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f It 'I (: The Spanish American. Eey, Harding County. New Mexico. Saturday Augvtl, 26th, 1922 AiniinioiiBiceiniieiiii- i 1 Ft I LUJAN & BRANCH WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE BUYING PUBLIC. THAT THE HAE ADDED ANOTHER DEPARTMENT TO THEIR ALREADY ESTA BLISHED BUSINESS. A Complete Stock of Shelf HARDWARE All our fall good3 are bought and arriving daily Our Stock of Shoes is Complete with the school season getting near, we wish to advise that now is the time to buy your winter needs, such as childrens dresses, shoes and head wear. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR LINE OF HATS AND CAPS FOR MEN Our stock of fancy and staple groceries is complete, OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT We protect our customers, not our competitors LUJANS & BRANCH 5 All kinds of auto repairing Expert workmanship Battery work a specialty We are equipped to wash your car ervice Garage RAYMOND PENDETON. MGR. National Banks and the Federal Reserve The Federal Reserve Act has been cited as one of the greatest pieces of legislation passed by our Government since the Civil War. Among other things it gave elasticity to U. S. currency permitting it to expand or con tract as business conditions warranted. As a National Bank we are members of the Federal Reserve System and pass on to our patrons the many advantages derived therefrom. , , First National Bank ROY, NEW MEXICO CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $60,000-00 Strength Reputation Service All orders carefully filled and promptly shipped by ex- press or Parcel Post. Our membership in the Florists Tele graph Delivery Association enables us to deliver Flowers for you anywhere in the United States on a few hours notice. Raton Greenhouses "THE NAYLORS" P. O. Drawer 349 Raton, N. M. UBERTY Rev. A. L. Price of Sulphur, Oklahoma, who held a very suc cessful revival here for two weeks, closed his meetings on Sunday evening. Rev. Price came to us as a stranger, but with his great message to us and his great faith and work for the Master, he endeared himself in to the hearts and homes of this community- During his revival many souls were converted and many of the weaker church mem bers were revived. Those who were converted are: Messrs and Mesdames, Geo. Jackson, Jack Fox, Hugh Mitchell, Lonnie Woodward, Messrs Henry Mitch ell, Cass Jackson, Geo. Moore, ilarry Stewart, D. Taylor, Alvin Kaulbe, Tracy Mitchell, and Mrs. Carl' Nugen, Mrs. Pearl Woodward and Miss Nola Can non. ltev Price left Monday for I Raton where he expects to hold a revival. Mrs. Henry JNIilchell and grand son Ross Mitchell, left Tuesday for an extended visit at the Bar ney Mitchell home at Dawson. Mrs. Minnie Woodward is visit ing in the W. M. Knoffke and and Harry Burris homes at Rat on this week. The Liberty Sunday school is progressing nicely and plans are being made to organize a mid week prayer meeting and also a Young People's Society, which will meet on Sunday evening for a course of Bible Study. Rev Price spoke very complimentary of his community, in his closing address on Sunday evening in a few well chosen words he said "I have been in the ministry for the past twelve years, and I can i truthfully say I have never fou :nd a better people than in this community; in the two weeks I have been amongst you, I have received the most cordial hospi tality and have never had such undivided attention, and am lea ving all of you with the greatest admiration and trust God will bless each of you" A number of the people of Pleasant View attended the re vival services here the past two weeks. On account of the protracted meeting, the Liberty S.S. post poned their picnic indefinitely. Mrs S. N. Page, Mrs Nowlin and children, Mrs T. M. Ogden and son Fred, were six o'clock dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Geo Lucas last Sunday. Mesdames Henry Mitchell, T. M. Ogc'er., Geo Lucas and Messrs W. Fred Ogden and Tracy Mitch ell were callers at the Nowlin home last Friday afternoon. Hugh Mitchell is building the body on his truck preparatory for his school route. . Chas Mericle and Tracy Mitch ell were business visitors at Roy on Tuesday. Mr G. W. Vaught who has been quite ill the past six weeks is convalescing. . Mr and Mrs J. J. Jackson are enjoying a vacation and rest in the mountains of New Mexico. Mr Will Turner and. family are anxiously awaiting the ar rival of tfteir parents who are touring enroute here for an en tensive visit. . Mr Beaver is enjoying a visit with his brother from Texas. Mrs Milton Floersheim enter tained a number of ladies Wed nesday afternoon in honor of Mrs Edgar FloQrsheim. A very pleasant afternoon was reported by those present. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION POLITICAL AKHamEMIHIS 'action of the Democratic Conven- Homer Holmes. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention of Harding County If nominated and elected I prom ise to conduct the office strictly on a business basis with economy of County Government as my chief aim. . Heary W. Farmer. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Assessor )f Harding County, New Mexico, subject to the action of the De mocratic Convention. If nomina ted and elected, I pledge myself to personally discharge the du ties of said office without favor to anyone and at a minimum of expense to taxpayers. A. I. (Shorty) Burleson ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT I To the voters of Harding Coun ty. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of County Collector and Treasu- To the voters of Harding Cou- rer of Harding County, subject nty : Having served as yonr Cou- to the action of the Republican nty Clerk the past year or more, Convention. I have decided to become a can-j Very respectfully, didate for re-election, subject to! J. C. (Jack) Kirby the action of the Republican Con-' vention.If nominated and elected NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I shall continue to have personal Department of the Interior charge of the office as I have in u.S. LAND OFFICE at Clayton the past. Thanking you for any ew Mexico. support you may -give me. I am, Respectfully, -. C. Ernest Anderson ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff .subject to the action of thg Democratic Convention of Harding County, iew Mexico. If it is the will of .he people of Harding County, I will serve them without fear r favor and to the best of my knowledge and ability. James S. Christman ANNOUNCEMENT August 21T 1922 NOTICE is hereby given that Synthia C. Gay, of Kephart, 'Union Co., New Mexico, who on September, 8th, 1919, made ANNOUNCEMENT Homestead Entry, No. 026653, Having been urged by nume- for- SE14-NW14, SW-NEW, rous friends to become a candi- E1.-SE14, Sec. 35, Twp. 23 N. date for sheriff of Harding Cou-R 28E, N.M.P. Meridian has filed nty, I hereby announce myself notice 0f intention to make Final as a candidate for this important xhree yéar Proof, to establish office, subject to the action of ciajm to the land above descri be Democratic Convention. If bed, before F.H. Fortir, U.S. elected I will take personal cha- Commissioner, at his office at rge of the office. Your support Roy New Mexico, on the 29th will be appreciated R. L. Grossaint This is to announce that H. M. Warner is a candidate for sheriff of Harding County, N.M. subject to the action of the De mocratic County Convention. He promises if nominated and elec ted, that he will give the people -he best that is in him . Adv. ANNOUNCEMENT To the, voters of Harding Co., I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination as sheriff of Harding County sub 26-2-9-16-23 ject to the action of the Republi-; can Convention. If my services have been satisfactory to you fo the the past year and a half, I will appreciate your support for the ! nomination. Respectfully, George B. Spivey. day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: W.H. Gay, Roy Gay, Harry Lammon and Jay Lammon, all of Kephart, New Mexico. H.H. Errett, Register. ANNOUNCEMENT NOTICE Taxpayers of Harding County The State Tax Commission by a recent order sent to this office a fixed rate for all grazing lands within the County of Harding, to a flat rate of $1.75 per acre . Now in order that this office. I have decided to become a procede in the proper and candidate for the nomination or le?al manner, I would suggest a Trpncnrpr íinH (Uwtnv of Hard- representative committee of the ing County, subject to the action Jarmers of the mesa appear be ANNOUNCEMENT of the Republican Convention. I want the office and any suppo- fore the Board of County Com missioners, who will meet at Mire 'rt given me will be appreciated. PueAr thf 3 29i tná SM l hereby announce myself for the. of fice of County Treasurer subject to the action of the Do mocratis Convention. If nomi nated and elected, I promise to take personal charge of the of fice and be on duty at my post each day. Any assistance given ne will be greatly appreciated. John E. Brockman .That's all. Frank L. Schultz ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Having been urged by my frie nds to make the race for sheriff I hereby announce myself for th is important office subject to the ction of the Democratic Conven tion, and the subsequent election n NoVPmtvr Tf alantaA 1 to give my entire time to the I rtfice as there is nothing else to occupy my attention. Yours for a greater and better Harding Coun ty. Jesse D. Wade It is my ambition to be County Treasurer and Collector of Hard ing County, and in view of this fact I announce myself as a can didate for the office subject to the action of the Democratic Co nvention. Any support given me will be greatly appreciated. J. R. McKee Abbott, N. M. ANNOUNCEMENT I herebv candidate for County Clerk of "ciumg county, subject to the of August, 1922, as the Eoard of Equalization, and ask for a pro per classification of the lands that are not under cultivation, so that the same couM be entered on the tax rolls by this office at the rate fixed by the State Tax Commission. J. L. Baca, Assessor of Harding, Co. FOR SALE at a great bar gain : The Sargent property near the Dr. Gibbs residence. Price $1,000.00; $150.00 down, balan ce at the rate of $16.65 per mon th. Where on earth can you beat this? For further particulars,, call at the S. A. office. 26-2-9-16 and 23 NOTICE To the men and women voters of Harding County, New Mexico. I wish to state that I am a candidate for the office of Coun ty Assessor subject to the action of the Democratic County Con vention. MONEY TO LOAN ON IM If nominated and elected, I , PROVED FARMS AND RAN will assume personal charge of CHES; TERMS REASONABLE, the of ficé and will see that all Write or call us. J. Appell was a business visi tor in Raton one day last week. taxpayers are treated alike. My motto, Special favors to none. Respectfully Submitted, . L. W.Wilson Blakcly & Scott Clayton National Bank BIdsr. i Clayton, New Mexicc 4-Np. Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico. July 27, 1922 NOTICE is hereby given that Kenneth F. Woodman, of Roy, Harding county, New Mexico, who, on July 23, and July 28, 1921, made Homestead Entry Number 027881, and No. 027890 for EM.-SEV4, Sec. 7. WI2-SW14 SEV4-SW14, Sec. 8. WA-NWVi, Sec. 17. NE14-NE14, Sec-18, WI0-SE14 Sec. 7. WI2-NE14, SEVi-NtíVi, N12-SE14, SE14-SE 14, Section 18, Township 18N, Range 25 E, N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land aboye described, before F. H. Foster, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Roy, New Mexico, on the 6th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: John Schneider, J. Floersheim, J. L. Smith and Frank Smith all of Roy, New Mexico. H. H. ERRETT, DO YOU SMOKE? If you do, come in and see our stock of Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette holders, and smokers sundries. 10 Off on all of them for the next 10 days Also we have a full line of smoking and chewing tobacco, not to speak of your favorite brands of cigars and cigarettes. Smoke FAIRVIEW PHARMACY The Roy Drug store M. O. GIBBS, Prop. Register. 5-12-19-26-2 if: