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The Spanish-American, Roy, H grding County, New Mexico, Saturday August, 2fth, 1922 nr. ft-MfrffiriW'iii ttiftwmm ABBOTT NEWS ri 14 to HURRY! HURRY! Notice Mr. Farmer Having an over supply of 2 inch Galvanized Pipe and Galvanized well casing, I will sell for á short time only you know what cost means to you, without one cent of profit. Hurry ! as our supply of well casing and 2 inch pipe will not last long SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL OTHER WELL SUPPLIES ROY TIN SHOP, P. T. G13S0N, Prop. esse ur prices On meats and groceries can't be beat. Below we offer a few for your inspection. MEATS Plate ribs - - - 8 l-3c lb Chuck steak - - - 1 5c lb Loin or Round steak - 25c lb T Bone steak - - - 25c lb Rump roast - - 13c lb Shoulder roast - - - 13c lb . DIAMOND M FLOUR $3.50 cwt. AVE PAY 20 DOZEN FOR EGGS CITY MEAT MARLET OSCAR KIDD, Proprietor ' . TIRESPECIALS , G & J Tires 32 x 31-2 $12.00 32 x 4 $15.00 33x4 $17.50 Mich'elin Cords reduced again.' Selling now at $12.75 BUY YOUR TIRES WHERE YO U GET YOUR AIR R. S. Wood Motor Company Mina Robertson is spending the week with S. Earley near the canyons . S. Pelphrey, contractor for the new Solano School is shipping out two car loads of sand to that place. Otis Torrev. prominent ranch er is haulinsr coal to his ranch also to the school district this week. Yadon McKee had the misfor tune to loose his Bull dog "Jiggs' who was bit by a rattle snake Saturday. Mr and Mrs Clyde McColpin were shopping in Mills éarly Monday. J. R. McKee and family enjo yed the Roy base ball game in Roy Sunday. An interesting game ot ban was played on the Abbott dia mond Saturday afternoon bet ween Abbott and Newton, resul ting in Newton s lavor. John Hepburn and wife spent Saturday night and Sunday at the parental Cunningham home in Mills. Mr and Mrs F. Marton, S. wellsand McKee enjoyed Tues day evening at the Jruce Moyer home . F. Winch of the Wilson Co., was transacting business in Ab bott Saturday afternoon. Een Floersheim, manager of the Jaritas Ranch, made a busi néss trip to Roy the fore part or the week. Mr and Mrs Ray Smith spent Sunday visiting Mr. Smith's .pa rents. , Clyde McColpin was in Tucum cari Saturday returning Sunday. J. W. Carter, well known far mer of this place was transact ing business in Mills . Creighton Carter will leave next week for Denver where he will attend school for the coming term. Mrs Anderson, Woods, Torrey, Irwin and Fisher were shopping with local merchants Saturday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Carl Fish and Mr and Mrs Randall enjoyed an all day fishing party at the lake Saturday. Mr and Mrs Casli Woods have just returned from Clayton. Th ey report crop conditions bad. Mr Sam Newton was in Thurs day bringing his son Clyde who letf for Katon where he nas em ployment while going to school. Mrs Clyde McColpin and La Nelle Triplette were visiting in Mills Saturday. Mr and Mrs Carl Floersheim and Mrs Sidney Rosenwald and children of Springer, motored to Jantas Ranch and spent bunday with relatives. MILLS AND VICINITY To The Republican Voters of Harding County James X Christman Driller and Contractor Deep Holes a Specialty Custom Plowing, Large Tracts ROY. NEW MEXICO- Abstracts Abstracts Abstracts We have the only complete tract index to the Harding County Records. ' u We have an experienced abstracter m charge pf our business We give our entire time and attention to the abstract business 1 Our abstracts are approved by all loan companies oper- ' ing in Harding County. ' We can furnish abstracts promptly, and at a reasonable charge. Harding County Abstract. Co. INCORPORATED AND BONDED A. D. Hurford. John Arnett and Ira Thetford went to Mos quero Tuesday to attend a Demo cratic convention. Mrs Bessie. Stroh who has be en visiting here at the E. D. Ba- rtmess home left Sunday tor her home in Emporia, Kansas. Mrs Mvra 0. DeFrees and two children of Mosquero 'were gue- t . 11 T-1 T 1 J 1 - sts at rne J. r . Jeonaaru Jiume last Friday night. Fred Pate was in town Tues day after lumber for a car shed. Mr Knouf of hear Roy has con tracted to paint the school house. S. T. Anslev and family left Friday for Cimarron where they will scend two weeks visiting and gathering apples. The School Board nave oeen fortunate in securing C. D. Che ney and C. H. Garner for the auto track routes. Mr. Garner will have the east and Mr Che ney the west route We have a notion to cry becau se our editor has decided to run for a county office. Not that we thin? he would be a bad county Treasurer-no. no but our sympa thy is with the S.A. What will it do without. a pa? However we will dash our tears away and try to not keep a good man dawn. Thanks Ira Thetford has purchased a new Ford Truck. Rov Cunnins-ham of Vaughn came up Tuesday to visit his pa rents Mr and Mrs W. ri. Uunnm gham a few days. His sister Mrs Eva Cunningham will accompa ny him home and attend school down there this winter. We ask your active support in behalf of the nomination by the Republican state convention of Stephen B. Davis, of Las Vegas, for the office of United States senator. During his service as a justice of the state supreme court Judge Davis refused to make any effort in behclf of his nomina fion or to permit his friends to do so. The growing conviction among Republicans throughout the state that Judge Davis would be the strongest candidate our party could nominate resulted in representation to ; him which prevailed upon him to announce his candidacy, coincident with, this resi- -gnation from the court. This action comes too late to permit Judge Davis to make any active campaign for the nomination, even were he disposed to do so. His position is that he does not desire to take any steps to force his candidacy upon his party; that if, in the judgement of the republican voters his nomination is for the. welfare of the party, he is ready to accept and will welome the opportunity and appreciate the honor. . . . v . .. . We who have been active in urging Judge Davis to stand for the nomination are convinced that his nomination Will result not only in his election but that it will contribute in an important way to the euccessi of our entire state and congressional ; ticket. . Judge Davis; is a man of outstanding ability as a lawyer and as a business man This ability has been demonstrated by his career during his twenty-five years' of ci tizenship in New Mexico. Coming to the state without money, or" friends he has won ; his way to a place of leadership in his profession and in many lines! of business and industrial activity that have contributed to the progress of our state. His record as a Republican is one of unswerving loyalty and effective service in tlje ranks. Such ' offices and honors as have come to him invariably have been in recognition of his equipment for service or for service well performed. He is free of any handicap of factional activity or opposition and wil command the united and enthusiastic tup port of all Republicans, as his record and ability must coiniviand iiie aptrcvd Jl . citizens. His entire life b an cpen book and an u-fcrokin i-aod cf higa parpóse an! honorable endeavor. -. Judge Davia is a profound student of the political,, economic and s:cial LLtory of our country as well as of its present day life and prcbiems. An adherent to the broad principles of the Republican party, he is a man of independent thought and action; a determined, forceful character whose court.: will be guided in the fulure, as it has been in the past by what he believes to be wise and just, Thus Judge Davis, by education, experience and temperament is equipped for most uixful service to his party, his sate and the nation. His record iaiku past is adequate guaranty for the high character of his csrvicc in the event cf h-s nomina tion and election. . From the practical standpoint of campaign eríicicncy, Jadj-c Dav's s a vi-cicus., convincing campaigner. A resident and a feeoer in the utror-g .r.t Republican county in the state he will command the uit:d, eatlrjgiastic supjyrt.of the who e greup of republican counties' whose majorities determino the measure cf republican fus in our state. Our common purpose in nominating a candidate for t .e United Sint:s senate is to elect a Republican xnator. Judge Davis can and will be cle.ted. . We present these facts fcr your thoughtful consideration with confidence that they furnish ample basis, upon which to request your support lor Judgo Davis before the convention and in the campaign. ,t New Mexico Davis Club By- Harry W. Kelly, Chairman. Mr and Mrs. Edgar Baker are rejoicing over the arrival ot a fine little son which arrived at the Plumlee Hospital Tuesday morning. Dr. Plumlee the at tending physician states that all are doing well and Edgar, he too is recovering slowly from the shock, and say he is sure putting on airs. Grand dads Baker and Hughes are also all smiles over the happy event as well as gran dma Hughes who is rejoicing over the arrival of her first gra ndchild. For sale household goods of every discription, all is good sha pe, will sell at a bargain, fcee Shelby Strickland at Roberts and Olver at once . - 2pd FOR SALE Havinff decided to leave this community, I will offer for sale the following furniture; Dining Chairs,' Dressers, Ro cking Chairs, Chiffonier, Chiffo robe, Writing Desk, Library Ta ble, Kitchen table, Kitchen Cup board, Beds, Linoleum (practica lly new). Heating Stove and a few other household articles, which are m the best of shape, aso one De Laval Saparator, two ertra fine Registered Poland China Sows and some horses and mules. Will sell any of the above for ccsh or good security. Call and' see , Mrs. R. W. Boulware, 912 miles east of Roy. The Baker and Schcier Motor Co., of this place have sold five more Ford trucks in the past, week, and the nurchasers of, same are; Frank Seidel, of Roy,. O. J. Bradley of Mosquero, Ira Thetford, C. II. Garner and E. F. of Mills, New Mexico. . Helmer Johnson of Noiintrn Illinois is visiting at the Aspgren; son is a constant reader ot the S.A. and made a pleasant call on the office force Wednesday and watched us get out the pa per that furnishes news all the time. Furniture for sale: All kinds practically , new, what do you want? See Clyde Hooper, ltn1 New Mexico. See Clvde HooDer if vou want a complete suite of living room wicker furniture, tapestry upho lstered. Must sell before the 29t ltn If you need Navajo rugs, Kit chen cabinet, large heater and other articles of furniture, see F.S. Strickland 'at the Roberts and Olver Co office at once 2pd SCHOOL DAYS Will soon be here and we are prepared to take care of your wants. 4 Pony Boys Suits and Pants Gingham Dresses and Goods by the yard for the girls. Roy Trading Co. \n\n home near Mosquero. Mr John Mosquero,