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Snivel TTT ÍMTIÍ?" (FOREMOST PAPER IN HARDING COUNTY.) 'With Malice toward None, w ith Chanty tor All, and with Jb h mness in the Right" VOL. XIX No. 32 KOY, HARDING COUNT Y.NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY AUG. 26TH, 1922 SUBSCRIPTION $ . 00 PER YEAR. JiJllCf PROMINENT SALISBURY JMO. LADY BECOMES BRIDE OF J. C HESTER OF ROY Just as we went to press last week the news was received in Roy that J. C. Hester the oblig ing Cashier of the Bank of Roy and Miss Nan Virginia Bentley of Salisbury, Mo. had been joi ned in Holy Wedlock at Clifton Hill, Ho. by the Baptist Minis ter of that place, and we will tell you of the happy event just as we clipped it from the Press Spe ctator of Salisbury, Mo. Bentley- Hester Wedding "In the personal items of last week's Spectator appeared the following item:" J.C. Hester of Roy, New Mexico is visiting at the T..M. Bentley home this week. At the time of this writing, had it been known that Mr. Hes ter's mission to this city had been to claim one of its most po pular girls for his bride, they would have not succeeded in sur prising their friends in the man ner in which they did - . On Saturday morning Mr. Hes ter and Miss Nan Virginia Ben tley accompanied by Mr Forrest Cox and Miss Lillian Ritzentha ler left the Bentley home for a pleasure drive and the drive took them to Keytesville the county seat where they secured the ne cessary papers and then drove to Clifton Hill and were married by the Baptist Minister of that pla ce, returning to Salisbury imme diately after the ceremony and keeping their marriage a secret until evening when it was anno unced at a party given by Miss Ritzenthaler in honor of the bri de and groom. After the party the young pe ople had a procession of cars with which they paraded thru the principal streets of the town in true old charvari style and proclaiming them bride and gro om. : Mrs. Hester the bride is the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs T. M. Bentley, and with her congeniality and sunny disposi tion claims a large circle of frie nds among the youner set and is a most highly esteemed and ac complished young lady. Mr. Hester the groom is as sociated with Robert II . Bentley in the Bank of Roy, Roy, N.M. and it was while visiting her brother last fall that Miss Ben tley met her future husband. Mr Hester comes well recommended as being a man of splendid cha racter and business ability. Mr and Mrs Hester will spend a week or ten days visiting re latives and friends in Missouri after which they will leave for Roy, to make their future heme. The best wishes and congratu lations of a legion of friends' will follow them to their new home in New Mexico. (Press Spectator) The above tells of the ending of a happy romance which star ted in Roy last winter when Miss . Bentley was visiting at the Ben tley's her Those who knew ' them best, knew that a romance had been started, but few thou ght it would end so happily and quickly. Mr. Hester left Roy se veral weeks ago, presumbly for a few weeks visit with relatives at Santa Rosa and Blum, Texas nd most every one here thou ht he was enjoying life down in the heat of Texas when lo and behold the news came to town that he had fled to Missou ri and taken unto himself a bride in the "Shov me State." Well Clint, you fooled a bunch of them, but there is sure a mob Tiere awaiting your return and the rccscdon . vou wpre in at Salisbury will be meek by the one ycu will be in here in Roy. Anaway here's congratulations and may your future lives be fil led with all the joys that go to make life a great blessing. A new democrat arrived at the home of D. M. Martinez on August 15th and is calling Mr. and Mrs Martinez "Daddy" and "Mamma". We understand that D. M. has already decided to ma ke him a democrat and here's hoping that som.e day he may be governor of the great state. Con gratulations to Mr and Mrs Martinez. AND THEN IT RAINED The man who could, not be sur prised, really was very much surprised last Wednesday after noon. This man was no other than our good. old friend and neighbor, Frank A Eruce of east of town. Thursday,, the seven teenth, was the fifty-third an niversary of Mr. Bruce,and to make him remember this date, his wife and daughters success fully planned and "put over" a genuine surprise in his honor. Quite a number of relatives and friends came out to the Bruce home in the evening in spite of the fact that a heavy rain had fallen in that community, and they certainly gave Mr. Bruce a good surprise and proceeded to spend a pleasant evening at his home. Ice cream and cake made up the refreshments for the evening and it is said that every one who was present ate to their capacity Games were played by the young er folks and were enjoyed by the older ones too. Conversation and many other forms of enter tainment were indulged in until late at night when all departed for their various homes, wishing Mr. Bruce many more such hap py birthdays. A brother, H. E. Bruce, and his family, of Kansas were pre sent and helped Mr. Bruce en joy the evening with his friends. MASS MEETING The Citizens of Harding Cou nty are requested to meet at the Community Hall at Roy Monday' evening August 28th, for the pu rpose of considering what action shall be taken regarding the mat ter oí a special election reques ted by the citizens of Mosquero for the purpose of voting bonds for a county Court House and Jail at Mosquero. This is a question of importa nce to all citizens of the county, and every precinct should make an effort to have one or more representatives at the meeting. . M. D. Gibbs, Mayor of Roy. Ivan (Riley) Johnson who has been visiting Raton relatives for the past week returned home Mo nday W. P. Mealey and Ernest An derson were up from the county seat last Tuesday afternoon on business. J.R. McKee, one of the Demo cratic nominees for countv Trea sure was shaking hands with his friends in Roy Tuesday after noon. This Fancy Colorado potatoes $2.00 cwt. Diamond M flour $3.50 cwt. DO NOT FORCET YOUR TICKETS i Floersheim. Mercantile Company ROY THIRTEEN f MOSQUERO TWO The above heading tells the tale of what at first appeared to be one of the best base ball games ever played on the local diamond, but which 'took on a different looking aspect after the fifth inning. . Mosquero came up with a good team Sunday afternoon and the way that the game started off, the many fans thought they were going to witness a real.ct & delegates to the State contest. During the first three inniTioVnpitW irte was nblp to i6 ..xmvot. v,Mr, ...u: t 1 L.U get a man across the home base, however, in the fourth, Leather- man scored on a bunt ' by Mc Minimy and made the first one piled up by Roy. Mosquero fail- ed to score again in the fourth, but in the fifth, Hephner their pitcher, weakened and the good suonort that he had been driven the first four innings, wavered and Roy began, marking up the scores. During the next four innings Roy added several more" scores to her side of the tally sheet which made the final count read 13 to 2. Mosquero scored one in the seventh and a home run by Herbert Hughes in- the eighth were the only two times that the visitors were able r register. u-j 't- deal of practice this year and did not measure up to his usual standard of pitching, however the numerous errors made' by both the infield and outfield players, accounted m a gooa measure for the many scores made by the Roy boys. ; The whole game after the fifth inning was rather loosely puiytu uy uutu &iue. iwy uiu!of j,jrs Charles Farlev of north- iot do as good as her average ifter the fifth as four errors A-ere chalked up against them af ter this stage of the game. Williams was on the mound or Roy and-pitched good ball, v... VVHW rh.7 Kite invino1 tho (ramo wVii- 1 3 14 or 15 were secured off Ileph ler. , The numerous home runs, two by Roy in one inning, were ;he features of the game. Mosquero has a good team and has some fine players but they are lacking practice that is so necessary to do good team work. If they had a good battery, with a 'little diligent practice, they them man and wife, would make Roy get up and play Mr Burns hails from Dodge real ball to beat them. The . City, Kansas and Miss Gay from game was played in a little over Kehart, N.M. They were ac an hour and there was little 0ri"Panied 1 on their trip by Roy ,. r , , ' Gay and Mr and Mrs Hairy Lam no wrangling. We hope to see happy couple wi make the teams cross bats again in their home in Kansas where the the 'near future and we may good wishes of the community witness a close contest. !goe3 with them. , ' . .. space Is not large enough to enumerate all of our among which are 30 x 3 auto casings at 0 Other sizes COUNTY DEMOCRATIC . CONVENTION HELD AT MOSQUERO The County Democratic Con vention was. held at Mosquero Tuesday and was attended by a large number of delegates from all parts of the county. The convention was composed of 72 delegates and practically every delegate elected by the va rious precincts was present. The purpose of the convention was to 1" T'aVl wm ue ai. y, eiwea Deauraui scenery on the 31st at Albuquerque . 1 he climbing over the hills, and the following were elected ; J. Floer- .delightful exercises of swimming eun'y; 5' V 8' gan I m Frank Smith accompanied P, Fauli1,an' Rose-the campers and helped show d; A A. Wynne, , Mosquero;. them the sights. Mr and Mrs -F;. Chav0ez . Eueyeroá; D.M. ic.F. might and daughter Alice Kart,mez', Sabmo. anf, Mr?" w- íand Leona joined the party a id Charles Lason oí Gallegos. All jremained until Monday momhg f the delegates elected will at-when they broke camp and retur tend the convention. ne(j to civilization. It was a ha. J Absolute harmony prevailed throughout the convention and a number of talks were made by prominent democrats of the cou- "-W, an delegates present were very enthusiastic and claimed this iü a Democratic year for Harding county, which they pect to prove in November. No date was set for the next county convention, which will name the democratic county can- I didp.tes, and this vf.s kit v. ith' the county central committee, They will later set the date and name the place for holding this convention and it is thought it will be held sometime during the latter part of .September. Mr and Mrs McDaniel and chil dren of Texas, are visiting frie- i fi M McDaniel is a brother east of town. A number of bravo hunters wont out to the .'Pleasant View ni to cSpe;the wild animals neighborhood last Tuesday mor- xuaiinxig .nuu.uu -n-tHii uiiuuu." ;j-r V...4- ,,. nnnM 4-n them. Mr. T. Burns and Miss Nellie Gay, made a trip to Mosquero, Monday where they called on the County Clerk and came out with some very important papers in thrir hands. They drove toRoy and Judge Foster pronounced S7 OK in proportion NTERTAINS RELATIVES MrandMrsR.W. Buffington received a visit from their Texas friends and relatives. This vas a pleasant surprise to the Buf- fington's. The party consisted of Mr Buffington's brother Reed, his sisters Miss Beth and Mrs E. V. McLaughlin, the laters hu sband and a friend. Miss Jrck Sampson. They were well entertained du ring the week stay; Several days were spent at the river where I - 1 1 i looking bunch that pulled in tc .Mr J. L. Smith's at the ncor ,hour, but Mrs Smith as always, had a splendid dinner preparec" ior tnem. A pleasant aiterncon was spent with the Smith's, til- , ter. which the party dispercec ex-jand went to their respective ho mes to prepare for the evening Mien they were to meet again at Mr Harry btallord's and enjoy .'dancing and ice cream.' The visitors departed for Te- xas Wednesday of this week. They expressed themselves as having had a wonderful time and promised other visit ROY SCHOOL The Roy School will open on Tuesday, September 5th. All the teachers will be in their res- pective rooms to receive the pu- PliS anQ 10 &lve wnaieve uiur mation inquiring patroiju..Tiay desire rearding books, &c.' In the next issue of this paper will be given the assignments of the various grades to their rooms so ftffiffKSf ; . , lea I Books are on sale at the Floe- rsheim Merc Co store.- it ycu will see me, I will help you to classify and tell you what books you will need. Call at my home or step me on the street. I am at your service, Cameron Bazzill, Sup't. J. S. Candelario, the Curio man from Santa Fe, is spending the week with the Laumbach's south of town. He has promi sed to send us some of his jum ping beans, for exhibition, a wri te up of which occured in the Santa Fe New Mexican. bargains TAX AND ASSESSMENT NEWS Grazing Land Cut to $1-73 per Acre Now that the State Tax Com mission has lowered the assess ment on grazing lands to $1.75 per acre, it is up to the dry farm ers and cow men with small ranches to see that their lands, i which are not cultivated . are placed on the tax rolls of Hard ing county as grazing lands and are assessed at the low rate that is given the cowman and exclus ive stock raiser. And, why I should it not be placed on the rolls at this value? Is not graz ing land, whether it be "just a few acres, or a ranch of thous ands of acres and used as pas ture land worth practically th" same for grazing purposes all over Harding county? We do not know the intent of the coun ty Commissioners in this matter but we do know that at the May meeting of the county board of Commissioners the valuation of tne different classes of lands was placed as follows : Dry farm ing land not cultivated, $3.50 per acre; while lands used solely io" grazing purposes were assessed at $2.65 per acre.and this has since been cut to $1.75 per acre by the State Tax Commission. Now, as we understand the mat ter, the homesteader or dry farmer who has reserved a por tion of his land for grazing pur poses will be assessed at the val ue Oi $3.u0 p3x' ACic, jfiv . iv.iig the same can be nlnwed.. when it is a fact that thousands of ac res of the land owned by the large ranches can be plow ed and should thus be assesed at the rate that is placed on the small íii'Uitií'á piow laad or else the ' fanner should be afforded ; the gracing land rate on the land he ucas for that purpose, the same as the stockman. This is a matter of great importance to the farmers of the county and we are of the opinio:; that they fhould t"';e úr.tnediate.-etipn to-, '.ee a like rate of assessment Ú placed on all grazing ianis in jhe county. In a tahc on this subject with someof the voters of the county they say that the assessment will be cut down so materially by doing this that we will go to a fourth or fifth class county. Our answer to this is that it is far better to reduce the class of the county th make unequal and unjust assessment. If grass land in the eastern or the southern or the central part of the county, is worth $1.75 per acre for the assessed value, then it is worth a like amount in the western or northern part, and no more. Last year the dry farmer paid on an average rate of $5.00 on his grazing land, providing same could be plowed, while many of the ranches of the county were assessed at the rate of $2.65 per acre for the same class of land. Was this fair? Some say, Oh well, one is really farming land, while the other is just pasture land. However, the fact remains that both are used for the same purpose. We may just as well say that because John Doe has improved his place, placed a well on it and fine buildings, that it should be assessed more per acre than his neighbor across . the road who has let his farm grow up in weeds. Should this be the case, then we would encourage, farmers to let their places grow up in weeds especially . from a tax stand point" The Spanish American has given this, a great deal of consideration and wef ha ve waited patiently for some one to take this matter i into their own hands and get it threshed out, but it seems that the taxpa yers are negligent on the sub ject and after talking it over with numerous taxpayers, this paper has decided to go into it a.d get to the bottom of it. We want to hear from the different tare payers on the subject and this paper is open to publish let ters and views from any one in the county cercerning the asses sment proposition. We are not doing this to antagonize the County Commissioners or Asses sor, as they are all friends of (Continued on page 8)