies, that is, women who have passed their sixtieth year, at the Inter-State Fair and Exposition in Denver, Sept. 3rd to nth. In the Textile Department, which is to be in charge of Miss Alice Rohe. There will bé on exhibition the hand work of old ladies through the west. Anyone is eligible to enter their prod ucts, provided they are mors than six ty years old and the work was dons in the past two years. This includes knitting, crochet work, machine and hand made garments, drawn work, quilting, in fact everything that the old ladies like to work upon. Cash prizes are offered in every in stance and the contest promises to be of great interest. Not a Fight Against the Incorporation of the Town Shakespeare says: "There is a tide, in the affairs of men, which, taken at tho Ipfirla ir tr frvntnnja M versely: "There comes a tidal wave ih the affairs of some men, which car ries them out into the sea of oblivion." Every human has some good quali ties, and we believe in recognising them, but when a man uses the ability and energy that the divine creator has given"hira in selfish schemes to satisfy an insatiable ambition to obtain pub lic prominence, and after obtaining such positions, to debauch his office and juggle with the confidence of the people, the growing tide of distrust and resentment against such a charac ter and his metho'ds MUST sooner or, later ingulf him. t í t t The latest scheme of our brilliant? contemporary (who according to his own advertising, "Stands for Purity and and Honesty in Politics") to uti lize the voting power of a non-tax- paying element to gain a position from which to dictate and demand further prominence in the political field has been frustrated by an indig dant body of taxpayers representing the heart of our town ail of whose interests are vitally at stake and who repudiate this insincere political schemer. This opposition has brought forth a torrent of vile and illiterate invec tive from our would-be competitor in the newspaper field. He bluffs, he' whines, he smirkingly"appeal8 to the "dear people," brazenly trying to convince those who know him only too wen mat he stands for all that is pure and good and noble. No more con vincing proof of the versatile charac ter of this man can be found than In the columns of his own "joke" sheet. This man has been given the highest and most honorable positions tn the gift of our precinct and county voters. He has been aided time and again by our local business men in promoting his numerous business enterprises. NOW, WHAT IS THE RESULT? Why "did he resign the U. S. Cora- i.:o i.: i uiioiiuuei aiiiur ins position as. assis tant postmaster? What is his full and complete record as school director as justice of the peace? How did he- acquit himself as our honorable rep resentative in the Territorial Legisla ture? How many of his numer- 1. ill- . S.l . . . ous mug were enaeiear wnat is nis reputation among the legislators? What is his record as county survey or? NO this is NOT' a fight against the incorporation of this town, but a united stand by business men most vitally interested in the welfare of Roy against a professional political schemer who is and has been a dis grace to our community and danger- pus to the peace and harmony of its citizens. Strayed or Stolen. Strayed or stolen from my claim near Abbott's wind-mill, Two bay ponies, one branded A on right thigh W on left thigh. The other is brand ed AM connected on left hip, RM on left thigh. Suitable reward for their return or information leading to their recovery. . - v Mrs. Pauline Riordan, Gladstone, N .M.