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STATE UUVÍBaiY OF NEW WW': University H-AMER (FOREMOST PAPER IN HARDING COUNTY.) ''With Malice toward None, w ith Charity for All, and with F irmness in the Right." VOL. XIX No. 31 ROY. HARDING COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, AUG. 19TH. 1922 SUBSCRIPTION $ 2.00 PER YEAR. SPAMS KUAN JJL JLL J L J 1, IT'S SAD BUT TRUE The Roy Ball Team got a real trouncing last Sunday afternoon when they went to Mount Dora .to clean up on that team, and when the final, gong sounded, the score read 8 to 2 with Roy hang ing on to the 2 end of the score. The Roy team will soon have to realize the fact that she can not pick up a team of unpracti ced players, and players that ha ve not played together this sea son and then run up against real ball teams and not expect to go down in defeat. This is just what he did last Sunday, minus Mc Cargo, Justice and White, three good players, she substituted other players, good players too, but they had not practiced with the team and the consequences were the team went down to de feat. The peculiarity of Sunday's .game was that each team got eight hits but the Mt. Dora team bunched their hits much better than Roy and they helped to tell the terrible tale. And too a num ber of very costly errors were ma de by several Roy players which added to the score reading so one sided. Young Berry pitched for Roy and he pitched fine ball.; Willia ms was behind the bat and also did good work but the support given them both from the infield and outfield was punk. The Roy team made the long trip in three cars. and did not ar rive at Mt. Dora until 1 o'clock and all were tired from the long ride. They reported the roads rough all the way except the part on the Clayton-Springer Highway. The Mt. Dora people treated the boys fine and the team of that place is composed of a good bunch of fellows, our boys had nothing but words of praise to offer them for the dan dy way they were treated while in the town. They have a strong team and the support given their battery was nearly perfect. In a few weeks the Mt. Dora team will come to Roy for a re turn game and our boys expect to make the story different then. On next Sunday afternoon the County Seat boys will come and cross bats with the local team.. This will be the first game they have played together this season and we expect to see a good ga me of ball. The admission will be 25 cents for Sunday's game. Eve rybody come out and lets give the teams a real welcome and show them that we appreciate the fact that they are trying to give us real sport. Mrs S. N. Page of Wayneville, Mo. mother of Mrs J.W. Nowlin, is spending a few weeks on the mesa visiting her daughter and family. Mrs Nowlin had not seen her mother for 18 years until her arrival here Sunday. A fine meeting is in progress at the Liberty School house this week and much good work is heing done. There will also be all day services Sunday August 20th, and every is invited to co me. ROBERTS & OLVER CO. CHANGES MANAGERSHIP Shelby Strickland who has been manager of the Roberts & Olver Lumber Co., for the past few years at this place has resigned his position with this company and J. K. Drennon of Amarillo has been appointed manager at this place. M j Mr. Drennon comes to this pla ce well recommended and is a man with considerable business experience and will no doubt ma lte a good manager for the Com pany's large business. Mr. Dren non has already brought his fa mily here consisting of a wife and a bright son and -daughter and we are glad to welcome them as citizens of our little town. Mr. Strickland is changing lo cations so that he can go into business for himself and will probably locate at Las Vegas, but just what business he will enter he has not yet decided on at present. We are sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Strickland as residents of our city, but we wish them Godspeed where ever they may decide to locate. GOES AFTER LOAD , FORD TRUCKS ball game Sunday afternoon. Roy ' (vs Mosquero on the Roy diamond J. 0. Baker of the Roy Garage . ' accompanied by West Beabout, ' Prof. Potts who has been atte Frank Seidel, Nathán Beabout nding a business meeting of the and O. J. Bradley went to Denver Vocational teachers of the state Sunday morning after five Ford Trucks which the firm of Baker and Scheier had sold to custome- rs. The freight from Denver was so high that the Garage decided it was much cheaper to drive them down than to have them lo cated in. Messrs Baker and Sche ier, local agents for the Ford Co., are selling a number of cars and report several more prospective purchasers. B. F. Billings of Wichita, Kas, is a new reader of the S. A. this week. This makes about a dozen new subs the past week. The mo re the merrier and we'll soon reach that 12Ó0 mark. R. L. Grossaint is a new can didate for sheriff on the Demo cratic ticket this week. Be sure and read his announcement in this DaDer. We will tell vou all about Mr. Grossaint in a few days. He comes from the east-. side of the county and is a hust- ler. NEW STANDARD ROLLER BEARING mlBWf If7 SELF OILING LIGHT RUNNING NOISELESS Hyatt Equipped Windmills Never Squeak Nor Bind Standardize on the Standard IT BRINGS WATER EVERY TIME THE WHEEL TURNS AROUND Made in All Sizes 9 ft, 10 ft, 12 fiu, 14 ft- 16 ft, 18 ft, 20 ft, 22 ft. DO Floersheim Mercantile Company Another Strike Possibility DON'T WORRV 'BOUT GOV- yffi&ffl yr UcHOOtl V , ; BACK TO SCHOOL. EDDIE! 8 . ' fífíW TeHÉ J If? QUITE A WHILE YEf- V f Jfcf ; . 1 (h I f D . SOMETHiN' MIGHT HAPPEN ! P Sísl Jt AVAVBE TH TEACHER'Lt Q V !& -VA " 1 i - WT . STRIKE! - -rf ''""Am A 'fi Everybody is invited to the- at Santa Fe, returned home Sun- day. : Foreman Russel has a crew of men at work this week repairing the depot. A new platform is bei ng built, a new foundation placed under the depot and several o ther improvements are being ma de. Mr and Mrs. H. E, Bruce $f Marquette, Kansas are visiting Mr. F. A. Bruce and family of east of town. Mr Bruce is an old Newspaper man and has just re cently sold his paper plant in Kansas. The S. A. acknowledges a friendly call from him. . The heavy rain of last week left a number of bad places in the roads on different parts of the mesa. More than one fliver and a few other cars have sPent hours resting in mudholes while their owners puffed and tugged trying to extricate their said car. WINDMILLS Hyatt Roller Bearings , Ball Bearing Turntable Ring Oiling Pitman Self Tightening NOT FORCET BIRTHDAY SUItPEISE Tuesday being Mrs Ernest Leátherman's twenty third bir thday, a number of her relatives irranged a surprise for her. She had gone out driving with her husband in the evening and when she returned about dark she found the house full of people and a fine supper awaiting her. All present did all they expected to the supper and after it was over an hour or so was enjoyed in conversation after which all went to their homes wishing her many more and pleasant birth days. Yes, both editors of the S. A. enjoyed, a good meal. - Carl Faubian the hustling mer chant of Rosebud is a new reader of the S. A. this week. We knew he could not run a store without our paper, and he just found it out. County Agricultural Agent R. L. Strong of Mosquero was in town several days this week loo- kmg over this portion of the county and outlining some useful work that he will start in a few diys. Mr. Strong is a hustler and will be a real benefit to the far mers of the mesa. Have you wanted Son ry ome small and didn't have time to go to the store and get it? Well do not let that worry you, just call for what you want and tell us to send it by Wheel Messenger Service we will get it to you in a hurry. YOUR TICKETS URCHASES MEAT MARKE" F. S. Brown, who until recen tly has operated the meat mar ket at the S. E. Paxton Grocery Company store, this week dispo sed of his business and fixtures to Leland Longley of this place. The shop has been closed for the past few days while several cha nges have been made, but Mr, Longley, announces it will reopen or business on Saturday, August 19. with a complete line of fresh and smoked meats. Mr Longley neeas no lmroaucuuirau me yu- blic of Roy, as he has been ployed as meat cutter at this stand since the shop was opened by Mr. Brown. " " John Coffeen was a business visitor in Santa Fe several days last week. Mayor Gibbs and Trustee Str ong are down near San Jon this week looking at some tanKs wm- ch they expect to purchase ior the village to be erected on to wers so that the village will ha ve greater storage capacity. The Village dads expect to erect two or three more storage tanks for the town in the near future. ever article in a hur. FRANK L. SCHULTZ ANNOUNCES FOtt TREA SURER AND COLLECTOR Editors are like many other peopie, that is they want to cha nge their work occasionaly and sometimes, their position too, and Frank L. Schultz editor of this paper is one of the editors that desires a change so he is announcing this week fcr the candidacy on the Republican ti cket for the office of County Treasurer and Collector of Har din County, subject however to the action of the Republican Convention. Yes, Mr Schultz is a Republi can, has been one all his life and has been a worker in the party ever since he came to New Mexi co many years ago. He has aided his party financially each cam paign and has never asked for an office of any kind since coming here and he feels that his long service to the Republican party entitles him to some recognition from their hands this fall. Born in Illinois, in the big ci ty on the lake some thirty years ago, Mr. Schultz was active in politics while located there and in 1920 he was named as Com missioner from the eastern dis trict of Mora County by the Re publican Party, with out his kno wledge, for he was not even a candidate and was not at the convention. However at that ti me his business at Roy with the Spanish American was so heavy he did not have time to make the campaign and knowing that he could not do the party justice by not making the campaign, he withdrew from the race, even in the face of the fact that he was practically sure of election. Mr.' Schultz comes from a good family, is well educated and fitted is every way to handle the important office which he seeks. Like most of the other candida- la he is married, has a fine wi- fe and two dandy little daugh. ters; He wants the office and is em-imakinff the ra?,e frnm this fart lallU not from the reaaon that friends arg urging hini to try fori the nomination, altho he has been promised support from all parts of the county and will have many instructed delegates when the convention meets to name the candidates this fall. Mr. Schultz came to New Mex ico in 1911 and has been in busi ness in Roy since that time. For several years he was in the real estate and loan business and two years ago he purchased one-hlí interest in the Spanish Ameri can Printing Co., (Publishers of the Spanish American) and has been editor of this paper , since ' that time, having full chare of the responsibility of the paper and we are leaving it to the rea ders to say whether he has made a success or failure, anyway he has doubled the subscription in two years. The placing of Mr. Schultz on the Republican ticket will add strength to the party in Harding County and his nomination will practically mean his election. We are sure any support given him will be greatly appreciated not only by him but by his many friends in the county. A FRIEND The Liberty S. S. is planning to hold their S. S. and Church services in the canyon next Sun day. B. P. BILLINGS FLIES INTO TOWN B F. Billings, an aviator from Wichita, Kansas flew into town Tuesday evening and is spending a few days visiting friends. Mr Billings was in Roy with a machi ne last year taking local enthu siasts joy riding. He tells us that he will be in Roy for the good roads convention and will make aerial trips for those who wish to fly up in the clouds and will also do aerial stunts for the vi sitors during the convention on September 25th and 26th. He is an expert aviator and has never had a mishap during his several years of flying. Mr. Billings ma de the trip from Elkhart, Kans, where he is located for a few weeks, to Roy by the way of Texiine in a little over 2 hours.